Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. Then you can slowly fade away. In continuation with the above point, if you show jealousy, you are giving him hopes that you might just fall for him. Someone who will love and care for you no matter how long you take to talk to them. Say That You Are Like A Brother. This is an indirect way to tell him that you dont see him in that way. Dont be too feminine in front of him and he will soon lose his feelings for you. Sometimes, friends grow apart because their interests differ, their lives change or they are miles apart. They realize not everyone they meet will want to be friends with them. 1 Ask them to give you some space if you need it. You've essentially made friends with her and continued to be friends with her to avoid being rude: you hang out together and you're on a group chat, it's obvious why she thinks you're friends - I would think the same. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. Often when someone first asks you to hang out you don't know how much they want from you. This will also tell her that you are sharing things with her as a friend. 1. I accidentally pumped gas while my car was running for Im 17 and 29 weeks pregnant. But make sure you dont tell too many people, this may end up ruining their reputation. Idk, I could be paranoid but she's said some other weird stuff so I don't really believe everything she says even tho she denied any teachers or parents involvement. The first step for me when I want to distance a friendship (Lets say with an ex I thought I wanted to stay friends with) is making them an email only friend. For example: You can pull off this approach if you have a solid-enough excuse. Do they know how you feel about her? Many girls often are in a dilemma that makes them like a guy and not like him at the same time. I feel like I'm suffocating. Instead, go for a handshake or a high five once in a while to show the friendly side of things. This way, he can understand, and the two of you can still be friends. This is how I pretty much feel about the situation, I have actually left them a long message describing how I felt it and it went pretty well :). First, many people find direct, explicit, unequivocal rejection quite unpleasant (even if they believe they'd prefer it to hearing excuses). Hang Out In Groups. That single blow can cause more total emotional pain than the slow drip that accumulates as someone gradually realizes you've been making excuses to avoid setting up plans. You need to be honest with him. The reality is many people aren't good at handling rejection, for a variety of reasons. ", "I like you, and enjoy chatting and catching up when we all get together, but I think we don't have quite enough in common to be closer friends that hang out one on one. Barbara Graham shines a light into the mist. Stop speaking. I feel like I'm babysitting, and now she's texting me asking to hang out outside of school. Like everyone else, I'd advise a slow fade and only go nuclear if she keeps forcing the issue/won't take a hint. A free guide to getting past social awkwardness, "Thanks for the invite. Psychology Today: How to End a Relationship With a Needy Friend; Irene S. Levine, Ph.D. Dont be afraid to flirt with other girls In front of her. In general people take romantic rejections way harder than platonic ones. If you dont like her romantically, just be open about it. Thanks for the advice. That's a somewhat different story.). Though if you'd like some over-analysis about which I think is preferable, read on. This may be a turn-off for her and she will want to refrain from being with you. I just cut them out and tell them why and dont explain myself in detail. Another friend in the group simply told him he no longer wishes to be friends. Hanging out with other friends will ensure that you two are friends and the message will be conveyed very well. I feel like I'm babysitting for free when I'm with her and really need to cut her off before I lose my mind. Use the slow fade to gradually ease your way out of the picture. Use slow, one/two-word nonchalant replies. Don't entertain their arguments, just a Dont hold onto them for their sake. You aren't shitty. The reason I ask is that if you say to ex-roommate, "Hey, I don't want to be friends anymore, peace out" - is she then going to go to the mutual friends and ask them what's going on? That's it. I have a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree, and a B.A. This will send her a firm message that you dont like her in that way. Using excuses may make them feel a bit deceptive and slippery, but that's preferable to knowingly shooting someone down. Keep yourself safe first! When friend-zoning a girl, you also need to know that once she has had feelings for you, they might not go away too soon. It's exhausting. ", "I like hanging out with you in a group, but I can't get together one-on-one. You could also give it a chance and see if it works out fine for you. So when going for grocery or doing some projects, dont unnecessarily ask him to pile on. When you reject someone in no uncertain terms you take away that plausible deniability that lets them preserve their self-esteem. I feel like I'm hanging out with a thirteen year old, like I was shocked to find out we were the same age bar a few months because I could've sworn there must have been at least a year or two between us and she was a bit behind her peers. Just stomp your ground and be blunt with him about how it is and what you want if the friendship is gonna continue or it will end. So those are your two options. Increase her friendship circle. I'm not asking for permission, I'm telling you this is what I need and what I'll be doing moving forward. When around her, you should talk to other girls too. For G's sake, tell her the truth. How can people get better and work on themselves if everyone thinks they are so stupid they can't improve for the Have some respect for yourself and her. Another argument you'll hear from Direct Rejection supporters is that it's more mature; if you don't want to be friends with someone the adult thing to do is tell them. Thank you my dear, I love you with all my heart. You can also tell her to brush her teeth. How to Cut Off a Friend Without Seeming Rude: 5 Mind Tricks. Never lie to someone or worse, lead them on. I Love to Write About Love & Relationships. You should be sensitive towards her feelings and respect her as you should be a man of high morals. Both in regards to immediate steps, and to not confrotning her / telling her how you feel. That way we can catch up once a year like a normal acquaintance or not at all. Losing a friend might make you feel sad but you two will get over it soon enough. If he tries to touch you, resist it and you can tell him straight. Maybe you already have all the friends you need -- or you simply do not see yourself becoming close to someone who wants to become your friend. So we sat at a table and i finally told them. That it's easier is only a bonus. He might overdo things without even knowing, you need to give him a reality check. You could take the high road while friend-zoning a guy. ", "my sister's visiting from out of town. This isn't one of those social problems where society settled on a "right" answer a long time ago. If she presses you could say something like 'I don't feel we share similar values'. ", Leave the group chat that she is in. Dont Give Him Hope. Most guys will soon become desperate and chase you more if you dont take the right steps. Psychology Today: How to End a Friendship; Alex Lickerman, M.D. And I would not have coped with my problem if not for friends who believed in me and supported me when I felt bad. It was 6 metres ahead and took 30 seconds. Definitely don't initiate any get togethers yourself. Hiya, [F18] Im a emo 18 year old girl looking to make My friend is pregnant and Im supportive, but concerned. Do not indulge in him touching you or crossing the line. The polite (I'm assuming by this you mean non-confrontational) way to do this is the slow fade. She will notice this and although this will hurt her, she will soon realize that this was never meant to be and move on. And that comparison assumes a direct rejection causes a one-time-only burst of pain. I think in this case it makes sense to look out for people's feelings first, even if it's a bit less convenient for you. Suggest Hanging Out In Groups. I hate that I'm doing this, but I knew since I first You can tell someone what you do appreciate about My personal conclusion is that the indirect approach is better in most cases, though it's hardly a tidy, clear-cut victory. Have you been slow fading on her? At least you wont be the girl who keeps such a guy just for the sake of getting attention. ", If you want to END END your friendship, I would go with a grey-rock lie like "Hey, I am going through some shit right now I don't want to talk to anyone. It respects people's time, intelligence, and coping skills. NEVER Take Her To Bed. When in a social setting treat her like a friend. You have to tell them that you cant keep talking to them, and point out how you have a life of your own which doesnt involve them. Share with them as kindly as you can how you feel; and then express that you aren't fulfilled by the relationship. Act mature and be strong! Stop taking their phone calls and text them a while later that you Talk About Your Exes. To most people I say, Auf Wiedersehen, which means the equivalent of see you later; but to you sir, as I have no intention of ever speaking with you again, I say, goodbye. Feel Free To Talk To Other Girls. That isn't fair, and it can often leave the person on the other end with more questions than answers. Treat Her Like A Guy Friend. If you want to tell her that you don't think you guys should spend time with each other, just bring those up and say that those issues are even more important to you now than they were then, and that you don't think you both can get your needs met -- she should spend time with her other friends who don't do these things that bother her, and/or who don't have such a great need for [whatever - you can finesse this maybe]. Here are some ways to help you out. You might want to be friends with her but nothing more than that. She might have some sort of disability because she's exempt from some subjects and is just so childish and socially inept, but I haven't asked. Dont Take Unnecessary Favours. My Average Height with Glowing Skin, Black Hair, and Light Grey Eyes. If they don't quite believe you, they can tell themselves there's always a chance you're telling the truth. in Psychology. Sometimes you don't have to choose the slightly better of two so-so options. Just be like "Yo well, the sail is adrift and this cloud I must catch" and go my own way homeboy. This might get him frustrated but in the long run, evading the topic will be beneficial to both of you. To distract your self from feeling bad, do stuff you like doing, your hobbies (baking, drawing, working out, etc). And for this matter, you might have to break the friendship in order to let her heal. Hope you have fun! Edit: And for the record, being needy and clingy and wanting instant access to you 24/7 is doing something wrong. I love you, my dear ones! You could be his wing girl and set him up with other girls. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Hi so I have a friend at uni who is one of the most selfish people I have ever met. I'd talk to or even write to her and say that you don't feel like you two are compatible. I hope this helps! Draw A Line. Assuming they're dying to be close friends with you and outright rejecting them would be a clumsy move. This avoids the presumption, however likely, that this person is perhaps acting out of a sense of obligation as well. Figure out how you can tell him and also be ready to lose the friendship if need be. Even if they're sure you're lying, they probably won't want to confront you or complain to the others. I will not be responding everyday. Take A Step Back. I agree that the answers that are advocating a harsh friend-breakup are missing that you've essentially got two competing goals here: 1) avoid one person in a friend group and 2) not upset anyone. You can still be friends, good friends even without constant immediate communication. What you certainly dont want to do is end the friendship without explanation. Open antagonism only hurts and upsets feelings, and probably messes with your social group as well. A person can be the most loving and kind human being but that does not mean everyone will relate to them and be happy with them. I agree with the commenter above about the slow fade and drifting away. Just because you spent your grade school days or high school years with a friend doesn't mean that you will always have a close relationship with her. I'm trained as a counselor. Catfishing is the luring of somebody into an online friendship through a fake online persona. Maria Teijeiro/Digital Vision/Getty Images. Just let it go. Instead of insulting someone or blaming them, take accountability for how you feel and why you want to end the relationship. This will make him understand that you arent really too comfortable being solely around each other. ", "Agh, I wish I had more time to hang out with people, but my parents are getting older and starting to need a lot of care, and I have to put that first. Dont hold onto them for their sake. You politely respond that you don't see yourself being friends with them. This will show him that you arent really interested in him and he will respect you for how much of a good friend you are. Yeah I think you're right. You will actually be able to compensate for his love void. All posts copyright their original authors. Immediately unfollowing/unfriending will make it pretty clear to all your mutual friends I'm sorry you're going through this, I hope you find a way out too, me too! We eat in silence every day, go to the bathroom then argue over going outside, the cantine, music room etc. Unfortunately, I have to decline your invitation, but I wish you the very best! If someone's been rejected, they have a solid target, who committed a clear insult against them. It's brave. Once you've read it, maybe you'll agree, or maybe you'll decide being direct is a better fit for you, and that you can make it work. Be Nice. This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. Youd rather be friends than be nothing at all. If you feel things are going downstream big time and you arent quite being able to handle the situation, take a step back and move away from this situation. And its your life. Most people know to stop asking after someone has turned down about three of their invitations and hasn't made any effort to make plans themselves. Friendship gives heartbreaks too. Instead, you two may drift apart over time. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again. It is okay to feel like that and just know that it is normal to not relate to someone even though they did nothing wrong. She makes me miserable and I know I'm being a terrible friend but idk how to distance myself without hurting her feelings. Also, make them know that you might have to stop being friends to avoid complications. People don't need to connect every single day to maintain a friendship. Make Her Believe That She is Almost Like A Sister. Unless you set some boundaries, chances are that he will constantly nag you. You have to be honest and tell them what they are doing is emotional manipulation. So just block them. It won't work if you try to say something that's clearly not true or easy to disprove. The thinking goes: Yes, your hopeful friend will feel the sting of rejection, but they'll appreciate that you respected them enough to give them a straight answer. Below I'll lay out my reasoning. You are one of those people to me. You need to have a talk with her like a man rather than being a baby about it trying to ignore stuff. It might be very hard at first and you might feel guilty but unfortunately sometimes we have to accept that we will be the villains in some people's lives even if we never meant to be. I'm not going to answer by phone for a while, email me if it's something important, but I just don't want to interact with anyone for the time being.". You too need to know if you like this guy or not. Let your good friend know about this and get some advice. She has a Master of Science in applied developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh's School of Education. I don't enjoy her company for many reasons, mostly because I find her personality extremely annoying and I don't agree with her opinions and the way she treats other people. As a counterpoint to the response above, you can also simply opt for no contact. Set boundaries. You don't have to deliver excuses over several weeks until they get the message. This person sounds very controlling and like they are causing you a lot of stress. Don't feel guilty for deciding to fade him out/not responding to him. Because they'd personally be okay with being rejected, they assume everyone else feels this way (or thinks they should). Though again, just because something is easier doesn't mean it's right. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. On the whole I think the Excuse Making approach wins out, but here are some times where respectfully being direct may be appropriate: I'm Chris Macleod. She calls EVERYTHING embarrassing and blushes when people look at her. Trust me, i got in the same situation, but irl, and after wasting a whole year trying to do it slowly, absolutely nothing had change. Man up and talk to her. Whatever, people have different tastes some aren't into the acedemics, that's fine. There are pros and cons to each of the two approaches, and if you sat ten people down and asked which one was best, you'd hear some debate. Treat Her Like A Friend Publicly. Block them on every possible outlet and if they make new accounts, block those too. When hanging out, hang out in groups rather than spending time one on one. It sounds like you don't know her well or see her often anyway so just stop talking to her. Do not respond in any meaningful way if she reaches out I think if someone has very few friends and thinks you're one of them, it would be kinder to say something explicitly rather than leave her wondering what's going on with a slow fade or abruptly cutting contact. Please don't give them much more of your time. She plays sports, I like music and art etc and we're in none of the same classes since I'm doing Higher level everything and she's doing ordinary level (that's the way subjects are divided where I live) except our base class, so we basically only have PE and Religion together. Maybe other girls who hate PE and school as much as she does. Give Subtle, Obvious Hints. Just realize this friendship is not going anywhere and just end it - how she feels isn't your responsibility. Anyway, I have tried discussing these things with her, I am a very open person and she blatantly ignores me! Block them everywhere. ", "Sorry, I know we get along when we chat in the breakroom, but I'm not looking for new outside-of-work friends right now. I let her down easy and hasnt heard from her in years. Start by blocking the person. The fact that you have two mutual friends with your ex-roommate is a little bit of a curve ball. If you are in another relationship, tell your admirer about it. Dont Be Possessive. What's the best way to let them know? I might try, "I appreciate your efforts to stay in touch, but honestly, when we were roommates I didn't feel like we got along very well and those aren't happy memories for me. Good friends don't get mad at you if you don't text them back IMMEDIATELY. I don't even consider her a friend and her presence in my life is draining. This will be hard to do but it would be best for you and your friend. The truth might hurt him but eventually, you will have to tell him someday or the other. Friendships involve an attraction that -- while not of a romantic nature -- includes a connection between two people. Girls are very emotional. I would say still give him the option to change and if it doesn't work out, he should get the hint. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. Making excuses is weak, insincere, condescending, and cowardly. Recognize the signs. In fact, it may affect them so much that they ruminate on it for a long time. Tell them why being friends with each other is great. Make a list of all the things that are great about her and how much you two can connect. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. However the more time I spend with her, the more it becomes obvious that we have nothing in common. But for whatever reason, this girl apparently considers me one of her closest friends. You know you're a terrible liar, and they'll see right through your excuses. I tell my friends when I dont like what they do. Tell them how you feel. Even if you are frustrated or angry with your friend, dont just I refuse to be miserable any longer and she deserves a friend that actually wants to be around her. If your intention is to never talk to them, then The right thing to do is to say so. (Note that this is only about the best way to turn down potential friends, not people who clearly want to date you. This includes making new friends and -- on occasion -- losing old ones. Realize everyone has moments in their lives when their friendship network is shifting. It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one. Honestly since they're from another country, it's much easier to just stop talking to them. Talk About Other Guys. You like them fine in a group setting, but don't think you'd be compatible if it was just the two of you. Sometimes you'll have a solid hunch about whether someone will take rejection well or not, but in the end you never know. Im Chris Woods . I would simply inform this person "Hey, texting every day is starting to get exhausting for me. Speaking isn't against the rules. Even if I talk to others, she'll stand as far from the group as possible and look miserable. They'll give up eventually. She might be taken aback but at least you can keep being friends. But when you tell those same people you're too busy to hang out for the third time in row, it affects them even less. It sounds as though you're really sure that ending all contact is the right option. Express that and let it be what it needs to be. So dont expect friendship back from her. ", reply with something like, "I can't really say. Plus she approached me on the first day, and knowing her now, I don't think she'd ever do that to anyone else. Eh, sounds like it's not the healthiest friendship. If they suspect someone's been making excuses, they know it's riskier to call them out. This way you can understand better and see the bigger picture. It's more mature in the sense that it's making other people's comfort the priority rather than focusing on what's quicker for you, or iffy ideas like, "Being straightforward about how you feel is always better". Take a step back and start cutting down Ur time with her. How To Friend Zone Someone Politely: 70+ Tips, How to Make Your Wife Feel Loved and Appreciated, 100+ Sensuous Pharmacy Pickup Lines to Get Him/Her, 100+ Best Eye Catchy Depressing Pick-Up Lines. Do not harass or annoy others in any way. x. There is a clear route around this which is the slow fade. They try to get you kicked out of the group. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. How do they feel about her? Be Honest. How do I politely stop being friends with someone that has no other friends? It's nothing personal. A few don't respond so well. The retort is something I've brought up a few times already: Making excuses is technically dishonest, but it's for the good intention of sparing people's feelings. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. ", If she invites you to hang out, say, "Sorry, I can't make it. It is sometimes quite obvious that you are encountering a nosey person who is gearing up to ask all sorts of intrusive questions. You could tell her that you still have feelings for someone even if you dont. Be firm when around him. No, I havent told my clients to shut up. They become distraught and threaten to harm themselves. If so, you're going to need to talk to the friends first and ensure that they don't blab anything to her about you. Whenever a situation crops up where you two are talking about the situation, change the subject immediately. The cool thing is they don't get a vote. Are you close enough with the other friends that you could talk about the situation with one of them, or would that just cause more drama? Stop lying! There's two obvious options; ghosting or venting. I want to catch up once a week, email only. When a person you dated once or talked to online briefly is texting you, and you dont want them to, you should tell this person exactly how you feel. They may be in a position to sabotage your work or reputation. And can you trust them to maintain those boundaries? If she gets upset be clear and firm and day you have can't spend all Ur school breaks with her. Ghosting might not work for her and she might end up stalking you for some resolution. How to Avoid Friends Without Hurting Them. Dont Block, Ignore, or Ghost Them. Maybe you can quickly choose one. They may only be inviting you somewhere because everyone else from the office is going and they don't want to seem rude. (I asked him later, and once we figured out who they were he said he knows exactly where they live but I probably shouldn't hang out with them because all of them are very immature like that. Friendship is beautiful. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. All my friends will be gone next year so I need spend time with them while I can and also actually talk to ppl and socialise with those in my year but I can't do that with her clinging to me. Just put a distance and the friendship should eventually die out. How close is she with them? There's no other way. Give him a piece of your mind. The accused can always say, "Whoa what's wrong with you? I tried to see things from her perspective at the start and I do understand how it can feel to be on the outside of conversations and dependent on one person, but I fixed that by maturing and seeking out others. Then ask the person how theyre doing. While you might like the attention, do not lead him on. Recognize what experts call a friendshift by paying careful attention to your feelings when you see photos of your friend on social media or get a call from her/him. 5 Take a fake phone call to get out of talking to them. You Havent Committed A Crime. When I asked if he'd even been there, personally, she got mad and just said he knows where it is because her mother said so. Know If You Truly Want To Friendzone Him. Whether the two of you are growing apart or she did something to wrong you, letting her down in a nice way shows that you are a mature, caring person. She lies to my face, always about serious things (abortions Them also showering you with affection to keep you around is another way of control, especially if they are aware of the friction too. You should be empathetic and if you can help her in some way you should. You can also talk about how attractive you find a particular guy. They are just trying to make you feel bad and manipulate you into staying friends and doing what they want. Good luck! I strongly disagree with the idea of slow fading or abruptly cutting off. It was hard and i felt awful, but it worked. I would be devastated to find out someone I thought was a good friend has been staying in touch with me and hanging out with me while secretly gritting their teeth to get through it. Is it likely you'll keep running into her at parties, or eventually at your other friends' weddings, etc, even if you stop hanging out in smaller groups? Of course, someone can react badly if they realize you've been making excuses ("Arg! Dont be the guy who is always calling or texting her. That friend is a bit of a manipulator, saying YOU should watch movies with them because it makes THEM feel happy and you arent a good friend because you dont enjoy it? For all things friendship! and think some of these answers are a little cold-hearted. Why not just tell her how you feel? She also used to be really mean to me when we lived together, which is why I didn't spend much time with her back then and I never initiated any sort of contact after I moved out. When being friends with someone, a lot of situations may occur when you might just like him a little and get possessive if he gives attention to someone else. Sounds like you need to spell it out, in an honest but polite way. So, Thats Why I Created This Blog to Share My Knowledge with You. If she persists with questions about why you're not responding, just answer with something bland such as 'sorry, I've got a lot on' and DO NOT elaborate: no explanation, no 'how are you?' Empathize With Her But Dont Sympathise. Show Her Your Bad Habits. 3 Mute them on social media. Know If Its Time To Break The Friendship. One situation where all this is especially true is if they invite you to a one-on-one activity in front of your other friends. 1. You're really sure the person trying to befriend you is confident and will be able to handle being turned down. But that obviously complicates things with the other friends. I just don't connect to her anymore and don't want to be around her as much but she didn't necessarily do anything wrong. There are two main options. Is It Time to End That Friendship? It's not the most devastating type of emotional pain ever, but it's still difficult. When around him, try and be in your comfort clothes. Option 1: Block them from all social media and change your account names. Thank you, I've been trying to accept that she's not my responsibility but it's hard after spending the last month acting like her babysitter haha. Our lockers are right by each other so I can't pretend to have missed her during lunch, but I just can't bring myself to care about her even though she's really nice and my resentment is only growing - it's all I can think about when I'm with her. You don't owe anyone an explaination (especially since it sounds like there's no logical reason you can give them that they'll be satisfied with. A girl I used to share an apartment with is regularly trying to keep in touch with me, trying to meet up for drinks and so on. Do Not Flirt With Her. Dont Expect Friendship. Take your time and heal and let her heal too. Tell Her Directly. If you feel you can take a chance with her and she is worth the time, think twice before you shut the door. However, I don't think cold efficiency should be your main consideration when deciding which approach to use. It may seem like emotional beytrayl at first but you have to prioritise yourself. I didn't have anyone "save" me and give me friends which is what I'll apparently have to do for her since she won't even look at others or do anything on her own. Appreciate her feelings for you and treat her well even if you do not want to be with her. Home How To How To Friend Zone Someone Politely: 70+ Tips. Bringing this up might help you get closure, and potentially help her in the future (learning how her behaviour is interpreted/affects others). If I don't do it now then it'll only get harder. He will gradually understand the value of friendship. Also, you dont need to feel bad as you need to know that you are not liable to like them back and have your own life too. It's not a shity thing and you shouldn't feel bad that she doesn't have great social skills. In most cases it will cause less total emotional pain than rejecting someone outright. The friend sounds difficult - like red flags difficult - but it also sounds like you're not setting boundaries. You'll always send them love and care always but you think you should take space away from them. There is no requirement that you must be friends with everyone who seeks out your company -- but there are ways to If I want to go to the music room at lunch (which I'm allowed to do, and had to directly ask the teacher for permission for her to come with me because she refused otherwise), I literally have to tell her a week in advance or else she'll whine, like, actually whine like a toddler and argue with me. Just because you spent your grade school days or high school years with a friend doesn't mean that you will always have a close relationship with her. Here are some of the ways that you can friendzone someone politely. If they go, "Well is there a day that would work for you? Start being assertive and if she complains about a class simply let her know that you don't like hearing her complain. Consider whether your frien When friend-zoning a guy, you need to be careful about how you do it. Dont talk to them as much, dont hang out with them as much, put in a boundary. Or there's a member of your social circle who you only see when everyone hangs out together, and you get the sense they want to be one on one buddies. This is a great way to shun her away. I was shy, awkward, and lonely until my mid-twenties and created this site to be the kind of guide I wish I'd had at the time. For example, if your art club friend can't accept that you want to hang with your new basketball teammates, your changing interests may make your friendship end. Whatever the reason, you're not open to a closer relationship with them. They rant about you online. On the link below you'll find a training series focused on how to feel at ease socially, even if you tend to overthink today. Dont give her false hopes. Both methods have their simple and tricky parts. Thanks for the advice. She's really nice but constantly complaining, acting strangely and immature, and we have nothing in common. Go to a game together or just knuckle bump him when you meet him. When around her, talk about your exes. Since he is so confrontational about how he wants you to be, I feel that you should also express your feeling the same. You've met someone new, maybe through work, mutual friends, or a hobby. Do what you think is best for you! It will make you feel less guilty if you give him another chance, rather then ending abruptly. Ur very considerate to think of her like this and to have befriended her and put up with her. You have a strong sense they're bad at picking up on hints and/or unaware of social rules (i.e., to stop trying after three unsuccessful invites). She's constantly going on about how my dad knows her family and insisted my dad should drop me off at her sisters party (a family get together where I would know no one and she bragged about drinking at, that I didn't end up going too) even though he'd be working, because he would know where their house is. When friend-zoning a guy, dont try to be too nice to him. I think I disagree with most people: IMO you're not doing the right thing currently. Im a 38-Year-Old Personal Trainer Who Enjoys Eating Out, Watching Television, and Worshiping. They sound a bit manipulative if they get angry that you don't respond.being angry at you for not giving them your attention all of the time isn't healthy at all. You TELL them what you're going to do, because it's not up to them, and they can take or leave it no matter how much they fuss. I have tried distancing myself from her but she keeps texting. This will also make him harbor false hopes in his head and he will soon make more efforts. ", They whine and cry some more" "What about my problems? Wedding is fine if you'd like to go, but you don't have to attend the intimate stuff like bachelorettes and showers. ". This could be an indirect way of telling her that you dont like her. I met this girl at the start of the school year (so only a month or two ago) and we began eating lunch together twice a day, everyday, since most of my friends are in the year above us and the school divided year groups to limit contamination (I still have friends in my year tho) and she doesn't seem to have anyone at all. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Imagine you've started a part-time job and a co-worker asks you if you want to grab drinks at the end of the shift. I hate that I'm doing this, but I knew since I first met her that the friendship (although I would barley even call it that) wouldn't last. Edit: after reading your last paragraph, just know it's okay to not like someone as much as they like you. What's not fine though is the constant complaining ("ugh I have [insert any subject because she complains about ALL OF THEM] " "ugh I have a match tonight") especially about tests she admits to not having studied for while knowing about them 2 weeks in advance and constantly making excuses for and complaining about failing - and the childishness. ", "This isn't about you, this is about me. Do not say anything and start becoming unavailable to meet. Are you sure you have a deft-enough social touch to reject someone nicely? How do I stop being friend with someone without offending her? She might think that you are doing this because you are attached to her in the wrong way and eventually you will be sending the wrong message. Instead of telling your friend that you're done, a passive rejection includes not returning calls, emails or texts and declining any social invitations, according to the article, "How to End a Friendship" on the "Psychology Today" website. Apparently, like this: If someone asks why youre doing something a certain way, simply reply, It works for my family.. One way to deal with a chronic interrupter is to stop speaking as soon as they interrupt. I'm really busy these days, and barely have time to see my buddies who I've known forever. I've only got so much energy for friends each week, and I like to spend it seeing everyone at once.". If you organise stuff with your two other friends don't make it about excluding her, just casually drop her from the invites. Learning how to cut off toxic people is an important life skill. Reassure yourself whether you truly want to friendzone him. It will be hard for you too. Change The Subject. Be honest, tell them the current situation without the fear of hurting their feelings. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When in front of him, talk to other guys. I rarely state my opinion but when I do, everyone Press J to jump to the feed. Just avoid complicating the situation. There's no rule that says that if you turn someone down you have to provide them with constructive feedback. Dont make drastic moves on social media. The hybrid approach is to tell someone straight away that you're not available for a friendship, but instead of rejecting them, you make one big, long-term excuse that covers all your bases. This question makes me kind of sad for her, it's not a huge mystery why "this girl" "somehow" thinks you are friends. They may get mad and hold a grudge, which everyone can pick up on. If they blow up about it, you dodge a bullet anyway and block them. Although he might feel hurt, he will soon get over it. Once a friend, you should always be a friend. He's never been to their house or been friends with them personally. You'd have to really, really not care about their feelings to out-and-out reject them in front of an audience. Pretend to Be More Like His Guy Friends. Girls generally tend to be more sensitive and get emotional. There's a lot you can do to improve your social skills on your own - I wouldn't have made this site if I thought otherwise. Additionally, you might want to explain to them why you feel a certain way. To put it another way, it's usually hard to tell which method will work best for any one person, but being indirect is the safer, higher percentage play. Dont Lead Him On. I am tired of her, I thought if I distanced myself she would get the idea but she's so self centred that she won't, I guess. If your friendship is truly fizzling, chances are that he already knows that the two of you aren't a match. When a question is particularly personal, give the person a strange look and say, Why do you ask?. It's always something that doesn't need to be whispered). I want to start this off by saying sorry for the rant, and I feel terrible. He will have respect for him even though his heart may be broken. Ending a friendship nicely includes letting that person know that although he isn't the "right" friend for you, he is the "right" friend for someone else. Who will I talk to What's going on? Being a friend brings some responsibilities and you will not want to hurt a friend unnecessarily but things happen in life and you need to do what needs to be done. You may feel badly about hurting the other person -- even if it was unintentional -- or worry that the demise of the relationship was completely your fault. Sometimes they buy your white lies and move on, none the wiser. This might get her even more hooked on you and you will simply be taking advantage of her feelings for you. You deserve someone who will respect your boundaries and your reasons. That may make things tense for everyone. If you're a fairly big guy, you probably aren't very concerned he may flip out, or that he's secretly infatuated with you. Ending a friendship isn't always abrupt or sudden. 4. Well it's easy to just cut someone out of your life without an explanation you just stop communicating with them. This serves no true good purpose. Gotta say goodbye and move on for your own sanity! An excuse lets them save face. I Have a Degree in Psychology. TL;DR : I met this girl like 2 months ago and she became really clingy since she has no other friends. Talk To Other Guys In Front Of Him. Set Him Up With Other Women. If they're your supervisor they might retaliate by cutting your shifts or cooking up a reason to fire you. You're also in no way obliged to let. You feel down or tired after seeing your friend. Being compassionate will only give him a false hope that you have feelings for them and you care. Don't make any moves to suggest an alternative day or activity. Unless the breakup was completely mutual, letting a friend go never feels good. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. They've been put on notice. That person must had done something wrong to you that you dont want to be his/her friend now. So If this is the case then you should explain that Either you'd already decided that from your earlier conversations, or you recently took them up on an offer to hang out and didn't get a lot from of their company. Option 2:Simply tell them you do not feel comfortable with the friendship anymore and will be moving on. They'll feel worse if you string them along for weeks or months, their hope slowly turning to humiliation, dejection, and annoyance as it dawns on them you never had any interest in hanging out. It's not like having to give an excuse here and there is a huge burden. Just because you don't worry about someone getting pissy if you don't want to be friends doesn't mean other people don't feel more at risk. Also, tell him how much you want him as a friend. This kind of brutal honesty will either push her away, or help her to understand why she has no other friends. ", "I've got family stuff I need to go to. They get angry and lash out. Believe it or not, it will be very difficult for him to withdraw his feelings later and wont be able to cope up with the injustice. You wouldn't date every guy who asked you out, and you wouldn't become friends with every person who ever showed a friendly interest in you. Now I need to plan the inevitable. This will show him that you are not interested in him and he too will try to withdraw himself from this situation. She also messaged my younger sister (13) on SnapChat two weeks before school started to ask about me even though we hadn't met yet and I had no idea who she was. It's just less likely to happen. I have slowly discovered that many times I am a much better friend to people than they are to me. I'm having some of these same issue's right now, Taking favors will only show him that you need him and he can be the hero of the hour. I feel lost. They don't get a vote. They wince, tell you it's no big deal, then retreat to lick their wounds. You are not logged in, either login or create an account to post comments. Never contact or answer a message from them again. It's straightforward. I also feel sorry for her (though I sympathize with you!) But of course, do that after you've spoken to them (if you feel there's hope) to make sure they are aware of what they've done so they can maybe also learn a lesson from the situation. Respect Her. One not-uncommon risk factor for a poor reaction is that the person may be pretending they just want to be friends when they really want more. Turn off notifications and move on. Keep the appropriate people updated like close friends or family you never know what they could do. Try and talk to a lot of girls in front of her. Yesterday some some people who knew her asked for her to throw their ball back on yard and she blushed and forced me to go with her. You may not hear from me in a while, I'll try and catch up with you next month. If you're a petite woman you've got a lot more to worry about. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. 3. Like girls, a lot of manipulative guys like the attention they are getting and in turn lead the girl on. But if you sympathize too much, she might feel that you actually like her and this will even make her a little weaker. She's constantly hiccuping and burping too. . ", "Sorry, I don't have any room for new friends these days. I thought this was weird and asked her about it and she says she found my sister on quick add, but that doesn't explain how she even knew who I was, or my sister enough to ask about me. Her articles have appeared in "Pittsburgh Parent Magazine" and the website PBS Parents. Touching will intensify the feelings for him. ", They might freak out and ask you what's wrong and again you can say "Hey, I'm ok, but I'm just going through stuff right now. I've been writing about social skills for fifteen years. Click here to go to the free training. Your friends may feel uncomfortable on your or their behalf. If they say something like, "I don't buy that explanation. You can try the slow easing away. Dont answer phone calls, take a long time to return them. Same with text messages. Announce on Facebook (and/or Be aware, however, that even though you aren't necessarily hurting your friend's feelings or being mean outright, she may not view being blown off as "nice.". You know they'll keep inviting you out unless you explicitly tell them you're not interested. Like I said, I'm in the exact same situation with a best friend of mine of three years. I note it less stopped all contact with them. All of this is horrible. By Barbara Graham. She's my only friend at uni and I don't care about losing her, I'd rather spend all the time by myself. Here are some examples: If they try to change your mind, stick to your guns. If you rejected them in a rude way they may trash you to your mutual friends. how to deepen superficial connections into How Satisfied Are You With Your Friendships? Dont Dress Up Especially When Around Him. This is a great way of showing her that she is like a friend without being too blatant. Talk to him as you would with your other girlfriends. Do not be mean, insulting or disrespectful to any other user on this subreddit. You can pat her on the back or maybe give them the knuckle bump once in a while. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I feel like since they're online and in another country, an abrupt cut off can't hurt anything either. How do I politely let her know I don't want to be involved in her life at all and would prefer to never meet again? Rather than him misinterpreting the situation, you can take a step back and not let him, harbor false hopes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. You may as well be upfront. Absolutely. There are definitely people who's weddings I've been to who aren't part of my life anymore! Tell her that she is the sister that you never had and always wanted. I think what makes the Use Excuses approach better is that it's likelier to save people from emotional pain. Even if you word your rejection in the most blow-softening way possible, it may still hurt their feelings more than giving them the runaround. You can write a letter (or email) if you really cant talk to her, but I think that a calm statement of your emotional response to her past actions might be confidence-building for you and educational for her. This could change the relationship in a better direction and honestly, it will make him a better, less needy person if he chooses to self-reflect now or when the relationship is long done. Also, if your other friends get to know about this, chances are that they will boycott you too. 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