Assuming I havent borked any of the math on this, lets assume the buyers are solar-powered robots, who dont need to spend money on anything else like pesky food or utilities or clothes for the am period. Homeless people sleeping rough, mothers forgoing meals in order to feed their children, and pensioners looking for discarded bottles to trade for the deposit. I think I even mentioned theres no way theyd raise interest rates beyond 4-5%. Weekly Round-Up Yep yep small business owners tell me how much debt they are carrying. What is news is that the terminal rate is close, if not here already. There has never been a better time to buy a place in Kelowna. Starting December 11th, 2009, the Aloha Breakfast with Lilo and Stitch will switch to Surfs Up! Seems to good to be true. #44 Don Guillermo on 12.07.22 at 1:41 pm. Compete and utter stupidity. All I want to tell you azizaan is this: Anyone can claim to represent a "household" who are not here to defend themselves. This means they live with severe material restrictions, and can only make ends meet by restricting their lifestyles in a way that the majority of the population takes for granted. Posted by: Seneschal | Oct 9 2022 18:48 utc | 36. * Bud Light Lime (16oz) and Michelob Ultra (16oz) -$6.50, Hole No. Presents simple preparations with flavorful and tasty results, * Chicken and Artichoke Flatbread $4.25 A good friend's wife is the plant/fab directing nurse at AMD in Austin and I might ask her if there have been any horror stories with people turning into Stretch Armstrong. #44 Don Guillermo on 12.07.22 at 1:41 pm. Overall, the data since the October MPR support the Banks outlook that growth will essentially stall through the end of this year and the first half of next year. Looking at this chart. Any other _civilized_ country? The Bank of England has doubled down on intervention. #37 Another Deckchair on 12.07.22 at 1:25 pm. This means that perpetual nuclear reactors have actually appeared. I called this hike right, and I bet the first and third rate dates in 2023 will each yield a 0.25% increase, even if its just to show he can still do it. What is the likelihood that weve optimized monetary and fiscal policy to achieve an exactly 0 real growth rate in GDP while inflation coasts back down to target 2%? Message to our "Muslim brothers and sisters" in Parasite Land: Our nation, a noble people, has faithfully spoken out (even those who are anti-IR) against the injustices done to Arab nations in ME. So all good. A couple of very exciting news items to start out with this week! Albuquerque, New Mexico. (And rest assured things are just as dire in Etobicoke, Oak Bay, Niagara and Kits.). Greater Fool Authored by Garth Turner The Troubled Future of Real Estate. Any charlatan can wrap themselves in faith or democracy or whatever. Less the $35,000 you can withdraw from your RRSP, that leaves $277,000 you have to beg/borrow/steal for the down payment. The last time the Bank of Canada stepped on the gas and hiked the cost of money (October 26th), it said this: Given elevated inflation and inflation expectations, as well as ongoing demand pressures in the economy, the Governing Council expects that the policy interest rate will need to rise further. (or at least all their wool). In the end, no British troops were killed throughout the war. WebOnline food shopping is easy at Tesco. Stupid is as stupid does. There is none. I personally find the Mojahedin-e-Khalq, which we Iranians know as Mozahemin-e-Khalq (means bothersome busybodies of "the People") a very distasteful outfit. I've never eaten there either. Here too, dedollarization is underway. Personally, I am grateful to Uncle Tiffy as he has allowed the Cdn $ to tank vs. the US $ by about 9% in the last 6 months, 12% last week. May we suggest "Syria" or Lebanon as a final destination? Time to load up on heart disease and diabetes related stocks. This, after they transform the place into Vancouver with 10 people now sharing a house as that is the only way to afford rent. Historical EFF rates minus inflation are plus minus 2%; August CPI year on year was 8.3%. The Coronavirus Relief Fund was created to get money to states and cities. Any comment on relative numbers of homeless folks compared to the Bay Area? Many thanks to Sepah Cyber army members contributing in "thoughtful" discussion of matters on MoA. See menu below! Also, let's agree that H2 has storage and transmission issues because of the small-molecule problem. The problem is the economic part. Pricing and demand are related, but pricing response is neither instantaneous, nor is the pricing consistent, nor is the ability to respond to pricing, 100%. And that buying was a while ago. This is how much money a family in Kelowna must earn in order to afford the average house, given 5%+ mortgages. Naturally "Syrian Girl" knows who butters her bread. Do they expect it to dip below that so they get a capital gain? Filed Under: Buffet, Character Dining, Counter-Service, disney parks, Disneyland, General, Hard to Get Reservations, High-Brow, Interviews, News, Recipe, Table-Service Tagged With: Aunt Jemima's Pancake House disneyland, disney dog treats, disney food photos, pinocchio village haus, princess tiana, Surf's Up breakfast with Mickey and Frinds, tyra banks and disney, vintage disney photos. I have never been sick in my life, never smoked, occasional drink and always ate right and took care of myself. Both essays by M. Tracey address the accepted history of the holocaust, and are crucial to understanding the cunning practices that promote a partisan war agenda masquerading as sacred and self-evident truth. I am sure you understand.]. Three months later, Hendrix went to England. Seems to be that warmer temperatures dry wood faster. I am with those who think going to Odessa and linking up with Transniestra should be the primary objective of the Russian winter offensive, but I also think it's time to cut Ukraine off from NATO by sending down a further force from Belorussia to join up with the Odessa/Transniestria force. Russian Telegram channel Zvezdanews has published two close-up photos of the SeaFox mine disposal system that has been found in 2015 near the Nord Stream pipeline: photos. Its about moving people, or allowing them to move themselves. I dont see any desire for our PM to reduce spending. Oh well not so long ago the same ninnies were buying these at as low as 0.4%. To make me want it. Since ERCOT doesn't mandate, buildout of solar PV and wind isn't their problems one way or the other. Posted by: c1ue | Oct 9 2022 19:58 utc | 55. Going back - any thermal system is going to lose a minimum of 30%. History has taught that climate and geological mega disasters might wipe out humans, but definitely buy the planet time. I give you a red card for this stupid comment. This was the minimal necessity for gaining public support. Disneys Contemporary Resort: The Wave My firm borrowed money under the Paycheck Protection Program during the unprecedented uncertainty of early April 2020 and then repaid the loan in its entirety two months later in June. I lived in the GTA in the mid 80s working for Ontario Hydro. Filed Under: Cult Favorites, disney parks, disney's hollywood studios, General, News, Snacks, Special Stuff Tagged With: Chip and Dale Snacks, disney character foods, disney food products, Goofy's Candy Company, Mickeyroni and Cheese, Minnie's Bake Shop, snacks at disney, Wonderland Tea. Round 2, December 2020: $600 per income tax filer, $600 per child (Consolidated Appropriations Act) Is Tiff willing to take that gamble? You are correct, Those were no different than the low-income subsidized housing we have here in BC. Theres nothing in the middle. Inflation is a hidden tax and to them it sure beats having to tax directly the taxpayers. Free smoked salmon! A pause is not enough, Tiff is going to have to start cutting if he wants to save the housing market.. When is the stock market going to see green? Its directly the cause of highly paid, permanently employed and lavishly pensioned civil servants. So you are saying that these supposedly smart people can not predict what the results from their monetary policies will be even approximately but people should trust them, trust in what exactly? Sadly, those not financially wise and/or in a position to ride out a downturn will be forced to lose some or all of their money invested into real estate. It will, and will continue to be, a direction here in cities in Canada, too. Percent of new car purchases with 73+ month loan terms: Can the e-f-e plant operate intermittently 18 Jason on 12.07.22 at 12:23 pm #114 TurnerNation on 12.07.22 at 8:39 pm While not being such an economic powerhouse as the countrys southern parts, Lower Saxony harbours a number of important companies, especially Volkswagen and Continental, as well as various industrial centres, dockyards, and a number of universities. <=There is another dimension to this Palestinians w/n/b badly treated guarantee.. careful review of the Gen Palin Commission reports dealing with documenting and assigning blame for Balfour beneficiary atrocities in pushing native Palestinians from their homeland during Pre Israel days is instructive. You can also buy homeware and earn money-saving Clubcard points. Mickeys Many Product Lines The roads are nuts, and getting more and more useless. document.write(''); What is that? Funny how this works. I dont think the BOC and its back channels to the politicians are going to worry about the over extended fools, there just not enough of them to have financial or political clout to abort the mission to rational monetary policy, now that we have seen what destructive distortions the Greenspan experiment created. Now you understand why we dumped all our overpriced Canadian real estate 20 years ago. Filed Under: Counter-Service, Cult Favorites, disney parks, disney's hollywood studios, Disneyland, Downtown Disney Orlando, General, Hard to Get Reservations, High-Brow, News, Special Stuff, Table-Service Tagged With: best restaurants for thanksgiving in disney, thanksgiving in disney, thanksgiving in disney world, thanksgiving in disneyland. No one said life was fair. Try catapulting up. 99% of young Canadians cant afford a home to raise a family. Opa! While this isnt a Disney innovation, it is a way to take advantage of technology when dining at Downtown Disney. Dang what a shame, no one will have to close and take on the unaffordable mortgages at ever higher interest rates. It is a simple matter of fact that the declaration came BEFORE the British takeover of Palestine. The Bank of Canada is not buying those bonds lately. It is only sticks, dirt and drywall. Now that interest rates are going upPAY UP! NB, I see the day has already started back east Im having first coffee of the morning. Filed Under: disney resorts, General, Grand Floridian Resort, Hard to Get Reservations, High-Brow, News, Special Stuff Tagged With: disney food news, disney food rumors, The Victoria Room, Victoria and Albert's. I don't believe this is going to happen in the face of massive food, utility bill price increases and furthermore I firmly believe we're are at the end of this SPR induced gas price decline, but YMMV. She was recently highlighted on the news in Orlando as a featured chef theres even a great video where she demonstrates the secrets to making her blue-ribbon-winning Apple Pie! ******************************** 4. The advantage of wind and solar is that the fuel is free, and the capital costs per KWH of electricity tend to be significantly lower than that provided by fossil fuels, and even nukes. The declaration refers to the overwhelming majority of Palestinians as "the existing non Jewish communities" or some such rubbish. So we have 9.75% round trip energy losses with a ROIC "cap factor" of 10%. Other Payment Options Housing affordability will continue to deteriorate. There are undoubted some modifiers to this strategy because the dispatchables aren't going to be available (invest what's necessary to operate) only to be used on an intermittent basis which may not provide the revenue to offset the costs plus some decent profit. Regardless of what the burn-it-all-down folks say (really just jealousy, cynicism and greed), there is no need to hammer the economy into submission. Again, this puts the market at risk for a crash depending on the amount of distressed volume at play. It would set the stage for taking all of the Donbass and Zaparozhye, cutting off Kharkov from Kiev, and eventually encircling Kiev, pressuring the regime either to flee westward, surrender, or fall to a coup. One tech advancement Im very excited about is Wolfgang Puck Express online ordering system. Thats the trend and this will counteract deflation. Maybe bond yields will drop low enough that fixed rate mortgages can prop up prices. Sigh. Also, be sure to visit the Orlando Sentinels Daily Disney post about how Disney chefs lightened up Thanksgiving recipes. character meal in Disneyland, Disney-influenced, Christmas-themed dog treats, Surf's Up breakfast with Mickey and Frinds, New Surfs Up! Besides, does anybody trust BoC statements on where rates are headed? No homeless there. 2. Texas has all sorts of programs aimed at ensuring sufficient extra capacity as well as dispatchable capacity. Troubles at a synagogue Americans would consider placing the decoys on the Russkie pipeline as a good prank. Id like to see the bank rate at 10% and it should be there now anyways. Consumer spending people are still spending just putting it on credit as we saw from the last Equifax report so while the savings rate is down the credit usage is up not a good thing as folks borrowing are doing so with higher rates ++++ So the answer for your question is: the market will provide. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. Yup. They fly to Vancouver for meetings .There are no jobs to support a normal demographic of new families etc. As someone with a family income north of $220k/year, Im wondering if my expectations are off or if people are indeed crazy to spend so much money on where they live. My income was immediately 30% higher, my job satisfaction was greater, over all cost of living much lower and quality of life much much higher., Posted by: too scents | Oct 10 2022 8:19 utc | 82. That is not nearly sufficient for any significant impact. The pretty instant response sent them backtracking, but there it is - a private company is on track to punish thought crime/political challenge. Disturbing US labour force data signals trend change,, I think what is also scary on that chart is the average household income is basically flatlined for 20yrs lol, #139 Dharma Bum on 12.08.22 at 8:50 am Red and green; Christmas season. Great point. These, I think, are entirely new. Posted by: Lemming | Oct 9 2022 19:01 utc | 38, Maybe we (Canada) should just buy handguns for our military from Oman, Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Oct 9 2022 19:03 utc | 39, Posted by: c1ue | Oct 9 2022 14:02 utc | 10. Haha, Most IMPORTANT thing: not going UP isnt DOWN. Students are also greatly affected by the situation, especially recipients of federal funding. If youre celebrating an anniversary, a birthday, or anything else, just purchase one of these little chocolate disks for $.75, smack it on top of a cupcake, and youre in business! Homeless spilling out onto the streets everywhere. I think the banks and the builders will wait for conditions to become more favourable. When is the stock market going to see green? Posted by: too scents | Oct 9 2022 19:27 utc | 48, Posted by: too scents | Oct 9 2022 19:27 utc | 48, The short answers to most of your yes/no questions are "yes.". Then there was the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (or SLFRF if thats easier to pronounce, and it isnt). I agree. The result? My union just voted in a 14% raise over 3-years. The spread between 3.75% bank BOC rate versus the 6.9% inflation rate made no sense, it was just too far apart, only the 50-basis point or higher would have put any energy into cooling inflation for Canada. ********************************, The red has to meet the blue for a saner world :). #58 Dogman01 on 12.07.22 at 2:42 pm #37 Another Deckchair on 12.07.22 at 1:25 pm. systems to states across the U.S. to try to prevent Covid fraud, but nationally the losses are at $45 billion and could be as much as three times that, according to government estimates. And no, I am not trying to sweep aside anyones previous behavior or comments, but instead trying to go your (or my) way and sin no more. While cryptominers are individually large, a study by the "Large Flexible Load" task force concluded that cryptominers were unlikely to exceed the 2-3GW load threshold - compared with the 22 to 29 GW that is deferred, in study and planned for Large Load Interconnects for 2023 and 2024. Source? And so..sinister. Thats been the case for at least 15 years. other than to show clearly that sometimes renewables can't deliver as currently configured. 122 Faron on 12.07.22 at 10:16 pm Probably salivating like a rabid dog at the thought of cheap homes and mass homelessness. We should have negotiated a 144% raise, not 14%., +++ Nothing gets past these guys. I hear Twitter is open for business on that side of things again. As we detailed here yesterday, already sales have crashed 50% in major markets. Mark my words Trudeau has done so much damage to the fabric of Canada that I see a breakup in my lifetime.. What people believe ends up happening due to their beliefs and people believe were in real trouble and they have little faith for next year. #10 Balmuto Divided into the output = $47/MWh. never done that before! While you may be partial to the old school classic Mickeyroni and Cheese, I cant wait to sample some of that gourmet chocolate bark! But if those same employed people are spending more on interest payments, they have less to spend on everything else. #35 Tony on 12.07.22 at 1:17 pm ",, Posted by: Hope | Oct 10 2022 16:10 utc | 88, Gazprom recalls how it discovered a NATO mine disposal system at the Nord Stream (EurAsia Daily, October10, 2022 in Russian). Hence, most of the electricity that we use is generated 'on demand' - in the case of Texas from nat gas generator stations, solar panels, wind and coal. What little princess wouldnt love some noodle soup or homemade mac and cheese showcasing pasta shaped like her favorite female idols? 3. I really ke It aint over till the fat lady sings. You are wrong. #37 Another Deckchair on 12.07.22 at 1:25 pm. Well, yeah, and most of the wealth is being reverted and lost. Re: #19 Brett in Calgary on 12.07.22 at 12:27 pm. 4. Inflation is entrenched and current CB policy rates are far too loose. Must agree. Posted by: c1ue | Oct 9 2022 19:25 utc | 47, @Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 9 2022 19:20 utc | 44. Disneys Yacht Club Resort: Captains Grille The Childrens Miracle Network Classic is offering a new twist this year in Walt Disney World DISNEY FOOD and WINE! This time, heres the official statement from Tiff & Co: Looking ahead, Governing Council will be considering whether the policy interest rate needs to rise further to bring supply and demand back into balance and return inflation to target. The feds are NOT indemnifying on interest rate losses, but all the bank of Canada has to do is lower the rate they pay on the deposits of the commercial banks. The items cited as having inflated either through price or package size were cookies and biscuits. Could he be a PEP [progressive except for Palestine] ? Things are slowing down in Kelowna. I had to Google it b/c it's been a while since I've tangled with any Hasbara(ts) online and don't really interact with open Zionists in my personal life. We are so far from the 2% its not funny. The seller though, made out like a bandit. The main reason I come here. That task would be bigger than doing a bra measurement for the faux breasts of a certain Oakville school teacher. In any case, military-industrial complex has better guns than the customers at gas stations (not weaponless, mind you). That is buried under 98% feel-good nonsensical fact-free "horse hockey". The poor hapless citizens living in the GOP-controlled Texas. We should have negotiated a 144% raise, not 14%. Stuff From the Park shares a couple of vintage 1960s menus from Disneyland Hills Brothers Coffee House and Coffee Garden and Plaza Terrace. Texas' grid is market based. What about those neighbourhoods where homes were reduced to ashes and places where fire comes earlier in Spring and lasts longer into fall. WebNow $299 (Was $418) on Tripadvisor: Pineapple Beach Club Antigua - All Inclusive, Willikies. Nissan is selling its Russian assets to the state, with an option to buy back the business within six years. Although this is nominally above the poverty line, the excess has been eaten up by inflation. Namely, Amos Hochstein and Janet Yellen. 2) On the above note: the Calpine CEO noted that even what little battery storage exists on the ERCOT grid at the moment - 70% is 1 hour duration or less. Like the ones you see running around downtown Victoria. Theres a very good chance interest rates would be ten percent today had America not gone off the gold standard. Chicken Burgers and Sliders (November 10, 2021) Sadly, those not financially wise and/or in a position to ride out a downturn will be forced to lose some or all of their money invested into real estate. This case is well known. Green hydrogen - as noted above in the actual companies doing it - is 100% exposed to both rising electricity prices due to rising natural gas prices, and rising prices due to demand/supply imbalances. Posted by: K | Oct 9 2022 23:18 utc | 69. Me I moved to Edmonton. Filed Under: Buffet, Character Dining, disney dining tips, disney parks, Disneyland, General, News, Table-Service Tagged With: Aloha Breakfast with Lilo and Stitch, disney character meals, Disneyland PCH Grill, Mickey character meals, Surf's Up. This particular spice sparked a unique chain of economic and political events, making it a fascinating topic of study. Call 407-934-2628 for reservations. I am away from my library and living on my boat now or I could inform the bar in chapter and verse from those two scholarly books on the very subject. Given that you post on a 5-Eyes platform, I feel the need to flush my cookies after every post. And not a single one of those things can't be said about any other country and not a single one of those things is reason enough to invade another nation. Posted by: sumbody | Oct 10 2022 1:18 utc | 73, Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Oct 9 2022 23:14 utc | 67, " I don't follow this ongoing thing with whether bevin is Jewish. They dont disappear with the exchange. I've been waiting for this elegant explanation and Crooke, bless him, delivers. If you have many products or ads, Bank of Canada sees interest rates on hold into 2023, It all adds up to less consumer spending as higher rates take their toll, and were starting to see signs of that happening:, #40 Summertime on 12.07.22 at 1:32 pm From no less a party luminary than(checks notes)Dan McTeague? CPI at 7-8 , real inflation of necessities double that, 3. The Empire knows no bounds. Plug these new numbers into the above - and it is abundantly clear that this scheme will never work in a million years without massive subsidies, 24/7/365 operation and some physics bending technology for storage. WebFood news on San Francisco restaurants, recipes, cooking, chefs, cocktails and bars SFGate A young fellow, a tobacco-pedler by trade, was on his way from Morristown, where he had dealt largely with the deacon of the Shaker settlement, to the village of Parkers Falls, on Salmon River. This has driven a ton of development, we are the fasted growing CMA in Canada. Today I discovered that several staples increased in price in my supermarket. Will He Change Course? But I dont think we give enough kudos to you for your writing. And it happened here in the Urals. In response to this, the federal government has proposed raising the standard rate to 503 per month, beginning in 2023, and changing the name to Brgergeld, or "citizens' money.". Foreign entities such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Baathist regime of Assad family. Brilliant. Its completely false to say no one in the free market is buying. I am also not sure if the explosions happened within the range of the flying torpedos. Paypal, friend of the US government, made a spirited but unsuccessful attempt to mulct its victims/customers of $2500 for every time it detects them in "misinformation". Companies in Europe are responding now to 5x to 10x or more increases in their utility bills. Shawn, how about a face tattoo? Especially in Germany. Clinton and the British asked [Orban] to attack Serbia from the north so that they could extend our forces from Kosovo and Metohija to Vojvodina, he explained. For 2023, it will cool inflation but there is no such thing as a soft landing. and 3x 4x times higher from time of this site going online. This amount puts students well below the poverty line. Some may have heard about the demonstrations related to the radioactive waste disposal of Gorleben in the Wendland area of the region, which especially peaked in the 1980s and 1990s. Just click on the news headlines to be taken to the media where Disney Food Blog is mentioned. Then, the competitors go beyond cookies to give the jolly gingerbread man a makeover that will impress the judges. journalism and their unquestioning propagation of ridiculous halfbacked stories. Nothing will matter soon WW3 has begun: This comments section is better when we all stay off speculative political subjects. about sending raw logs turned into pellets to the uk - all under the environmentally friendly biomass category.. what a load of steaming bullshit Wood from B.C. Posted by: c1ue | Oct 9 2022 23:19 utc | 70, Posted by: c1ue | Oct 9 2022 23:19 utc | 69. Yet Texas sits on top of so many huge salt domes. #61 Ole doberman on 12.07.22 at 3:13 pm Posted by: Bruised Northerner | Oct 9 2022 19:22 utc | 46. Id start with the Chardonnay-steamed Maine Coast Blue Hill Bay Mussels. Greenwashing, plain and simple. BTW, the breakfast was very good, although a bit pricier than most places by a couple of bucks. In his volume, he shows how counterinsurgency technics, field-tested in the Wests periphery in wars like Vietnam, Iraq etc. Ukraine - What Explains The Recent Russian Retreats? Ursula von der Leyens father was the states governor from 1976 to 1990 and took a hard stance on the demonstrators. That said, I'm unaware of any studies or analysis that says if they build more LNG plants, burn more coal, install more 'renewables' and install the necessary transmission infrastructure, that people will demand more electricity. When did I agree for advertisers to ruin my scenery with ads? Collapsed markets. Germany considers itself to have a robust social safety net. Glad you enjoyed Austin. Just like it would be stupid to mistake a binary song and dance show for "democracy" and "people's representation", it is equally stupid to confuse Mullahs and their ilk with Islam, Imam of Shia, or "Justice of Ali". He decided to build 13 units and sell them after they were finished for more profit. However, based on what I'm seeing the form of developed, paid-for facilities (like the one Arcelor bought in TX) that problem is at least sufficiently solved, or the hundreds of $mil being invested in plants in U.S., India and EU wouldn't have gotten spent. 290 MW - even if it is MWh, even if it stored 2900 MWh - is literally a BB in a boxcar: Irrelevant. * Bud Light (16oz) $5.50 Posted by: Australian lady | Oct 10 2022 2:52 utc | 78, Posted by: Paul GV | Oct 10 2022 1:21 utc | 73. Been there for a short spell. WebNutmeg Food historians place the epicenter of nutmeg's origin in the Moluccas (aka Spice Islands). Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 10 2022 0:05 utc | 72. whut, no breathless link to a naked capitalism article? "Sinc They said this is historic and a massive bump in pay. No real comment on your post; just curious whether the restaurant at the AT&T center by UT campus is still called Carillon and whether you ate there or anywhere else worth mentioning in Austin. And Kurds are friendlier with "Israel" the Yanks and the sleazy Brits, than they are with the Iranian Government. Its a lifestyle choice. So creative! Who is buying? You take your $1.56 million detached in Toronto. - Ukraine has launched drones to attack Russian airfields making this a direct war with Russia supported by the United States, the EU, and NATO. It signals a pause in rate-humping will soon arrive after the country has endured a 1,600% increase.. That means they use renewables first, then opt for the "dispatchables". Too much crime very low reward. In Europe, although relatively few people live in absolute poverty, millions are affected by poverty relative to the national average. The fall is obviously nicer in Ontario. When do I buy bonds and how long should I hold them? Can the waste heat be used Back to Montral (and a very hearty good morning from this time zone to the bar). It is a shame very few people run background checks on all the "Political Science Graduates" trash propaganda output. We have __cults of personality in geopolitical space__. For instance, some 10,000 people rallied yesterday in the capital Berlin, protesting against energy prices etc. Oceans and 36 lakes and your boats in the water in 10min. Lots of volunteers here to help hold you down. #115 Yukon Elvis on 12.07.22 at 11:05 am, Id be worried but I dont think you have the mental faculties to sneak a snickers bar past the Walmart greeter. I live in Kelowna now and I have to be even more honest. The number of diners in this private seating room might be limited to between 12-16 A man sleeping on a piece of cardboard in front of a large glass shop window. Having lived there for 42 of my 67 years, I can assure you that K-Town is, properly, Kingston, not Kelowna. The money went everywhere and to everyone for everything. In other words - if they aren't operating full time, the capital costs are such that it isn't worthwhile even with massive subsidies in place - and that ignore the physics issues of storage. Often I read Kelowna in the peep sights on Garths Blog. Goofys Candy Company Hungary had joined NATO that year, but not for the purpose of joining this campaign. $6.99 is stupid cheap today. We havent seen that yet. 7. The higher inflation goes the more people demand in wages. All energy use comes with a cost to the environment. These are the big questions. Travel + Leisure's 2022 It List highlights the top hotel openings and renovations this year. I think Ill go with the Flying Fish, a perrennial favorite. According to Harcourt, normal people would be increasingly viewed through the lens of counterinsurgency and regarded as potentially dangerous, contagious, or otherwise ominous. *************************************** In order to buy that, you need 20% down payment, because its over a million > $312,000 down payment. Could you please explain to me why that would matter given the context of his usual commentary? Just a note Garth that the information in the blog is very much appreciated. What does that mean? To think about what they have to offer. This is a 12x increase over last year. Or to put it simply: Israel is to West, what these Parasite Arabs are to IRAN. Biden Knows a Nuclear War over Ukraine is Possible. Impossible to recruit people to the area anymore. Because they know how to play their cards and have the technics established to deal with us ordinary folks. Plus if you consider the real inflation, firmly in double digits IHMO thing become even more weird and scary. I think they will start cutting rates as things start breaking, because there is a big tidal wave of financial ruin coming. A 1 MW diesel generator is going to cost you at least $50K - that's a very reasonable proxy for the return path. Nothing will change my mind. HF was the one thing we were constantly warned about in my semiconductor device physics track in university EE. Amid soaring inflation, particularly for food and energy, the gap between rich and poor in Germany is widening. Over the past few years the city has really been a draw for migration from other cities across Canada. So looking at this as an example, even those who purchased 6 years ago are going to get hit hard with these rising interest rates. It really is the terminal rates in the coffin of the middle class as inflation will not be subdued or even cause a dent in its rise. Our host b not only suggests but recommends reading Michael Tracey's essays: @Tom Pfotzer #72 Do speak up! Big gains though in the hi-rise condo markets which are still selling in the $1100 per s.f. We even forgave you for supporting Saddam Hussein's invasion of Iran. #58 Dogman01 on 12.07.22 at 2:42 pm I think that might be wise. Exciting news! device of threatening the abductees with "what we are going to do to your sister/mother/wife in front of you" (all documented), to say nothing of 43 years of wasting Iranian nations resources and wealth on _parasitic_ foreign entities. Dysfunction in this market, and the prospect of self-reinforcing fire sale dynamics pose a material risk to UK financial stability. 2) actions to (at least politically) eliminate the "insurgents", such as smear campaigns, infiltration of protests, raids and 3) certain social measures to convince some majority of the population that the Wests current order is still legit, preventing them from joining rallies. Certainly this film festival named guy is no different. Thank you. ", Needless to say, regardless that they weren't actually named, it's accurate to point out that the Israelis aren't abiding by even that loose "promise.". Saving rate trending down Check I mean you know, inflation was double their 2% in mid 2021, had already catapulted there by early 2021, click 5Y,, And of course, they sat there fat, dumb and happy and did nothing until March 2, 2022 where, heaven forbid, they raised rates to a bone crushing 0.5% nearly ONE YEAR LATER when the cat was already out of the bag, Is our crazy RE market going to survive the crazy inflation and tightening cycle too. * Bud Light Lime (16oz) and Michelob Ultra (16oz) $6.50, Hole No. They are parasites who are getting funded by stolen wealth of Iranians. This does not explain how the torpedos would find the pipeline, which I believe is buried in the seabed, and detonate at the right spot. Im excited to announce that The Disney Food Blog has had its first (and hopefully not its last) Guidebook mention! So we're now looking at 20.8% to 37% losses, minimum. I dont usually post on Saturdays, but I wanted to say thank you to a few folks who have mentioned or highlighted the Disney Food Blog in websites, podcasts, and books recently. Then we would have civil homeless and govt workers adept at doing anything for a buck. Some of them are actually pretty new on the scene. Autoethnographers explore these questions using their own experience to reflect on selfother bevin was replying to my earlier comment: "You seem to have a problem with the nexus between the Declaration and US entry into WW One. Still, as all German parties are Empire-oriented - and therefore overwhelmingly or fully neoliberal and pro-NATO - this development doesnt carry much weight. Etc etc. The math still works in Alberta. Posted by: alaff | Oct 11 2022 15:46 utc | 100. Economics 101 The Empire has used its Covid bioweapon against China and Iran. They don't justify or unjustify - the market will determine it. Unfortunately everyone will pay for the excesses., Cheers, R Right now, there is no launch date (though theres a hope that it will premier this winter), and, again, this is all rumor. Menu will have a 12-16 course dinner Just like the 76-year-old living on borrowed time "DJT"! Lastly, I was pulling your leg when I asked if you'd pitched this idea. If this is not the very definition of incompetency, I dont know what is. 99% of young Canadians cant afford a home to raise a family. Then let's say that intermittency periods are 10% of the year = 900 hours. What we are discussing is the evil, sordid, bloody, irresponsible, and tyrannical reign of Mullahs and fellow travelers for the past 43 years. considering * whether the policy interest rate needs to rise further . Oh give me land, lots of land, and the starry skies above. So those are the rough outlines of the scheme, c1ue. Now its time for the beautiful deleveraging to take place. If the e-f-e plant produces ammonia, there's your fertilizer feedstock. Smart people change their minds and goals when presented with new evidence: in this case, inflation was creeping up in 2021-22. Do we even have to round up the uninformed ( so many hanging around this neighbourhood..) and introduce them to what it means to be from the Scottish Tribe and ancestry in this crazy non- sensical world? #44 Don Guillermo on 12.07.22 at 1:41 pm, Should be on all the Alberta promotion materials, #39 Tony on 12.07.22 at 1:32 pm Cars are killing the planet you say? Put on Bing Crosby, fine, but if its the wrong one youll get a Turkey drumstick upside your head. Would love to hear your updates, all! I know of another in same area that sold at end of 2016 for $1.875 mil and currently assessed at $2.08 mil. - Occupied Palestine by the Zionist colonial regime of Israel. I distinctly recall the moment that I realized that the Economist that I held in my hand was talking authoritatively out of is ass about a (technical) subject matter that I knew quite deeply. #41 Mr Canada on 12.07.22 at 1:34 pm The Kelowna fire was human caused. Note that H2 use in steel is for removing the oxygen from the ore (carbon is used generally now, produces CO2). Poverty a question of definition. These are the healthiest pre-packaged snacks youll find on property (besides the packaged fresh fruit, of course), and the line includes dried fruit mixes, trail mix, pretzels, many different kinds of natural nuts, etc. Mr. Franks Wild Ride Interviews DFB About the Epcot Food and Wine Festival My gut still says we need to see unemployment trend up which in turn should drive consumer spending down. Posted by: Tom Pfotzer | Oct 9 2022 17:34 utc | 31, Posted by: psychohistorian | Oct 9 2022 13:37 utc | 5. They own almost half the float. Disney Vacation Club Members can get into the Wine and Dine walk free! AfD (National conservative, neoliberal, pro-NATO): 11,5 % [+5,3] What are you looking for as an investor, the BOC rate needs to be greater than the inflation rate, it is getting closer and closer now and markets have already factored in todays new BOC rate and shaken it off, as they will the next one in March 2023. The fuel cells for H2, methane and ammonia are all in-service now, seem simple, use commonly-avail and cheap inputs. SHOUT-OUTS TO NEWSWORTHY DISNEY FOODIES Anybody notice that Tiffs last name is Macklem? Congrats, Dawn! If everything is really so, then humanity has solved the energy issues of foreseeable future. George Taylor over at Imaginerding kindly let me drone on and on about my love of Disney and food in his latest Meet Our Neighbor segment. If the banks now drop 5 year mortgage rates or offer you a good rate this might be a good time to lock in a 5 year if you were thinking of doing that. In the EU, a person is considered to be at risk of poverty or poor if their income is less than 60% of the median in their respective country. Had to re-read that para from Harbinger Data Analytics more than a couple of time and yet there was zilch intelligent information to learn from other than speculation that everyone have already been spouting.. Rates are not going to stop rising until inflation reaches 2% target. @too cents (9) No, the business model is growth for the sake of profit. We are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. Thanks to the guys (and Annette!) One of my favorite New York City haunts is called Alices Teacup, and I wonder if theyll start carrying Wonderlands newest tea line there! They will be dropping in the spring you watch! ****************** Compressed air is one of the biggest energy sinks in industry. And dont kid yourself , the central bank is inherently part of big government. Cars (IC or electric or) in densely packed areas have had their time, and have to go. It is very disappointing. Some reasons for this I found in "The Counterrevolution", a book written by some Bernard Harcourt in 2018. To be eligible for Skybox/grandstand seating, cardmember must go to the Skybox entrance on the 18th green; mention this offer; and show receipts that indicate the Cardmember used his/her Disney Rewards Visa Credit Card, Disney Rewards Debit Card and/or Disney Rewards Redemption Card on the day Skybox/grandstand seating is sought to make a purchase(s) of at least $25 (pre-tax), in the aggregate, on-site at the event. (Or is it possibly that this is "the best that a brown people can hope for?") at WDWToday Podcast for allowing me to chat with them on their episode highlighting Animal Kingdoms Picnic in the Park! As inflation skyrockets in Germany, more and more people will find themselves unable to make ends meet without assistance. Thres definately a lot to learn abut this topic. Copyright 2008-2022 Garth Turner. EU-ropean economies will be seriously grinding to a halt as it becomes a new norm, status quo or gets even worse. And contrarywise what it is, it wouldnt be. On November6, 2015, during a scheduled visual inspection of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline, NATOs SeaFox underwater mine disposal system was discovered. If the e-2-f facility is storing the fuel, and the fuel can be routed through fuel cells (almost instant turn-on), then the answer to this question is "yes". Iranian Police released the CCTV footage of her collapse. $6.99 was cheap for breakfast in a sit-down restaurant 30 years ago! Ironically, there was even a Freeport (as in the LNG facility) rep who talked about their need for reliable and affordable electricity because the gasification process is highly electricity intensive Posted by: c1ue | Oct 9 2022 19:22 utc | 45. The Canadian dollar will suffer next year if the Bank of Canada doesnt move in lockstep with the Fed funds rate. Volker crushed the economy and it still took years to get inflation under control. Disney Princess Pasta The Restaurant Revitalization Fund (or RRF) was another $28.5 billion with an average grant amount of $283,000 to over 100,000 recipient restaurants. ########### GPT-3 AI universally available for developers. 5. So ERCOT has to guarantee them enough revenue to induce them to be available when needed. #107 The Honest Realtor on 12.07.22 at 8:06 pm Not worth the hassle and income tax complexity for one rental property. Do you have info about the rumor? 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Inflation skyrockets in Germany, more and more useless flush my cookies after every post a restaurant...