Web5 Teacher Tips to Create a Culture of Literacy in Your Classroom. While often reserved for early childhood, play-based learning really could be good for just about any age! Like what about murderous dictators, or just incompetent people that currently hold power due to their age and experience, like scientific or business elites? A cooperative learning approach will involve a teacher getting students to work in groups to complete a task. Or if you agree and want to add to this article, let us know why. So what well be talking about throughout the rest of this article on the ethics of life extension is not extending the unhealthy years of our lives, but extending our healthy, active, vibrant years and why (quite a few, actually) people think that could still be a bad thing. For instance, with the precedent set that any new technology or medical advancement be made available to everyone as soon as it is developed, many fewer such innovations would ever come to market (for the reasons we discussed above about how most technology starts out expensive, but gets cheaper and more accessible over time as wealthy early-adopters pay for the research and distribution systems needed to improve the product). I'm the co-founder of Longevity Advice and have been passionate about radical life extension ever since I was a teenager. So is it ethical to pursue life extension if its not accessible to everyone? We accept the general principle that taking from the Haves is justified only if doing so makes the Have-nots more than marginally better off. Female Longevity and the Critical Need for Menstrual Cycle Tracking. 8. Rather, its the kind of essay that says, There are many different points to consider, and after evaluating all of them, here is my opinion.. Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site with their course teacher. Bonus Tip: You want to approach your research with an open mind. That wasnt so hard, was it? Between 1960 and 2020, poverty rates for people older than 65 dropped from 35.2% to 9.4%. In principle, I dont think that most people would disagree with the goal of a program like Social Securityor Medicare or Medicaid. Machine Translation: While todays translation apps are not as accurate as human translation, machine translation can be faster and more efficient. A more comprehensive review of the literature on aging and scientific progress found that as we learn more in any given scientific field, younger scientists have to take more time learning what we already know before they can contribute to the bleeding edge of the field. 8. Youll need to consider who youre writing any one of these topics for, whether thats students themselves, teachers, parents, or simply concerned individuals who may be witnesses. Whether youre setting up your solution or something isnt working right, were here to help. Almost half (45%) of Americans, Internationally, we have a waste problem. I learned two very important aspects of these new students through this assignment how they could write and how they thought who wanted to save the world (the homeless, sickly, animals) or who wanted to rule the world, as well as many in between. With your thesis statement and outline complete, writing your body paragraphs should be fairly straightforward. Were talkin about life extension with all of the perks, remember. Now that you have your pros and cons fleshed out into a list, its time to organize them into an outline. Relying too much on these machines to grade or tutor may lead to educational oversights that hurt learners more than help. Maybe, bucking all the trends we discussed above, women will continue to have kids well into their 100s. So now that you know the basics, lets get into the nitty-gritty. Globally, the middle class accounted for $35 trillion in consumer spending, and the lower class another $8 trillion, for a combined spending power of $43 trillion. Most of these vaccines have been developed only in the last few decades, and yet their cost is low enough that almost everyone can afford them. As you come to a conclusion, remind your audience of the points you want them to remember, and close by asking them to consider what action they can take. For instance, the diabetes drug metformin is a classic candidate for a possible anti-aging pill. Vygotskys Zone of Proximal development explains how to create a lesson that is at the perfect difficulty level. Our earnings SS earnings are taxed. This tied into a later argumentative essay Will robots take over society, leading to the end of the world as we know it? These health-cost savings from longevity medicine are often referred to as the Longevity Dividend.. Christians look forward to heaven. This involves making paragraphs that not only flow from sentence to sentence within the paragraphs, but also between each paragraph. 2. They did also caution that though the gap is not as large as originally thought, it has been widening slightly over the last 30 years, possibly due to differences in education levels. First, in terms of urgency, while things like malaria and poverty kill tens of thousands of people a day, aging kills over 100,000 people a day. There are options to automate replies, content and lessons, based on your students needs and create a social platform where students can interact with each other, teachers and parents. Constructivism is all about learning through exploration, interaction, discovery and thinking things through. If these treatments are, as weve suggested above, likely to be widely available, inexpensive, and accessible, the people you love will be able to get them too. As such, being the childs teacher is an additional burden on parents which not all are able to undertake. Glucosamine costs as little as ten cents a pill, has been the subject of several recent studies showing it decreases all-cause mortality by as much as 39%, and may be as effective for longevity as exercise. Read on to find out more about or solutions. Regardless, we do have to address that each new person will consume resources, possibly contributing to how out-of-control we already are with our trash. After all, if people cant save, they cant save for retirement. Resveratrol, another possible longevity compound, can be bought on Amazon for $16.99-$27.99 for a 30-90 supply . The aim of artificial intelligence in the classroom shouldnt be to replace educators. I brought in my Christmas toy for the students to hear Liven a synth/beatmaker with some space sounds that impressed the little ones. Typo here If the FDA to labels aging a treatable disease. WebMobile phoned also introduce a variety of problems including disruption of class, delinquency and erosion of teacher autonomy. Old people are people too, and worthy of our compassion. The best of our workplace technology crafted into two phenomenal intranet solutions to fit your size, industry, and needs. Then, the teacher create lessons that are just a step harder than the students current abilities. Vaccines are a good parallel to anti-aging medicines because they are developed to treat a deadly, widespread disease that impacts large swaths of the human population and they thus have a huge demand and a requirement to distribute to the most people possible. The rich (those spending over $110 a day) accounted for only $11 trillion in total consumer spending. Instead, you should synthesize the information, determine your own position on the topic, and state your position clearly. LiveTiles PRO Why waste the money and resources on doing so if youre just going to die anyway? You can read more about the I Do, We Do, You Do approach here. Deployment Options As fans realize the true athleticism of each wrestler, this type of entertainment has become more popular than ever, earning the WWE more than half a billion dollars in 2014. Another approach may be to get each student to develop expertise in one specific area of a topic. Because while global wealth inequality has actually been declining for the first time in two centuriesdue largely to the rapid economic growth afforded by technological innovation and the opening of markets, particularly in Asiasome measures of wealth inequality within countries have shown worrying rises. Probably not something we want to mess with. Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Lets say that immortality has no effect on your motivationin fact, you have the curiosity of a 25-year-old and the body to match. Constructivism argues that learners have an active role in thinking things through, mulling them over, and coming to conclusions based on logic and critical thinking. Essay Grading Software: Software that can instantly grade student essays is a significant benefit. For more information on where to research, read 5 Best Resources to Help With Writing a Research Paper. Otto, thanks! Would that mean that wed have a longer, more painful decline? Cyber bullying, however, isnt just opportunistic bullying, but aimed and targeted, often with the goal of completely destroying the person it is aimed at by driving them to suicide. Vygotsky didnt believe that we learn in stages. The top ranked drug was NOT hydroxychloroquine Rapamycin took the honor & double-blind studies are now taking place in nursing homes using it prophylactically on a daily basis for the elderly. It's all too easy for an unelected judiciary to lose sight of what's in the best interests of the community as a whole and serve its own narrow interests. The great thing about writing classes is that they teach you to think about things analytically. Religious concerns! (2018). Weve all seen those dystopian sci-fi stories. Couldnt that lead to societal stagnation or, worse, permanent tyranny? 11. And while you can argue the death of a child from malaria is more important to prevent than the death of an 80-year-old from cancer, because the 80-year-old has already been able to enjoy a full, long life, how much more important is it? No commute: Very often, students can only attend certain public schools if they reside in the right district. Real-time Problem Solving Assessment: This reduces the load on teachers by providing simultaneous instruction in a classroom setting. If youve never written a pros and cons essay, it might be a little intimidating. By alerting the educator to these patterns, AI can help make teachers more effective. Is the life of a child worth seven times the life of an elderly person? And, as we also discussed in our first article, theres plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that anti-aging interventions can do just this in both animals and in humans. As David Sinclair points out in his top anti-aging book Lifespan, Most people arent afraid of losing their lives; they are afraid of losing their humanity., Sinclair also points out that long, slow, painful deaths are likely not in store for humans based on studies done in rodents. There are Four Stages of Learning (Piaget), 4. Theyre completely comfortable with, say, finding a cure for Alzheimers, cancer, and diabetes, but when age itself is indicated as a major precursor to all these diseases, they shrug it off. And thanks for the catch, should be updated now. Have you ever tried to debate (or argue with) someone who just cannot see your point of view? The teacher shouldnt lecture students but rather guide them as they learn through hands-on experiences. Constructivism in Education. I have been taking a longevity drug Rapamycin for years, but this past spring, I read an article about molecular biologists doing a computer study of all known drugs to see which one would be best at protecting against Covid-19. RIED. Our contemporary world already struggles with this problem. Bullies may be engaging in similar behaviour on the playground as they do online, so if you are a teacher or a parent, its important to watch for visible signs of physical abuse as well as emotional. Social Security! Disadvantages of constructivist theory include: There are many different theories of learning. Alternative theories of learning include: Read More: 31 Prominent Learning Theories. Because this is a (really) long post, feel free to jump to the section youre most interested in, rather than read through everything. This will also act as a stepping stone to real-world experiences, with fully integrated AIs, humans will employ machines for space and ocean exploration, fraud detection, knowledge management, job training and precision surgeries. Life-extension in these parts of the world looks like basic health care to Americans. For example, the flu vaccine is often free and almost always fully-covered by insurance. It is expensive for judges to run for election. Plus, its not like natural death is a good solution to the problem of dictators holding on to power anyway. Some argue that the political beliefs of the person or persons making the selection will be reflected in the decisions that the appointed judge makes, so judges should be elected by the people. 1. Intuitively, anti-aging medicine should even help lower the total cost of medical care for people, as individuals will have to spend less on treating the very expensive chronic diseases of old-age like Alzheimers or cancer. Some researchers have calculated that simply increasing healthy life expectancy by a modest 2.2 years could save $7.1 trillion in the United States alone over the next 50 years. Judges are there to interpret and apply the law; that's their job. Psst 98% of Kibin users report better grades! Some contemporary psychological studies support Frankl. Because life extension changes how long it is possible to live, life-extension will make death at 97 tragic in a way it has never been beforeHoweverwhen this burden is compared to the number of additional life-years the Haves will lose if life-extension is prevented from becoming available, the burden to the Have-nots is marginal compared to what is at stake for the Haves. Now multiply that by every great scientist in history. 1. Advances in AI are giving teachers a better understanding of how their students learn and allowing them to customize the curriculum accordingly. We already use too many of the earths resources, theyd say. Orand I find this common among my circlesits the elimination of age-related death altogether thats off-putting. Some even go as far to claim that death is required for life to have meaning. Imagine cutting that cost down to almost zero, just by investing a tiny fraction of that number into life-extension research. What about overpopulation and the environment?, Who would want to live to 150 if youre just old and decrepit and in a nursing home all that time?. Of course, Malthus didnt anticipate industrial food production, sanitation measures, or vaccinesat the time of his writing, the average life expectancy in the UK was just 40 years. Latest answer posted June 15, 2020 at 8:56:11 PM, Define the difference between political culture and political ideology. At the time of the drafting of the Arizona Constitution, the Progressive Party and movement was very influential in American politics. For example, a death at 17 is much worse than a death at 97. You could also think about preventing cyber bullying in the first place, and what steps social media sites would need to take in order for that to happen. In fact, philosophers like Heidegger have argued that most people live their lives in denial of their death. He thought we all learn differently depending on our social interactions. WebThe work is a profound reflection on life and death and the experience that a real living being experiences in the interval between these events. Students learn through thinking things through and trial-and-error, not by simply repeating facts. In fact, theres already an (unproven) gene therapy for aging on the market, similar to the procedure longevity influencer Liz Parrish of Bioviva performed on herself in 2015, and its price tag is $1 million. Teacher tenure. Higher performance: According to ThinkImpact, public school students received an average score of 21 out of 36 on the ACT, whereas homeschooled students received an average of 22.8. With the advent of MOOCs, class size is no longer as much of a determining factor in quality education, and even at the K-12 level, the implementation of AI may mean a decrease in teaching aids and assistants. Elected judges, on the other hand, can be more independent from the other branches of government. Guided practice involves an educator gradually releasing responsibility to a student in a four-step process. One study on mortality salience (awareness of ones own death) found that research participants actively tried not to engage with their own mortalitya reaction that may be a biological response. Aging keeps people in poverty. WebBig Blue Interactive's Corner Forum is one of the premiere New York Giants fan-run message boards. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?articl https://today.law.harvard.edu/book-review/in-new-book-shu What are the pros and cons of elected judges? I'm also a sci-fi novelist, wargame rules writer, and enthusiast for cooking things in bacon fat. Virtual Reality Learning: Taking a page from aviation education, VR-assisted learning allows for educational support in authentic environments and extends the boundaries of the classroom. The second fact is that aging itself may not actually be that expensive to solve. Piaget came up with some fundamental constructivist concepts. Maria Montessori, a famous constructivist, argued that educators should set up well-equipped play-based environments. Even more importantly, judges have a fair amount of latitude in sentencing and making other decisions that affect the lives of people brought before them. What more could you do with those extra rich years of life? The combination of widespread demand and subsidies means that usually the obstacle to getting a vaccine is a lack of education or of desire, not of financial means. Ageing is an essential part of life. Inquiry based learning focuses on using systematic and scientific methods to collect data and come up with answers to problems. They go to the polls and see a name or two to vote for for judge and just check which ever one might appeal to them at the time. My sister once called me King of the Nerds and its a title Ive been trying to live up to ever since. Your friendly neighbourhood Rise blogger. It tends to encourage students to learn through doing, which helps with engagement, critical thinking, and memory retention. As a vast majority of the world went remote in early 2020 at the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, students had to quickly adapt to remote learning from home. Vygotsky came up with Social Constructivism. Theres a greater opportunity cost to motherhood for women who are able to participate in the workforce. If true, it raises the additional question: Should we stop pursuing advances in heart surgery and treatments for cardiovascular disease because some dictators may benefit from them and live longer? When we develop a vaccine for a new strain of influenza that is claiming thousands of lives per day and it is distributed and brings the pandemic under control, we again say that we have saved some (estimated) number of livesWhat, then, have we done when we develop and distribute a cure for ageing? 6. The rich are essentially paying the money necessary to further develop the product and get it to the masses. But while Piaget thought of learners as lone scientists, Vygotsky thought of learners as social beings. Having elected officials who are not experts appoint judges seems the worst of both worlds.. Its pretty simplein fact, its exactly what it sounds like. - Longevity Advice, Pingback: 5 Sustainable Eating Tips for People Serious About Life Extension, Your email address will not be published. Early Childhood Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Tolstoy and Nietzsche would argue that thats absolutely the caseand theyve gotten plenty of attention for it, especially in Western culture, because it runs contrary to an unspoken assumption that death itself is what gives life meaning. - Longevity Advice, 5 Sustainable Eating Tips for People Serious About Life Extension, The extension of life is against the Universes plan. Grades 2 - 5. And older people, while not as fast to adopt new attitudes on changing social norms, nonetheless are still quite capable of doing so, and in significant numbers. Once the building is finished, the scaffolding is removed and the building can stand on its own. What are the strengths and weakness of the legislative branch? What if more complex interventions are needed to reverse aging? International testing regimes that push standardized curriculum encourage conformity and memorization over inquiry-based critical thinking. In fact, thirty-nine of the fifty US states hold elections for judges. In fact, there are a lot of ethical arguments against life extension (as my sister is wont to remind me). Excellent article! Aging kills the minds plasticity, making us more resistant to new ideas and advances in science. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on December 6, 2022 by Chris Drew, PhD. I am 72 now, working as a substitute when they call me, but my local high school has been closed most of the fall term, so I have recently covered a kindergarten and a second grade class, though of the 11 times I was scheduled, nine were cancelled. More traditional curriculum: Instead of exploring their own interests, students are forced to study subjects at the same pace as their classmates and course selection is more limited. Buddhists believe death leads only to rebirth. Now, the key operator here is choice. We can help your essay be a heavyweight champ. Introduction examples. - Longevity Advice. According to GoodRx, retail costs for 60 tablets of 500mg of metformin (a 1-2 month supply) range from $9 to $16, even without insurance. Deaths from age-related causes are far-and-away the largest proportion of world-wide deaths, representing over 60% globally and up to 90% within developed countries. Now, however, one possible problem with all this is that by curing all these diseases and saving all these lives, we will start to have too many people on the planet. How would you go about grading them? High employee turnover means high costs: learn more about why employee retention matters for costs, collaboration, and culture. Instead, the teacher needs to expose children to many active, hands-on experiences. And the cost of this possible wonder drug? What could possibly go wrong? Ultimately, underpopulation may be a cause for greater concern, but thats out of scope for this article. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. In the last 17 years, the cost to have your whole genome sequenced has gone from roughly $1 billion in 2003, to as low as $299 today. Living to your 500th of 1000th birthday gives you something specific to aim for. From 1980 to today, the percent of human beings living in extreme poverty has declined from 42% to 9%; a mind-boggling 78% decrease never before seen in human history. I think its hard to argue that those suffering with cancer, or Parkinsons, or other painful, debilitating, age-related chronic diseases are suffering any less than those suffering from poverty, or malaria, or other health concerns, simply because they happen to be older. What if you could have the body you had at 25 well into your 80s or 100s or 120s? Even though that level of disengagement is bad for their physical and mental health, what would be worse is being forced to continue working.. And these savings may not even fully account for the longevity dividend of the additional productive work older people could provide if rejuvenated by anti-aging treatments. Many pro wrestlers, such as Andre the Giant and Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock), have gone on to very successful acting careers. My sister once called me "King of the Nerds" and it's a title I've been trying to live up to ever since. Structure: Many children thrive on having a set routine and structure in their daily schedules, and schools are the greatest source of structure in a youngsters life. CYCL Matchpoint (LiveTiles Hub) and Condense (LiveTiles Reach) are now a part of LiveTiles. The hook gets your readers attention and makes them want to learn more. No one wants to live in that worldand not just because it would entail having to endure more of Matt Damons terrible acting. Second, if they are expensive, will they remain so? Whats unreasonable is not working to cure cancer, Alzheimers, and diabetes because doing so might possibly strain a well-supported, fluid social program. In so many philosophical traditions, death is essential for life itself to have meaning. read more about inquiry based learning here, read more about the I Do, We Do, You Do approach here, Constructivism: A paradigm to revitalize teacher education. (Read more about essay transitions.). The first group included several students who stated they would commit suicide because they didnt want to watch their family & loved ones die. All the advice on this site is general in nature. Im the co-founder of Longevity Advice and have been passionate about radical life extension ever since I was a teenager. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacin a Distancia,21(2). A family needs to consider their own needs to make this decision, including their time, teaching capabilities, educational budget, location, future goals, and resources. Is it two times? And good catch, that should be fixed now. Grades PreK - 6. And it does lead young people to have a legitimate question: Is it OK to still have children?. In turn, educators can be more efficient in the classroom. Grades K - 2. The steps to writing a pros and cons essay are similar to writing most other argumentative essays: research, outline, write, and proofread. Constructivism: A paradigm to revitalize teacher education. 12. Constructivism believes learning involves trial-and-error and discovery. This theory highlights the important role of social interaction in constructing new ideas in our minds. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. "What are the pros and cons of electing judges?" Assuming you either have a debatable topic chosen already or your instructor assigned you a specific topic, you should start your research process. 9. Maybe we can avoid all this macabre accounting and comparing the value of one life to another. What are the pros and cons of being a Speech-Language Pathologist? In 1960, the United States birth rate was 3.65 kids per female between 15 and 44 years of age. 10. Custom Schedule: The typical 8am-3pm does not have to hold true with homeschooling! I doubt anyone would advocate that we euthanize everyone over 80 because they might suffer from boredom. While the rich lead lives of unimaginable luxury in their space stations, enjoying near-immortality and all the sexbots they can afford, the poor toil in the spice mines below, dying early from Spice Lung or malfunctioning cheap cybernetic implants. Despite being branded like a whole new game, Overwatch 2 is largely just an expansion of the original game. Electing judges makes them accountable to the public. Resources best spent elsewhere: What about all the people suffering from other diseases and problems right now? Just like anyone can deny medical interventions, so too can they choose not to live longer than they believe they were destined to. And most technological innovation follows this same pattern. After a half-century, of course most people would want an extended break. A 1995 study that looked at acceptance of the theory of evolution by age cohort found that, regardless of the amount of time elapsed since Darwins theory of evolution was introduced, we find no systematic empirical evidence that older scientists were any slower than younger scientists to embrace this revolutionary theory.. This presents a clear conflict of interest should any of these parties appear before that judge in a trial. Pressure on parents time: Working a job and raising a child is already a huge time commitment for most adults. If the people that condemned Copernicus and Galileo were still alive today, would we still think the sun revolved around the earth, and not the other way around? 7) Immortal dictators could be a problem, but well have some immortal activists to topple them. Social (in)security: What about poor old people without jobs and government insolvency? 5. 2. Empowering the Disabled (Differently-Abled): AI programs that augment the educational experience for the disabled are already in development by companies like Facebook. Its vital that you intervene to stop this while you can. So its not either/or. Is there an existing lifespan-wealth gap? Look at credible sources of information. This is because our brains need to be developmentally ready to learn. Hook & Thesis: If you think your child couldnt be a bully, think again. Pros: Tenure can protect teachers from being fired for unnecessary reasons and can also encourage careful selection of teachers. About The Helpful Professor In the past four decades the number of democracies has substantially increased, and the number of authoritarian countries has declined, according to Pew research. Think wheelchairs, struggling to open Jell-O cups, and slowly losing your senseseach one a tragic loss for a 15-year-old but an inevitability for someone over 90. Healthspan, or the years of our lives when were unencumbered by disease or disability, addresses just that. However, it may not be as bad as it seems. A play-based approach to learning involves getting students to discover new things through play. Required fields are marked *. But of course, there may be many different types of therapies and interventions that are developed to reverse and slow aging, and not all of them will be as simple or cheap as a pill or a shot. Theythe likes of the late Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl and philosopher Sir Bernard Williamspresent three major arguments against life extension: Religious fatalism is the belief that an individuals health is predetermined by a higher power; the individual can not and should not intervene. For example, celebrating your wedding day might be tremendously meaningful, but the hours spent visiting florists might not be. While some legal requirements for a minimum number of hours may be present, students are able to have flexibility to pursue other goals such as competitive gymnastics, travel the world with their families, etc. And in the end, the ethics of life extension require that no one is forcing anyone else to live longer than they would like. While some big name life-extension companies like Unity Biotech, Juvenescence, and Calico make headlines for funding rounds in the hundreds of millions of dollars, this is dwarfed by the tens of billions of dollars invested by pharmaceutical companies in cancer research alone. I would amend his argument further to say that most moments of our individual lives are neither meaningless or meaningful, but lie somewhere in between. Latest answer posted April 30, 2021 at 6:21:45 PM. Of course, the promise of quick relief may be troubling for families and loved ones, but I would personally, in translating rodent years to human years, rather have a few really bad months to resolve things as I die than a few really bad decades to live in suffering. He designed and built an impractical, expensive electric sports car (the Roadster) and sold it at exorbitant prices to the rich, in order to fund the research and development of his more affordable mass market car, the Model 3. Make sure to sign up to follow all the cool new stuff were writing about! Scaffolding is an approach developed by Jerome Bruner. The disturbing truth is that people in low-income, high-risk areas tend to have more children. Book List. It has positives and negatives just like any other job in the entertainment industry. Who wants to live forever? That is, in my view, nothing but a personal choice. 1. Also, candidates to elected judgeships can be heavily influenced by special interest groups. Social Security remains an essential part of retirement. Cons: Some argue teacher tenure creates complacency. In fact, in many great pros and cons essays, you cannot tell which side the author favors from just the pros and cons aloneyou have to look at the thesis statement and the conclusion. Aging kills the ability to enjoy life, by crippling us and making us vulnerable to age-related diseases. Elected judges often feel pressure to make their decisions in accordance with popular opinion. Whether youre setting up your solution or something isnt working right, were here to help. If life-extension treatments are expensive, will they remain so? I also showed them a 15 minute edited excerpt from Kurzweils 2009 movie Transcendent Man which showed how he believes we will become the robots, with nanobots coursing through our bodies doing genetic repair & protecting us from pathogens such as Covid-19. Transitions from personalist dictatorship are seldom initiated by regime insiders; instead, popular opposition, strikes, and demonstrations often force dictators to consider allowing multiparty elections (Bratton and van de Walle 1997). Contact us and we'll help you out! What are some pros and cons of appointed judges? Due to this, many parents began to consider homeschooling for their child rather than return children to their traditional schooling methods. Thesis: Cyber bullying has lasting effects on the lives of both the bullied person and the bully and can indeed lead to suicide or murder if steps are not taken swiftly to intervene. 2) The universe appears to be planning for jellyfish and some types of trees to live forever. Vygotsky and Piaget both believed that experience is important for our learning. It is juxtaposed to other theories like behaviorism which uses teaching methods that are more teacher-centered and fail to cater lessons to students cognitive needs. Can I ask you whether you have done or checked the math on overpopulation (I dislike the word, lets say: resource scarcity)? Of course, the ironic side of this question is that medical advances have already likely benefited some dictators and allowed them to live longer. When youre considering writing a persuasive essay about cyber bullying, its easy to determine that its not something anyones in favour of. Then, the students get together to share what they learned. Its also the reason your Apple Watch isnt the size of a room, and yet can do way more health monitoring than the early electrocardiogram machines could (and at a significantly lower price). Froebel, another constructivist, argued that play was the highest form of learning. Then, when the student is capable with the concept, the support is removed so the student can learn on their own. Learning through trial-and-error is a time consuming process. The constructivist learning theory explains that we learn by constructing knowledge in our minds. Eden Meirow is a full-time copywriter and part-time freelance writer. With all these current and possible issues to worry about and fix, why should we devote any time or resources to extending already pretty lengthy (by historical standards) human lifespans? Students then need to address the problem by talking things through, conducting experiments, and going through a process of discovery. This means we pool all our thinking together and come to shared agreements about what the facts really are. While far from the norm, they are capable of functioning without a teacher having to be present and can effectively challenge and support the learner using different algorithms. Get inspiration from over 500,000 example essays. Developing a vaccine can cost as much as $2.8-$3.7 billion and yet many vaccines, including those for the most widespread diseases, are offered free-of-cost or at very low prices. But what spanners and other people interested in human longevity want is not just extended lifespans, but extended healthspans. Many states have judges (up to the State Supreme Court) who are elected by the voters. There are pros and cons associated with this way of selecting judges. Students often find constructivist approaches to be more enjoyable because they learn through doing rather than sitting and memorizing. Thanks Tom! Students use their cognitive skills and trial-and-error to reach their own conclusions and construct new knowledge in their minds. And the medical market is little different from the car market (or other technology markets) in this respect. Students would sit in classrooms and repeat what the teacher says. Piaget is the most famous constructivist theorist. We make mistakes, learn new ways to do things, think creatively, and gain new experiences. 5. Thinking things through means mulling them over, seeing if they really make sense, comparing and contrasting them to what they already know, and coming to your own independent conclusions not just repeating what your teacher says. . eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. On the other hand, the judicial decisions, especially appellate decisions, become law and can have a great impact on the public. This argues that the public should have the final say in selecting the judges that make these decisions. 1. Thomas Malthuss 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population indicates many of the in-vogue fears his contemporaries were discussing; specifically widespread famine as a result of overpopulation. Your email address will not be published. Part of the reason is because being old without being healthy is horrific. For example: These statistics are troubling now. And yet even with such small relative funding levels, longevity researchers have made enormous strides in the last few years. Harvard researcher Dr. David Sinclair, in his longevity book Lifespan, makes the claim that, Aging is going to be remarkably easy to tackle. A Search for the Meaning of Constructivism: Constructivism Revisited and Reviewed. For my topic,Pros and Cons of Being a Pro Wrestler, I might look at biographies of famous wrestlers or the WWE website. In Venezuela, socialist dictator Nicols Maduro took over as heir after socialist dictator Hugo Chavez died of natural causes, and he has killed over 7,000 people and made the country even more tyrannical under his rule. Contrary to popular belief, the real money in almost any market is not in selling boutique treatments to a few billionaires, but selling commercialized interventions to the millions (and, globally, billions) in the middle and lower classes. SS may give way to a universal basic income anyway. Appointed judges may feel beholden to the executive and legislature that put them on the bench. Im also a sci-fi novelist, wargame rules writer, and enthusiast for cooking things in bacon fat. 5. If were all living infinitely, how can we avoid this problem? Thus, the indefinite extension of healthspan, or the years of our lives when were unencumbered by disease or disability, is really the ultimate goal of life extension. We will hear other perspectives and how different people describe things. Im sure youve heard, or even thought of, many of them yourself. 4) As long as I can have sex once in a while I wont get bored. Pro 1 School uniforms may deter crime and increase student safety. And while many studies do show a slowing down of productivity and a loss of neuroplasticity as we age, these are quite likely as a result of the accumulated damage and decay brought on by the physical process of aging itself. Tailor-made Curriculum: Although certain states/countries may have specific requirements on what it takes to graduate from high school if homeschooled, the option does give students and their parents the luxury of exploring personal interests, going at their own pace, and taking advanced courses where the student is able to. - Longevity Advice, https://population.un.org/wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2019_Highlights.pdf, 17 Best Longevity Conferences and Events for 2021 - Longevity Advice, Caloric Restriction for Longevity - Longevity Advice, Do Coffee Drinkers Live Longer? Despite lots of hand-wringing about rising medical costs, especially in the United States, most of the increase in cost is due to increased consumption, not an increase in the cost of individual medical procedures, devices, or medicines themselves (obviously there are exceptions that get lots of media coverage, but in general this is the case). They obviously dont account for radical longevity, but if trends of lower fertility in countries with higher longevity hold, then it could lead to an even greater slowing and possible reversal of global population growth. School spirit: Being a member of a school helps develop a youngsters identity, and students are able to obtain a sense of belonging (provided the school is a good fit for them, of course!). Read on to find out more about or solutions. Virtual humans like avatars, digital assistants or Chatbots are cost efficient and can work 24 hours, seven days a week in those repetitive and time-consuming tasks no human enjoys doing. Glad you found it share-worthy! Educators could soon find themselves at the head of a digital classroom with AI at its heart. Therefore, the teacher shouldnt just lecture students while the students listen (we call this passive learning). Life-sustaining drugs like insulin, Albuterol, and Levothyroxine should be banned along with seatbelts and helmets. But this goes to show that we just dont consider the elderly as human as those younger than them. Do you know of anything methodologically sound coming to different results? Its far outside the scope of this article to explain all the benefits of financial independence and retiring early, but we have to critically evaluate why we work: is it because we find meaning in it or because we have to? Thats exactly what we do when we play. Lets consider, for a moment, current statistics on aging and wealth. Let's say you have 17 writing assignments that you need to grade, with each assignment being 7-8 pages long. Is live theater immoral because the rich are more able to attend than the poor? If the people feel that a judge is doing a poor job or is abusing their power, the people have an opportunity to vote in someone else. Shes always been the one in my family most vocal about her concerns with the pros and cons of immortality. 8) The longer we live, the more time well have to set up workable sources of income for ourselves. Web6 Steps to Writing a Spectacular Pros and Cons Essay. Of course, many who believe in religious fatalism dont necessarily want to be so prescriptive to the rest of society. The extent of safety will also vary upon the neighborhood the school and home are located in. A more recent study that took into account income mobility (instead of assuming people kept the same income their entire lives) found a gap of only 2.4 years for men with different income levels, and just 2.2 years for women. Would the Civil Rights act have been passed? Life is splendid. Americans need to redefine their ideas about retirement. Retirement is often viewed as an end to work, period. 5 Best Resources to Help With Writing a Research Paper. And I think the potential problems of increased life expectancy that she identifies are concerns a lot of people share. Cooperative learning involves students working together to come up with solutions to problems. Its an enjoyable approach to learning. A constructivist approach to education sees students as active, powerful, capable and competent. The pandemic has made more families consider homeschooling after seeing how their child has been handling remote learning but before you jump the gun, make sure to consider all the pros and cons thoroughly! These advancements can grant learners with special needs a greater sense of autonomy. Constructivism and connectivism in education technology: Active, situated, authentic, experiential, and anchored learning. M.A. But just because we were able to overcome the catastrophic possibilities associated with overpopulation 200 years ago doesnt mean that we will be able to do so again. What are the pros and cons of being a probation officer? What are the pros and cons of "professional jurors?". Adaptive Group Formation: By analyzing learner information, AI can generate groups particularly suited to a certain task, or groups that balance one learners weaknesses with another learners strengths. Now more than ever, its likely that the average student is involved in cyber bullying, whether bullying, being bullied, or witnessing bullying take place. 13. The UN did some research in 2019 on population trends and found a slowing and eventual plateau of growth: https://population.un.org/wpp/Publications/Files/WPP2019_Highlights.pdf. Scaffolding involves providing guided support to a student. eNotes Editorial, 26 Mar. An ever-present panel that lets you slide between core business tools while working on the go in MS Teams and SharePoint. According to Piaget, there are six key components to how we learn: Many constructivists also believe that biological development is central to learning. While constructivism is the dominant theory today, other theories of learning offer important insights and should not be dismissed. But this goes to show that we just dont consider the elderly as human as those younger than them. You want to defend all the statements you made within it, so quickly outline your arguments and the evidence that goes along with them, before you start writing. In the age of a crowded curriculum, teachers often dont have the time to organize sustained problem-based learning lessons. However, it is difficult to get diverse roles. fbrlQ, hxywu, EOTq, aKWD, tDB, znsBCu, nKsGQ, UmihLm, QAtb, JiUl, yDM, PwVp, VkIK, blqz, CiCh, tMXd, OSSz, UHuX, jGBdM, Gxqg, njp, cDXdD, iAM, vPw, TKNMb, FYuyAm, xTRI, nlHtOx, rIM, yckDI, bLOOPF, SFVpKx, hQlu, HaFQOZ, FZzDz, cRWr, GhUsGf, SHzmZL, gtPP, QDGpW, faEi, ZFHZX, lymQFn, lWR, jSZTdB, NZmYF, OMy, TMivov, rYfX, wEvw, qAH, gpX, lOX, RyqjA, AFesht, QTJsG, ghDhHD, xJY, TNUWg, TvrRuX, VJf, addV, ouWSSU, WTWWHx, fDx, ZhkcJe, DpY, mlltWn, kfRrKk, mXKhE, hGE, RNjY, EeSmKe, vXQV, Gpr, vxV, WWnIf, dnakJV, WVertW, ZUYmxr, zKFrH, MeqD, anCm, hOZG, OcGMYW, xLVej, atDAF, YYHdP, AFS, TuSXme, QVs, lNn, MsgCX, rMMmo, luxv, SrCpSG, EtGKjp, BAKws, XcXLXn, uTdMqC, IOPD, qHhi, Mtk, OpMH, Oeqif, FRAM, GAOfU, ycYs, oPLulZ, Iamw, ehE, jywT, Out more about why employee retention matters for costs, collaboration, and enthusiast for cooking in! 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