im only 13 and both my parents hate me. I understand your situation and can empathize it because I underwent the same. I live an uneventful life. As long as that place is a university city, or you are interested in help that consists of nothing but people quoting Bible verses, the serenity prayer, and or shantideva at you. I have a wife I love but she is unable to find a job in the place that I love. "Biden's memo that actually addresses hate incidents rather than hate crimes is actually helpful, because that gives us the opportunity to frame the issue comprehensively.". hi, I honestly would have rather been raped, murdered, etc as long as it was quick. Im not even allowed to do service hours for my school because My dad doesnt like it & thinks its useless. Everyone wants and says I should be sober. My father had a violent history of mental illness. Dont blame yourself for your lack of energy. I have no friends, my family is far away. My estranged husband and his mother both use meth. Hi miss noone god made u special Yet the intolerant poeple are constantly congratulating themselves on how tolerant they are. [72], Some studies have shown that people who are homophobic are more likely to have repressed homosexual desires. [112], In addition to public expression, legislation has been designed, controversially, to oppose homophobia, as in hate speech, hate crime, and laws against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Things werent so for me bad because my dad is what you would call the fun parent so living with him was quite enjoyable; dont get me wrong I love both my parents equally and try not to biased, but one is entertaining and laid back while that other is nagging and overprotective that being my mother. According to this study, the legal rights of LGBT people have a bigger influence than the degree of acceptance in the society, but both effects reinforce each other. Try focusing more on yourself and start seeing things you love. I have read your article on I hate my life and you have got it wrong. Without knowing a thing about you, your masters degree may have been a mistake. The only person that can help you is you and you have to want to be helped, to start down that road. I decided to get devoice but I feel like am alone, no one to talk to because I am tire of people convincing me. But at some point they have to all take responsibility for themselves. When he comes around after his fun he act like our kids are so important to him. This is not facebook where stupid comments and judgements exist. I also have a ton of student loans. I feel like I need to lose weight, because the layer of fat on my body as well as my love handles and face arent things that satisfy me whatsoever. I failed the exam and got nervous, because I didnt know a lot about college. Usually takes me 3 tries to finally resolve it and by that time the staff become annoyed or suspicious with disbelief that I could be so unlucky so many times in a row. Its hard to have my family accustomed to a $45 per hour salary and now have to cut in cost since my current job only pays $10 per hour. Show me your faith without deeds,(Y) and I will show you my faith(Z) by my deeds. I hate them all. Once you feel as if you are part of a vast movement to improve things and relieve pointless suffering everywhere, you will be MUCH better off, and that goes for EVERY PERSON who has posted here. Do what you like. even if no one believes me or responds, its still just good to vent and get it off my chest. I just feel like I betrayed him and theres no turning back. Pretty soon I felt so unprepared for it. A man abuser or woman abuser, it doesnt matter which they need to quit (quit the abusing). Im tired of the one that has to be strong with no support. porn? I am and will never belong here. Counting the days! Thanks bye x. Im a ten year old boy to and I really do hate my life my friend say there friends but thay always annoy me and ceep asking for stuf and its always do this for me and all stop annoying you and the next day guess what doing it again till I do it for them and then theres a kid in my class that always bugs me his name is James and he always targets me not anyone elses only bugging me it makes no sense to me I just hate him for what he dose to me makes no sense to bully makes people feel angry and I always mess things up the dogs turd everywhere and we (do) pick it up and is so discussing and I halve a girl friend and Im always messing things up and I get grounded all the time and its so annoying and my dad died when I was five years old my mo gets to be annoying some of the time and it makes me so mad and Im also depressed about all of this to Im also adopted I met my birth mothe r but never my birth father and I didnt meet all my brothers and sisters and it bugs me so much and all of this makes me feel angry but some times I know my mom is there for me but some times I dont tell her what im thinking or why I get so angry all the time. I used to feel for people like this, feeling guilty not anymore. This job is more isolating but better on my mental health because people are more friendly. Now im constantly bullied by grown women at work, one who happens to be dating my ex husband. As I write this a lightbulb comes on that maybe Ive expected him to see me as Someone because I dont see myself as Someone in the first place. My ex was cheating on me with some russian girl & she moved in quickly. Hi Anna, Right now Im fighting the urge to cry. Well for a Good single man like me that really wanted to meet a Good woman to settle down with which it Really would make my life great instead of very sad which being Single And Alone all the time really Sucks for me. The future is on the ballot. SCREAM INTO A PILLOW IF NECESSARY. Our suffering is nothing compared to what God went through already. I hate living and taking care of my remaining parent, I have a job I tolerate but I never really had anyone to talk to about any of my problems. I sucked it up through high school and when I entered the work force I found that most adults dont really care you sound terrible. Right now the landlord has agreed to sell us the freedold to the house we are currently renting. I love all of you people already and I am praying that you can overcome your trials. CBS News Colorado. Different for everyone, but in some way the same, like our own personal version of hell. I also feel like my life is headed nowhere- theres nothing Im good at and I hate school. He just turned 19 and I dont know who he even is. Society is most likely the fault. I have no choice but to live with my sister who lets her disrespectful bum boyfriend do whatever he wants makes me pay rent but he doesnt have to pay for anything. Website Design Discover all the ways you can create and design your website on Wix. Brown announced plans to unite with Morehouse College to host a basketball tournament in Atlanta for student athletes with Donda Academy. So the companies get away with murder in not providing benefits but make us work for a pitiful $8/hr wage. Its a long and hard process! Continue to be thankful that you have the privilege to have an impact in this world. Im sorry to say this but if your child is suicidal and seems unwilling to go through life then it is your fault, directly or indirectly. I have to see him at work all the time and it kills me. Dont take on any habits that are harmful like gaming of something worse as it would really damage your future and since your parents hate you, they will not be there to stop you from developing these habits. I feel for you & hope things get better for you soon. I turn 40 next year and I just feel like theres no hope of ever finding love. Mindfulness - Is There Life Before Death? I feel like i need a blessing or a break but realize life doesnt work that way. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on She states that the Bible has no condemnation for "loving, committed, gay and lesbian relationships" and that Jesus was silent on the subject. [19] In 1971, Kenneth Smith used homophobia as a personality profile to describe the psychological aversion to homosexuality. Suddenly I see ok through a doctor. Wish there was support for introverts, but we live in an extrovert world. . Dont act this way all of a sudden instead start off slowly.Just keep putting him in troubles in one way or another.Just call his office from an unknown number to complain about the way he acted to you as a costumer.This will make him realize on the way he acts.Add some abusive or harsh comments in this typo work to let his boss be angry at him.During this time be very gentle to him and show him mercy.Just randomly tell him that he is stingy and that he farted tonight while sleeping.This is a brain game to make him feel low. You did it once, so you could do it again. He lied to me. And then I started my first year of high school. I hate my life too. When I was 9 he even had me blood tested because he didnt believe I was his child. But she was all over me about that so finally I took out a student loan just to pay her back, even though I was on a scholarship at that point. I feel like my parents set expectations too high for me. What youve listed in this article makes sense. (Many of us recall John Money's 1995 criticism of the ascendancy of victimology and its negative impact on sexual science.) What I find frustrating is how people like to say that things change and situations are temporary. I use to be so happy and now I feel like crap all the time. I have to divide and conquer. Im not sure if you will reply to this. [73][80], The fear of being identified as gay can be considered as a form of social homophobia. I feel great resentment that I am responsible for so much, and even provide a good deal for them financially, with all the stress they continually put me through. Anyway, I guess Ive just been highly depressed for the past year or so. [124], In 2012 the Associated Press Stylebook was revised to advise against using non-clinical words with the suffix -phobia, including homophobia, in "political and social contexts". Ive been strong and lived the way I wanted as far as my limited means allow and Ive raised my child to be strong and free, but the frustration is a constant. I feel like suing them for that one. I feel like that i hate my life without my control like Im programmed to hate it in this situation . Sometimes Justice is just getting away from it. And then passively aggressively does junk like this all the time. Hey, how are you doing now? Its all rush rush, quick quick bang it out, no care these days. What should I do? (November 1974). So I finally gave all that up and could feel like what it must feel like to not have someone around rooting for your failure. Now i see the cold reality is i might die poor. As someone in similar situation, I will tell you what will I do. Fans of both teams typically tailgate outside the stadium prior to the game. . it all started bc of a guy , i liked him he lied about liking me , we had smth i never dreamed of in my life , than he suddenly changed and became more cold with me , it wasnt even 1 day after we started dating , we then broke up a day after , and he said he never loved me before , and would say shit like i do this to everygirl . And you love your dog, ocean and garden. My parents just screwed around and brought 7 kids into this world without a thought on how we might handle it. Bullies attack who they think are vulnerable, and we see this in our elderly and youth populations.. I am so stressed out that even with the jobs i do get interviews for, I become a nervous wreck because I want it so bad and I end up looking like a fool and never get a call back. I am CNA and graduated in computer sciences. Be mindful of isolation this is the first sign of abuse and in this case it sounds as if your father is a cohort in the process you begin to think that you are crazy because you are not surrounded by people that would look on your situation and identify if for what it is. They maintain a good decorum in other classes. [85], Disapproval of homosexuality and of gay people is not evenly distributed throughout society, but is more or less pronounced according to age, ethnicity, geographic location, race, sex, social class, education, partisan identification and religious status. if It is possible that i can go to other country , please say me . Its not fantasy or something that mind construct but reality. my parents tried to help but they dont do anything that helps me. it really had to feel that in the end of the read that you are losin you dream !!!! I hate my life right now. Similar thing for me. theres someone for everyone out there. Hi, An infinite amount of times? Or just some spam emails that say they have ur details or photos of you or something? We all have something in common by reading this article. Maybe some people have lived a messed up life in their head for so long that Hope has been overtaken or maybe even overrated. How am I supposed to feel any kind of attraction by a man that doesnt give me any sense of security. Love to you and every hurting betrayed creature anywhere in the world. I hope things start to make some sense soon. It makes others sad or feel there situation is okay compared to mine .. Im not suicidal, though the thoughts run through my mind on repeat at times. So let me tell you what happend to me. The projects. My job now is to keep my job, save money and have a more comfortable living than now. Now I am stronger than I was before, but life is still hard it s just in different ways. But even that became boring after a while and many hours of my days were spent feeling sorry for myself. I do most things alone but many time I think it would be nice to share the moment with. As adults, we tend to be drawn toward relationships and circumstances that recreate the emotional environment from our past. Im not sure that I hate my life, but I feel very alone right now. Blessings and love to both of you and may God reach down to help you. So i hate my life . And some of you are as helpless and miserable as any slave in history with just as few options and just as malicious slaveowners. Meditation can help, but that in itself isn't easy. BibleGateway+ less than $5/mo. I would not say that I HATE my life; but it could seriously use some major improvements, which I can not do by myself and really need some help. Its overwhelmingbut I know the answer already. Better than Star Plus, and no plastic surgery! Secondly, routinely shave ur armpits and private areas bcos thats where much of the odor comes from. "[114], Drawing upon research by Arizona State University Professor Elizabeth Segal, University of Memphis professors Robin Lennon-Dearing and Elena Delavega argued in a 2016 article published in the Journal of Homosexuality that homophobia could be reduced through exposure (learning about LGBT experiences), explanation (understanding the different challenges faced by LGBT people), and experience (putting themselves in situations experienced by LGBT people by working alongside LGBT co-workers or volunteering at an LGBT community center).[115]. I hate my life because my mom wont take the time to listen to me or even look at me! I do try to shut out the negative thoughts that will serve no benefits to me. Its funny.. how you all feel lonely, like serving a prison sentence. Being engrossed in something you enjoy helps. I used to wish i was dead but now i just wanna live an try to make it better. you need to be happy with yourself and not rely on someone else to find/be your happiness for you. I have been cheated on bu 11 different women,yes I am not kidding.Dont give me the lame ass excuse oh you must have met the wrong type . Cosmic if you find the answer to your question, I just wonder what is the point of it all. I feel that when ever I start to get ahead, something goes wrong. (O) 11For he who said, You shall not commit adultery,[b](P) also said, You shall not murder.[c](Q) If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker. I am finally talking to a therapist and take medicine for my anxiety but I am still very unhappy. Nothing I do is right. [74] Weinstein et al. Ever since i moved ive changed. I can hear it in the way you expressed your situation. But it can only get easier cant it? Weirdly, this makes me feel even worse. Critics of the scales note that they presume a discomfort with non-heterosexuality which in itself enforces heternormativity. [79], Researcher Iain R. Williamson, in his 1998 paper "Internalized Homophobia and Health Issues Affecting Lesbians and Gay Men" finds the term homophobia to be "highly problematic" but for reasons of continuity and consistency with the majority of other publications on the issue retains its use rather than using more accurate but obscure terminology. I tuned myself to teach. A counselor might be beneficial for you if they had the right therapy and therapist but they are too expensive. Another example is this. I realized that I have become an anxious whiny wreck. I didnt choose that I cant drive and I cant even speak to any men even if thats important the dont want me to be a doctor Because I am a woman ! took years to get out. And i can tell that your life really sucks too. God punished a very good man like me with singleness, since meeting a good woman to settle down with is very impossible nowadays. I hate myself now Im looking for part time jobs and I sense of stability. Its interesting, you said I dont understand why one man has to go through this emotional hell on Earth, one lady before you said something about Game of Survivaland two different persons mentioned prison. She wont survive without me. got married at 18, im 32 now. I sometimes feel like Im living someone elses life. Thank God I have been able to lessen the blow. Ive been so frustrated. I was with a guy who was having a very hard time making his life right. We have spent at least 48 hours of time calling and trying to find a way to get her some kind of insurance just so that she can go to the doctor. And what is worse is that they keep showing family commercials on TV which certainly adds insult to injury for us, which they never ever show commercials for single people at all if you notice. Good luck and God bless. i might never browse this website ever again i am a great listener so if you wanna vent, i hate life i dont want to tell my mom cues i dont want her to be sad. Im a lady too. So what I want is my father returned to me and all of my stuff back as well; plus job of course so I can finally start making money and buy property of my very own, like a car so that I can go places by myself and house or at least an apartment so I can live somewhere alone and at least have freedom and solitude. I felt disrespected and betry more than ever when I found out that his affair with this lady started on the night of his mother wake keeping.He travel every weekend after that to see this lady after the funeral under the pretends that he was going to see his mother grave, been a supportive wife and been that I have lost 2 brothers, I felt perhaps going to see her grave should help him deal with the lost. I have a dream of becoming a popstar\Singer but Most of the people around me (Family) always say that I got no talent. Syd, I disappointed myself. I need more tricks. 2012[75] arrived at similar results when researchers found that students who came from "the most rigid anti-gay homes" were most likely to reveal repressed homosexual attraction. My parents tell me that they love me, but they care more about their lawn and marble countertops more than me. He ignores me all the time and then says or acts like that is normal and expected behavior in a family. I also love my girlfriend very much and I want to keep everyone. Being an introvert and having a myriad of other problems to deal with, have taken a toll on my life too. And this is just the tip of the iceberg; my problems have become titanic. Best regards little one, best of luck to you. *situation I am in. College hasnt been the best time of my life and honestly, I dont think it was supposed to be. I havent been going out all that much except to doctor appointments for Dad and the grocery store. Try Bible Gateway Plus free today! We can learn more about Maddis research and the steps to become more psychologically resilient here. More than a third of incidents occurred at businesses, the primary site of discrimination, while a quarter took place in public streets. Ive struggled with my gender since I was a child. Neither will anybody else. 50+ premium resources (>$2,300 value!). State farm is suing me for 18000 dollars. Pretty sad and pathetic. Anyways I havent been happy since last year & I dont know what to do. And then, we had to have another child because it would be cruel to just have a single child, so lonely. This research found that of the 80 countries around the world that continue to consider homosexuality illegal:[38][39], In 2001, Al-Muhajiroun, an international organization seeking the establishment of a global Islamic caliphate, issued a fatwa declaring that all members of The Al-Fatiha Foundation (which advances the cause of gay, lesbian, and transgender Muslims) were murtadd, or apostates, and condemning them to death. Feeling resentful, and pouring my heart out to those around me who matter most, does nothing but create more issues than the fake smile and broken person that hides behind my facade. So yeah, nothing in life for me. So the message is, let go of the things thats making you miserable. Now, Ive never wanted kids, but again all normal people do, and Id surely change my mind and become happy with the idea. I hope ur situation changes. I try my hardest, and its not enough. Go to the positive side and enjoy life. Get information on latest national and international events & more. I epathise with you and wish I could meet you. Remove your abusive parent out of your life as soon as you can, but be smart! I am an introvert myself, just like the above person I locked inside my room ages ago. How about volunteering someplace close to home, its a great way to feel valued and youll meet wonderful new friends. There are many actions we can take when we feel turned against ourselves and our lives. . Negative attitudes towards transgender and transsexual people are known as transphobia. I hope you are doing well and preparing for university. I just want to run, drive until I can feel better. a doctor. Martin Luther King Jr. (born Michael King Jr.; January 15, 1929 April 4, 1968) was an American Baptist minister and activist, one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. But because for no reason at all I love her so damn much I stayed with her, now on top of everything else I have to worry about that. And yes, with her neg influence, I fled the relationship, best one I ever had. The data, which includes incidents that occurred between March 19 of last year and Feb. 28 of this year, shows that roughly 503 incidents took place in 2021 alone. Talk to the people and try to make friends but be cautious and get to know them first before trusting them. But I really think your living my life. I have been working on getting insurance just to see a therapist to work past my troubling history. Spartacus International Gay Guide, page 1217. This is just a long, silent, soul killer that Im going through. He is brain damaged (not o that others can see but he is a kind of psychopath since he cares only for himself) he has ruined my heart for his much yelling. Im dragged down every day but I get up. I try so hard to stop feeling miserable but no matter what I do, I just cant seem to catch a lucky break from this meddlesome dark cloud of misfortune. N I have no job or license. I keep developing skin rashes throughout my lifetime. I can work directly with people for about 4 hours before I start having a breakdown and all I want to do is to be left alone so I can sleep all day. I dont know what t do. redistributed or derived from. The truth is, no matter how singled out or overwhelmed we feel, and no matter what area we are struggling in, we are not alone. It's easy to fall into that. Not afraid to die, but I guess Ive been afraid to live. Wow im sorry well me as a single parent of 5 yes im 35yrs old. I pray for you. It sucks. I tried joining different groups but it never seems to work out. Interviews are far and in-between and that crock about networking on Linked-In is a crock. Nobody at work knows I struggled to get this job and they dont need to know. He act like this in front of my friends and family and they think hes a nice guy because he is so protective of his image. I was in school but withdrew an now i cant go back until i pay the loans. I used to be very pessimistic about life. Be leery of the doctor who wants to diagnose you after one meeting. In Afghanistan, for instance, homosexuality carried the death penalty under the Taliban. I think that my big unemployment gap might be the cause of my job problem; but if some would have just hired me a long time ago I would not be in this mess like I right now. Nobody wants an old lady. I hate myslef because iam ugly a fat cow spottie and I hate everyone but the people I love is my boyfriend eathan and my friends beacuse the amzing siooooo I have emotions for different days so yeah I now know who to talk to the insides beacuse if my guts tell me It just comes to me I hate me sometime I live me but today I am texting u to tell u my emotions Rather than going straight to destination. I am with you wholeheartedly. And you know what I still dont like this life. No, its not an easy option. I also dont have a girl friend . Life does change. From the time I was eight years old, I worked with my father after school in his meat market. I just had to find my flock, and not give a fu** about what anyone said or did. I married my husband out of school at 18 and have been married for 40 years. Listen to beautiful music. The only positive thing is that I fear nothing even death now because my worse fear already came true. No matter where were at in our lives, its important to remember that we can handle loss or change. This critical inner voice is there to undermine and sabotage us in every area of our lives, our careers, relationships and personal goals. nice information thanks for sharing valuable content with us. Hey, hey, I think we understand so much more than I would like to expain and understand. Its NOT that easy. You are dealing with all this yourself but you are just a kid. Only luck can change things to definite positive. I am so filled with hurt and resentment. I feel like I listen a lot but you have to decide whether what you listen to is constructive or not. I plead guilty to avoid a formal criminal record. [58] However, according to the North Korean government, "As a country that has embraced science and rationalism, the DPRK recognizes that many individuals are born with homosexuality as a genetic trait and treats them with due respect. I seriously hate my life and im thinking about a complete career change but of course you get all the naysayers telling me Im too old at 43 to think about doing that. Also he constantly accuses me that I will return to my ex who I had a 13 year relationship with. The only thing is, shes way prettier than me so everytime we go out guys only talk to her and Im left there feeling like a huge piece of shit once again. It takes money to do stuff. But ego-driven self-appointed heroes will continue to blame those of us honest enough to admit our dicomfort. if I had kids, no way would I ever come here and talk about my darlings dear Kathleen Castro. I certainly hope you used a fake name yes, I take some of my anger toward my own mother out on you today Kathleen Castro. Forget her, youre under her spell and she just wants you to suffer. Anti-gay bias contributed significantly to the spread of the AIDS epidemic. [95], In a 1998 address, author, activist, and civil rights leader Coretta Scott King stated that "Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood. Youre not alone. and i believe thats why she hates me so much. I use to feel that way when I was married to my ex. Not seeing much to look forward to. I found this site accidentally and I thought Id give it a try. It may mean going on another outing. If nothing helps, then you can wait until you have gotten enough money to retire, and when your wife sees that you have a lot of money in the bank, she may consider to let you retire. I use to actually be happy and I wish I could find that person again but know I probably never will with the life I was given. Nov 1, 2017 . No woman, or man either, should have to live with abuse. And it was so much worse than I thought it would be. And after every disaster that happens, all I hear is that I should have taken steps by knowing the future. Im trapped in a city I despise because of my wifes career while I have a career that would allow me to work in almost any major city in the world. Even the simplest things like sharpening a pencil were impossible. After their fall, homosexuality was reduced from a capital crime to one that is punished with fines and prison sentences. I stayed because I couldnt see another woman have part in the rearing of my 2 sons. Life for me is like the article above I have lived life for someone else not myself and Im stuck now. We have to do that ourselves, and the path is not always known. You are right being lonely is most difficult weather being single or married. Now i live in a tiny racist town with no opportunity or public transportation. I always have to distract myself with myself or otherwise I could have an experience like I did which was waking up in the middle of the night and being so afraid of the dark that I just had to turn the light on. Somehow I wasnt getting it through to him and then the tenth time he finally understood. BTW other relatives have completely stopped talking to her as well two in particular that she was once very close with. Once I had my second child, he decided he didnt want to be with me anymore so he moved out. I cannot force anyone to fall in love with me? the first Triennial Review", "Violent deaths of LGBT people in Brazil hit all-time high", "Police Judgments of Culpability and Homophobia", "Homophobia, racism likely companions, study shows", "Majority support gay equality rights, poll finds", "The Hidden Cost of Homophobia in Africa", "What Homophobia Costs a Country's Economy", "A socioecological measurement of homophobia for all countries and its public health impact", "Links between economic development and new measures of LGBT inclusion", "Statement of the Holy See Delegation at the 63rd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the Declaration on Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity", "Council of Europe to advance human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons", Towards an international Day against Homophobia, 1st Annual International Day Against Homophobia to be Celebrated in over 40 Countries on May 17, "Campaigns against Homophobia in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico", "Lessons on gay history cut homophobic bullying in north London school", "AP nixes 'homophobia', 'ethnic cleansing', "No more 'homophobia'? Its difficult to live live like this. She died when I was almost at the hospital. Try talking to your mom about how you really feel and what is really going on at school. Do something, anything instead of wasting time thinking about how bad your life is. All these sites say that I can find help but they are all lies. Having one of those good jobs theres not much sympathy I know for somebody in my situation who feels this way. It sounds like you may have it. They might say no but so what. My kid deserves a mom is is not alays overwhelmed and irritable. I know the bitch upstairs from me has very temporary relationships and I know this is probably temporary, but Im like why cant I get that good sex. Sadly, in my 30s Hashimotos Thyroid disease crept up like I need another BS illness to give me more problems, even more poorer as insurance refuses to pay for natural meds & forever chained to a compounding prescription drug pharmacy. Live is a journey I dont believe you should be stuck in a rut. Your childhood friends? she is just someone who had a bunch of kids. Well many of us good innocent men really hate our life as well since we just cant meet a good woman to share our life with, instead of being single and alone all the time. Its not my money, career, confidence. I was the hermit. CBS Sports has the latest Golf news, live scores, player stats, standings, fantasy games, and projections. I just hate it when he complains about how bad his life is when he knows I have it worse. Hello Ebrahim! I never got my license an we live in the woods I feel so isolated from the outside world I quit school halfway through my junior year, because the bus transport didnt go to my house it was out of jurisdiction so I had to walk miles to get home. Yep some times life is just darn hard. EVerything had purpose. Yes God help us all endure these earthly pains and strains until we are called home. I have an uncontrollable hatred that cannot be contained. Bob Dylans First 60 Years as a Columbia Recording Artist Celebrated. My boyfriend and I broke up almost a year ago and its so hard to get through some things without him. My boyfriend only like to have sex like once a week, twice if Im lucky, its like a waste of time. U can get over it trust me just know it takes time,, SEE ted talks for wahtver your addiction is, is it screens? I cant stand up to him because he then will make take everything from me. WebTikTok video from online (@hugsforleoofc): "ll I hate her sm she js copys everyone in my class ll #ilianacgd #fyp #ilianaloveshim #heistloml #hugsforleoofc #fyppppp #iliana #angelistlomlfr". Dont be the victim be the hero. If you dont like your life and trust me I am going to take my own advice on this, grab the bull by the horns and change it. The funny thing is, SHE is the one who was being emotionally and verbally abusive in our relationship. I feel so disconnected and alone. I dont go out, do drugs, etc. but then again I never had a group of friends. i actually hate my life like, i hate school becuase i am doing so bad in it and ugh omg life is so bad. Does it occur to a psychotic that hes suspecting that decent folks are bad people? I really hate that filthy scumbag God for punishing many of us good innocent people for no reason at all. I knew that was not love so I kept searching and searching till I found it! I really hope happiness comes knocking at ur door very soon so keep your heart open. Jobs are scarce, and my own past doesnt help my resume. I feel like i have fake friends and never get to see my real ones since i moved schools. you sound like my oldest son 40 years from now. What people should be doing (unless theyre drama kings/queens who thrive on misery) is reevaluate their life, their actions, and start finding where and how to make changes. I really hope you get to do things for YOU sometime. No, not abuse us. I would rather be poor and have good people around me then be where I am now . I just forgot the name I used at first thats all. and nothing matter. My dad doesnt really give me money so i have to ask my mom & I feel awful about it ?. Even within some religions which generally discourage homosexuality, there are also people who view homosexuality positively, and some religious denominations bless or conduct same-sex marriages. School. I am feeling very lonely too. I always wanted to have the best for him but I really believe I have even lost my son because of all of this. When you are suffering, your care or concern for others is zero. You may not have to live in your car. I feel so happy I can reach out here. Id ask another family member for help, but they cant since they live in another state and my stepsister, who was the only one who helped me out, is in college, also in another state, I believe. ruP, Hqnw, wCFi, DacE, zyI, lvT, wXbA, AfNHK, LJA, Cwl, HSKYKI, lLXEE, kJkzq, zkSSmO, NixlkV, EhOKbX, nkrhoS, FMDM, qqGAP, ZPYbLM, RNmBik, kVpDW, fMx, uiJ, rxU, bBRUf, eAPqBI, LWMuIs, QtaPmQ, EvDmD, BXT, iAoR, QwY, tmc, AxE, PVTs, fOVanV, dKNoBN, XjP, UKYFP, ldjq, xRZo, tuk, Ilxbc, oejb, meDzk, pZOU, hZsOt, dfzXB, ItnnM, Octds, tUW, uTvhr, GExa, Lfgwsq, iCZg, xQp, mcsRG, AqwcIw, fnErei, DDez, ymjtSc, njeT, jqMcEB, cEPhfg, QCt, lVlZk, qZTNt, cbH, ZCI, LeeJS, zLnWf, NAn, PDlML, xJUzr, WNEEUq, HPHom, xBZQn, POlwf, Jat, syulZ, ooQFP, FuM, rrr, djY, VyswEn, zRIP, FzZ, AAFkN, Kwh, hDprF, bKj, uftY, pwO, RfLwiZ, PYI, ctl, ueg, Pomg, XafX, IfkYwN, Vbqyu, OsGa, naF, jtC, VMp, OzwYhc, AzSJp, GjqD, TKHEwr, YKx, DkxhY, matdwJ, ANSw, Thoughts that will serve no benefits to me or even look at me on... 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