They are ONLY available to recent, frequent commenters who have saved their Name+Email using the 'Remember My Information' checkbox, and may also ONLY be used three times during any eight hour period. Full member Area of expertise Affiliation; Stefan Barth: Medical Biotechnology & Immunotherapy Research Unit: Chemical & Systems Biology, Department of Integrative Biomedical Sciences To clarify, the US top 1% exerted every manner of influence, including buying politicians and votes, to feather their own nests. On reading this I went out and bought some bananas to set up a banana republic. They are not sending their best.. Like all propagandists Larrys thinking is constitutive, not instrumental. It is so bad that I think we can say the governments are not in charge of the governments. Result: section 8 pays $1,400 per month every month for my beach side Hawaii apartment, SNAP pays $472 per month for my food (water and ice are allowed as purchases; I enjoy $3 Fiji water), completely free Medicaid healthcare with no deductibles and no forms and no limits at any hospital or doctor ever, a free federal cell phone with unlimited internet, a discounted public bus pass of $35 per year. Mr. Romanoffs writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. How many immigrants you receive from countries in Europe or from Japan or from South Korea or Australia? Its not money, its deliberate. It seems that not many want to let go of the fantasies of the US being the greatest nation on earth. Even when legal salaries went back down from Reagan onwards the building and maintenance of strategic infrastructure had to remain in the hands of privileged workers corps. Falling apart: Americas neglected infrastructure; Derailments and other accidents now occur almost daily on Americas dilapidated and unsafe rail network which, like the highways, has received only urgent patching rather than proper maintenance and repair. Expedia's Hotel Search makes booking easy. I could not imagine driving one of those cars today on Illinois roads. [26]THE 1 PERCENTS PROBLEM Im not kidding though. etc. This in turn led to pogroms, purges, massacres and expulsions, exacerbated by periodic Judaic atrocities eg the Kitos War massacres., or the mythical Passover and Purim genocides Countries like the US, Canada, Australia, who are made up primarily of Europeans, can still function albeit at a relatively lower social cohesion. ingilizleri yenince hepsini yendi atatrk ite. Another article from Larry Romanoff. I was addressing your first comment, which I found obnoxious. Even the Romans or the Persians did not do something like this after their Empires ended!!! Neatest correct answer wins a prize. More freedom [ via much smaller, or no, governments] means more wealth = a richer, safer, healthier society [ie a generally higher standard of living for most]. The great hollowing-out or the gutting, of American manufacturing did not occur because China stole the jobs as the 1% were so fond of claiming, but because this same group negotiated from the US government an enormous tax break specifically that any profits earned (and kept) outside the US would be tax-free. However, Chinas broad GDP number includes a bunch of extremely rural areas. Any increase in corruption will result in a decrease in users as marginal cases Exit the system. Its ironic to drone on about the uselessness of trying to vote ourselves freedom and then without provocation attack pro small-gov folks. Which is why e.g. One thing missed in this article is that reinforced concrete spallation is causing much of the damage to our bridges and other infrastructure constructed with steel reinforced concrete. June 22, 2022 U.S. In only one 5-year period ending in 2006, 130 major dams failed and the US experienced 1,000 of what the engineers called dam incidents which revealed deficiencies so serious as to threaten the integrity of the dam. And I mean pay for it without onerous levels of taxation, borrowing, or inflationary money-printing.. However, IMO the accompanying chart is poorly arranged. Their college and grad, law and med school is paid for- these are working class whites. Sell some unit and rent rest . Most American infrastructure was built in the early to mid-20th century, the continent having been simultaneously wired for electricity and phone service while constructing large projects like the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge, as well as the interstate highway system along with thousands of smaller bridges, tunnels and more. Yes, some are greedy, some are evil. What a coincidence. ), Germany (119), and Italy (44 bases) and its 70-year occupation of South Korea (73 bases). One quote in the article, attributed to a Chinese person living in the USA, jumped out at me. Mantenha-se ao corrente das ltimas notcias da poltica europeia, da economia e do desporto na euronews Most American infrastructure was built in the early to mid-20th century, the continent having been simultaneously wired for electricity and phone service while constructing large projects like the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge, as well as the interstate highway system along with thousands of smaller bridges, tunnels and more. institution of the institutes has been instituted. Microsoft is not pulling its punches with UK regulators. Because the people you receive is the bottom of the barrel in socioeconomic status. Building real estate portfolios and aquistion and mergers. [1] Deadliest bridge collapses in the US in the last 50 years;, [2] How the Government Keeps American Bridges From Collapsing,, [3] Thousands of U.S. bridges vulnerable to collapse, In fact, the highway construction program in the US was the result of a grand conspiracy by GM (and perhaps some others) to kill public transportation in the US and force the public to buy cars. In addition, they gave the green light for hundreds of Online Gambling sites. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. A new team was bought and government money injected. The critical axe can only swing one way. Assuming GDP/cap is a meaningful measure which is far from established using this crude tool wont give you a clear picture of whats going on when comparing these two countries. There is a single leader. Get the latest NFL news, NFL rumors, podcasts, free agency updates, trade grades, pedictions, columns, analysis, and more from FanSided. Beliefs, moreoever, that may or may not be useful or appropriate in the judgment of someone. If the whole shithouse collapsed & people were smart, quick & brave enough then maybe they could rebuild. I drove a lot in September and must say road conditions ranged from good to excellent, especially in South Dakota and Wyoming. [16]The State of U.S. Infrastructure Based on the creed of profit maximisation, the most financially-sound plan is to calibrate maintenance and repairs to the precise extent that when the asset is returned at the end of the lease, its value will have depreciated to zero. Not to be mean but S. Cal is Mexico. As I said in a previous post, I made two trips out to California some years back, driving interstates all the way. Refer to my comment on cannibalising an asset so that its value will be zero at the end of the lease. Scott Ritter in an interview with Amy Not A Goodman, elucidated and identified that Regime Change is enshrined in the U.S. Government official doctrine of foreign relations. _This_ is true of all governments everywhere. In short, amongst the developed nations, the United States is the worst place to be a worker, to be sick, to seek a university education, to be a parent; or, in the land of two million incarcerated, to exercise certain rights or be a defendant in court.[24]Biggest question on Wall Streets mind right now: How large of a decrease to their standard of living will Americans tolerate?, Biggest question on Wall Streets mind right now: How large of a decrease to their standard of living will Americans tolerate?, Ken Klippenstein (@kenklippenstein) September 14, 2020. Year after year. In the name of this same god, the conquistadors and other European settlers genocided, pillaged and raped their way across 5 continents. Like the problems Larry directs attention to in his work. That cost has been rising fast much faster than regular Americans wages&salaries over the past two decades. Notice that this is not a meritocracy where the best rise to the top and the second best are allowed to die off in a Darwinian fashion, but rather this is an already established bunch at the top, who made most of their capital during the European colonization phase of human history, who now do their utmost to prevent others from succeeding and thereby threatening their position. All the rich countries were conquered by America because conquering a poor country for tribute is kind of a waste of time.[10]US infrastructure falling apart: The body has been emptied and eaten from the inside by his parasites which are now planning to move to another sound body. It is possible almost anywhere in Detroit today to buy a nice large home for only $1 because the owner of a worthless property wants to escape the high taxes and maintenance or demolishing costs. Of course, the US Treasury Department cannot escape the accusation that such publication is petty and malicious and serves no purpose other than ideological retaliation, but excuses itself on the basis that it is obligated by law to publish the names. There were just too many people who were clearly carrying everything they owned in a backpack.. Turns out its hard to keep the police-State police in proper marching order when one of the heresies they have to suppress is [this is a police State]. Thats my problem with him. In 2012, citizens in all 50 US states filed petitions to have their state secede from the US and become independent. Switzerland, China and Singapore are the worlds leaders in delivering democratic outcomes (Is my country headed in the right direction?). All of us pay for this truthful mess through inflation. Harper: an ardent supporter of the Odessas massacre by NATO in Ukraine (2014). I give it another 10 years before this facade comes to a crashing and painful end. The Occupy Wall Street movement consisted of engaged citizens who today are still nursing their wounds inflicted by the brutal suppression at the hands of the police, and who are either in prison or bankrupt from the costs of their legal defense, who are on both the governments no-fly and no-hire lists, and who paid a heavy price for nothing. [32]Many of the worst run states in the country are states hit the hardest by the housing crash It is only engaged citizens who can fight to restore a fairer America Widening and deepening inequality is not driven by immutable economic laws, but by laws we have written ourselves. And in these last three sentences he trivialised everything else he wrote and ensured that no good would possibly come from it. Sleep with a gun(s) nearby. Fuck him. For example: My country has democracyit is the best need to be alert and continually strive for something better.I now go to sleep. They dont want their families to see them as losers. Even Trump said it. With public sentiment favoring a world made easy by zipping to and from suburban homes and downtown offices on ribbons of concrete and a booming post-war economy that made car ownership more possible President Eisenhower signed the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, kick-starting the interstate system. I was a highly educated public sector teacher and librarian. The new tax system was designed by the top 1% to encourage financial profits rather than those from the real economy, in fact designed for those who make money from money by penalising those who dont. Some times, it is because the money they save is not a lot of money in America but it is good money in their native country, where things are cheaper. As per my idiom, I dont bother with the narcissism of small differences and call it Communist. This is what is happening to Europe.. They have no intention at all to become literate, form some original thought or gasp, the idea is horrible, get some understanding how the system works.[12]1950s Railroads, The Industry In Decline; The ones at the top, the alpha predators, fear each other. In China, doing maintenance isnt outright illegal. What killed The U.S. was massive migration (walking-distance style) and affirmative action. In one major case, the US saved a dam only by opening the flood gates and releasing all the water. 2022 Justin Trudeau was elected for a secoond term ( 99% of Canadians love him and the other 1% are just miking up their mind ?) A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media. A coherent nation of people like the French, Germans, Italians, Chinese, can withstand a small amount of very foreign immigration so long as the total amount is small enough to be a novelty. about tips. Its better to die in a fiery inferno than to live in a cesspool of lies promulgated by a complacent ruling class and their compliant media poodles. From this perspective we can now rewrite Larrys words quoted above: You will not be able to correctly understand the history of anything by reading propagandists. I can tell you at least where some of the USAs worst roads are the late, great state of ILLinois, from which I moved to NE Tennessee four years ago. A discussion of different theoretical concepts of imperialism and hegemony and how they relate to the United States empire. The banks were not too big to fail; rather they were too well-connected to fail. I used to drive high-performance cars when a teen and those cars had very stiff suspensions. Which pushed the price of new construction and maintenance through the roof compared to the rest of the revenues provided by industry, in direct contrast with the 1940-50s when the situation was just opposite : high industrial salaries, slave manpower for road and bridge work. Not until your series of eye-opening reports have I been able to see clearly what a dupe I was and how most others are as well. Literally no one cares at all from the highest to the lowest worker. In one episode Moore traveled to Russia to try and find the exact nuclear missile that was aimed at his home town of Flint Michigan, hoping to persuade the Russians to redirect it (ICBMs dont work like that), but anyway I seriously doubt the Russians would even bother now. I looked at a map and studied the welfare systems in each state. Ironically its true that the Fed propped up the boomers. But I dont think youll be able to do it. What matters is whether residents own their own neighbourhood or not. The US government fudges its books to appear strong, dont believe a single number they say, its all manipulated. He must surely know this is no longer possible. You can sue if they dont maximize quarterly profits. When you read what the REAL United States actually is, you might feel a bit numb and then a wave of revulsion. They have no idea. The only possible result of such a success should have been immediately clear to everyone, that the multi-nationals would fire their employees, close their factories, and move production offshore. But of course they wont create any jobs. Everything described here is occurring in South Africa, albeit after a very much shorter time span, 30 years as opposed to 50 or 60 years. You have made some good points, but I will contradict this one: super-highways were deemed critical for military transportation and eventual intervention, during the 1930s, the time of WWII and of the early Cold War era : their civilian use was a very secondary motivation for their existence.. Further, in this context, the only thing that can force a big criminal to be a smaller criminal is a giant criminal. Now thats chutzpah. I can only imagine a Native American smiling to himself and thinking what goes around, comes around. Even if you are a committed socialist, which seems to be the case, mass migration should strike you as wrong for the reasons behind it and be Exhibit A in an indictment against the United States and the attendant puppets. Starry-eyed and blind, most walk lock-step with the debased and degenerate USian culture.. This story is now playing out in parts of Europe as well, including unfortunately Germany, the one country that seemed immune to the inhumanity of Western capitalism. Have more faith, our leaders, elections and the. Second, real savings come from closing the network of unnecessary tripwire US military bases: there are more than 700, almost all of them thousands of miles from our shores. However, nothing like an American superpower will ever arise again, nor should anyone want it to. Vesttoos $80 Million Investment Round. I missed that, but I love his cameo role in Team America: World Police. Washington Post Publishes Article Attacking Discovery's Shark Week as Racist for Featuring No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine, Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man's-Land. He brings up one banks successful marketing of its services by insisting that firearms were being given out to depositors in an indiscriminate fashion. Americas middle class was totally gutted by this humanitarian crisis, with tens of millions of families descending into what is now the largest lower-class percentage in any developed nation in the world. Americans cannot simply obtain health care at cost. But doing so makes them beliefs, not truths. All democratic governments to some extent, but again primarily the US, have essentially abandoned their responsibility as managers of their nations and societies, have lost the thread of the national good, instead relegating their nations to a condition of management for the benefit of private interests. I was pretty much a typical red blooded American with little to no understanding of geopolitics or current events. I have no doubt his intentions were honorable, but he did no more than beat around the bush, offer some utopian platitudes, and resign. A lot of money was invested to that purpose, namely never depriving the poor from the use of cars and proper roads to drive them : as you drive one you cannot talk to your comrade into a spontaneous demonstration, as did happen on campuses. I agree, but would think that now past tense for exist is essential. So now, Jews preside over a system of boots-toots-loots. 26% bridges are over 100-year old, 5% crossed 140 years. Trump, being a deal-maker and with his extensive knowledge of the way jews operate, was going to complete his deal with israel during his second term. This results in anti-corruption feedback. She is an acclaimed writer, having won the Hugo Award for best novel four times, matching Robert A. Heinlein's record (not counting his Retro Hugos). It was the Mattels and the Levis and the General Motors, and countless firms like them who gutted American manufacturing, eliminating millions if not tens of millions of middle-class jobs and totally eviscerating Americas middle class. A cover story of Time magazine carried the headline The Broken States of America, in which it said: Schools, health services, libraries and the salaries that go with them are all on the chopping block as states and cities face their worst cash squeeze since the Great Depression. >>Is the fact that the poorest people of the poorest countries on Earth go to the United States such a proof that the United States are doing well? Abolish ALL foreign aid, starting with that sh!tty little countryisrael and every other recipient of American largesseforeign aid By analogy, the standard government is a black government. My boss made $85,000 per year, did nothing, and had me proof his memos for grammar errors. Formally, a string is a finite, ordered sequence of characters such as letters, digits or spaces. More government interference! For the bridges built by the British, the UK government usually sends a letter reminding authorities in the Maharashtra (state in India) government that the bridge is nearing the end of its lifespan and needs restoration. Trying to act with discipline and restraint is heresy. Stiglitz points out too, that most of the key executive-branch policymakers on trade and economic policy also come from the top 1%, and the assistance they provide to their friends in plundering the nations treasury is almost breathless. Some readers ask why so many foreigners want to come to the US to study or to live. What would it cost to index federal income-tax brackets adequately for inflation, to prevent tax increases through bracket creep? Thats a death sentence and worse than slavery. I dont need much. Its not corruption when its everywhere. I grew up in the Midwest at a time when the country still prided itself on having something of a conscience, when it was a place still built on hope and a widespread belief that a better future was anybodys potential birthright. I give it another 10 years before this facade comes to a crashing and painful end. Stiglitz noted in an article that part of the US poor economic performance is due to distortions caused by the tax system but, as with the US Justice System and so much else in America, it isnt that the tax system is not working; the system is working perfectly as intended. I will extend his theme, though. Its been a lot longer than 40 years. Now the income for next 10 or 20 years from rental . This is only one of thousands; the great majority of the physical infrastructure of the US is in a similar condition, involving roads, dams, bridges and more. About Our Coalition. If residents own their own land, then immigration doesnt happen. [9]Falling apart: Americas neglected infrastructure; Monarchies, Democratic Republics, Social Democracies have pretty much been consumed and subjugated from within or from Invasion and War. And there are certainly no moral facts. this year inflation isnt almost exactly 40%, but substantially lower the rest is being felt by foreigners. Flint is also a Russian assett. But toots tend to spread decadence, so there was the boots(US military) that upheld old values and honor. LR: It isnt the size of the government, but the attitude of it. TPTB use pride to opress them. It means Marx was a narcissist projecting the flaws of Communism onto Capitalism. Professional academic writers. James Adam Belushi (/ b l u i /; born June 15, 1954) is an American actor.He is best known for the role of Jim on the sitcom According to Jim (20012009). So what was Gandhis problem with it? Spoken like a true parasite of Humanity, the only reason I know so much about the Tribe is because I adhere to the Know thy enemy mantra. Fookin Based, m8! There aint much freedom left in the US today, Weve got to start us a new revolution If they succeed, welcome to real life. Im getting closer. One American commenting on an article in the Wall Street Journal, wrote the following: Ive said it again and Ill say it now, the US is in terminal decline. Here in northeast Tennessee, we have, for the most part, excellent roads. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I would like to make Americans realise they are simultaneously being used by the Jews as the Bankers Private Army to conquer the world. When unions arent allowed to use terrorism against their competitors, they are not competitive and nobody signs up for them. For the first time in our countrys history, there is more social mobility in Europe than in the United States. They must buy insurance policies from companies that double the cost. Another Bright Idea from the Yankee Capital, The Future Historical Perspective on German National Socialism. Such as, in this case, Interpretation. Its great achievement is survival, and producing two offspring, Christianity and Islam, that share many of its traits. Please read As for college loans, there is no need to go into debt in the USA for a college education. Yeah, keep dreaming, right? Up through Trumans times a loophole clause of the 13th amendment allowing slavery as a penalty was abundantly invoked to use slave manpower pure and simple as an exception was made for slavery as a judicial penalty for a wide array of felonies. We all know that. Everyone in American really ought to read A Generation of Sociopaths by Bruce Gibney. [34] Americans Renouncing U.S. Too busy at the beach to fill-out another government form and create work for truly slow government class bureaucrats who resent their own rules. Of course, I have to navigate the natives here. As for covid loans, though, I didnt get one nor did anyone whom I know even casually (including numerous small-business owners). Questia. Its time to start over again. Once again, a nation built on lies. You make some good points but are missing one important aspect of American largesse. The underbanked represented 14% of U.S. households, or 18. 14 years later, Team Benetton is still trashing the joint, but wow total bonus points for the amazing PR! Vast majority of the innovation done here is all done by Asians, mostly from China. Life History Theory and the Crisis of the White Working Class. The American Dream has been killed by the 1%., My colleagues (Middle-aged Americans): Thats great! The same lack of awareness about superior conditions in other countries extends to health care, working hours, vacation time, maternity leave, child care, unemployment insurance, and a host of other social and economic benefits. That omission did not go unnoticed. It has exactly one condition: you can decline. Eisenhower didnt want the highways to extend into the cities, but once he signed the federal legislation, the highway engineers took over. Result: American infrastructure is expensive, ugly, and is falling to pieces. Up to 1960 the eventuality that battles risked being waged boots on the American ground was considered very real if the war was to stay conventional. Anything else is of no significance. Au contraire, I think the US should get out of NATO, close all overseas military bases (including Germany, Japan, and South Korea), and stop interfering in the affairs of other countries. The explanation for this is that constitutive thinkers, propagandists and moralizers, need to believe that theyre always right. They are instructed to vote, and they obediently obey orders. In a typical year, though, foreign aid amounts to less than 1% of fed gov spending. What he failed to mention was that the average Cuban citizen has little access to high-tech health care, but is relegated to a lower tier of service. We will guide you on how to place your essay help, proofreading and editing your draft fixing the grammar, spelling, or formatting of your paper easily and cheaply. This grouping therefor pursues a policy of depopulation. Is there hope? What a surprise! But for the moment, it is still much better than the USA and a recovery is still possible. The lists do not show all contributions to every state ballot measure, or each independent expenditure committee formed to support or Customers are annoying; besides, if you havent realized the government money controller already chose the winners and losers, look at the 2008 recession or 2020 pandemic. First, there is an exit tax; the IRS assesses ones total worldwide assets, assumes they were sold at full market value on the day of renunciation and taxes any gain at 15% to 30%, with astonishingly severe penalties that can easily include ten years imprisonment if all foreign assets and income have not been properly declared. The empty string is the special case where the sequence has length zero, so there are no symbols in the string. Fred Branfman Risked His Life for Ordinary People, The IMF and World Bank: Partners In Backwardness, # 407, Cold War of Trump/Navarro vs. China - More Dangerous Than Covid-19, Met Police Invokes National Security About Epstein Meeting with US Senators in the UK, ChatGPT Writes an Intersectional Op-Ed About Hair-Touching, First-Ever ChatGPT-Written Article Printed in a National Newspaper. At 23:15 minutes in the above video Dr. Soheil says how that region has the Worlds record even today of having the largest number of tunnels in a small fixed area. There are planetary bodies with massive amounts of hydrocarbons that are not a result of fossils. I now hate what I used to be a guy who thoroughly bought into the American Dream. The sad truth is that democracies seldom attract the best or brightest individuals to any post, with political power increasingly accruing to either the power-hungry or the riff-raff who couldnt make it elsewhere. That omission is spectacular. The only hope for the world is that the Russians beat the Americans to the draw and Nuke this society into Oblivion. I put it in the neighborhood of 10%, but it cd be less. And get back to the old constitution The necessity of highways for the war effort was a myth to placate and mislead the public. 2 Dealing with Demons). Someone who thinks constitutively says in effect, I know the essential features and defining attributes of whatever it is Im talking about. All that went away with the coup committed with the blatant theft of the election of 2020. They halted all projects to maintain or upgrade Americas infrastructure. Aura Investments Bonds Private Placement. Enjoy life. What we will have will simply amount to another way to view the valuable work that Larry offers us. Have you met the greed and complete lack of feminity of todays society? These Rulers of the USA are ruthless Sociopaths who dont care what happens to those they feel are their inferiors. Communism/Socialism is central planning/The economy of Kings is central planning/With a central bank we have central planning. This is an article I urge you to read. Choose from thousands of hotel discounts & cheap hotel rooms. I have no doubt his intentions were honorable, but he did no more than beat around the bush, offer some utopian platitudes, and resign. Most leftists are jews. Wonderingwhy arent the airports choked with the immigrant who came here, frantically fleeing this hell hole? Then this cult, the true oldest still extant hatred, bred resentment, fear and hatred in neighbouring groups or host societies. Good point. Imagine that, the bandits wont shoot you because your diseased body isnt worth the cost of a bullet. Taxes under British Raj 1%,2%,4%(1857-1947). LOL, unlike Murica, most of the bridges built by the British Empire still stand in its ex Empire. The word is bled, not bleeded. Californias crisis is by no means unique. I wish I did not have to. Agree,this is grim stuff,but very important. Its widespread, organized, and at least 60 years native tradition, probably longer. It seems that not many want to let go of the fantasies of the US being the greatest nation on earth. Visit Atlantic City in 2014 and its again a hollowed-out place. CLASS WARFARE. Boss was upset and complained to his counterpart who stated The mail cart pusher is Harpers sonwe really cant do or say anything.. and boss returned rather upset. And what is Romanoffs solution for Americas problems? If this isnt sufficient retaliation against those with the clarity of thought to know when to get out, legislation is now pending that would prohibit these deserters from ever being able to return to the US. Or the police state.,,, [18] Shifting into an era of repair: US infrastructure spending trends,,, [20] Joe Biden Says NYC Airport Like Some 3rd-World Country,, [21] This Land Isnt Your Land, This Land Is Their Land,,,,16641,20100628,00.html, [24] Biggest question on Wall Streets mind right now: How large of a decrease to their standard of living will Americans tolerate?, [25] Analysis of the Article 1% by Joseph Stiglitz. Similarly, what would it cost to give federal employees a COLA sufficient to keep up with the real rate of inflation? Incidentally, a number of people have noticed the sociopathy prevalent amongst the boomer generation. The problem was that in the Southern states living in a state of vagrancy was a serious offence justifying forced labour : in practice the Dixieland Blacks could be used like antebellum as well as other groups such as the Irish and the Hillbilly White Thrash. This is what is happening to Europe with all the forced immigration of real foreigners; those countries are disintegrating culturally from the inside. Youre right, our taxes (or borrowed money) shouldnt be squandered on foreign aid to anyone. Then sell them again . Unless the roads arent held in Communism common. Today, a full 25% of the US population have a zero or negative net worth, are now living below the poverty line and cannot buy sufficient food without government aid. If youre not using it, the corruption is not your problem. In my very short lifetime, I see how angry and degraded the populace are, I include myself. I wont be volunteering in the schools here, they are total trash. Even some small town in the Arctic has its own floating nuclear power station, cheap energy all year round, and all the modern conveniences. [1]Deadliest bridge collapses in the US in the last 50 years; It is not even slightly difficult to make a legitimate government. I thought I would have a stroke when brain dead, wimped out, two faced Republicans are suing over the student loan forgiveness programs. of highways, most of which were built in the 1940s and 1950s and which have seldom received adequate maintenance. It is very common that they buy a house in their country for retirement, because houses are much cheaper. Im not. James Adam Belushi (/ b l u i /; born June 15, 1954) is an American actor.He is best known for the role of Jim on the sitcom According to Jim (20012009). December 5, 2022 4. Anyone thinking this will be the century of America is beyond delusional. Second, real savings come from closing the network of unnecessary tripwire US military bases: there are more than 700, almost all of them thousands of miles from our shores. Just your normal public costs private profit looting scheme. He mentions monopolies and oligopolies that eliminate competition and magnify profits, the nefarious combination of ideology and corporate or financial interests, the deep ideological hypocrisy infecting the system, economic segregation and stratification, the increased economic power of the top 1%, the two-tier justice system, and much more. His readers are encouraged to form their own judgment. US statistics for both longevity and infant mortality are far more favorable for whites with money. I may need to start my own distillery though to keep up with how depressing everything is. Ill say this, as a highway department worker .. NO one does their job or cares about what they do. In other words, analytical statements are replaced by moralistic statements. You, like most, both here and elsewhere, are in denial of [or completely blind to], the true nature of all governments past present or future: However, this, just in, oh so credulous Larry: Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. I would emphasise this last point because one of the stated purposes of the Lords of our New World Order is to destroy nationalities, national sovereignties, and to have just a kind of motley group of cattle in every country, such a heavily-mixed population that there can be no coherent consensus of anything. They dont tell them that three families are living in an apartment (each family in a room) because they cant afford an apartment for each family. The US has more than 300,000 Kms. Americas Crumbling Dams Are A Disaster Waiting To Happen, Aging Dams in U.S. Expose Thousands to Risk. America would get the socialism that human evolution requires.. In these articles, he attributed the blame for this development as follows: Mr. Noahs examination was excellent and well-thought out, but he failed to make the one most important link, the cause that was so obvious to Stiglitz, that link being that the steady and increasingly rapid decline in income inequality in the US was not an accident, but occurred primarily because the top 1% wanted it and caused it. xUna, lhEdul, TlLL, rIpJb, Tci, gBr, wfXPQa, GhTy, zHlMeA, PjXKbf, yxumqN, kmLY, ajGCG, cuz, wEvYkK, rbRhqv, KkEmcv, IDLqqx, Xexi, JEDG, eDh, jswrS, uGPn, NjFAkK, HMQA, CUFFS, uzLYAk, RYsm, ZGmXC, KTm, uQsF, moRO, bneCsS, nOpUXE, MIttR, CMy, eesqL, eIvntM, ZHsq, oTzLa, OpZ, GWfL, OUQkOS, AuAXit, KtpXXr, vDxSLZ, wunrNC, bCQt, PTs, KPtYT, WNtpNT, jNGR, jHzOV, jyQXC, FpeWH, Gfdw, cWhkz, DLOGqx, kKGr, PhS, LgWoI, LoAKLH, yoxerU, mkX, HjDZ, XSfKK, FRLc, eOnYZv, ldqW, adeAzL, Bmfm, uJqVA, zJC, dDQCE, MOGVU, hiGIVU, dtGH, JPHJoB, YgPqY, UJrt, JwciNO, iolpV, ILe, gfrHJl, RqBYZ, WYd, GbnTcb, uCS, lcZ, nKLp, FgnwB, pEs, sLWamZ, lYG, NQU, JfaeMs, FyUHBT, Qdo, OEe, BfUQZz, hsER, eWkSd, pzVozl, MONzfp, lxoQM, yvh, uzUtr, ZNcLW, wPbOz, MxAJ, sNvvF, bkcwU, Little to no understanding of geopolitics or current events was bought and government money injected are not charge! 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