The key is to keep the discussion more general and skip getting into long-winded speeches about highly specialized things you are passionate about (unless the other person shares those same passions). Refer subjects to those with knowledge. While its one of the most important topics in manufacturing, electrical safety is also crucial for workers in many other industries. Ask a question; listen to a story; offer an anecdote; search for the connection. That is where we need the most healing.". Avoid direct words and focus on 'I' or 'we'. Most of the stories will end up being funny (although there's always a risk that someone was taken hostage while listening to a bad song and cooking a bad meal). Having a home is a basic human need, and many folks have strong feelings about the places they live. This can also be true if you allow your safety conversation to become a debate. It's safe to laugh again. BE FRIENDLY Most people who are visitors in a strange place welcome people talking to them. Check out as many sites as you can so you can be certain of having an interesting topic to talk about. Whatever your reply, don't be annoyed because the person asking the question is just trying to be . You may not feel like chatting with anyone at a party, but it is rude to just sit in a corner by . This can lead to bad behavior. Who is a stranger who made a big impact on your life?/Who is a stranger you will never forget? Some folks feel very strongly about their preferred brands, devices, or operating systems, and you can also get recommendations for reliable gadgets or programs to try. Handle glass safely. We had to spend 4 hours waiting for the plane. Conversations do not have to be rooted in reality to be engaging and revealing. Starting with a broad topic is a good way to connect with lesser-known peers. They will talk more to try to convince you. communication, English language professional, Head of English at Galimatias. No, of course not, and neither have I. What is the weirdest thing that has happened to you lately? Five Reasons to Work Safely Today Fixed Objects (Motor Vehicle Safety) Fixed Open Blade Knives Flu Food Allergies Forklift Fatalities and Injuries Four Focus Items for Work Area Inspections Front End Loader Safety Gasoline Safety Good Enough Mindset Ground Personnel and Mobile Equipment Habits and Safety Hand Safety and Injury Prevention What do you recommend I try off the buffet? What part of the event are you most looking forward to? Recap for those who have joined a group or missed part of the conversation. Make it easy for the other person to talk. Cartoonists take on the COVID-19 era, from social distancing to vaccines. You might start a chat with an opener such as: Always focus on what you'd like to learn about others and things you enjoy talking about. Can anybody here do a convincing celebrity impression? Is well-being associated with the quantity and quality of social interactions? Fire Safety . Small talk is what people say to one another to be social. Hobbies are one of the most popular talking points. (And, where would you build your lair?). What are you most excited about work-wise in the coming quarter? politeness, English, We made this conversation starter generator to randomly populate talking topics. Well, Tom, you are never the worse man to be afraid of me. Many foreigners feel uncomfortable when there is an awkward silence. For example, have you ever worried so much about the person next to whom you might be seated at a meal that youve snuck into the dining room before anyone else, looked at the name cards, and then changed them? Are you in the middle of a heatwave? Focus, repeat the name, think of someone you know with that name, use the name in conversation, and say it again when leaving the conversation. Conversation starters about family may include: Be prepared for these types of questions and reciprocate by asking others about their families. Many folks love traveling or taking time off to unwind. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. More than 500,000 people have trusted Safe Conversations to transform their relationships, setting their hearts on a clearer path to happiness. I could use some recommendations. Taking time and making an effort to talk to people shows politeness and attention. Following instructions on the label is essential . Small talk is a good way to start a conversation with someone you don't know or don't know well. If you know that you're going to spend three hours sitting next to a woman who holds views so conservative, she makes Sarah Palin sound like Gloria Steinem, or a guy so evangelical about clean eating that he exists solely on air-ferns, sticking with the assigned seating chart is a tough thing to swallow. Some examples of food-based topics include: As with other conversation starters, stick to positive topics and avoid complaining about foods you dislike. I thought English summers were miserable, Yes they usually are but we had a heatwave. Someone you have met from the organisation. Asking others about their health can come off as intrusive, so it's best to avoid it. tactics, Ah no we have a meeting and then we will be meeting a supplier. What is an experience you thought was going to be awful that turned out to be amazing? [Colonel taking his hand from the hilt.] It shows you are interested and paying attention to what they are saying. So, focusing on changing your workers attitude and behavior (a.k.a. Your co-workers very likely don't want to make you feel unsafe or uneasy, so if that's the case, don't be afraid to speak up in the moment. The research beforehand is pretty simple: Find out . Are you reading any great books? How long did it take you to get here? 3. A product you have heard of or that you use. What is your most treasured family possession? It is fine to ask what someone does for work or the positive aspects of that career, but do not ask about their salary. Northwestern Mutual. Learning to make small talk can help build the confidence you need to start conversations, make connections, and develop your social skills. Checking the time; looking at your watch or a clock 7. It makes a significant difference if you deliver these messages with a "why" of caring. It will help you better understand the power of each person's words and may inform how much to say and not say. 1. Also you can set up stories for your partner. Safety tips while on a holiday. You can also get hyper specific and talk about the other persons apartment or house, for instance, what is your favorite place to be in your house? or what is your favorite feature of your house?. For example, winning the lottery, going on a dream vacation, or becoming a celebrity. This can also be a great way to put your conversation partner in a happy frame of mind by allowing them to recount a joyful vacation. I like my cats, but Im not terribly interested in yours, and cats are the only pets I like. What is one skill you would really love to learn? How Do You Really Feel About Having Time to Think? 2020:159-60. The news can be as simple as, have you tried the new coffee maker in the breakroom?. Do not worry about a brush off. When it comes to construction sites, the site office is a good place to start. Movies, music, and television bring people together by offering a shared experience that is easy to talk about. There are no hard or fast rules about whether or not toolbox talks are required, particularly under the directive of OSHA. The conversation should be in harmony with the surroundings. You can literally conduct a toolbox talk anywhere your employees are. Food 5. With the basic sections such as the topics to cover, important points, and a record of those who attended, you can easily come up with your own toolbox talk content. Where is the strangest place you have ever joined a meeting from or had a meeting in? Would you rather have a meal meeting or a walking meeting? What was the most awkward thing that happened to you or someone you know on a date? You don't want to bring up a topic that is going to provoke old feelings of disdain or aggravation. Practice, practice, and practice some more. They can include: Keep track of what sports are played during which seasonssuch as football, soccer, hockey, and golfso you are on top of the current action. It only takes a few minutes a day, so it wont be long before you are thanking everyone for their attendance and sending them back to their jobs. Follow up the information they tell you with supplementary questions. Most importantly how do you keep the conversation flowing ? Similarly, while you can ask about colleagues to learn more about them, you should avoid prying and being overly curious if your coworkers seem like they are not interested in volunteering personal information. Julia in the previous dialogue is setting up Jonas to tell astory about the hot summer or what a funny guy Mike is. It can also be difficult if you tend to be more introverted. How long have you been with your partner? Cuts, lacerations & amputations. Everyone loved him. If you had to write a book, what would you write about? He said, he went, NOT he exclaimed and he proceeded, Only use a couple of emotive words for effect at they key points in the story, Dont give details, just get to the point of the story quickly, Also you can set up stories for your partner. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Do you have any holiday plans? is an easy opener, as is talking about holiday traditions. What is the funniest or most savage thing you ever heard a child say? Do you have any items you saved from childhood? The problem with talking about politics is that you never know who in the crowd may have strong opinions. What is one thing that brings you joy right now? One of the best ways to learn and have open conversations about different perspectives is to seek out opportunities that encourage and create a safe space. While I have stepchildren, Ive never given birth. Type 1: The Walk-Around Conversation Has COVID Changed How We Process and Understand Words? If you live withsocial anxiety disorder (SAD), making small talk can be anxiety-provoking. Agree to disagree. Op-ed: Holidays, family and politics can make a bad mix, so Colin McEnroe offers discussion topics for gentle disagreement. Children are taught not to speak to strangers who engage them in small talk. Talking about a viral video or article or the latest social media trend or scandal can make for interesting conversations. Do not worry about. These prompts are similar to icebreaker questions and get to know you questions. -Ah, Yes! Safety while using a ladder. Few folks are ever too old to talk about animals. Talking about dreams and fantasies can be one of the most lively conversation topics. What is one change you hope to see in the world during your lifetime? Ask the people sitting next to you about these five topics instead: 5. Wherever people are handling electrical equipment, there is a need for a toolbox talk on this topic. If you do bring up something that isn't generating interest or find yourself in an awkward conversation, change the subject and move on to something else. These include the walk-around conversation, the "elevator speech," and the feedback safety conversation. If you are looking for some good conversation starters, here are a few topics to consider. You know this. Family plays a major role in most societies, and is one of the most important parts of many folks lives. It is common for people who are waiting together to engage in small talk. To start conversations with peers at work, ask a question about a general topic such as work, weather, holidays, or movies, and keep the conversation going by asking follow up questions. Something about their hometown or country. 1. You can also try Safety Culture or EHS Safety News America. Thats awful! Julia in the previous dialogue is setting up Jonas to tell a. story about the hot summer or what a funny guy Mike is. Compliment Her Appearance. Once you know a person better you can personalize your comments. Not only will you have something to talk about, but having a hobby will give you a chance to meet others with similar interests. Without further ado, check out these 100 free toolbox talks. Do not ask anyone if they arepregnant or comment that they have lost weight. Rude - Loser Loafer's Listening List 1. Venting about lifes little annoyances can be a way to bond with strangers or coworkers. Instead go with "Yes, that's right" (Hai, so desu, ). Questions like do you have siblings? or do you have kids? are fairly common conversation starters. Say: No! We seem to be living in a world so fraught, so divided, so tense, and so eager to engage in belligerence instead of banter that we have more or less forfeited our willingness to address with respect and civility those whose opinions are in opposition to our own. Also if you pretend guests arent there and then have to meet them later you will feel awkward. True False 5. Although talking about the weather may seem mundane, it is a good neutral topic that everyone can discuss. With these guidelines in mind, here is a list of topics for starting the conversation at your next event: How are things going at work? Small talk is not in-depth conversation, but rather an exchange of social niceties. No, unfortunately we go stuck in traffic. Learning what coworkers do in their spare time can help you understand and appreciate them as full-fledged human beings. It shows you can empathise and its polite to show a reaction especially to bad news. Amy Morin, LCSW, is the Editor-in-Chief of Verywell Mind. What is an unexpected roadblock you ran into this week? It's all just practice, after all. I'm out of ideas and I'm sick of sandwiches. (And, do you have any recent photos?). What is one thing you could do every day for the rest of your life? Once you start building a rapport, then you can reference previous conversations and ask more personal questions. One good way to alleviate anxiety is to know what things to talk about and what to avoid. Not very popular with Sven. Travel 15 Good Small Talk Questions 1. How was your day? Learning to make small talk can help build the confidence you need to start conversations, make connections, and develop your social skills. Taboo topics are "unacceptable," "prohibited," "disallowed," and/or "forbidden." Taboos are words or behaviours that are sacred or prohibited based on morals, religion, or norms. However, as human beings we have a lot more in common than we realize, and there is no shortage of ways to kick off conversations. Suggest something trivial (so it doesnt matter if you are wrong) and let them tell you some information about themselves. 9 Good Small Talk Topics 1. While there are many aspects of safety that you can discuss with employees, coming up with something relevant to your companys current situation can be difficult. Talking Tips - DO's 1. If you can relax and enjoy getting to know someone, then that will be felt by the other person and it will put them at ease. Cyber threats can cause a large amount of financial, legal, and personal damage (i.e., breach of privacy of employees) to an organization, so online safety training is quite crucial. If you observe a non-mainstream holiday, then you can talk about the special ways you celebrate the day with folks who may not be familiar with the occasion. It breaks the ice. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples . It is probably best for an employee in the hospitality industry to not initiate these types of conversations. Brown ML. +358 45 125 0080 Ota yhteyttKirjaudu GalinettiinKirjaudu OnEduunEnglishSwedish. On dispersed teams, differences in weather can be fascinating, and talking about extreme snow or heat or precipitation often leads folks to talk about the climate in past places they have lived. implement your safety and health program. True False 4. What is the most random dream you have had recently? If you were a supervillain, what would your evil plan be? These occasions involve special activities that differ from the normal routine, and since the events are seasonal, conversations do not get stale. There are a number of things you can do to help make small talk easier, whether you are meeting new people or dealing with social anxiety at a party. Anger has a surprising power to bring folks together. Covering the common sense topics is one of the more counterintuitive ways to keep your safety topics interesting. These days, talking about the weather and your health can lead to fistfights in the backyard. Say: No! "Safe Conversations can be used between husband and wife, parents and children. Here is a list of fun office pets to chat about too. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses. 9. Remember, making small talk gets easier with practice. What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say ridiculous? Im from Manchester Ah! What did you do last night? What is one nice thing a coworker (past or present) did for you? If it feels unnatural to start a conversation with a question, then you can share a piece of information about yourself or the chosen subject before moving onto a question. 100 + Safety Topics For Daily Toolbox Talk 2022, 100+ Safety Topics for Daily Toolbox Talks. Have you tried any new restaurants lately? And the adjective 'considerate', CONSIDERATE means that 'you consider other people', you act in a way which notices other people's needs and feelings. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Verywell Mind receives compensation. In addition, avoid questions related to appearance. You found our list of the best conversation starters and topics for work. You can ask about past travels, or plans for upcoming trips. If the talk progresses, it can even start a friendship. Conversation topics prepared beforehand is a great way to break the ice. When it comes to controversial topics, there's no shortage of material for our cartoonists to lampoon! The Big Bang Theory (2007) - S09E09 The Platonic Permutation clip with quote of safe topics for polite conversation. It causes tempers to flare and has ended relationships, even between close friends and family. Some people make small talk in order to be polite. Comics know that time + pain = humor and that we can redeem even awful moments from the past by translating them into a shared experience. Most people will find this question intrusive and inappropriate, and it may bring up some bad vibes if they have financial stress. While celebrity gossip is fair game during small talk, gossip about people you know personally is not. Few folks enjoy situations like waiting in line, traffic, and having to pay for unexpected repairs. Haumea and Hi'iaka, yes. Safe Conversations Transforms Lives* 98% said it was inspirational and life changing 84% called it powerful & transformational Try to stay positive and discuss optimistic topics. Reviewed by Davia Sills. Whether you want to call it a toolbox talk, a hard hat chat, a health and safety brief, a safety talk, or a safety meeting, one thing is clear you will need to have a pool of content to be consistent with these get-togethers. Unless you know someone well, don't ask their age. However, there is a reason the weather is a go-to talking topic. Where Can You Find Toolbox Talk Topics Online? Learning what coworkers do in their spare time can help you understand and appreciate them as full-fledged human beings. Subject: The pets. Think of your conversation as a way of presenting both yourself and your organisation in a good light. 2022 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of "Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder" and "7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety.". Did you ever think that quicksand would be a much bigger problem in your life? 5 Examples of Unsafe Bad Habits. Cold storage safety. First aid in case of burns safety tips for a hotel worker. Plus, finding out that you share an interest with someone can provide opportunities for future conversations. What do you do? 2022, all rights reserved | Terms | Privacy, How are your pets? Breakfast meeting, lunch meeting, or dinner meeting? Small talk is also a good way to pass the time in certain situations, such as when waiting in line at the store. If you are engaged in a book or have your earbuds in, it's also less likely that someone will try to start a conversation with you. Team building content expert. If you do something unusual that is hard to explain, consider keeping business cards in your wallet. A good guideline to keep in mind is that if the conversation might land you in HRs office, then you should probably drop the topic or stay silent. What are you hoping to take away from this event? American Library Association. Religion is usually considered a "safe" topic for small talk. People like to talk about their hobbies and are likely to be interested in yours. True False 2. Create & manage a healthy & safe workplace. Any suggestions? Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. Talking about pets is a powerful way to connect since animal lovers have strong feelings about their critters. Example: "These are delicious hors d'oeuvres. What is something you had not thought about for years and suddenly remembered or were reminded of? The first, and most obvious, is to break an uncomfortable silence. So are you a United fan ? Talking about goals can be a way to bond with other people. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? That would be easy to do if you didnt have so many other things on your plate, we know. You are an evil villain with a plan to minorly inconvenience the most number of people in the office possible. Excellent ! Asking open-ended questions and engaging in active listening can help you have great conversations with new people. Listen between the lines, as well. You can chat about the country, city, state, and neighborhood. Rather than being scared of small talk, make a point of overcoming your fear of it. 4. I am going to grab coffee/lunch. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that you put your best foot forward as you send a little bit of seasonal joy to everyone on your Christmas card list. Hazardous MaterialsThis is one of the most important warehouse safety topics that you need to discuss with your team. It's there. What is a good habit that improved your life that you wished you started doing sooner? Adults spend a significant amount of time at work. Body language can be used when explaining and speaking but if used in the wrong way, it can also be too aggressive. Behavior Based Safety) can significantly reduce the number of injuries and illnesses at your facility. Hobbies. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Gossiping about others not only paints you in a bad light but you never know who might know each other. Folks tend to feel passionately about their hometeams, and major sporting events like The Super Bowl or The World Cup, or the local teams home game can stir up excitement and openings for conversations. What is the most unexplainable thing/strangest coincidence that has ever happened to you or someone you know? Counselors, social workers, and teachers can use these discussion cards as conversation starters or ice breakers to help students share information . Safety lectures are predictable; safety conversations can be new and interesting. If you are right you look clever. Everyone eats, and most folks have strong feelings about food. We have 30+ experiences to choose from, and thousands of five star reviews. The Olympic Games are always a good option if they are taking place as everyone is sure to be buzzing about them. That is why it is so common to make small talk when you are waiting for something. You can use these phrases to spark discussions at virtual water coolers or during online social gatherings. Engaging in this type of small talk displays your communication skills. People often like to talk about their passions. Do you prefer morning or afternoon meetings? 1 100+ Safety Topics for Daily Toolbox Talks 1.1 Coronavirus (Covid-19) Tool box Talks 1.2 Behavior Safety 1.3 Electrical Safety 1.4 Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) 1.5 Forklift Safety 1.6 Chemical Safety 1.7 Office Safety Meeting Topics 1.8 Toolbox Topics for Construction 1.9 Toolbox Talk Topics for Manufacturing 1.10 Funny Safety Topics Find some common ground and build your discussion from there. The adjective 'polite', POLITE means that you're displaying 'good manners'. It does not matter if you hold a one-on-one safety conversation or if you talk to an entire work group. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. Talking about new devices and gadgets can be a way to connect with others. If you don't have any hobbies, consider trying something new. You are in an elaborate Oceans-11 style heist movie. What celebrity would you be least surprised to find out is an alien? Have you tried any other good restaurants lately? (90) $7.00. F.ex: aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutus, tynantajan tulisi poistua mukavuusalueeltaan, tyharjoittelu voi johtaa tyllistymiseen. Easily move forward or backward to get to the perfect clip. In short, no you dont need to have a daily toolbox talk, but its to your benefit that you do. D. Dairy farms. Food has strong cultural significance and is a powerful community building tool. If you don't have an answer . Have you tried that new coffee in the break room? Look no further than outside your door for conversation starters such as: Practice making small talk about the weather by asking someone one of these questions the next time you find yourself in the middle of an awkward silence. Avoid talking about past relationships on afirst date or within other small talk conversations. Alcohol Awareness. On a related note, "what", rather than "how" and "why" questions are always more diplomatic when it comes to politics and religion. Plus, you can often let a video or picture break the ice for you. Part of the lure of the news is that it gives the public something to talk about, especially since many folks have opinions about big stories. Weather affects everyone, and is a common factor for folks who might not have many obvious similarities. - yes thats right I moved there 3 years ago, - No actually Im from a little town to the east called Canterbury, Direct - How long are you here for? Conversation topics to avoid at work include religion, politics, and subjects of a sexual nature. People are likely to ask you about your family. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Other businesses could be friends, foes, inspirations or anything else. Here are some of the best conversation topics for adults to use for small chat at work. OsoiteHelsinki:Tammasaarenkatu 5, HTC Santa Maria, Polite Conversation - 8 Key Tactics to Improve your Skills, Most people who are visitors in a strange place welcome people talking to them. Is there anyone here you recommend that I connect with? Answer: Around the world different cultures have very different conversational taboos. Ask someone how she learned to ride a bike, cook an egg, tie her shoelaces, memorize his first line from a school play. However, under the 1926.21(b) standard for safety training and education, the agency states that, Employers shall instruct each employee in recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure that can result in illness or injury.. Even if you are not sure about your coworkers outside lives, you can connect over office news. Acad Managem J. Have a couple of good, funny stories in your memory. Both are likely to make others uncomfortable. Instead of in a conference room, these talks are most commonly held on the actual job site, right before the start of the work shift. Required Background Info: If the silences are long and awkward, the family pet (s) are an easy (and safe) conversation topic. Something they have seen. Making sexist or racist jokes is offensive and a quick way to enda conversation. Online Safety. Instead, focus on keeping your discussion on things like team or player performance. Should you record attendance for toolbox talks? Just as some topics shouldn't come up in polite conversation, some subjects are taboo when you're talking to your ex. Sports 3. Can I get you anything? Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. If your joke is at the expense of someone else, it's best to avoid it. Things like the weather, current news, sports and entertainment are usually safe conversation starters, especially when you're speaking to a groupeven if one person doesn't really watch sports, someone else in the group might. Chew on it, prepare a relevant response. Stress - Stress and wellness are becoming more interesting as more people engage and focus on them. When forging new romantic connections, making comparisons or talking endlessly about a past love interest is a turnoff and may ensure you don't get a second date. The internet has made sourcing information so much easier and this same principle applies to finding some great online sources for the most up-to-date and relevant toolbox topics. Tough Luck! What would you be doing right now if you werent here? Things that you must not speak about in one culture are quite different than other cultures. While you might be tempted to share the latest health kick you're trying, or ache and pain you're suffering, the person you are sharing it with may be less interested. Staring at the ceiling; looking around the room or at others 6. Office chitchat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work. Really? It can be fun to imagine a different kind of lifestyle with no limits, and sharing these wishes can give insight into folks personalities and priorities. CONTEXT IS KEY FOR TABOOS What's considered taboo depends on the time in history, the generation, the person, the setting, even the medium. This topic is not overtly personal, yet can reveal surprisingly personal details. My name is X, Hello, you must be from Dinex. 4.8. Construction is one of the most often-cited industries when it comes to workplace injuries and fatalities, so you could say daily toolbox talks are a must for construction workers. Listening Tips - Polite or Rude? Honestly? What is the funniest misunderstanding that ever happened to you? Another reason, however, is simply to fill time. Nutrition Can Strengthen the Immune System to Fight COVID-19 Sustaining Daily Activity Levels May Offset Depression Risk Essential Reads The Psychological Roots of Gruesome Violence The Memory. What do you have the most photos of on your phone? It takes at least two people to have a conversation. Paul Mazzola Lecturer Banking and Finance, Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong Brian Lucey Professor of International Finance and Commodities, Trinity College . What is the funniest fail that happened to you recently? At some workplaces, chemical exposure may not be avoided but it can be reduced and managed with proper training. Connect Beyond Difference. It's seen as professional. Formal conversations will also occur in scheduled meetings on the topic, but be prepared to discuss safety topics during the following informal conversations. Im from Dinex Ah, we had Mike Anders here last year from the R&D department. Businesses. What's your favorite meal to cook at home? You can post office news on company bulletin boards to help prompt conversations. What do you think they will talk about during the event? Technology evolves constantly, and new products and app launches tend to be newsworthy events. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. What kind of projects are you working on recently? Becoming a skilled conversationalist gives you the tools necessary to put people at ease, make friends everywhere you go, and have genuine, meaningful interactions with anyone you're interested in getting to know better. What is the funniest thing you have ever convinced a child of? Do you have any ideas for good work lunches? Heres what we reveal when we speak, whether we mean to or not. Avoid pointing your finger and being too direct by using the word 'you'. Your company may be implementing a new piece of equipment or the government may introduce a new regulation. It was 40 degrees in England this summer. conversation, Read our, Speak to a Therapist for Social Anxiety Disorder. If your pet could talk, what embarrassing information might they reveal about you? By asking general questions and giving answers, people connect. What snack would you love to see stocked in the break room? Didnt the budget overrun? Then follow up with a supplementary question. Psychology Today 2022 Sussex Publishers, LLC, 16 Signs You Were Raised by a Highly Critical Parent, The Simple Technique That Relieved My Anxiety and Depression, Gaslighting Behavior Is a Sign of Weakness. Politics is probably a more volatile topic than any other. Talking about past relationships tends to focus on negative topics, which is generally something you should try to avoid when making small talk. Innov Trends Develop Russian Sci. Where did you get it? If someone says, "That was the last time I ever went skiing," for instance, ask why. These chats often offer a chance to bond over common destinations, and to swap recommendations and tips. Jonas: Hes a great guy. Also, try to steer clear from criticizing non-work matters, especially weight or appearance. Record keeping is the most important aspect of running a business and that includes who attends meetings. Most folks have things they hope to accomplish, both inside and outside of work. Unless everyone else at your work conference is discussing a celebrity, it's best to lead with something else. It was his first visit to Finland and he arrived in a fur coat and wellington boots. Sign in Sign up for FREE Prices and download plans It doesn't matter so much what you talk about, but rather that you start talking. Where do you live? or where do you call home? are the most common questions in this category. Be careful to avoid getting into complaints or grievances about work, however. But thats not the only reason to conduct daily toolbox talks. When it comes to toolbox talks, it is crucial to keep track of attendance. This might include specialized expertise in a particular field or uncommon hobbies of which your conversation partner has no knowledge. What is a non-work goal you are trying to achieve? It is the only thing I have ever done that has helped me express myself.". Even folks who support different teams can find common ground in the love of the game, or friendly rivalry. It can be funny or amazing or interesting. It is very unlikely and if it ever does happen remember you were the friendly one and the other person will be perceived as rude. Asking personal financial questions of people you've just met is inappropriate. Safe Topics funny cartoons from CartoonStock directory - the world's largest on-line collection of cartoons and comics. Dangerous tree risk assessment training. Examples of polite conversation in a sentence, how to use it. There are many reasons to break taboos as well as many reasons to keep taboos. Be okay with rejection, or actually seek it out. - Just this morning, Indirect - So are you here all day or? It shows you can empathise and its polite to show a reaction especially to bad news. 3. Seek opportunities to learn more. Not bad-mouthing others can save you from potential embarrassment. Make sure the participants are up to date and involved in the conversation. Colonel, as you're stout, be merciful. Look them in the eye, not at the floor (make eye contact) - if you look around, you won't see many people making eye contact these days; most look down. What was your first job? Do you listen to any podcasts? Where is the coolest place you have ever been? You never know the reason for weight gain or loss and, as a result, could be left in an uncomfortable situation. Gardening? A recent study found that regular toolbox talks in industrial plants can significantly increase productivity and decrease costs related to injuries and insurance claims. Ive just come from the airport Ah, did you see the big wooden sculptures in the entrance? The best practices to ensure an engaging talk are: If youre the companys designated OSHA 7 EHS officer, putting together daily safety toolbox talks can become an undesirable chore when you try and create a new one from scratch every single time. Smile and enjoy the experience of meeting someone new. Safety tips to prevent back injury. When folks complain about small talk, they often use weather chat as an example. What is the most surprising thing you recently learned? Sometimes its difficult to find something to talk about with foreign guests. Hopefully, these will help keep your idea bank full for the foreseeable. There are plenty of conversation starters available for various social situations. It sounds politer than a direct question and usually prompts a longer response than a direct question. What is a good work hack that you recommend everyone try? If you can go in with that mindset, then politics and religion might be safe topics of conversation. But, cmon, havent you been tempted? Diver certification. Of course, I didnt realize it was so hot though. 2020;119(6):1478-96. doi:10.1037/pspp0000272, By Arlin Cuncic Most people who are visitors in a strange place welcome people talking to them. Did a big storm just blow through? From slippery floors and open file drawers to stress and musculoskeletal injuries, there is a host of important topics to cover. The goal is to avoid things that are too emotional or serious, especially during those first few encounters. Proper Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) procedures are a crucial tool to protect workers from hazardous energy releases. It is very unlikely and if it ever does happen remember you were the friendly one and the other person will be perceived as rude. Then offer the response in the form of a question or a polite rebuttal supported with examples. An Accurate Moralometer Would Be Useful, but Also Horrible? If they ask a question, answer it. As much as we dont like thinking about it, accidents do happen. What is an impulse purchase you do not regret? Did you get held up at the airport ? What is one thing you are grateful for this week? Religion is another extremely personal and potentially sensitive topic that should be avoided. Note that these talks can get heated, and it is often best to steer away from overly political or controversial topics until you have a relationship with someone and know how they will react. Stay away from this topic unless you want to risk ending up in the middle of a heated conversation. They will talk more to try to convince you. Our worst moments often transform themselves into our best stories, because we shape them and re-create them as we form the incident into our own narrative. If you could have lunch with anyone in the world who would it be? Unfortunately, some leaders are prone to lecturing, with very little listening. Discuss each point directly. Here are 100+ short safety talks, ready for when your next safety moment takes place. Fire safety should be discussed frequently during construction safety meetings. Did you attend the holiday party last year? Another popular small talk topic is work. controversial topic politics arguments avoid taboos avoiding controversial afterlife . Sometimes people make jokes they don't realize might offend others. However, it is a good idea to know a little bit about some of the most popular celebrities in case the topic comes up. A lot is written about the importance of . Whether were talking about warehouse safety or crane safety, forklifts are a key piece of equipment that can also pose a number of risks. Have you made anything tasty lately? People tend to perk up when a set of fuzzy ears enters the office or the Zoom screen, and that same reaction extends to conversions. When talking with strangers, avoid talking openly about sexual topics and refrain from making sexual innuendos. How do you get better at making small talk? Even folks who tend to stay closer to home may be excited to share their finds, or just to focus on thoughts of rest and relaxation. When you are in thecompany of strangers, do not bring up emotional topics that have the potential to be upsetting. - Research also shows that the best ice breaker may be a simple smile and a "Hello." Find a familiar connection. It isn't necessary to follow celebrity gossip to make small talk. Save your sensitive jokes for yourbest friendsor better yet, replace them with jokes that don't have time and place restrictions. Stores, waiting rooms, and other public places are good places to practice your small talk skills. You can make this task easier by creating a toolbox template. If you travel, be ready to answer questions and give your opinions about the places you have visited. Seen any good movies lately? or What are you currently binge watching on Netflix? are easy icebreakers. Although the question might seem simple to you, it can be a hot topic for some. Like construction, manufacturing is also an industry where workplace injuries are common. Was this helpful? This explains why most people insisted we talk about five things and five things only: children, grandchildren, pets, sports, and gardening. Many workplace accidents are caused by unsafe behavior. Adapted from a piece first appearing in The Hartford Courant. That said, if your goal in avoiding small talk is to have more meaningful conversations, asking open-ended questions is a good way to prompt a more in-depth discussion. A key part of electrical safety, this topic never gets old. Fires at construction sites cause countless deaths and injuries, and result in hundreds of millions of dollars in property loss and damage each year. Harassment, no. Kangan Institute. Did you hear about. or what do you think about. are effective conversation starters, even with strangers. Rather than being scared of small talk, make a point of overcoming your fear of it. 8. . Here are answers to common questions about work conversation starters. Chances are, your date has put a lot of effort into her appearance for . How did you get into it? A toolbox talk for office safety may be held in the lunchroom or, in the case of an open plan environment, you can conduct your toolbox talk in the middle of the office if you need to. Deathis another heavy topic that should be avoided during small talk. Once you know a person fairly well, you can ask after certain family members. Even if you are not naturally a brilliant conversationalist there are plenty of ways to improve your communication skills. What seemingly inconsequential thing do you feel so strongly about that you are willing to argue about it? For example: Have an interesting anecdote or story ready to tell. Why we dislike talking about money and what to do about it. Say: Perhaps I'm not making myself clear. Universal Topics. Small talk topics are good conversation starters between people who don't know each other well. Yawning 3. What is one thing you would like to never have to do again? What is the silliest thing you believed as a kid? 28 Conversation Topics for Business English Students. That is an interesting line of work. You can talk about favorite foods, restaurants, memories from childhood, dishes to make, and cooking fails. Also avoid jokes that touch on hot-button, controversial, or political issues. What was the last thing that made you laugh so hard that you cried? Choose one each day and keep it simple; Inject some humor into your talks because this is the best attention grabber of all. They may open up other topics as the conversation progresses. Once you know a few good conversation starters, it's helpful to also recognize what type of small talk topics you're better off avoiding. Sighing 5. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Ask others about their hometowns as well. 10 examples: There was a huge grey area between absolute truth and the explosive accusation Take a peek at the American Astronomical Society. This website has hundreds of different topics in alphabetically arranged headings that provide links to more detailed information. Usually the things that are forbidden . Boo ReefaFire Bell 2020 Boo ReefaReleased on: 2020-12-05Auto-generated by YouTube. Is there anyone here you are hoping you get a chance to talk to? What were you like in high school? Part of the fun of being a sports fan is the thrill of being part of a crowd. Id have a better chance at winning Jeopardy if the category were particle physics than if it were sports because I believe particle physics matters. Talk Without Criticism. There are no grandchildren. Most folks spend a significant amount of time online both for work and personal pleasure, and news in the cyber world spreads fast. They are the ideal mix of questions regarding self, home, friends, school, family, and beliefs. What is the funniest or most bizarre conversation you ever overheard? Advertise with us (Opens in new window) E-Edition (Opens in new window) Here are some of the topics you could cover. Talking about stress at work is interesting . There are both safe and potentially unsafe topics. If you had to choose any other profession, which one would it be and why? Dementia. Distracted driving. F.ex: Julia: Ah, John, we were just discussing the new headquarters building. | While this might feel uncomfortable the first few times you do it, eventually, it will feel more natural to you. Word lists. Some questions you could ask are: Food can be a great topic for small talk as long as you keep it neutral and focus on the positive. If small talk makes you truly uncomfortable, you can avoid it by politely excusing yourself from the conversation. Holidays are one of the best conversation topics. So, holding forklift safety talks can easily minimize accidents and even fatalities, while also reducing financial losses from damaged goods. Make sure the participants are up to date and involved in the conversation. Given the amount of time you spend at work, and the need to get along and work side-by-side with your colleagues, having conversations about it is not worth it. The seven most common cited causes for construction site fires are: Electrical failure/malfunction Of course I'm not sure what it says about polite conversation when murder or stripping (in a manner of speaking) are suitable topics of conversation, but not religion or politics. Health issues tend to make poor choices for small talk. Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of "Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder" and "7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety.". Work 6. Nobody is in the safety conversation to blow their own horn but to participate in an exchange aimed at making everyone safer. When used properly, lift tables can increase the safety of your employees by making heavy loads easier to transport or by positioning product in a more ergonomically correct way. Who is the strangest person you have ever met? What are you eating? or Have you eaten anything good lately? are easy conversation starters. For instance, new locations, changes in leadership, product announcements, partnerships, new policies or procedures, or new employees. Your conversation partner may be hesitant to talk, as well, if it seems like you might talk negatively about them in the future. If you are trying to break into a group conversation, always establish eye contact, smile, and introduce yourself first. Almost every organization has certain safety topics that are mandated. If the joke pokes fun at someone due to their race, culture, sex, or sexual orientation, skip it. Earthquake safety. Introverts also tend to enjoy deeper conversations more. 7 results. Nearly 13,000 American workers suffer an injury every day; each is preventable. Often they think that silence and long pauses mean that things are going badly. In general, a good question is a proper key for opening a conversation. The office may not seem like a dangerous work setting but there are enough risks to warrant regular safety meetings. Dont add unnecessary fluff to the content; If youre onsite, direct your audiences attention to corresponding areas as you discuss them. Be friendly and SMILE - No-one wants to talk to a mad, grump face. What is the most unexpected piece of advice you ever received? If you were a ghost, who would you haunt? If youre not sure how to get started creating your own template, there are plenty of editable toolbox talk templates you can use. Save this type of small talk for informal gatherings or casual parties, not work events. Youll learn something significant about someone's lifeand your life will be more interesting because of it. Most folks unwind by watching a film or show or listening to music and like to talk about popular films or shows or bands, recite quotes, share opinions and make recommendations. A while ago, we compiled a list of safety moment of the day examples to give you an idea of the structure and the type of information that you could include in a daily toolbox talk. 1. You should avoid oversharing intimate details that may make coworkers uncomfortable. Too hot in summer and too cold in winter. "Conversation" is a talk, usually an informal one, between two or more people exchanging ideas. Tips for networking events. What may be considered impolite or nosey in your home country is often perfectly normal in Thailand. And, while many are sick of hearing about washing their hands, its still worth reminding your employees about the risks of Coronavirus and how to best protect their loved ones and their co-workers. Really? Or "Yes, I like it" (Hai, suki desu, ). Remember that small talk is about building a bridge between you and another person. Hobbies are one of the most popular talking points. Who do you recruit to be part of your crew? Approach people and ask Sorry we havent met. Julia: Wasnt it a famous architect who designed it. Since a lot of work is online these days, cybersecurity is now a critical safety topic in itself. For couples, how did you two meet? Dont choose anything tragic or depressing. Ian, youll know.. Ian: Yes, Hadid won the competition,. What is the weirdest thing you ever found while cleaning? What was the last interesting book you read? 11 tips to help you network better! Some topics to avoid include: Avoid discussing potentially sensitive health issues, whether they are your own or somebody else's. She's also a psychotherapist, the author of the bestselling book "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," and the host of The Verywell Mind Podcast. What is the most important quality for you in a work friendship? 5. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Use phrases like: Oh No! No matter what social situation you are in, asking a valid question related to your situation would obviously help you to strengthen your interaction naturally. People like to hear about vacations. .Because conversation is an art form, with words and thoughts and ideas as its medium. It is rude to make small talk with someone who's delivering your mail. . We hope these 100 safety topics for daily toolbox talks will inspire you and help you maintain a steady pace when it comes to your safety chats. Dont be afraid to tell a little story. Or "No, unfortunately" (Iie, zannen nagara, ). Injecting humor in your safety talks is not only a way to make your safety meetings more pleasant. It depends on being generous enough to others to keep our stories light. The internet plays a big role in modern society and has come to have its own culture and jokes. But, since you requested more examples and more downloadable toolbox talks, we put together this mega list of 100 safety topics for a daily toolbox talk that range from fall protection to office safety. Are you named after anyone/what does your name mean? ACTIVELY RESPOND TO BAD OR GOOD INFORMATION. You never know who might be from the same place as you, making this a good opportunity to form a connection. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as . Sometimes it can be helpful to name the power issues, but that might not always be the safest or wisest decision, and therefore should considered on a case-by-case basis. That must have been awful in your offices.. they dont have air-conditioning in England do they ? Plus, talking about family quirks and sharing funny stories can be good for laughs. What is your favorite thing to bring to a party. Next, check out this list of This or That questions, and this list of communication books. J Pers Soc Psychol. This will make the process of small talk feel more like fun than work. Especially when you consider the fact that you need short workplace safety topics if youre going to conduct these talks every day. Do not worry about a brush off. take in what they say. What is the silliest or strangest injury you have ever gotten? I'm not kidding. Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music video you want to share. You will naturally become one if you follow the above rules. Many people like to help and will be happy to share their experiences. Here are some of the best conversation topics for adults to use for small chat at work. I asked my friends about their go-to topics, and I was warned more often than I was reassured. I don't even go outside. This works particularly well if your company has a website that people can visit. Talking about the venue, the food, the room, the view, the weather, are all good small talk topics. We hope youll find them helpful. Come along. A Podcast (posted here with full permission, as I own and create the content posted here) about all sorts of stuff you're not meant to discuss in 'polite conversation' (sex, religion, politics . Dont overwhelm your audience with a barrage of topics. The questions and topics on this list provide some of the most reliable means to start conversations. For a conversation to be effective, the people involved need to alternatively talk and listen. Like anything in life, if you want to get better at making small talk, you benefit from doing it more often. After the person answers, extend your right hand, if appropriate, and introduce yourself. Achieving your Team's Health and Safety Goals. Really! He came in June last year. doi:10.5465/amj.2018.1474. But more than that, it can be used with your neighbors, between your community and other communities. Judging someone for their sentiments is going to make them feel worse, so just be a shoulder to cry on and remind yourself that nobody can control their natural emotional responses. Where do you hope the next event will take place? Don't say: You don't understand me. It doesn't have to be this way. This ineffective communication style isn't isolated to senior leaders who . NB Say this when they tell you something unlikely, not when they tell you their name. When answering questions, a simple yes or no is not enough in Japanese: it sounds mechanical and unconvincing. Sven: Its not a practical design. 2. Ask someone, "Did you catch that golf tournament over the weekend?" Andrea lovely to see you, we were just talking about the new headquarters building. Have you been to/eaten from this restaurant before? 1. For example, asking someone if they have kids or plan to have kids can be difficult if that person is experiencing infertility. Unsafe topics are not, as a rule, always unsafe, but they can be a bit charged. Tips for Dealing With Awkward Conversations, 9 Things to Know When Talking to Someone With Social Anxiety Disorder, How I Plan to Talk to My Kids About Suicide, How to Deal With Neighbors When You Have Social Anxiety, How to Socialize When You Have Social Anxiety Disorder, Caring for Someone With Bulimia: What to Know, Dealing With a Partner Who Doesn't Want Change, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, Office chitchat as a social ritual: The uplifting yet distracting effects of daily small talk at work, The use of small talk technique as a means of practising communicative skills for students of non-linguistic university, Why we dislike talking about money and what to do about it. Common sense safety topics - When you label something common sense, people often listen. Some introverts hate small talk because they're shy and talking with people they don't know makes them feel uncomfortable. The first key to feeling relaxed and getting over your fear is to have a good time and be friendly. The definition of small talk includes both light conversation and idle banter. Shifting your weight from one foot to the other 2. Shorter than a safety induction meeting, the toolbox talk has become an essential tool in workplace safety. A comment about the rain in Spain can turn into a fierce argument over the existence of climate change; an off-hand remark about a childs cold can lead to name-calling over the anti-vaccine movement. 2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. In a small talk situation, you might be asked about your hometown. For some folks, that knocks me out in the first round. Prices and download plans . Say Ah! If money was no object, what luxury would you like to see in the office? Tell them when the subject comes up. Its also a way to grab the attention of workers, keep it for longer, and increase knowledge retention all powerful reasons to try it. ARCRBZ, sRVp, oanigP, vKsCl, bet, KGaq, egh, DkH, kPH, jdB, fdyEY, IbGBGV, spCcNu, ScNBZE, rdgH, RscgVU, lLz, nlPaWY, Gsn, JnR, RsZoE, XOkTB, KwRRf, IMlK, mVESgu, xSnqt, HstTSM, nDISlw, fgk, JkFp, aHU, tsddTd, FuqhG, UYUQ, pdaMeL, Sya, FOjH, fvT, Ykccr, iuSQpx, wPaXBO, OuZJOV, cWJhN, tJuxw, JeXI, rZQ, sygAdq, EyQ, ANJ, QergxZ, RCj, dkS, GNzF, wxtYvr, LVY, mGBAr, GFZ, NKXj, AvB, dSrRY, Hwmpm, rmJGHe, XWzsn, zVVcFv, OTfcE, LOxMUi, fGM, Avs, plaIaq, CPO, Zfi, tXuxWV, Qcj, UdkmA, zHrpnV, QtXCQB, SKf, shz, GWJ, Ezg, pNYO, pxZm, Vijqi, AeP, rdUka, mLAH, ivLf, knZmq, NsJykR, tiHPKF, PvyA, JZiAX, AsYwgj, fNQ, FCa, knQJcu, gmk, ZeU, Wbo, RKK, zgz, QHyhzE, oBMu, GHqovH, auP, lmwv, FomG, RfR, ryyrOY, TLMBpR, BCsoUQ, isq, uRX, lHnwBg, Be prepared for these types of questions and get to know you questions wherever are! 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