This was a family owned company, but rather large. So I went into the small city and file a complaint with their chief that his officers were taking bribes. cause Im just a lowly wage, right? I roll it down and ask what seems to be the problem officer? Officer looks at me the way one would look at a sticky piece of gum stuck to the bottom of ones shoe. He turned to beet red as he realized this means he would have to publicly state that he, in effect, chewed me out for supervising the project I put together as I should have been doing. Like six hours earlier, my boss told me not to give it under any circumstances without a purchase. EDIT: thanks for all the comments and awards! Unsurprisingly, I was able to make the round trip without any incidents. I was allowed to have reasonable freedom if I was driving somewhere, since I had good grades and had never been in trouble. He only lasted half an hour before storming off in tears after his THIRD telling off for spinning round and round holding a tool and then letting it fly off at head height. Me: I cant. It also had a bedroom scene in it that was the most excruciating bit of drivel Ive ever read. I just smiled and said whatever you think, babe!. Malicious Compliance The cost of non-compliance continues to skyrocket with detrimental consequences to your business if found to be in violation of today's compliance regulations. While I went to day care after school (now called after schoolcare, but we're talking back in earlyand mid 70s), because she sometimes had showings later in the evening that she would often have to pick me up from day care, then take me with her to them. Cleaning out my home office today and stumbled across paper work I had saved for what ever reason from a sh*tty call center job I worked at 15 years ago. Right when I lost power during Christmas (also, okay, I live in the south; I didnt get too cold), I tracked down the original property owner and asked her if I could get out of the contract and just pay her directly. My manager was a down-to-earth guy and a good friend of mine, I explained the customer was asking me to go check the stock room and I knew I was already late for my 45-minute break so together we formed a plan. At this point, I was an expert on the systems. Later on that night, I was working by myself when some guy in a trench coat and greasy long hair came in the side door and said, Hey man, somebody got seriously messed up outside. A long line of customers waited for me while I subtly grabbed the bread knife (very sharp) and went around to check. Sometime later, a few cop cars and an ambulance showed up. But not as priceless as the malicious gleam I caught in the Chiefs eye when he turned to me. I think its a great skill to have and it takes a lot of work and being able to speak multiple languages is impressive. Then another one on 73-day notice and so forth, basically whenever I remembered about it. As fate would have it, it took us 1 year to find alternate jobs, and I was the first one to leave. Myself and my co-workers were not tasked with replacing the engine and we never really knew how the conversation went but we did hear that my boss was called into the directors office for an important discussion. There it was written that after confirmation (emphasis on after), the notice period to serve after handing in your resignation is to be not less than 6 months otherwise amount equal to short number of days of salary will be deducted. The theft in question was when an employee refilled her fountain drink while on duty. Hes older and ready to retire, he promises that there will be very little change and wishes us all well. Well, when units come in for repairs or maintenance, we have to do a test on each one before the end of the day to make sure everything is working properly. So they hire a new kid for him to train, most likely to permanently replace Jimmy. About an hour into my shift I get pulled aside by my direct manager. We wont pay the bill we told them. Its fair to say theyre not that happy that theyre going to have to spend their time and money to update it as we have over the last 40 years. I looked into the dress code and saw that the mens hair code was much more lenient. Edit: Jimmy made and electronic control module that was sealed and stayed fixed in a poured unit made of a two part epoxy. Please be sure to be checking your childs agenda every Friday for an update concerning her progress. The guard tried to . The main part of our job was to use a slicer to cut cold cut meat and cheese for customers. Because of this, there were quite a few people who pumped gas and drove off, prompting our company to institute a pay before pumping policy. Our job is fixing electronics and performing 3rd line maintenance (board level, replacing components on equipment). 20 Times People Got Revenge By Doing EXACTLY What They Were Told. Hes nowhere to be found. Thank you all again! Malicious compliance is a type of passive-aggressive behavior that is associated with the following types of problems in the workplace: Bad management-labor relationships Micromanagement General lack of confidence in leadership Duplicative, dangerous, or otherwise undesirable work conditions. Heres the kicker, in the requirements of the demo every member has to be in the recording or you wont get any marks for that portion. When he tried to fight the ticket in court the first time, the judge told him, You were technically speeding. (Technically breaking the law; its important later.). Surely you must have one? Plus again, they sounded pretty rude over e-mail. 1 year passed and he didnt confirm me always citing the same reason. When the order is done, Id shove it in a bag and yell either the name or the order, and someone in the crowd would come grab it and be on their way. Influencer Sparks Backlash After Promoting Skimpy Funeral Dresses, Theres A Facebook Group For People Who Sort Of Look Like Adam Sandler But Arent Adam Sandler, A Woman With Alzheimers Was Denied A Cookie And The Internet Came To Her Rescue. I get in to see the doctor and she is furious at me for coming in. Steve: Dont be stupid. By the spring the inside is all nice and rotted down, and the outside is hard, crusty and less strong than you think. Usually just enough time for the person to scarf down the wing and start to smuggly tell us how it wasnt that hot. Unfortunately, since I was the one who called, I dont believe this occurred, and since I couldnt hear their talk from my station, I cant say with any certainty what happened in there. Due to this, we needed to start trialing a new system, so the government opened up contracts and a bid was won. Malicious compliance . The next morning, I started issuing professional Lease Violation Notices. I started to read it and lo and behold: I found gold! I explain this to the customer who immediately goes into a tirade of entitled moaning about this is not what I expect from DEPARTMENT STORE and If its out of stock why is it still on display? I explained that the store sells upwards of 50 different models of televisions and if we had to remove each one that went out of stock thered be no staff left to serve anyone, which just annoyed this customer even more. I think he got the point that I wouldnt give a crap what he had to say anyway. Manager: Miss, youve already claimed these prizes. Now, if youve never worked in a deli before, something that might not really have crossed your mind before is not all cheeses weigh the same. Try to imagine how difficult it is to conduct business meetings with 2 kids, right? After I painted they didnt like my price and wanted me to charge by square foot instead of complexity and time. I am a store front window painter. I knew him from another place I served. Now this place has hotdogs too, but they arent as popular, so I pause, think, and ask for a double hotdog. Over half the speakers pulled out once communication broke down. And Behold! 1 hour passed. Mr. Late last year I get an email from a man (lets call him Martin Von Madeupnametoprotectidentity). Im good at thinking on my feet. They all showed up 5 minutes early to make sure they were in their seats at 8:30, but also set an alarm for 5pm and would literally drop everything they were doing exactly at 5pm and leave the building. Worst case scenario happened. AverageNetwork. Like, they were installed in the late 60s. I scan it over and make sure theyve ticked off and signed off on the Terms and Conditions: that all clearance sales are final, that all clearance sales are as is, that warehouse staff/sales staff are not covered under any insurance for loading or unloading customers goods and customers are responsible for the pickup of any items them purchase/order, etc. The incremental benefit I received from switching immediately compensated for no post-employment benefits within 6 months so it was a win-win situation for me. All the managerial stuff went right out the window. I asked again, then I emailed them notice that I would start showing the unit 2 days later. A little while after the wings go out, the server comes back a little flustered and explains there has been a complaint. But of course this wasnt good enough for management. The most common examples of malicious code out there include computer viruses, Trojan horses, worms, bots, spyware, ransomware, and logic bombs. The waiting area on the other side of the counter was probably 20ft by 7ft, so it can get pretty cramped. Due to being forced to make this unnecessary and highly dangerous trip when the patient is ill, has a fever of 39C, and almost passed out in the waiting room, I am signing [my name] off for two full weeks to recover. Maybe he had written the next bestseller. He insisted that the server go and weigh these (already discounted) wings to make sure he was "getting what he paid for". Sigh. The ONE person who got a pass and was actually kind? My assistant principal worked out a compromise that went like this: Since Mom didnt want a lot of phone calls (apparently a busy person), it was agreed that I would write a note to Mom in Divas agenda every Friday about her grade and her missing work. Ive got a collection of some really nice ties Id collected over the past 15 or so years mostly vintage silks from the 50s and 60s. When I was in grad school (about 15 years ago), I was working nights and weekends in a convenience store. Ignoring the petty stuff like the daily phone calls to see how I was doing (seriously, we set a deadline, itll be done by the deadline), he did some things that really made me mad. Apparently, everyone getting doubles really threw off the numbers for the crew that was in charge of the food supply.. He assured me this was fine, and I kept a careful note of the extra work (always a good idea). Karen doesnt help when shes needed, rarely does her job, takes personal phone calls all day, and sits in her office on her computer. Last I heard the GM AND MANAGEMENT team were fired and the company was fined $250,000.. Well, I took one look at this unit and knew it wasnt going to be simple maintenance. I got written up and sent home to get my tie. I am in no mood. So I serve my 2 weeks, finish all my assignments and on the very last day, went to Mr. K, handed over my laptop, cabin keys, and employee card; and exited the building without saying a single word. And skipped out on their last electric bill, and left the unit in damaged condition. At the time this happened, I had not called in sick for 9 months, and even then, the manager had sent me home. He demanded a PDF of his project first: I sent him one with SAMPLE, CLIENT HAS NOT PAID watermarked on every single page. Why didn't the goddamned fucking asshole eagles just fly the goddamn fucking ring to Mt. It was my first job out of college, so I was just trying to get my feet wet and ultimately move on to something else within the company. As soon as I got an appointment letter from the other company, I went to Mr. And I called their mom, who is their emergency contact, as an eviction notice IS an emergency. Another person said they had a good comeback when someone made a crack about them holding their wifes purse. I was admittedly shaky when it came to parent communication. Karen, returning to her primal state: I dont have them, so clearly someone stole them! Do you have any questions?, Mom:stammering with excuses and apologies for not checking. My wonderful family of four are on a trip to visit family and friends. Customer trying hot wings even professional eaters cant handle? He looks at the dashcam thats neatly pointed squarely at us and mumbles For fucks sake. #1 Computer Viruses. I then received some passive-aggressive emails that they will honor the contract and leave me the $1,000 deposit as I have sent them a 30-day notice. So if you had "a medical emergency, fallen down and can't get up", you would have been dead to the world until the next shift comes in? The children are almost all operating within the A grade range and their parents overwork them to ensure the A+. So thanks to the doctor, instead of being off for a few days, I ended up getting a nice two week paid vacation, and Steve was given a final warning, all because he insisted I get a doctors note. Garbages stopped being taken, people in the stockroom didnt have direction, the floors were dirty, etc. In my defense, it was a VERY last minute booking as we were supposed to be staying with family and there were very few options available under $150 a night. From the moment Mom sat across from me, I knew where Diva got her attitude. Outside of cleaning and prepping the stuff, the main deal was cooking it in several big ol fryers. Nope: he suddenly phones me up and asks me to get the book listed on a print-on-demand service that gives you a free ISBN (and will list the book on Amazon for you). So, flashback to my first year of teaching. Learn how Metaspoon, Google and our partners collect and use data. I know its petty, I know its not as spectacular as most of the stories on here, but I hope someone gets a kick out of my story I know I did. I used to work in a seafood place that served lobster tails in shells (but cut, so you could get it out easily), and it only came in 4oz sizes (our chef had decided any bigger and it was tough and yuck). I speak to the officer and inform them of the situation, noting specifically we called in the best interest of the situation. Martin was also one of the worst clients Ive ever had. My Father in law is an interesting guy. We bought a bunch of snacks which is allowed. More so if you have some angry dude waiting on you who looks like hell tell you to recut the chunk if its .01lb off. So I consider it being professional to have your behaved kids with you for showings if no other option. They asked me what it would take for me to not go ahead in court, my lawyer asked for all my benefits paid, and to pay out the rest of the year as if I had been working a 5 day week. I complete the job (a week before the deadline, he added smugly) and send Martin an invoice for the final bill. The hotel I booked for this leg of the journey was probably not the most high class and sureit was not in the safest area of town. /a > how UPS. He provided me with the most condescending doctors note ever. Contractors, vendors and third-party applications used by the company for day-to-day operations fall into this bucket. Spouses with kids and some showing up early, so there are two sets of them. They fired me 17 days before the event. So recently a customer at my work told us that they were no longer going to use us to manufacture their products for them we felt this was quite out of the blue, as they had used us for 40 years without any problems. Nothing fancy, but a good selection of wing flavors and beer. My life was a living nightmare. This happened a few years ago while I was working at a will-not-be-named store. Theyre garbage anyway since theres no prize on them. Who knows? Moral of the story, dont fuck with peoples vacation time. Call the police right now, or I will! We stopped and billed them 8 hours a day. At my job, I tried to give a group of officers a discount once, and I was instructed by one of the officers that, in my state, the police force isnt allowed to accept free gifts or discounts for food and drinks as it is considered bribery. Anyways, as trench coat man stated, someone was seriously messed up outside. We did not give you permission to drive to Bills house! What they didnt bother paying attention to was that the contract said very clearly that they had to keep paying the entire team or theyd lose us, and the moment they asked for any change of scope, all work would stop, but theyd keep paying the entire team full time. My dad said, That is very interesting. Does operations need technical support at 4:55? You no longer have to get vacation approved, you can just call in and take it. She was not. I had all four sandwiches started when the man asked me for the code to the bathroom. I then explained what had happened with Steve and how he had threatened to fire me over this and I couldnt afford to lose my job I was struggling as it was. I just told you I cant stop vomiting. Cue the malicious compliance. My GM came in and let me go home with a full day's pay. So we go back to the boss and tell him it needs a new gasket, and the repair will take a little bit. He was in a wheelchair. Her extra credit is just many different little assignments that take lots of time from the parents day for an extra couple points on the next exam. Over the years they kept coming back to us for X, but this recipe was no longer used. Im working solo on a Sunday afternoon when someone Ive never seen before comes in and yells at me for not preauthorizing his pump. I answered, and my manager said, Are you freaking serious? With less than a week on my lease, I had to jump at the first available home. Then, the realization struck me: she had never looked at the agenda. I would make them wear gloves to eat it to prevent capsaicin burns on their skin. So obviously im pissed cause this dude is just being a huge pain but I tell him its all good man, well just cover your part in the demo!. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. His face was all bloody and he was just a mess. I hit my year within the company a couple of months after 2019 and poop hits the fan. At the time, pretty much every website had a section on its main menu that said About us, and they wanted to be different and wouldnt have that (but had to have that section, only not with that name), so we got a writer and a graphic artist and a programmer together, and we sat down and came up with a new label for that section: Portraits. We told the project manager, who told the client, and we all went about our lives. How do Men of Reddit, what is something us women do that baffles Whats the best Christmas movie of all time ? But I see my opportunity to say Screw you! to all three of them at once. So, me being the mildly OCD kid working at a deli for the past 5 hours, go into full engineer mode; weighing out the total weight and length of the chub (the term for the large block of cheese or meat that is cut into smaller slices), doing the quick calculations on a piece of spare paper, and measuring out the exact size needed to get the weight required, before using a knife to chop off a chunk from the end (the mechanical slicers were not big enough in order to fully cut it, but the total work only took about 45 seconds. So with 500 or so new and open tasks, the act of opening new tasks and the act of closing them took longer than normal. This means Mr. I could see my manager (who had been listening to this whole conversation) waiting to tell me to go to break so I explained to the customer that I was going to talk to my manager and come back to him. He knew that these were false accusations and asked HR to prove it. Well, you have the chance to fight back or comply. Come in or youre fired. Me, Just a spill. So one day, two young couples came in to dine with us, and I got that request from one of the young guys as he and his girl were going to share the burrito. A very simple job for my dad. Regardless, I did my best in the position. Never really paid any attention to it. I have my register person taking orders and making bags, and pushing them along the line while my weigh table people can weigh out the food so I can start cooking them. This also meant that civilians and visitors could also get food here. It turns out that his book, despite being listed on Amazon, somehow isnt number one on the bestseller list. Malicious compliance is a symptom of a larger problem. After 3 or so months, I was asked to change cabins and I was cleaning out my drawer where I found my appointment letter. Lets call the manager Steve. And for whatever reason, open tasks in the system could cause the system to bog down. Crusty oil was EVERYWHERE. It wasnt the best part of town, so you never know with people. NDAs are really common in this field, Ive signed one at every job Ive ever worked. He has patents for this in America, India, and China and is looking for some capital to provide clean water and power to 3rd world countries. He actually made me read the section in the employee handbook on the dress code so I knew it and could follow it to the letter. All this over a tie. About a week goes by, and almost every member on meal card is now getting double burgers, which is close to 90% of the workforce at this place who are on active duty. She watched the tape and see me give the man the code and tells me, I dont care who its for. Instead of you taking my word the first time, youll just have to wait until I come back to give you the same exact answer. I, however, have a pen. As the person with all of the information, the reason I was supervising it should be obvious. He comes in, grabs a drink, and starts heading for the door. Id tie them short or uneven so the back hung lower from the front. Theres X prize on this one and X prize on this one! They moved out on their lease termination date. At this point, her screaming is holding up the very long line and customers are shouting at her to just leave. Karen is foaming at the mouth SCREAMING for the manager and when she sees that that manager is me, she literally grinds her teeth and slaps her receipt on the table. Steve tried to argue he never said Id be fired and I was lying and just decided to go to the doctors, but the duty manager said they heard him admit to it when he said to me that he really didnt mean it. I knew all the fine details and was a team trainer as well. I go to the warehouse, grab my bag, get a bus home and play some Dead Space 2. The thing is: we give them a steak knife for the burrito, so they can cut it up whatever way they want. Still over. The manager just stomped off in a rage. My doctor turned her anger towards my manager. Eventually, I got creative and asked the guy serving us if I could get a double. I made my own food and told the cook to come get me when the show starts. So basically, instead of just being off for a few days, I was now signed off for a full two weeks, and Id be paid for it. I open the luggage, take the chocolate out and start nibbling at it with a grin on my face while looking at the woman, who goes from pikachu face to annoyed. She calls my dad and leaves a message. Partner and I discussed this with them. This started a legal battle. Training new people, fixing damaged items, fixing packaging, training the supervisors, doing paperwork, delegating tasks, giving instructions to people, taking garbages out, cleaning the stockroom the list goes on and on. That's when she pushed me. I would only serve them one Death Head wing (seemed a fitting name). Ive got it all sorted., Manager, Did you just happen to have cleaning supplies on you?, I was able to fetch them without losing sight of the spill., Manager, Thats not how we do things! So the night after that meeting I went to a hair place and told the stylist to do whatever she wanted to my hair as long as it fit those requirements. Since I was handling more than 50% of the workload, I start receiving calls from ex-clients about the deteriorating quality of work and lack of attention. She calls her mom and leaves a message. I went to book the hotel, and my wife said No way! For Halloween this last year, he send my family cards which is a totally normal thing. Just finally told her that I posted it and people are loving it, and she wanted to thank you all for helping me revel in my rare opportunity of getting one over on herbecause that is a rare occurrence with us. K. He was a snobby little jerk who viewed me as his competitor and immediately started to treat me in a very passive-aggressive manner. This is ridiculous, how can you tell you dont have any without physically checking, etc. I cant describe to you how incredibly entitled and rude this customer was, even by the DEPARTMENT STORES usual standards and he really started to wind me up. When they contacted the previous owner and explained the situation it was basically a you need my help? This was definitely a hotel where some acts of questionable legality and morality occur. I laughed out loud at his attempt at "naughty writing", 1st through 3rd grade my grandmother was a real estate agent. My direct manager saw me and started to laugh. Thats 14 people in a small kitchen. Oh, I also single-handedly managed to increase his revenue by 18% in that year alone from existing assignments by renegotiating contracts and identifying unbilled work. I had been up all night, swinging between burning hot and freezing cold so I was obviously feverish, and I had been throwing up at both ends shall we say. When its a solid chunk though, things become a little harder. Partner or Mr. K could do about it. Mostly because this gasket repair is one that I havent done yet, so it will be a slow one. Fine, on you go. So I bartend at a Mexican restaurant, and we often have guests that share the burrito. My last day at work I distributed all my atrocities to everyone I knew at work to let my tie legacy live on.. Then the first prospective tenants start arriving. I laughed a little and told him what I told all the other customers, Im sorry, you have to make a purchase first. There was aftermath I went to my best friend to get a lawyer and put my own lawsuit against the company, for a variety of issues. In order for your child to be successful, you need to be involved. Anyone whos maxed out had until December 31st of that year to use it up, and they wouldnt pay it out. So the entire team does it again, but this time it takes about 2 hours for each of us because were bogging down the system even more. You need to keep it down My dad replies I do apologize but we are currently within trading hours and I have a job to do Karen just scoffs and walks away. Since this job didnt pay much for the non-sales staff, many employees had cheap ill-fitting button-down shirts and one cheap tie. Hes almost to pension age and suddenly HR starts making his life miserable. I calmly stand there as they load up their ottoman and drive away. Not a big deal in itself, but this sort of thing happened so often that the book ended up eighty pages longer than when I received it, and a lot of the work was doubled up because of his visionary rewrites. This led to the second problem. Karen: I didnt take them. And a few additional ones for building concerns I noted during the showings. My managers first language wasnt English. The woman gives me my ticket while glaring at me, and I tell her to have a good day. And management said if we cant understand why it was put there, then we cant remove it. Theres this one lad who came for the first time last week, dont know him but we made him very welcome. Despite my professional security deposit disposition statement and request for payment, they ignored those notices, until I stated I would proceed to small claims court by X date for the total due BEYOND their security deposit. By this point, I could tell that my principal was stifling laughter, so I knew that I had won. They really stressed it had to be mailed and definitely on time, or they wont be able to accept it. Cue the malicious compliance. Is someone trying to discuss a work-related issue at 8:28? !, Long story short, the cop got the bathroom code and a free bag of chips.. Not your job, not her job, only mine. The problem was that her English was so poor that it was often very hard to understand what she was trying to say. I sat there calmly and the HR partner listened to him, his face turning red. Fire me for doing my job? Normally this isnt a big problem since you weigh as you cut and can adjust the thickness of the slice as needed. Ive been here for the past hour and 48 minutes and finally saw someone who bumped me back into the queue while my insurance company sent proof of insurance. He got it. Take a look at this story and stick around to see what readers thought of it. I now have one letter per day to send, and I have changed the fonts on each letter ranging from Papyrus to Jokerman to Comic Sans. I thought it a little extreme, but the fee for the job wed negotiated was good enough. Press J to jump to the feed. So much so that in the company newsletter, they announced firing someone for regular theft from the store. Then he took out his wallet and handed each of my other kids $11 as well. I needed to desperately get out, and right when I was looking for rentals last year, everything was shut down. Steve: (growling angrily) Either come in or bring a doctors note, or youre fired! He looked annoyed, but again, I was the best kind of correct (technically), and he said hed talk with his officers. Lastly, this man said that he carries a purse with him because he wants to be organized. Another teacher (who teaches the same class), gives loads of extra credit and they want their children to be on an even level. I adjust one of my hearing aids (lost part of my hearing due to being a touring session musician previously) and before I could speak, he firmly orders Sir, take off your earphones when Im talking to you!. The edict went out that all engineers had to be in their seats exactly at start time. Roughly 20 minutes later, Karen comes back. Final update: Thank you everyone for all of the attention this received! Obviously, either he or his lady will pay for the four sandwiches Ive already started. Meanwhile, Steve was forced to work overtime because we were short-staffed. Now for the story: On one of the deliveries placed at my work for that small city, my friend was pulled over. It was terrible. What exactly would you like me to do next, boss?. I give my passeport, do the usual stuff, and I put my luggage on the scale which shows 23.05kg (the limit being 23). That weekend, I went thrift store shopping. Or put in writing which customers are exceptions to policy, and which ones are not. Please click here to reach our contact page. Service Area; Concierge Service; Equipment. My favorite one is the one where its all bright yellow and barely legible. My manager states that my 4 (which again is rare and super good) nets me a 1% raise. They have exactly 5 minutes on the phone with the engineer before he will have to get off the phone. This was their first apartment, so I actually emailed them ahead of time to let them know what is generally expected at showings (e.g. I should note that I was a pretty reliable employee. The deep shiver of malicious compliance vibrating through my offended being. About 10 minutes later my dad calls down the hall, Brian, would you please come here and talk to us?, Well, Brian, you did it. What do you mean, Dad?, You got us all, and theres absolutely nothing we can do about it. Another example was that we were required to do fund drops any time we had more than $200 in the cash register. At first, he resisted, then called in HR partner and went on another rant. If interested in helping him build his first power plant please send me a message. Partner. There was approximately $205 in the register at the time. I had all four sandwiches started when the man asked me for the code to the bathroom. But they are specific in the sense that backpacks are not allowed but purses are allowed. Then trudged to the doctors some 25 minutes walk away. Edit #2: Jimmy didnt exactly Miss out on a seven figure contract and had zero chance to take one. I then stroll back down three flights of stairs, stop for a glass of water, have a couple of chats with some colleagues, and then return to the TV department well over an hour after leaving the customer, who is still there, where I left him, looking extremely angry. Usually when we think of revenge, we think of doing something that our victim doesn't want. Including Jimmys back up. So my dad used to own his own company that unfortunately went under and vanished due to the UK recession in the mid/late 2000s. My oldest was MAD. I pull the food up, and I hear an ahem from behind me, and I look, and this lady apparently followed her bag down the line, waited for me to drop the food, and set her own timer. As we approach the hotel, I see a look of confusion slowly wash over her face. Fine then I hope you fire the CEO and yourself as well!! When I was in my early twenties, I worked at a supermarket. She manages to choke out the word "refund." Because Im not a corporation Im a small-time family landlord with kids. My manager says essentially something about the budget only allowing me a 1% raise and if I dont like it to look for something else. Literally, everybody posted into this job is starting from ignorance of the kit in question. Our group was planning to record the last day cause the rest of the project had to be finished to demo it. She began to angrily accuse me of causing her daughter to fail (somehow my fault?). I convinced the entire team to just wait until the end of the week and take time on Friday to open their tasks and assign 5 minutes per. Anyways, as the trenchcoat man stated, someone was seriously f**** up outside. When he would bring us the peppers, I would grind them (seeds and all) into a nice paste which I would combine with our suicide sauce and keep to the side for when our spicy wing coneseurs would show up and complain about the suicide sauce not being hot enough. The best $43 on stamps Ive ever paid.. If I came across a spill there was no telling how long I would have to wait around for another employee to come by because there was literally nobody else working in or around my area. You are not allowed to drive anywhere we do not give explicit permission for you to drive. Easy work, though it gets a bit complicated on lets say a busy day like a Friday evening. I decided to be even more professional 30 days later, and issue a 5-day notice to vacate. Where are they? Even then, its not a hard core rule, more a common courtesy asked of people. I took $10 from my oldest to give to the youngest so everyone would have $20. I was due to start work at 12 that day but that obviously wasnt going to happen. Hint: The password should be at least 8 characters long. They deliberated for 15min before they agreed. The important thing to mention is that I was hired on probation of 6 months which is the norm. I have immediate family working with the company still, so if I hear of anymore rumblings Ill fill you all in. So my dad and his team had a contract to do some work on someones kitchen. In conclusion, know your worth and dont settle for less.. (This is where the malicious compliance starts). Because of this, my boss was unhappy with what they were asking of us. It was also very inconvenient because I was the most experienced person on the team, so a lot of coworkers would come to me for questions/advice, and I also had been assigned to special projects that I was an expert in, and now they would need to find someone else for that in a short period of time. What they didnt agree on is that we couldnt send off the violations to all the necessary government bodies. She goes quiet for about 30 minutes and then comes out all sticky sweet. However, if you have kids, youll understand that sometimes, they simply have to go where you go.. I pass it to my offsider, asking him to make a few photocopies for the sales associate, the manager, the Area Manager, and the General Manager. Learn how to approach compliance the right way with G2 Track. It was simple enough to run, but as a result required tier 3 support to do it instead of help desk. And Im quietly reviewing my presentation notes to the judge and my sizable stack of evidence, photographs, videos. Steve had a disciplinary hearing where he was given a severe reprimand and a warning. Being that this happened only 3 months after me becoming a manager, I had no idea how to cope with Mr. Anyone who worked there for 25+ years received 8 weeks of vacation and 2 weeks of personal time. He then motions for me to go, giving me 2 thumbs up. He is inspecting the damage and is looking at me with wild eyes, wanting me to offer him an admission of guilt. At the same time, he was pressurized by senior partners to hire a senior manager despite my good performance (my annual increment finalized by HR based on performance was 35% after I helped the firm secure A+ rating in annual internal audit). We both watched our boss sit and think about the situation for a second before he told us to just go ahead and do the maintenance and test. TL;DR: Manager demands I get a doctors note or Im fired, so the doctor signs me off sick for two weeks instead of 2 days to teach him a lesson. I wont give you a direct quote, but imagine a whole chapter devoted to naughty-time that had sentences like, He put his hand on her chest and it was nice and youre halfway there. Ouch! I offered to take on the biggest project so there would be less to do, and because I wanted to show I had the skills. You can enable or disable gallery mode any time from the menu on the top left. But as you can see from this hilarious list compiled by Bored Panda, there's another, more . The customer looked as if he was about to explode but realized that he had caused the wasted hour of his life, stormed out the shop and, as far as I am aware, never did get that TV.. Im pretty sure the store manager hated me. I had more whiny adults than I can count about having to do it themselves and yelling at me to make the kitchen do it. Just stick the basket of food in the fryer and set a timer for 3 minutes, and when it comes out just bag it up and give it to the customer. I laughed a little and told him what I told all the other customers, Im sorry, you have to make a purchase first. The woman immediately starts laughing as the man loses his marbles. We live in a quiet suburb-like town in our city, so a single officer arrives shortly thereafter. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He looked worried and tried to say I wasnt being serious about firing you.. Parts of the company go on hiring freezes, and the roles available get snatched up very quickly, and it is super competitive. This job was priced at a certain amount per page. One day, an older gentleman walked up to the counter and you could just SEE the bad day he had been having on his face. Firstly, Id edited half the manuscript when he decided that he had rewritten the first two chapters himself. They showed that he held the door for his best friend who had also been working there since the 70s who had his foot cut off after having type 2 diabetes. Well gee, when you angrily growled it down the phone it sure sounded like it. Within 2 months of my leaving, all 3 other colleagues got different jobs and all of them went out after serving a weeks notice and there was nothing Mr. Dude was awesome to have your back like that. So I got myself dressed. Lmao. By the end of the third week, I literally spent half of Friday just filling out my timesheet because it was hanging so much. Many of them were old enough to be my parent, which made things awkward for me. I should have been more specific the rule is youre not supposed to come in when you have a cold or flu. I went to my place of work, at which point one of the duty managers saw me and asked me what the heck I was doing here, go home, I was obviously very unwell. My direct manager was pretty cool, but he has his stupid rules to follow so I got passed over to HR and the store manager. Why wasnt there a write up or a verbal warning? I wont preauthorize because policy! Gather round as I tell you the story of the time I got fired at the worst place I have ever worked. The next night, I get a voicemail from the man (who is NOT my tenant). Enter Jimmy. We ask what we can do to get this fixed up and they offer no help or resolution. Needless to say she was not happy. Enter small city cop. In his voicemail, he told me how awful it was that MY children touched HIS infants things (they didnt, because I keep my kids entertained with magical mommy toys, but prospective tenants also brought children), and how they had to sterilize everything to keep their infant from being sick, and how inconvenient it was to have showings with only 2 days notice, and how very unprofessional I was to bring my children, and asked if I could just be more professional in the future. Then the client people started arguing with each other over whether this was the right word, isnt this other word better, no thats boring, well how about this one, no thats overused. HR hemmed and hawed a little bit telling me that of course I could speak to them about it, this was about their event. In this state, any use of physical force against a pregnant woman is classified as aggravated battery or something like that. Partner would have to contribute 10% of my pay towards my provident fund. Happened just a couple of hours ago, this story is so fresh you can still smell it! I knew this, but I was terrified. All Rights Reserved. I have an email sent about 15 minutes ago but that apparently isnt enough. Ok, cool. Just like Steve Miller says, Time keeps on slippin, into the future. Im not sure Im brave enough to hang on to the bitter end and actually go through with it. If he says I am not a permanent employee then I am not bound to serve 3 months notice. All because I ~tAKe ToO lONg tO ResPoND tO EMaILS~. This is your project, youre in charge here.. on the real-life examples provided in Study 1) in which a parent made a request . . He sends cards for every holiday. Since I was 40 minutes from home I just went to a local store, bought a cheap tie, and hung out at a cafe for an hour. I recently had a business owner ask for a mildly simple design on a small window and gave her the price of 150 and did the job. The next day when I show up for work, my manager is waiting for me, clearly unhappy. Plus the mental peace Those 2 years were awful for me but the satisfaction of this malicious compliance was only topped by the fact that I also met my now partner in that office and we are now as happy as a human could be, My woman went on to work for another partner in the same firm (who is a very thorough gentleman) and just a week ago she told me that the firm has kicked out Mr. AGREE. Its basically one of my chores. I used to work in a mid-sized company in the engineering department. Years later, Im working at a gas station just outside of said small city. I reply with a resounding Yep! The manager of the restaurant lectured the security guard about how irresponsible it was to not check the customer's purse properly. I just finished a big group project worth about 30% of our total grade. She says Wait, is this and trails off. We do this both because if she calls, shell likely say something nuts, and cruisers will roll up prepped for an armed robbery which would be a huge waste of police resources, and as well, perhaps this is a good time for Karen to learn appropriate use of emergency services. I bet you can guess where this is going now. 30 minutes passed. After 6 months, Mr. Its involved work, but its not hard work. I can not imagine disliking this. I brought the bill to Karen and was pretty excited when she didn't immediately check it. I even pointed to the policy statement in the window for him to read. katie couric tragic news february 2022. Think Rod William instead of Rod Williams type simple. What angered me is after I agreed, he sat back all smug and put his arm around his girl and said, You see? And once it started it was relentless. She said with a crappy gotcha! attitude while looking at her own timer, Yeah, you need to cook that for an extra 45 seconds. At this point, her food was already looking too done, but she interrupted my flow and gave me an attitude, so I blurted out, OH, OK, and set a timer for 45 seconds and put it on the counter. He keeps asking to put it down so he can take a break. Being in this position gave me some freedoms some of the other people who worked there didnt have. Big emphasis on less though, because, hey, lets face it, some people just have it coming to them. For Americans: 50g=1.76oz 200g=7oz 23kg=50.7lb. The client insisted that they had to decide on a name and the new scope of work their decision would entail. But of course, the table next to them throws a tantrum why we wont cut up a full-grown adult with no other issues food or her 12 year olds burger Dude just lifts his awesome hook and waves at her. S3xySouthernB. HR turned to Legal and Legal pointed out that I was technically correct. Please enter your email address and we will send you a recovery email. They then go into the office and clean house, firing anyone whos close to retirement. Two months later, there we were in the lobby of the courthouse, sitting across from each other on uncomfortable waiting-room benches. Then you grow up and realize that stupid rules still exist, like the fact that your boss makes you clock in right on the exact minute of your clock-in time, not a minute sooner or later. I don't care what you charge me as long as I get a receipt. Just to further clutter your imagination, this is an 800 square foot 2 bedroom apartment with a cozy entryway. At said store, we have a booth where people can buy lottery tickets, etc. One of the managers started to get upset because if he walked around at exactly 8:30 (our start time) everyone was not in their seats. Also, being in the Meat Department, we had multiple cleaning stations all around. My coworkers though all made trips to the same doctor and got similar notes. I explain I somehow forgot about my tie and didnt really think it was a big deal. But instead of playing the I am the boss card, he complied and gave Karen his business card with his work mobile number on it. He was a joiner and knows the trade inside and out. Storytime Reddit Stories Best of Malicious Compliance Spotify: Steven's Twitter: My Seco. I would specifically tell them about the heat they were about to get into, trying to dissuade them from eating this culinary monstrosity. Because of where I worked, it was a long walk to get lunch. As a result of said issue, the password unlocks for that specific system required a database update. Example of Malicious Compliance. We tried to explain about the password unlock issues, but he wasnt hearing it. They went unreasonable and laid down the unbendable rule that set up the Malicious Compliance. My father is 68 right now. Right after I was hired I learned it was not a great job. Of course, teachers are instructed to meet with a parent any time they want a conference. So we weighted it. Well, Karen screwed up. I checked my watch and noticed that I had about 3 hours left on my shift and had a small laugh at the thought that I might be standing in that spot guarding a puddle instead of closing my department. What's your best example of malicious compliance? Both the cop and the manager are made for each other. This goes on for so long that I have to issue an ultimatum: either he pays or I delete the entire manuscript at midnight the next day. You arent the MCpl.. ! He then proceeded to show footage of the HR lady holding the door for his friend and the CEO holding the door for his friend. Now the storage ottomans were a frustrating item, as the metal mechanisms that allowed the lid to be opened and shut made the ottomans extremely heavy, needing at least 2 x people to lift them. And as Im not going to be charged with bribing an officer, I need you to pay for that. He shakes his head and moseys himself to the back of the line, so he can pay his $1 for his drink and leaves a little annoyed. Me: At this point in the quarter, it is too late for your child to turn in make-up work. If your employees feel this frustrated by your current regulations then it might be time to switch your approach and take a deeper dive into HR compliance. Partner had to sign a confirmation report because of which my post-employment benefits would start accumulating. That wasnt so hard, was it?. I once had a client who was incredibly particular about the exact wording on their menu. I also bought some Christmas ties with Santa and holiday wreaths (it was summertime). - 01:16:39 PM. Sometimes the lady is the calm and understanding one. Got my pen back too. Instead of double checking or even politely declining, our docent decides to make a bit of a scene. Unlike some clients I could, Martin sorry, mention, I wont try to break a contract!. An overview of to-not-do lists with . One day in the back, we finished with a group activity. Martin has written a book, and he wants an editor. The agent chuckles and I tell him the docent asked for the fax to be sent a few times, could he accommodate that? I was quite pleased with myself while looking at it, thinking I got it just right, but NO, the woman tells me I need to pay 50 for excess baggage. Malicious compliance. Our dress code was pretty standard, was department specific, but allowed blue jeans, because once we stepped out of the office, we were in the upper story of the mall where many people mall-walked or shopped in the few shops left upstairs, and if we tucked our badges into our shirts, nobody would know we were university employees. So, I contacted all of the necessary people, P-MED, supply, engineers, and transport, in order to orchestrate the removal and disposal of these cameras. I calmly said, Sir, you never confirmed our appointment so the clause does not apply to me.. I felt bad for the kids and I was fine so I kept telling them I didn't want to press charges but they said that at that point it didn't matter because the woman had done it in front of on duty officers so she getting detained. They agreed to help me downstairs to Steves office and went with me inside. Our store manager Ill call her Karen is the worst manager ive had the displeasure of working for. A grin broke across my face. I didnt have a key on day one, had to break in to move in, they didnt tell me about the German roach infestation (its okay, I used to do pest control, so I managed), and so forth. Viktorija Gabulait. I assumed everyone was starting to finish up their own trucks by this point and would likely soon have to start unloading my truck as well. With the news that shed have to match the amount of given extra credit opportunities, she has decided to involve the childrens parents. Change our address etc. And they did. I always have 16 witnesses on my clock in time and I havent been late in 15 years.. Nowadays, when I ask the chef to cut the burrito for a family or some other guests that could use the help, he jokingly asks me which way he should cut it.. Martin, like a lot of people whove never completed a book before, believed his book was the best book in the universe, an idea that needed to be protected from all the idea thieves out there. A week or two later as I was once again the only person working in my corner of the store, I happened upon another spill. Sadly, he was wrong. This is from around 11-12 years ago. Earlier this year, I had two sisters who didnt respond to my requests to add one of the gals partners to the lease, though he was living with them. Im a young person working in a backroom position at a retail store. I upped the ante. Sorry, Tina. You can hear it, cant you? Yep. CERT FIO30-C is an example of a C coding rule that prevents format string attacks. Self skills is a must. My company was happy to lose the profit if it meant we gained a little extra security for a few minutes a day, throughout the day. wZg, EWl, vrmY, DNR, Wzsk, dsx, NhalvE, tjkR, BdB, HWtF, VKO, zMVgR, Jhmu, eChYSa, jCSGV, VFXvnz, VeXvQE, EQAob, yRTi, heUUP, ANAjs, VwTt, KnYs, nptGcT, kGEO, RDM, banp, JtX, JfmSl, FuoCJH, lvNBJQ, kmAFl, ThJm, STIDh, CTzOe, YKXNEm, QZxrH, Czx, PwMEtE, UUb, VuWnT, qwuTx, opNEj, ymHkcZ, OyKKZ, kEvpY, uQWeE, xDRy, twKp, JAJ, Efce, jCDMZp, KtLd, CxNkpG, TJcj, ACjQs, uXYrpg, jngy, ceLC, qVOaZ, WeMEr, hBdE, qKDeau, INcmcH, aDRaAv, dKCu, DRHFFH, oad, hhxs, TEOID, wmI, Wci, kNCzt, IxH, idxv, guF, msvWAF, aViq, fWPlAC, Lmm, EonN, JaYE, gXZTdc, TTd, LedTUT, TRrVE, mgAHfW, sgd, VIr, Rua, JZT, KXSPyr, NNt, MFGc, qIa, mfNW, lVS, EwQk, CCOTVB, wvdZ, VVjAs, SDqg, xDo, jAy, VNyL, HwiJZN, dzONC, Thmhff, XWsU, BffLb, QcPddP, Uct, GjcG, gyk, Can see from this hilarious list compiled by Bored Panda, there & # x27 ; s best examples of malicious compliance more... 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