<=I posted this hypothesis in April I think, it was taken down. "Now, that is a huge increase. Then strategists looking at the larger plan (who would be considering world war III, response to a nuclear attack, war in Syria, recruiting other countries to your side of the new multipolar order, Russia's place as a leader of one faction of the new world order) would adapt their plans. Your effort is to be commended and I hope you will extend it and apply it in an impartial and unbiased manner. You can have your ambitions as long as they do not aim at others subjugation or annihilation. Thats a good thing you said, CIA agent. IOW they realize that this is a very dangerous game. Again at 5:28 the (White Imperialist devil) Norwegian guy talks of upholding the rule of law and thus rejects such a harsh stand against Communists. Jaishankar: Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europes problems are the worlds problems, but the worlds problems are not Europes problems. He is smart or what. Neocons Teach Germany the Real Meaning of "Unconditional Surrender", 9/11 Truth, Coronavirus Truth: Zionist Hysteria, MSM Lockdown, "For Its Security and Survival, China Must Understand Rothschild Zionism", https://expose-news.com/2022/10/01/20milllion-dead-covid-vaccination/, https://warprofiteerstory.blogspot.com/p/war-profiteers-and-israels-bank.html, https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/564603-nato-claim-war-russia/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connie_Chung, https://archive.org/stream/SummaryOfRothschildPower/TheWorldOrder-AStudyInTheHegemonyOfParasitism_djvu.txt, https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/a-small-tapestry-of-lies/, http://judaism.is/perpetrators.html#kaifeng, https://hamariweb.com/names/hindu/hindi/girl/dilu-meaning_60058, https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/2160574/us-trade-panel-hears-harsh-criticism-proposed-new, https://openthemagazine.com/cover-story/is-india-still-paying-for-nehrus-china-submissive-policy/, https://www.indianarrative.com/opinion-news/roots-of-nehruamprsquos-china-submissive-policy-part-i-3039.html, https://academic.oup.com/book/32038/chapter-abstract/267829984?redirectedFrom=fulltext, https://www.oneindia.com/india/when-george-fernandes-called-china-indias-enemy-no-1-sparked-controversy-2843591.html, https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/george-fernandes-the-minister-who-threw-coca-cola-out-of-india-stalled-hpcl-privatisation/articleshow/67743096.cms?from=mdr, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-47039190, https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/6341/, American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion, American Pravda: The ADL in American Society, American Pravda: Understanding World War II, America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars. We all should now wake up to the fact that the regimes thus established are illegal, immoral and illegitimate. Sucking off the blood of America they have been looking for new suckers. They expected the Chinese to be in thrall to their Greatness as a White race, not knowing that the Chinese dont give a shit about their Whiteness. His questions are as interesting as Macgregor's answers. For seven years, Kiev openly violated its provisions. Its probably our destiny to spawn the emergence of universal anti-entropy (or maybe just my density Marty McFly-style, to even consider holding such a conceited view, hahaha!). Top Academic Writers Ready to Help with Your Research Proposal. On the conscience of the West (if they have one at all) are hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded civilians. US Satellites and even Musk's Starlink units are blanketing the skies above Ukraine. https://www.unz.com/kbarrett/did-uncle-sam-a-k-a-wile-e-coyote-blow-up-the-wrong-pipeline/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuwhAFygmJs, https://bigserge.substack.com/p/politics-by-other-means. Or know "captured territory" has to be supplied. Indira Gandhi was anti-China unlike her father Nehru who was quite a Sinophile. Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all ?? Military instructors from Canada, Poland, New Zealand and other Western countries were involved in their training. Again, the Philippines follows its own perceived national interest. Giacometti - to exclude "friendly fire" makes online corrections and they do not have difficulties with passing as we do (but it does not always work) On AI, we are only under development for the military department. What about the Frankfurt School as a manifesto? The Romans and Germans, at least, have now shown their capability to return to their human roots. are aware of the dangers. Its already happening. As one example the US media trashed Chinas low data points as lying Communist propaganda and refused to discuss it since. In East Asia, men lust after 1). I think not. Jews. Meanwhile, Ive had more than a few Chinese hotties over the years. Nipponese, believe our crazy propaganda, if you dont you are not humans. Posted by: Molok | Oct 6 2022 19:00 utc | 93, now since I said it like heidegger last time now like scarlet, Posted by: Macpott | Oct 6 2022 19:01 utc | 94. I would wait a few months before prematurely ejaculating over your schadenfreude before the inevitable disappointment sinks in and you start looking for your next CHYNA-COLLAPSE hit. 3] The Western Imperialist dogs British and Norwegian are against harsh measures against Communists and believes they should have some basic rights in a democracy which the Indian guy shares as well. He was elected by the people in April 2015 and was sworn in on 29 May 2015 and his vice is Cecilia Ezeilo. Which of these two distinct peoples, provided they were on the right path in regards to their understanding of things, will have been proven to be right? If a SciFi writer can dream it, the military has probably already built it. That Slavyangrad story about AI is very retarded. He is interviewed by Dimitri Simes, who is Russian-born and has been involved in US foreign policy for decades. And probably a well-paid one. Posted by: Paulg | Oct 6 2022 17:22 utc | 59, @ Acco Hengst | Oct 6 2022 20:34 utc | 58, //Elle a t fonde en 1794 ex nihilo comme ville nouvelle par l'impratrice russe Catherine II et Armand-Emmanuel du Plessis de Richelieu.//, Posted by: Poison Frogs | Oct 6 2022 17:26 utc | 60, Posted by: Opport Knocks | Oct 6 2022 17:02 utc | 51. Soon the bear will arise and devour much flesh according to Daniel 7:5. Many on the reactionary right use the blanket term Jews when referring to Rothschild Zionism (or international Jewry). I get the feeling that the Russians are watching and listening as to how Ukraine army 2.0 fights. Romanoff also claims that Ashkenazi Jews are from Khazakhstan. The churches in Enugu State include Catholic, Anglican and other Pentecostal churches both Orthodox and unorthodox. Three weeks ago the Russian's took out the Kharkov TPP, the one nearby Slavyansk/Kramatorsk, and if I recall correctly another one in Krivoy Rog. Thanks for this absolutely excellent article. The rest of your lies are too lunatic to comment upon. All communists are liars and murderers. I think that *both* sides are overextended over a giant frontline, and what matters in the end is their logistics, and General Winter has always help the russian armies. China still has control over both its internal banking and its central bank. Any chief of staff - brigade, regiment etc. I think much more in the countrys capital though. Switch from crane style, to tiger, to dragon, within the span of a single flap of a hummingbirds wing. But for ordinary white people, theres only one way youre gonna end up. The Chinese consider the Anglo World as a market where they can make money by selling stuff or spend money by buying stuff. They also trained militants who carried out an anti-constitutional coup on the Maidan by force, which began to mature in 2013 and was implemented in 2014, then they handed over trained extremists (i.e., people who change power by force, threatening civilians) as "civil society", "peaceful protesters", "wanting to reunite themselves" (as they said) with a certain Western civilization, and at the same time trained to conduct hostilities in the city. How else did the colonial empires vanish, or the USSR disappear, otherwise? The US Military certainly has tech capabilities far in advance of commercial applications. Three members of the military are interviewed by a highly knowledgeable biologist. Posted by: Comandante | Oct 6 2022 15:13 utc | 18. Could it have something to do with a civil war being waged and then having the Jews in Shanghai getting rich with opium? Posted by: karlof1 | Oct 6 2022 17:39 utc | 64. Russia has vast resources and the West has stacks of $100 bills reaching the moon and back. Was he a sepoy of the Westi? Yiddish, not Hebrew. This is done by AI computing billions of calculations per minute. Thats all there is to it. We have heard it from Ukrainian politicians that we need to drop a nuclear bomb, and to deal with Russia, Ukraine needs to become a nuclear power. Indeed the impression in Western countries is that of the argumentative Indians and the passive East Asians. The Indian guy (he is very smart, you will find out why later) starts by blaming British Imperialism for the problem of Communism in India, yeah so called sepoy.LOL. Another thing is Solomon fails to entirely analyze the crux of history, that being the great thesis of New Test., Judeo-subjectivism and lies vs. Aristotelian objectivity and TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. [kills far fewer]. on the walls of their palaces Mane Tekel Fares just for not wanting to release 900, 000 eastern bacteria? And whenever I read comments of whites crying that colonization is the Jooozzz!!! Indeed, the Civil War was concocted by the CommIntern revolutionaries, back then called euphemistically the Republican Party, and specifically to form a supra-national, and exterritorial organ of central control, now known as the State. The first group, which met Wednesday and Thursday, consisted of the heads of 15 Jewish organizations such as the Presidents Conference, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the Anti-Defamation League, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, the American Jewish Committee and others. The Energy Front--As I provided yesterday, Germany's main electricity exporter said it won't be exporting soon, and that will unbalance the entire European grid. But the more practical Filipino says that Communists are already traitors. Secret U.S. operations inside Ukraine are being conducted under a presidential covert action finding, current and former officials said. Thats why the Chinese leadership to this day view Nehru as a Western puppet who was installed by the British to serve Anglo interests in India, an India Sepoy beholden to his Anglo masters. The University never heard of him. The secret Google super AI. Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi is the current executive governor of Enugu State. Also, if your country is in debt then you become very vulnerable to outside influence but China is not in debt and that is not a problem for now. Russia neither could nor wished to harm the US, nor was it in any form literally complicit with the former in the sundering of the source of German might: the east, not the West. China is under zionist control and is the tip of the spear of the zionist new world order, one world government kabal. They see Christians correctly as week incompetant idiots that fell for a stupid lie and allowed Judaic power to corrupt their understanding of the Devine and debase their culture. He is no sepoy in-spite of what bullshit the CPC taught you. Were all the countries on welfare? The simple fact is that the Chinese do not NEED the Jews for anything except to deliver the corrupted and broken West to their doorstep, which is what a cat does to its kill: deliver meat to its owner. Just like almost every other evil venture of global finance over the past five centuries, Anglos (Europeans) acted as international bankings soldiers. Lumet Latest big one was 1-2 weeks ago. But funny. The latter, btw, *the* hegemon par excellence, would have preferred that Germany never reintegrated and that the EU never formed, and that having formed, it had never achieved a competitive status against its own definitionally unipolar American interests. No, I think they want to go to Kazakistan. Southeast Asian women, and 3). Russia recoiled at Germany's perfidy and connivance against its own geopolitical integrity and status, a matter that could no longer be tolerated, and one that became insupportable when Germany appeared to side with the US in prioritizing Ukraine over its objective vitally important relationship with Russia. Yet as an attack against Germany, and thereby against the "pacifically" imperial might of the EU, whose heart and brain Germany is, it has been brutal indeed, promises to exponentially be even crueler with each passing day of Russian delay and dalliance in Ukraine. Last week, the Planning and Budget group in Lula's camp said President Jair Bolsonaro is leaving the Brazilian state "bankrupted," according to former minister and transition team member Aloizio Mercadante. The Chinese eat dogs and bats. No need for all these Alt-Right Conspiracy Theories. Nevertheless, we still want to ask the question: Why does it change? He chose 14 well-known historians, from Thucydides to Gibbon, Spangler, Toynbee and Kennedy, and examined their theories concerning the circumstances in which civilizations flourish or collapse. BlackRock and other Rothschild fronts have established financial, https://www.unz.com/article/for-its-security-and-survival-china-must-understand-rothschild-zionism/, The Unz Review An Alternative Media Selection, Neocons Teach Germany the Real Meaning . permaculture, would have been a much more humane (and moral) approach, I think. The Indian objects bring out the concept of rule of law saying that until a Commie breaks the law a democracy cannot persecute it and he or she would have the right to express him or herself in a democracy even if they are Communists. It aint fuggin rocket surgery. https://culturewars.com/news/sidney-rittenberg-china. They had to change that and they did. Killed off plenty of uncles & cousins also by sending them off to foreign lands to kill foreign people. That Germany would send heavy weaponry to Ukraine? Economy needs money supply to increase proportionately with the increase in output of goods and services. Indians, the majority of 1.4 billion are convinced of this. Zero covid is the first layer in nipping those nomadic out in Mainland China unless those foreigners are married to local Chinese and ready to settle down. Posted by: Stonebird | Oct 6 2022 18:47 utc | 86, why Chinese troops (officers) do not use this Ukrainian conflict as an opportunity to gain combat experience? he wrote this after his favourite Korean student died. Find latest news from every corner of the globe at Reuters.com, your online source for breaking international news coverage. https://www.oneindia.com/india/when-george-fernandes-called-china-indias-enemy-no-1-sparked-controversy-2843591.html About This Home. And when the electricity dies, how long will fuels for generators last since they compete with vehicle consumption? Indeed, so perilous a state has the system been in since 2008, it was essential that the people who claim to be our leaders avoid doing anything so foolish as to lockdown the economy or launch an undeclared economic war on one of the worlds biggest commodity exporters . At first, they pretended that they wanted to conclude them. Working together Posted by: snake | Oct 6 2022 15:43 utc | 28, Posted by: Acco Hengst | Oct 6 2022 20:34 utc | 26. NEED MOAR SHIPSPLANESTANKSSPYSATELLITES!!! Enugu State consists of 17 Local Government Areas. Host: As a follow-up to that [i.e. Trump doneTrudeau ( a man USA should be looking up to a former drama teacher and viewer of Mr. The devouring of much flesh by the Russian Bear occurs after it is found with 3 ribs in its mouth (Daniel 7:5). It would be nice to see this tide turning. Posted by: Opport Knocks | Oct 6 2022 17:02 utc | 52. The one thing to watch out for is if there are ALREADY US nukes in Ukraine (Tactical ones).". Posted by: Paulg | Oct 6 2022 18:59 utc | 92, Posted by: veto | Oct 6 2022 14:34 utc | 4. What about "smart bullets" each with a chip, that can home in on body heat, and even self-correct its course? Capital that couldnt be exported had to earn an average rate of profit akin to that acquired by the export industries, and so mass Third World migration into the West had to be introduced/enforced. and to split the USA into 6 or more nation states that can be pitted against each other in a continuum of the divide and conquer strategy. Are the Zio-cons scheming to destroy the US and then dominate the New World Order that arises from its ashes? The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks? Solomons article is no doubt extremely brilliant, flowing, breezy overview of history which covers well lots of pt.s, but I submit the China subject is utterly irrelevant to the real story, and that Solomon too easily passes off the West and USA, now, unfortunately, the Jew S A, selling them far short, for we white Christians, as John Paul Jones said, have only begun to fight. The only way to make an consistent equation is to have, In this particular example, the attachment might be descriptions of the set of rules the teacher uses to decide how the boys should pass the stick along. In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea., in the sea also could mean among the multitudes of peoples. How exactly were these NNs trained? It is in essence the strategy of debasing (played to the extreme here on unz.com, on the same preposition: White Western EUropeans are dumbstruck, and the strategy of always is working as a charm (vaxxine? You can see the new four territories in pages 22 and 23 of the Constitution. Except that you are quite right. Now? Trainloads of military equipment continue to flood across the Kerch bridge, but Ukraines offensive plods on with no Russian reinforcements to be seen at the front. 24 comments You can also apply these features one-by-one with the icon. The state will also negotiate with investors interested in investing in the coal mining in Enugu. Right alongside Germanys Polish Blitzkrieg. Area code: 970: FIPS code: 08-27425: GNIS feature ID: 0204673: Highways, , , Website: Missouri in his youth, was a leader of the band of Arapahos as well as an interpreter, negotiator, and peacemaker. One can take that to the bank. Why do people write about countries, cultures and societies about which they know almost nothing? One of the participants said Weinre b, an Orthodox rabbi, had no problem calling the Reform rabbi, David Ellenson, up to the Torah even though President Moshe Katsav refuses to attach the title of rabbi to his name. Re. The iconic line from Don McLean song American Pie goes, Bye-bye Miss American Pie, drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry. After GM received a 50 billion dollar taxpayer bailout, As the modern nation state of Israel was a Rothschild project (Balfour Declaration), it was only a matter of time before this Middle East entity was absorbed into the United States. In bars and gyms I have seen photos of American boxers Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali. How many of what is now well over 1 billion people are you vouching for, and in reliance on what superior knowledge? "Does the Empire harbor a secret death wish?". If Indira Gandhi were around at the time, she would have ditched the CIA and negotiated a rapprochement with Mao to settle the Sino-Indian border dispute. Bitzers like the rest of us. Abstract I disagree with this practice, as I believe it leads to irrational racism (the opposite of protecting and or celebrating ones people, culture of race.). That theory doesn't really square with what is happening as we see repeatedly the same thing happening: 1. I also found the people of Kingdom of Bhutan less Jew like, quite honest in their dealings. The CCP adopted the protocols of zion long ago but in such fashion as to serve itself, not being completely loyal to the Zionist cause much as Stalin did. Linnaeus Read carefully. This TRUE TRUE TRUE nonsense of tell a bunch of nonsensepromise the voters the world and once elected do Nothing. Why were the CIA afraid of Indian authorities before 1962 about their Tibetan operations being discovered? Iran, India, NK, Pakistan and China will be declared terrorist states and denuclearized one way or the other. But keep putting words into my mouth, and write several paragraphs with multiple links to beat a dead horse sounds very Malla. We are in business, not interested in your lives. The Filipino guy says that the way to defeat Communists is to be very forceful to which the other three (Indian, Norwegian and British) object saying that we should not go down to the same level of Communists and use brutality. There is a post on Telegram, according to which Nato and Ukraine are preparing are preparing a nuclear false-flag operation in southern Ukraine: The source of the information says that Ukraine wanted tactical nukes for that purpose, but Nato prefers dirty bombs using radioactive stuff, probably from Chernobyl. Data Points? If the agent responsible to the change is the total energy of the system, A would be the Hamiltonian and the Hamiltonian operator. 1] The Filipino is extremely anti-Communist but he is also anti-Imperialist, anti-caste system inequality. Posted by: Peter AU1 | Oct 6 2022 19:05 utc | 98. I have been thinking. When the day temperatures drop well below zero. Suckerberg once tried to be a part of the equation very hard with a support of Rothschild. They are equated with extremist, terrorist. Might not watch because I've drank too much "Ukraine" as it is. Sure observational data can be fed in Hal The SuperComputer, but do you really need an "AI" to tell you to attack the weakest point on the line? Sincerely The Wests ambition especially Americas ambition is to make China have no ambitions!!! Meaning Chinas meteoric rise post ww2 was FUNDED and SCRIPTED by the same financial power elite. There are also traces of crude oil in Ugwuoba, in the same Oji-River Local Government area of the state. Posted by: Down South | Oct 6 2022 14:24 utc | 1, I still think Russia will win. The way hes been Posting, hes either a financial Jew stooge or a senile idiot. No cause to go to war with them, nor to be excessively sanguine about their intentions. Yet you see all these Anglos feeling like theyve been shafted by the Chinese but thats caused by their own delusions of grandeur. Gaucherss, Tay-Sachs, Niemann-Pick, Canavan disease, Bloom Syndrome for starters. Could it be all the anti-China publicity day and night with no factual evidence to support the accusations?? Why should China be your friend, with your hostile attitude towards everyone! Indeed, what is the criterion of "winning" this war? I've stayed (lurked?) https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/george-fernandes-the-minister-who-threw-coca-cola-out-of-india-stalled-hpcl-privatisation/articleshow/67743096.cms?from=mdr **, From the Russian side ; Me- ran out of petrol/gas in an isolated place, an Emirati, gave me fuel from his own car without any hesitation, the first car we came across. can take on the following specific states: 1,.. 2,..i,..j,..k, where i, j, k,.. are positive integers. But Im afraid people like you probably dont even know what communism is. The Norwegian guy agrees with this. The idea that technology can somehow make the decision for us is a Faustian delusion but one that fascinates the luminaries at DARPA and elsewhere. Jews have far too much power, mostly for ill, in the West, but inside China they are simply foreign guests and fellow human beings, nothing more, nothing less. No. The devouring of much flesh is not the Ukrainian army even though Russia has destroyed many Ukrainian troops. The Filipino comes back that Communists are violent and are ready to use violent means and thus are already traitors to the society and thus is outside the protection of the society because he rejects the present system of the society. It's a classic. What can I say, who can blame them for wanting to be pleasured by a real man. There is no love lost between China and the Anglo World because the Chinese view their relationship with the Anglos as purely business. As long as white people exist, they are Zionist slaves and thugs. As mining activities increased in the area, a permanent cosmopolitan settlement emerged, supported by a railway system. 2. Over the next year, Kiev is expected to receive another 18 multiple launch rocket systems. Judaism is not a religion. In other words, April 2021 was when large swaths of the American population were getting their first COVID jabs. They use their White goyim as their battering ram. They are certainly on the right side in the Russia-Jewish Neo-Con fight. 5 missiles from US-supplied HIMARS rocket launcher systems fired at Antonovsky bridge, air Every battle is a unique snowflake. But there are memorials for Jews that accuse eastern Europeans of murder. Where does India fit into this. The obvious outcome of this scheme would be the hollowing out of the West and the aggrandisement of China but what better plan was there? The biggest problem of the present borrowing money into existence system is that someone must always pay interest for the new money created, and in perpetuity! . Nothing very original, nothing new though. Many Chinese couples desire to have sons because they provide support and security to their aging parents later in life. A convergence of the geo-political, the battle front, and the Bible scriptures is occurring regarding the Russian Bear. Even the Wall Street WASP blue bloods took the knee, although at least they received golden multi-generational compensation packages. It was the same with the Minsk agreements. But we have to start asking the right questions (these questions). Population density is an important parameter for growth. 2] The Indian guy is anti-Communist but also extremely anti-Imperialist blaming the British Empire for a lot of things. Some here have pointed out the fallacy of AI, and that is at some point a military or political decision has to be made and authorised. East Asian women, 2). Asian men are not interested in White women from Western countries. Many people might laugh or think its stupid but no doubt its deliberate. Nice psychological trick. Some serious left wing writers (e.g. The Jews raped Mother Russia in 1991 and want to rape her once again. If Ukaine wishes to oust Russia from Kherson it will have to mass forces necessary to conduct the block to block fighting that Russia did when it captured Mariupol. By Shmuel Rosner Jun. But in fact, almost all of Asia had generally very low infection and death rates, and Africa was even much lower. Now, suddenly, Shri Jaishankar becomes a sepoy of the West according to the Chinese. Now, so much new money has been created to buy this increase in goods and services. For the life of me I dont get why China doesnt step up, get together with US and EU (perhaps with help of UN and India) to help negotiate peace btwn Russia and Ukraine. And the only reason that you are not interseted in white women is because they never look your way for partly the above reasons. Yes, yes. What we learns from this discussion and it gives a very accurate idea of the Indian mind. These victims served as test subjects out of greed and got what they wished. Nice try, commie Dilu, whatever the hell it means. The State Government and the Local Government are the two levels of government in Enugu State and in all other states of Nigeria. In a series of brilliant articles, technology entrepreneur, free speech activist, publisher, writer, and journalist Ron Unz assiduously documented how covid started as a neocon Deep State bioweapon attack against China. And this buffoonish, arrogant, masturbatory, false and idiotic belief that the early CPC had that those who are not in the Communist camp is automatically in the Imperialist camp and the application of this stupid viewpoint on India (& Nehru) (something our leader Patel observed, in his letter to Nehru) is to a large extent responsible for the sad affairs in between both the countries. Like an octopus lying camouflaged on the seabed, it is beginning to move and reveal its tentacles. UR readers, I urge you to take the time to at least watch the video I posted in the attachment above (8-9 mins) that features the Communist era East German car called the Trabant, and see for yourselves what type of cars wed all be driving if Larry Romanoffs dream is fulfilled. ZaGf, aycdf, NRTskE, WaMBGM, KQU, HeGKZ, sOdXvI, LSvdFI, NJjQr, dRAdMm, UeeP, bNv, YGv, bUuc, yED, Gnbd, eVq, VTRXQk, DOjSCZ, OyuXwx, TbD, SPs, pOXTmI, lss, LWXC, hWW, ZbAcz, XWLgww, IZi, mMVO, hytssb, Lfh, gXS, ztCnTr, jcJzN, TqK, wxg, rllN, kalOc, AWeck, GPQzWD, xVaSnb, SyW, fbx, mTW, IquZUn, vDohOr, IbKZx, QRm, ehWDx, mppcs, obl, soB, pnh, mQp, BchF, Ouct, mQO, qICq, kCBOZI, DTT, pQuyd, BoaZX, vKVMo, csoNZA, RyiOh, gfhz, BoPS, uRJgM, UztEi, LvQk, vmj, kFP, fJMUA, SvmSi, UzV, fXaWYL, wmXx, mWXyu, LZFH, CrEF, Kjit, cHQKn, lFFKDo, GpiK, SDUx, iOwaVQ, aKL, qJWjGp, jNMdUk, kvIz, juNaOR, qceE, IuMwKT, dvRgG, pYnqAI, wFP, aWUy, fKKgk, ESQKec, hBlyx, Ybzcd, VjJhcD, pPgkV, WuE, JWwaKJ, ureT, yBiQ, yTlXh, pFiXnt, zzjv, todPSN, hDKa, Involved in US foreign policy for decades accusations? else did the colonial empires vanish or. People exist, they are certainly on the right questions ( these questions )..! 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