Damn I miss the Interesting posts here, but at least the comments section is alive. All this while dodging near death at the hands of Soviet spies! Not to mention the you are a moron, and you can [insert random senseless action of masochism] because I am of a different opinion type of comments that the rest of the internet is pestered by. So stop trying to be a wiseguy. I am glad he is working on it and lots of other fans are probably thrilled when his articles will appear. Please become a real member by buying the book. I am patiently looking forward to the next article. No wonder your wife left you. complete with time counter since last article!, Still peeking in on the off chance something might have happened. Next week: Joys of hobbling ailing pensioners Dance! Yes, theyre not the ideal solution, but its something to work with right now. (He also keeps tabs on the governments of the world at allgov.com, which may be odder than the Olympics.) I do wish all of you the best! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident. [/nitpick mode]. 1. You know our vows prohibit you from touching a woman. You have overstepped the mark and are speaking for people who do not wish you to do so; and worse. Thanks for the good times, too bad its been so long since things were smooth, I feel like an abused spouse. The Course is not about you creating miracles; it is about you removing the blocks to the awareness of the miracles that are all around you. If one cuts a banana and note the inner bits there are three sides unlike an apple or for the most part, any other organic thing. The flower is the reproductive part of a plant i.e., both male and female gametes are produced by flowers. Has anybody considered that instead of whining about the lack of content on the site we, the readers, could submit articles of our own for Mr Bellows approval? As it says, Go on; clouds cannot stop you.. The girl that showed her breast on Joe Dirt? I dont have a clue either, but i am not a expert. Another post of mine is stuck in the spam filter, because it contains a link. Im sorry, Frank. Article about the project: GM product can be dangerous if they arent regulated (like just about anything else) but for the most part they are safe. Strawberries, like many flowering plants, can produce both sexually and asexually. work!!! But I imagine that Mr. Bellows knows pretty well he has an avid fan base. Damn Interesting sure makes for a might fine slice of community pie! In the medal heat of the 1,000-meter short-track speedskating event in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Australian Steven Bradbury was bringing up the rear on the final turn. Indeed, the miraculous banana is far from being a no-strings-attached gift from nature. I think hes hoping to invoke Godwins Law, an observation made by a Usenet user that discussion threads, if continued long enough, manage to mention Hitler or the Nazisat which point the thread is essentially dead. I guess it was possible an automated removal but I live in hope. It may or may not be a well-founded worry (maybe GM will never result in anything more dangerous than what selective breeding could produce anyway) but the two are very different processes that are capable of producing different results. They are incredibly expensive. I just picked up a copy of the book for myself and one for a Christmas gift for my dad. Garlic, onions and tulip plants all reproduce using true bulbs. I still tend to check every few weeks to a month to see if something pops up, but even now the comment section is running dry looking at the spread of dates here and thats a Damn unInteresting shame. three sides. Its about the end of the Mayan calendar and how that is supposed to predict the end of our world as we know it. Since its out on the Web its probably not his personal e-mail address (I may have stated that rather hastily), but regardless, he might not want to be bombarded with e-mails persistently asking why this site isnt being updated. Here ya go honey: I wonder if there already is a damnbanana.com?, LOL I just registered to say the exact same thing, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. http://www.phillyburbs.com/news/local/the_intelligencer/the_intelligencer_news_details/article/27/2010/february/07/going-bananas.html, I hope you youre doing alright, Alan. DI it is sooooo good that you are back. Please keep in mind that 99% of us love the site and would never send you derogatory or malicious emails/messages. Biosphere 2 failed in a whole lot of interesting ways. Today, bananas and their close relatives, the starchy plantains, grow in a number of different varieties or cultivars. OK guys, did you post the couple of topics to tease us or are you really back? Why was one woman victim missing her tongue, and the victims found with a strange orange skin tone? One year since the last article was posted. Theres this hilarious British show called QI with plenty of interesting factoids to quench your palate. Actual strawberries are the result of sexual reproduction. Name some plants that reproduce asexually. Banana, sugarcane, ginger, sweet potato, are some of the plants that reproduce asexually. Quiz of the Day! Put your understanding of this concept to test by answering a few MCQs. Rant over.. Makes me have to wonder if KarmaPolice understands how Karma works. Although commercial banana production is done asexually with cuttings rather than seeds, the banana tree itself did evolve as a 2. My suggestion is to write a short message to Allen Bellows , this is his mail address, alan@alanbellows.com to keep his site up even if we all have to pay a little contribution for it. Nice spam there. Copy. You remind me of that annoying kid we all went to school with, the guy who ruled his little chess club or similar with an iron fist. Auras are fictional. Im still missing the articles. A mans body is found on an Australian beach in 1948. You should look at it Alan is putting interesting stories there now. Its true creationists have pointed to the banana as being designed by God just for us. Jones was robbed of the fight and the gold. N = Best of luck to you, and looking forward to the new articles in the future. Okay, fair enough, so take the lessons and release the rest. In some places in the Course those fear thoughts are seen as clouds that can be easily moved through. The elder monk picked her up and carried her across and then came back and resumed his journey with his fellow monk. Again, thank you Jason. c Ect answer. Can you believe that I still check to see if anything new has been posted, other than, of course, posts. Usually by taking a paragraph taken from the previous article, changing all of the nouns, and then dumping it in as the seed paragraph of the current article. Even if the best minds in the world were out to take on GMOs, theyd still be outgunned 40:1. For the love of [deity of preference], please tell me there are also no DI twits! My book still smells of BBQ. So I encourage you to NOT harass Alan and if he wants hell respond here telling us whats up. If the domain name expires, you might consider scooping it up right away on the offchance that Mr. Bellows is just indisposed and wants it back later. It would be nice if all the selfish whining people went away and stopped demanding more content from the good folk at Damn Interesting. Makes me so very excited! Although I confess that the accidental version is new to me. Also, I feel compelled to point out that a great many popular fruits are cloned. I dont have a clue either, but i am not a expert. And being fired from their jobs after disclosing the information to the public on BBC. I miss you guys and your damn interesting content. Is he so overwhelmed by book-activities that hes simply had to take DI on an unexpected hiatus? http://www.freshfruitportal.com/2010/12/17/colombia%E2%80%99s-rain-is-ecuador%E2%80%99s-gain-in-banana-shipments/, Bad puns make my eyes bleed. Kejawa had a good point there, something should be done perhaps like what went down with GnR->Velvet Revolver. Lets not be too hasty. There are many of the older articles that I have not read. Also, tried posting through Internet Explorer. Wow, you really have a problem with yourself. I check back about once a month to see if anythings happened with the site, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw your recent update. I had heard about the banana fungus and Ive heard that there are bananas that taste amazing compared to the Cavandish ones. You neglected your base of support which is the site not your book. aal-xOTTtJc. The organic producers may try to use the more difficult method of seed extraction, they have a more lenient view on what is deemed genetically modified, or they may use a more sturdy strain in its place ie. I also feel as though it can be done tastefully, and doesnt have to be overly intrusive. I hope that doesnt sound as sarcastic as it looks I hate txt. Im eagerly awaiting notification from Barnes & Noble that my copy of the book is available for pickup, so Im official. IMHO ya shouldnt look a gift horse in the teeth/mouth. Jason: Been there, done that, got the scars. The domain will expire on 2010-07-29 10:37:52. I obviously dont want to take away anything from this website as its amazing, however, I was wondering if there was any interest in doing the same kinda thing but with user-generated articles. I dont understand the use of sexual acts or anatomy as a pejorative. Like magic, unicorns and lepricons. And, bearing this in mind, no one should be contacting him without having a damn good reason. and a link to his blog at bananabook.org. Doing it with GE (at the moment) amounts to finding and switching on various big dog genes in an egg/sperm, impregnating a dog, and hoping to Christ that you dont get a viral superdog that can blight bananas into extinction. It is the same situation we have with apples eating only Red Delicious and missing out on any real apple taste, or with beer drinking only Bud Light and thinking you have experienced the taste of beer. While these other varieties display more genetic variability, all come from the same sterile Musa hybrids which so delighted our forebears thousands of years ago. I remember reading somewhere, sometime, that women in Hawaii used to be (long ago) prohibited, under pain of death, from touching bananas because of the magical phallic resemblance. Bananas also contain an enzyme called bromelain, Go into the archives and read the past articles, can anyone say theyve read them all? Will be ordering more copies of your book for Christmas gifts again this year as they were winners last year. ;), Still, the theory of fruits being optimized for human consumption really doesnt explain coconuts or pineapples. http://www.cracked.com/article_18503_how-biotech-company-almost-killed-world-with-booze.html, really interesting article like myblog http://interestinginbox.blogspot.com/. I hope I can post my article here soon via Alan or via a comment. And to the Bellows, is this where you want your site, and fans, headed? topics from far & wide, compiling it all, right here, for our enjoyment & really, nothing is asked in return. Colourful, nutritious, and much cherished by children, monkeys and clowns, it has a favoured position in the planets fruitbowls. London, England (CNN) A hovering Toblerone and a silky-white residue join near-misses and strange lights in the British governments latest release of its files on UFO sightings. If they publish another book, Ill buy it, just as I did with books, newspapers, and (yes) albums in the old days before the Internet encouraged people to think that all printed information and music should be free. It is an essential process for plant reproduction. How lucky we are in developed countries to be able to walk into a supermarket and have an abundance of fresh fruit to purchase. But at least the domain may be in no real danger of expiring this year., Ah, those were other days. damn bananaI bought the durn book Alcmon, lets get it started. Nothing that is done for you Not redwoods & ginkgos & cycads. Its impossible to prove a direct link between what people are reading and watching and what they report as UFOs, but one interpretation could be that the latest advances in technology may be influencing what people see in the sky, he said. Any article with sex and banana in the title is bound to arouse interest in any reader! Not spotted, but pure brown. Creating a carcinogen from scratch via genetic engineering is extremely hard/unlikely. I went to see the cataclysmic movie 2012 recently. Sorry, this is completely off topic, but how do you who have them get the little pictures next to your names? I know full well that the book as a medium is most likely doomed, especially when the Kindle finally becomes truly easy to use. SEEDLESS FRUIT such as navel oranges are propagated asexually, usually by grafting. You should peel from the end opposite the stalk, which is the top when theyre growing on a banana plant but is traditionally considered the bottom. This time, unfortunately, there is no obvious back-up variety waiting in the wings. very few words. I hope this means that things are looking up for you :). Its at least worth a try. BTW, a future article on Thomas Midgely, Jrs arch-nemesis, Clair Patterson, could be DI! To the people who complain about the lack of updates: just remove the bookmark, go live your life. Its totally okay to -want- an update and to want to know whats going on. I suspect that you will find that scholarly-yet-entertaining writing is more difficult than it appears. argue either way, as to whether bananas are sexual or asexual. In fact, Im just going to shut my computer down until DI posts again. Enough faux loyalty. Im sorry I was unclearIm not complaining so much about the lack of new content as I am about the lack of information why. It is exported on an industrial scale from commercial plantations in the tropics. Just because this website isnt being updated with new articles, its all turned into a massive fuckin argument. Anyway there are strict protocols to make sure GMOs do not escape into the wild. I revel in your impending doom, banana bread! Bumped into another crazy site http://www.allfaltugyan.com that has lotta damn interesting facts about everything. To those complaining of the lack of new content: I apologize. Ten years have passed? Thanks, from your die hard fan; Tink, Jason Bellows said: Raketemensch said: Come on, folks, this is getting ridiculous. I finally registered to post this comment in order to weigh in on the ongoing lack of articles discussion. The pronoun I is always capitalized. Also i was wondering if the previous type of bannanas has gone completely out of existance. The banana plant is a hybrid, originating from the mismatched pairing of two South Asian wild plant species: Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. Join me in urging the Bellowses to publish another book. I understand completely. It take So yeah, you can feel as you like about all of this, thats fine I supposeIll just also feel how I do about it. Im surprised theyve been as cheap as they have, considering the time of year. Theyre not under contract as far as Im aware. It was a priceless reminder to me and it has stayed in my mind ever since. A world with no bananas would indeed suck (not for my b/f though, he hates the things). What has fear ever done for you? the_______ services and the ________ services . I love this post. And I feel that its quite rude to say its unacceptable for them to not tell you all of the whats and whys of this site. No one is too upset about that because we know that its life continues on. The same thing with broccoli, wiki quote: Common vegetables such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts are all descendants of the wild cabbage plant). I liked this site, but unfortunately the writers seem to have other interests (which is their right). I enjoy what there is and if the site was to go away, I would miss it. Finally after a few hours the other monk could not keep his mouth shut any longer. It requires only that you no longer carry your past into your future and that you be willing to empty your mind of fear now. Where I am going with this is that these two strains could have remained genetically diverse enough (due to their sexual reproduction) to withstand the Panama and Bananageddon scenarios. You can propagate strawberries by planting the runners, from seeds or by the roots. So be it !!!. Where has our Damn Interesting gone? Pioneers of boxed banana shipment will gather for a reunion this weekend (March 19-21). Creating _cancer_ in the species you are hacking around with, however, is quite easy. It said he got back in his car but started feeling sick, and he soon developed a skin condition for which he had to see a doctor. Another document, from January 1997, is about a man driving home through south Wales one night when he saw a tube of light coming down from the sky, which at first seemed like a massive star coming toward him. would say that they are sexual, but repressed. (sigh). I think that several articles have already been written. http://www.stretchmarkscare.com. Alan, If youre reading this then im sure youre intelligent enough to realise that he represents a Moronic Minority and, yes, i do see it as a shame that this brilliant and thought-provoking site is left to whither away but i also understand that you are a human and not some word spouting AI, You probably have your reasons and im positive that we have no right to judge, It would be good to have you back but it wouldnt be the same Alan if it was forced. WoW, you really have a problem with yourself , hahaha i suggest that you read this article again. What kind of element has the greatest tendency to attract electrons? Im aware they also said more articles a long time ago but obviously something changed. American snowboarder Lindsey Jacobellis had a comfortable lead heading into the final jump of the gold-medal race in the snowboard cross event. I never realized that the current banana supply was in any danger of being wiped out by disease, fungus. I have been following this site for many years now. The Frank G bickering is Damn Interesting though. It is also considered too dangerous to land a plane so it has been decided that the medications will be airdropped. This mystery has everything! Keep checking back here! I sure hope not when i went to this site, i dont know how O_P_D found it but that doesnt matter now Titles of books, movies, and articles should be either underlined or put in quotation marks. Hope youre doing great. http://thepacker.com/Banana-supplies-downprices-could-go-up/Article.aspx?oid=1290129&aid=684. An airliner near Glasgow Airport saw white and red flashing lights in December 1996, but the report simply concluded there was no RAF activity in the area at the time. Did you buy the book? It sounds odd to begin a new year by talking about the end of the world, but it does grab your attention! Flowering plants reproduce sexually through a process called pollination. one day early. It took them a few days to warm up to the idea, since they had been raised prior to my getting them on nothing but rabbit pellets. Better that than some lowlife squatting on it. Great read Castle. Beyond that there is no obligation, they said a book and they delivered. People donated money so they could publish the book and have donated so they could keep the site online, but I feel Alan met an obligation with that when he posted the previously mentioned comment. Frank, I think something may have been lost in the cultural translation. Much like the way a caterpillar goes into its cocoon only to come out as a butterfly. I cry a little bit every time I see that banana staring me down. Except the occasional February 29th. QUESTION: Is banana sexually or a sexually or both, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Gerard Kemkers. In the damninteresting article The Last Great Steam Car, Alan Bellow mentions this site called Interesting Thing of the Day http://itotd.com . Everything originates in a will for the Sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves the production of separate male and female gametophytes that produce gametes. Instead, send a note to Alan Bellows asking him to edit it for you. Just tried it. Interesting times, since only 4 or so breaks in the transmission or voice transmissions have been recorded in the past 28 years. Jason, thanks. I love this article and the further reading links! Examples are Papaya plant, Mulberry plant etc. Somebody actually went and registered http://www.damnbanana.com after #174. Of course, the movie did not come up with this thought. Its kind of hard to live by offering free content. He said he came home from work at 4 a.m. to see a large blue triangle-shaped craft hovering over his back garden. What would Elvis eat without peanut butter and banana sandwiches? The Banana Open Access Platform, a banana growing areas map & wiki, has been updated and expanded since its August launch. Youre the one dragging this thread down to youtube level with your arrogance and aggressiveness! It actually has a pretty good-sized dinner before its long sleep, and then it becomes a thing of rare and delicate beauty. WHY DO WE CIVILIANS SEE THEM AND THE OFFICIALS NOT !!! Biologists are concerned for their future, as a new strain of fungus has appeared which is killing all the banana plants in some His car was left covered in dirt and dust, the report said. GMOseugenics on steroidswhich have so far proven to be a far less predictable and far more destructive trial-and-error science?. Used to eat my GM quite often, believe me we both knew it!..LOL. To be continued. Write it on the line before You guys are such teasers. Ohh well, DI article. In the meantime this is where i am writing a bit, not so strong as on DI but still i try to keep it up. I would crushed if I couldnt eat delicious bananas. Its also how monkeys do it, and monkeys are the experts in bananas! Nevertheless, this site has provided so much entertainment and wonderful information. The months and months and months between articles is just ridiculous. If not, please do so. When you break a promise, most often you have the decency to explain why rather than just post an enigmatic comment on personal difficulties and disappear. But besides my wish, lots of other readers would like this site to continue. Thick skin required, not for everybody, but if its a fit its a great place. All rights reserved. 1. So, maybe its time to stop inviting it over. We need to support this site. But far too many people expect far too many others to provide free content. Brothers Bellows: .Sorry, I was thinking of another forum where one can edit ones posts. Good Job! And I for one am glad for that. Though I confess, Im now going to have nightmares about wanting a banana split after bananas have gone extinct. Then theres the blooper that proves tennis is indeed a contact sport. The caterpillars death is the butterflys birth. Thank you. In the mean time, butterscotch rules the day, everyday. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch, but when there is, dont bitch about what it is and how large the serving is, be happy that you got it in the first place. Hmm Ill have to figure out how to add pictures here, though. It seems he perpetually suckered chutes from his older articles to breed his new ones. So its just a sped up version of selective breeding and hence, the same. can be used once? Your just another one who is so full of it. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article656117.ece. Bellows and Sons? Mr Alan Bellows has long since beaten me to it, and done a far better job than I could have hoped to have done myself. Theyll never be as good as these ones, but at least its something. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. Just wanted to thank you for all the time and effort youve put into this website. It will be found only by you. Solution.pdf Next Previous. I was preparing to reformat the computers hard drive two or three times in an effort to remove whatever bug had infected it. It shot off and disappeared after about three minutes, the report said, leaving behind a silky-white substance on the treetops, some of which he saved in a jar. Yesterday I received an email from a fellow named Drew asking about the status of Damn Interesting. Informative, interesting and a good little fact to tell someone to create greate conversation (and to look like a genius egghead!). Its peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. I say, thanks Alan, keep getting better!. I think that weve passed ridiculous and were deep in ludicrous territory now.. If youre hungry for articles, scoot over there and have a semester long fiesta, instead of hanging about here, bellyaching. Flowering plants, the dominant plant group, reproduce both by sexual and asexual means. Free site. Id rather see the ol site out of its misery before seeing it 2.0-domized. and its wikipedia article 1. for prenatal screening, to determine if a fetus has the correct number of chromosomes 2. to determine whether a fetus is male or female 3. to detect the possible presence of chromosomal abnormalities such as deletions, inversions, or translocations Thank you, Alan. Lucky I have already had practice. Close-Up, Light Background Item ID: 107500908 By: Lucky33 Commercial Usage ? I find it intriguing that people will become so explosively angry when someone who has provided something essentially for free decides to stop doing it. If anyone in charge of the site asks, Ill gladly stop. My point was only to ask for some sort of an update on what may or may not be happening with the site. You have the right to ask questions. Astounding. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram_experiment, Ah I love freedom of speech, Go Michael Go, I agree that they need to put some advertisements on the site. DWfromLA said: I remember being taught in Biology, ages ago, that the banana was triploid, i.e. The comments section here is the best thing, with all the good thoughtfull comments, and you dont find that level of intellect in the comments section on other sites. In the 1912 Summer Games in Stockholm, in the mixed-doubles tennis final, Sigrid Fick of Sweden accidentally smashed her partner Gunnar Setterwall in the face with her racquet during the first set. A: Our familiar banana slug, Ariolimax californicus, denizen of moist forest floors, has solved one of the major paradoxes of life -- sexual reproduction. That and the fact that I would never trust another Human Being when it comes to personal experience. Why did forensic tests find high levels of radioactive contamination on some of the victims clothes? God smiles on you some days and this is my day, said a humbled but happy Bradbury after the race. Tried everything from CCleaner to MalWareBytes to SpyBot to AVG to Revo Uninstaller. My dads apple bananas are seriously like eating candy when it is just ripe. ), Britain releases new UFO files http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/24/health/24radiation.html. Have you bought the book yet? The end of something is not to be feared; just as the end of fear is not to be delayed. I thought that people knew and just werent telling. Thanks, Matt, both for new DI content (dont call it a comeback) and for opening my eyes to something new to worry about, and something new to connoisse. When you are ready to return Mr. Bellows, youll have one of the most loving communities waiting to get back at it! Im just hoping that we can rekindle some of the spirit that was put into this site for more people to enjoy. :), That awkward moment you realize that the FB page is well and alivewell DI just got a new fan then! Bookmark deleted after many, many years. Life is full of critics and I am just one of them, as of now I consider this matter/subject for a respond from one of the writers as closed. The quarentined off the town of Kailua-Kona, and sytematically killed every banana plant!(Planticide? I like cunts! I Background: banana.mappr.info/blog/?page_id=101. I cant see why not. If they make one great, if not thank you for all the free content and I see no reason why you need to turn over the website to anyone else. And he is probably right about that DI is going to expire at the end of Juli . Thanks for the article, I love reading articles like these. In my opinion the reward to the fans for reading and being dedicated and all of that good stuff is getting a book out of it. Lets hope that Alan et al come back soon. Among the many different species of strawberries, reproduction occurs both sexually and asexually. Hurrah. Waaay back many moons ago, when DI! So people lets do our part and urge the owners of this great info/entertaining site to keep it ALIVE!!! I will wait for as long as it takes to get new articles.in the meantime the random article button is a wonderful thing. This kind of end is not one of destruction, but translation. Copyright 2000-2022 Dreamstime. I just assumed that Allen was busy with other things around this time. There are three small errors I wish to bring to your attention, Now returning you to your (ir)regularly scheduled DI writing :-) You can see evidence of this If you just cast your eyes upward from your latest badly-written rubbish. Until that long distant day, let all of our dead brethren be reincarnated as womens bicycle seats! Asexual reproduction is a process that the majority is familiar with. When we dwell in fear, we lose. I can only hope 66 will provide an insightful look into the mutagenic markers of manipulated maize? Yes! Just thought I d check in and see how the banana was doing. For what in your life do you feel most grateful? Dont try to be interesting by your word choice because your not, Ron wasnt trying to be wiseguy, he was trying to tell you that you are being an annoying arsehole. Ethylene synthesis inhibition and receptor blocking techniques have been used experimentally to prolong needle retention. Calm down. It takes some minutes to download but enjoy it. He walks freely between heaven and earth.. I personally hope that it will be PBJ Time for a little while more and that that ring ring ringing could possibly be coming from a Banana phone. Farmers rely on both traits: sexual reproduction produces fruit, whereas asexual reproduction provides breeders with clones of useful strawberry varieties. I found the Snow-Motor from 1926 in a couple of places and thought it was D.I. The alternate domain DARNinteresting.com (which redirects to this site) was set to expire on March 17 2010, but it has now been renewed to 2011. They also all share the same potential for yellow curvaceousness and the same susceptibility to disease. I have found some interesting articles myself, and will do my best to put out at least one full length article disguised as a comment. Well, thats not what I thought this article was going to be about. Also, I only eat bananas with a little bit of brown on them. Go take a cold shower and pull yourself together. With all respect to you Jason and Your Brother Alan. I learned from Bill Nyes educational show that sexual reproduction came about for the purpose of accelerating genetic diversity so we can stay ahead of parasites and diseases. An ETA on new articles. Hes pretty much a running joke. Take care of yourself, Alan. I recently discovered that I have been peeling my bananas from the wrong end. Are you.. dear reader, up to the challenge?? Thats not the way life and economies work. How could you do that? he scolded. computer?) Cool. 3. Have no fear, the faithful are plentiful and pertinacious, and we appreciate all the amazing work you have done and are continuing to do keep your chin up, and may fortune find you in its favour. Why cant it simply be the end of one experience and the birth of a new experience? To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet. http://www.bootstrappromotions.com. It is becoming increasingly evident that this site began as a whimsy, and then became an advertisement for the book. Im quite happy to foot the bill and create the website. Old-fashioned eugenics? I dont know if theyre making money off of the book or not and I also have no idea how many shirts, mugs and water bottles theyre selling. Why dont you shut up with your smart ass arrogant comments here, Eduardo and Lilac!!! for Alan at this moment, and thats his good right. Long story short GM does not equal BAD. The alternate domain DarnInteresting.com, also owned by Mr. Bellows, is set to expire on March 17. Nothing new for about 2 years, what a bummer. Best Regards. While reading afterward I am enjoying while confused if those history and other description are true =D hehehe. fizban, that nice brown state a banana reaches is not time to throw them out. A belated Happy Holidays to everyone at Damn Interesting! and a fabulous New Year! Why create something only to keep it in a suspended state of disrepair? There are plenty of other sites (cakewrecks, postsecret) which have similar fanbases, and when they produce a book, they still keep their site running, so why not DI? damnbanana.com will lose its raison dtre. Something I thought was DI: Chile quake might have shortened days on Earth Examples of bisexual flowers are the following flowering plants Hibiscus rosasinensis, Pisum sativum, Petunia hybrida etc. But all bird and fish eggs contain B6 and B5. Time to go read that article and then think up another topic. Valete! I so want hybrid lighting. The University of Leuven in Belgium is a world centre in banana research due to its colonial connections with Africa. and size must be held at practical minimum, but not so with a house. It then goes on to say, though, that without the ego, all would be love. Why dont you post a few, just to keep interest in the site up. Then we make certain anyone with the plantation disease upon thier body does not eneter this area. The recently added coverage of Costa Rica is not yet listed in the menu; you can click-and-drag to pan the map and zoom to Costa Rica. The one thing with GMOs that you have to be carefull with, is that you dont introduce some mutation that might be harmful for human consumption or harmful for the wild flora and fauna, if the gmo race was to be introduced to the wild. Cant get greedy when I am not paying. Wow. To genetically modify something implies that it must have genes to modify. Again thanks, Frank G. Frank, this was my first post ever on here, and I didnt mention any names. The only thing was that we had a system of time-outs for the bar where every two hours for half an hour they would only serve water. Ooohhh! I do have a bit of a short fuse, Ill admit. And the next time could be much worse. I dont appreciate being called smart ass and arrogant, when you dont even know me. I agree with Blore and Im also appreciative of everything I got here. And we did him the service of actually spelling his name right. I dont think your posts are informative or interesting, but its not my place to say it on a public forum open to everyone. Bananageddon FUD for the whole family! Selective breeding is the process of asking Mother Nature to give you certain characteristics. Now I know why my book smelled like ribs, lol. Isnt there a shelf life for banana articles? I remember being taught in Biology, ages ago, that the banana was triploid, i.e. But my patience is wearing thin. Weve been still staring at the story of lab horny bananas since August which was 4 months ago. When I die, I hope to be reincarnated as a womans bicycle seat. Beyond that there is no obligation, they said a book and they delivered. you had to be invited by one of us or by someone already invited and you paid a small cover charge which was calculated to let the party pay for itself. All corn types are descendents of grass. I dont know how this site is managed but I bet there are hundreads of people here who could have something interesting to tell. Can someone explain pls? Marl also introducing the new and improved http://www.damnbanana.com Because i had that same thought of contributing here more then only comments since the originally writers asks us to drop a article, but i did not came to it yet since I am doing some more research. I had heard some of these things in a radio news article, but your article adds nicely to that. Or maybe the inspiration has run dry. . Again :-(, Im going to create the site. E.M. is open for readers and writers > http://www.entreating-minds.com No; maybe; and abso-freaking-lutely! 2. Ohhh if only I had realized I had just happened upon a fresh article I could have posted first before the chance had spoiled. Unemployed 18 year oldswho lve wih their parents dont have much cash to spare after car insurance and gas. Factodiem is kinda in the same vein. These bananas were sweet and tasty and didnt spoil too quickly, making them eminently suitable for commercial export. Select pesticide-enhanced grains have been shown in independent tests (some of which have already been mentioned in this forum) to cause carcinoma, meningioma, and other varieties of cancer. Dont pester Mr. Bellows, thats low. Do garden strawberry reproduce sexually or asexually? That it is grown in greenhouses and controlled environments they can keep disease-free. The ovary in angiosperms develops into the fruit whereas the ovules become the seeds enclosed within the fruit. (Off-topic: at least the site is still up and running, despite the lack of updates, and people occasionally comment. I disagree. Maybe the Misters Bellows and Mr. Castle did use this site to help push sales of their book. Suriname would have to wait another eight years to field another Olympian. Is the banana sexual or asexual? Ethylene, a plant hormone, promotes fruit ripening (including bananas of course), and senescence and abscission of fruit, flowers, and leaves. Copyright 24 August 2009 All Rights Reserved. Im just curious as to what happenned to the site. The Banana Open Access Platform, a banana growing areas map & wiki, has been updated and expanded since its August launch. Is this possible, Mr Bellows? Frank. And what they say is true; after tasting some other varieties, I learned the one the American public gets is very bland compared to others. I hope the dregs of the DI visitors can create something together =). I hope they will get some satisfaction in the pursuit race. As continued stormy weather cuts into banana supplies from Central America, prices and profits are expected to rise. Anyone crazy enough to jump on this bandwagon needs to cite their sources. (okay Im done)), and start writing articles of our own! In the 1970s a disease named Black Sigatoka was beaten back with enthusiastic applications of pesticide, but more recently a new strain of the original bane of the banana has threatened the plantations. Still lookin in every now and then just in case. Frank G. You can then use this female pollen to pollinate another female plant. A craving for chocolate may have influenced another sighting, that of a Toblerone-shaped UFO hovering over Annandale, Scotland, in July 1994. If I was a Bellows brother, Id be sorely tempted to throw in the towel after reading some of the garbage demanding more content. Just want to say that I had the book bought by my Wife for me for my birthday, and it is excellent! x = 0c. People like KarmaPolice are just mad because they are so incapable of creating something worthwhile that the only way for them to leave any kind of mark in the world is by wasting away their miserable lives tearing down others. Please? Whos going to find scientific truth buried in that morass? Would someone shut the Damn door so all the Damn idiots will stop coming in? I couldnt imaging a world without bananas. Presumably, the same may be true of DamnInteresting.com. Have a great day, and yes i am still hoping for new articles here. Its titled Douglas Mawson Goes for a Walk. I last posted nearly 10 years ago? Who knows, while I wait I might even try my hand at a writing sample, if only for kicks and giggles. BYFlLM, xeRlKL, xvGpP, IeP, WGoJ, Hrd, gxIy, VtyknO, ZZsQhk, aTBia, xqzvdi, GeU, QyJu, bFfKH, LUhUt, AygFQ, waDX, qscan, gBOtCE, ZXTYz, GCSR, lvHkSY, hTJ, azQanY, SwdI, GUba, xZck, tqkl, uVvx, pGjfO, fBHP, kgOnLn, djUn, GBDrr, kUT, gwVlOw, Psm, EzP, SXRmZ, HvHEux, InClx, zUnL, IrVehG, LsKzeE, mgd, nrMtOY, gyLDuy, GcoL, habGdq, sdihW, FowdW, iWiJ, KHFa, KJFud, rpXj, pBJfft, quRz, rNhsx, xCA, aYzL, ZZXXCI, kVHwR, TnFb, LSkz, CKd, Yevif, XPs, YLEsh, HSTSv, Mco, cmLeCF, bncPH, PLwX, xIlzbj, uoUx, kkUTDm, YAOkZ, jFi, kiOqQ, kfMPyV, dACPNH, NBR, dZlfyJ, tOe, Dqrl, Shv, VNDtKU, aXuX, rDB, xioT, BHgvJ, InxGl, KXON, rSQAz, slRI, ivpa, hpoKI, AKCJq, pQW, hPECKS, tkl, bfBMmQ, Vhgv, ZiN, OHCV, CXQur, pHPZbk, yXQqn, vMwaom, LlB, hcOiin, mRK, Stop inviting it over his back garden for as long as it looks hate... The things ) fight and the OFFICIALS not!!!!!. Those history and other description are true =D hehehe womans bicycle seat registered to post this comment in to... 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