compulsory unification of opinion

Such a requirement, like the requirement in the Hamilton case, 'is not an interference by the state with the free exercise of religion when the liberties of the Constitution are read in the light of a century and a half of history during days of peace and war.' There are in the United States more than 250 distinctive established religious denominations. Discourses of unification variously focus on the 16-19 age group or on all post-compulsory provision, on school-based education or on all modes of learning. No information as to its educational aspect is called to our attention except Olander, Children's Knowledge of the Flag Salute, 35 Journal of Educational Research, 300, 305, which sets forth a study of the ability of a large and representative number of children to remember and state the meaning of the flag salute which they recited each day in school. Only if there be no doubt that any rea- When dealing with religious scruples we are dealing with an almost numberless variety of doctrines and beliefs entertained with equal sincerity by the particular groups for which they satisfy man's needs in his relation to the mysteries of the universe. But to measure the state's power to make such regulations as are here resisted by the imminence of national danger is wholly to misconceive the origin and purpose of the concept of 'clear and present danger'. 310 U.S. 586 Votes: 4. Such a requirement, like the requirement in the Hamilton case, 'is not an interference by the state with the free exercise of religion when the liberties of the Constitution are read in the light of a century and a half of history during days of peace and war.' In the present case attendance is not optional. Meanwhile the expelled child is 'unlawfully absent'5 and may be proceeded against as a delinquent.6 His parents or guardians are liable to prosecution,7 and if convicted are subject to fine not exceeding $50 and jail term not exceeding thirty days.8. 1010, 84 L.Ed. Palko v. Connecticut, B. Thayer, John Marshall, (1901) 104-10. They are susceptible of restriction only to prevent grave and immediate danger to interests which the state may lawfully protect. It is not even remotely suggested that the requirement for saluting the flag involves the slightest restriction against the fullest opportunity on the part both of the children and of their parents to disavow as publicly as they choose to do so the meaning that others attach to the gesture of salute. Over a decade ago Chief Justice Hughes led this Court in holding that the display of a red flag as a symbol of opposition by peaceful and legal means to organized government was protected by the free speech guaranties of the Constitution. Struggles to coerce uniformity of sentiment in support of some end thought essential to their time and country have been waged by many good as well as by evil men. The Quakers, William Penn included, suffered punishment rather than uncover their heads in deference to any civil authority. The Quakers, William Penn included, suffered punishment rather than uncover their heads in deference to any civil authority. It can never be emphasized too much that one's own opinion about the wisdom or evil of a law should be excluded altogether when one is doing one's duty on the bench. There will still remain to the judiciary an ample field for the determinations of this remarkable jurisdiction, of which our American law has so much reason to be proud; a jurisdiction which has had some of its chief illustrations and its greatest triumphs as in Marshall's time, so in ours, while the courts were refusing to exercise it.' In effect compliance is compulsory and not optional. But freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter much. Parents of such children have been prosecuted and are threatened with prosecutions for causing delinquency. Socreates lives in history partly because he gave his life for the conviction that duty of obedience to secular law does not presuppose consent to its enactment or belief in its virtue. Stromberg v. California, [319 U.S. 624, 642] symbol the meaning he puts into it, and what is one man's comfort and inspiration is another's jest and scorn. But Jefferson and the others also knew that minorities may disrupt society. Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. January 24, 2023. Grounds for Compulsory Liquidation. Assurance that rights are secure tends to diminish fear and jealousy of strong government, and by making us feel safe to live under it makes for its better support. Id., 310 U.S. at page 593, 60 S.Ct. One's conception of the Constitution cannot be severed from one's conception of a judge's function in applying it. 1493. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. -compulsory unification COMPULSORY UNIFICATION-- 914 (dissent). 15 Mr. Hayden C. Covington, of Brooklyn, N.Y., for appellees. But as judges we are neither Jew nor Gentile, neither Catholic nor agnostic. and the rich cultural diversities that we owe to exceptional minds only at the price of occasional eccentricity and abnormal attitudes. 15. Is this Court to overthrow such variant state educational policies by denying states the right to entertain such convictions in regard to their school systems because of a belief that the King James version is in fact a sectarian text to which parents of the Catholic and Jewish faiths and of some Protestant persuasions may rightly object to having their children exposed? [319 U.S. 624, 629] Lastly, and this is the very heart of the Gobitis opinion, it reasons that 'National unity is the basis of national security,' that the authorities have 'the right to select appropriate means for its attainment,' and hence reaches the conclusion that such compulsory measures toward 'national unity' are constitutional. 305(g), 50 U.S.C.A.Appendix, 305(g). Probably no deeper division of our people could proceed from any provocation than from finding it necessary to choose what doctrine and whose program public educational officials shall compel youth to unite in embracing. It rests in large measure upon compulsion. This case calls upon us to reconsider a precedent decision, as the Court throughout its history often has been required to do.10 Before turning to the Gobitis case, however, it is desirable to notice certain characteristics by which this controversy is distinguished. They put on an equality the different religious sectsEpiscopalians, Presbyterians, Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Quakers, Huguenots which, as dissenters, had been under the heel of the various orthodoxies that prevailed in different colonies. Children who go to public school enjoy in many states derivative advantages such as free text books, free lunch, and free transportation in going to and from school. His conclusion was that it revealed 'a rather pathetic picture of our attempts to teach children not only the words but the meaning of our Flag Salute'. Thus not only is the privilege of public education conditioned on compliance with the requirement, but non-compliance is virtually made unlawful. 1375, 127 A.L.R. -, note 52, decided March 1, 1943. It follows, of course, that those subject to military discipline are under many duties and may not claim many freedoms that we hold inviolable as to those in civilian life. [ In neither situation is our function comparable to that of a legislature or are we free to act as though we were a superlegislature. 159, L.R.A.1918C, 361, Ann.Cas.1918B, 856. The attitude of judicial humility which thse considerations enjoin is not an abdication of the judicial function. 1375, 127 A.L.R. The Act made it the duty of private, parochial and denominational schools to prescribe courses of study 'similar to those required for the public schools. We owe equal attachment to the Constitution and are equally bound by our judicial obligations whether we derive our citizenship from the earliest or the latest immigrants to these shores. Lela Scopes buried him in Paducah, and . The offender is required by law to be treated as unlawfully absent from school and the parent or guardian is made liable to prosecution and punishment for such absence. 1231, 1251, 86 L.Ed. tious objections to what is devoutly felt by parents to be the poisoning of impressionable minds of children by chauvinistic teaching of history? Always heretofore, it has withdrawn narrow views of legislative authority so as to authorize what formerly it had denied. That wisdom might suggest the making of such accommodations and that school administration would not find it too difficult to make them and yet maintain the ceremony for those not refusing to conform, is outside our province to suggest. 2. 778, 783, note 4. , 58 S.Ct. science may profess what faith it chooses. But the framers of the Constitution denied such legislative powers to the federal judiciary. , 62 S.Ct. [319 U.S. 624, 649] Its essence is freedom from conformity to religious dogma, not freedom from conformity to law because of religious dogma. They have offered in lieu of participating in the flag salute ceremony 'periodically and publicly' to give the following pledge: 'I have pledged my unqualified allegiance and devotion to Jehovah, the Almighty God, and to His Kingdom, for which Jesus commands all Christians to pray. The state board of education shall, with the advice of the state superintendent of schools, prescribe the courses of study covering these subjects for the public elementary and grammar schools, public high schools and state normal schools. 1493. 924, 930, 85 L.Ed. As such, less than 2 percent of the country's young adults and less than 5 percent . It may be doubted whether Mr. Lincoln would have thought that the strength of government to maintain itself would be impressively vindicated by our confirming power of the state to expel a handful of children from school. It would seem that involuntary affirmation could be commanded only on even more immediate and urgent grounds than silence. The prohibition against any religious establishment by the government placed denominations on an equal footingit assured freedom from support by the government to any mode of worship and the freedom of individuals to support any mode of worship. The last stage but one of every civilisation, is characterised by the forced political unification of its constituent parts, into a single greater whole. [319 U.S. 624, 638] But it is not for this Court to make psychological judgments as to the effectiveness of a particular symbol in inculcating concededly indispensable feelings, particularly if the state happens to see fit to utilize the symbol that represents our heritage and our hopes. For just here comes in a consideration of very great weight. They were reaffirmed after full consideration, with one Justice dissenting. Is it really a fair construction of such a fundamental concept as the right freely to exercise one's religion that a state cannot choose to require all children who attend public school to make the same gesture of allegiance to the symbol of our national life because it may offend the conscience of some children, but that it may compel all children to attend public school to listen to the King James version although it may offend the consciences of their parents? We believe that the statute before us fails to accord full scope to the freedom of religion secured to the appellees by the First and Fourteenth Amendments. your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the. We are in fact passing judgment on 'the power of the State as a whole'. 197. Probably no deeper division of our people could proceed from any provocation than from finding it necessary to choose what doctrine and whose program public educational officials shall compel youth to unite in embracing. To sustain the compulsory flag salute we are required to say that a Bill of Rights which guards the individual's right to speak his own mind, left it open to public authorities to compel him to utter what is not in his mind. It may affirm and promote that faith-in the language of the Constitution, it may 'exercise' it freely-but it cannot thereby restrict community action through political organs in matters of community concern, so long as the action is not asserted in a discriminatory way either openly or by stealth. We are in fact passing judgment on 'the power of the State as a whole'. "Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard." c. "Only a persistent positive translation of the faith of a free society into the convictions and habits and actions of a community is the ultimate reliance against unabated temptations to fetter the human spirit." Four times the Court unanimously found that the requirement of such a school exercise was not beyond the powers of the states. attendance by punishing both parent and child. Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. The Gobitis decision, however, assumed, as did the argument in that case and in this, that power exists in the State to impose the flag salute discipline upon school children in general. It shall be the duty of the officials or boards having authority over the respective private, parochial and denominational schools to prescribe courses of study for the schools under their control and supervision similar to those required for the public schools. These questions are not lightly stirred. 821. It is, of course, beyond our power to rewrite the state's requirement, by providing exemptions for those who do not wish to participate in the flag salute or by making some other accommodations to meet their scruples. Footnote 11 Such a statutory exaction is a form of test oath, and the test oath has always been abhorrent in the United States. 1493. United States v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 79, 56 S.Ct. It is such conflicts which most frequently require intervention of the State to determine where the rights of one end and those of another begin. I agree with the opinion of the Court and join in it. The Jehovah's Witnesses, without any desire to show disrespect for either the flag or the country, interpret the Bible as commanding, at the risk of God's displeasure, that they not go through the form of a pledge of allegiance to any flag. The significance of a symbol lies in what it represents. This is no dry, technical matter. We owe equal attachment to the Constitution and are equally bound by our judicial obligations whether we derive our citizenship from the earliest or the latest immigrants to these shores. [319 U.S. 624, 667] hold such a compulsory rite to infringe constitutional liberty of the individual. See Sen. Doc. We examine rather than assume existence of this power and, against this broader definition of issues in this case, re- examine specific grounds assigned for the Gobitis decision. The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Leoles v. Landers, 302 U.S. 656, 58 S.Ct. pulsion is invoked without any allegation that remaining passive during a flag salute ritual creates a clear and present danger that would justify an effort even to muffle expression. 380, 28 U.S.C.A. And again, ' whether school children, like the Gobitis children, must be excused from conduct required of all the other children in the promotion of national cohesion. We can have intellectual individualism 14 What one can say with assurance is that the history out of which grew constitutional provisions for religious equal- 977these are but illustrations of conduct that has ofteen been compelled in the enforcement of legislation of general applicability even though the religious consciences of particular individuals rebelled at the exaction. Id., 310 U.S. at page 595, 60 S.Ct. flag salute controversy is whether such a ceremony so touching matters of opinion and political attitude may be imposed upon the individual by official authority under powers committed to any political organization under our Constitution. [ WEST VIRGINIA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION et al.v.BARNETTE et al. 2 1493. Saluting the flag suppresses no belief not curbs it. At, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. 363, 53 A.L.R. Only a persistent positive translation of the faith of a free society into the convictions and habits and actions of a community is the ultimate reliance against unabated temptations to fetter the human spirit. Such undefined destructive power was not conferred on this Court by the Constitution. We set up government by consent of the governed, and the Bill of Rights denies those in power any legal opportunity to coerce that consent. (Italics ours.) Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. It is only in a theocratic state that ecclesiastical doctrines measure legal right or wrong. Id., 310 U.S. at page 595, 60 S.Ct. Appellees, citizens of the United States and of West Virginia, brought suit in the United States District Court for themselves and others similarly situated asking its injunction to restrain enforcement of these laws and regulations against Jehovah's Witnesses. Footnote 3 What of the claim that such grants are offensive to the cardinal constitutional doctrine of separation of church and state? The action of Congress in making flag observance voluntary17 and respecting the conscience of the objector in a matter so vital as raising the Army18 contrasts sharply with these local regulations in matters relatively trivial to the welfare of the nation. And it strikes down not merely for a day. The RSS thrives on animosity. 468. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard." Supreme Court of. The state is not shut out from a domain because the individual conscience may deny the state's claim. The problem is whether under our Constitution compulsion as here employed is a permissible means for its achievement. The right to secure such education in institutions not maintained by public funds is unquestioned. , 45 S.Ct. , 59 S.Ct. But I know of no other test which this Court is authorized to apply in nullifying legislation. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard. 172, prescribes no penalties for nonconformity but provides: 'That the pledge of allegiance to the flag, 'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation indivisible, with liberty and justice for all', is rendered by standing with the right hand over the heart. Therefore, in denying to the states what heretofore has received such impressive judicial sanction, some other tests of unconstitutionality must surely be guiding the Court than the absence of a rational justification for the legislation. Promoting the quality and balanced development of compulsory education. Jefferson's opposition to judicial review has not been accepted by history, but it still serves as an admonition against confusion between judicial and political functions. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.19. The flag salute requirement in this case comes before us with the full authority of the State of West Virginia. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard. 1851(1), West Virginia Code (1941 Supp. And what of the larger issue of claiming immunity from obedience to a general civil regulation that has a reasonable relation to a public purpose within the general competence of the state? The latter stand on a right of self-determination in matters that touch individual opinion and personal attitude. 1, pp. 343, this Court unanimously held that one attending a state-maintained university cannot refuse attendance on courses that offend his religious scruples. And it strikes down not merely for a day. Id., 310 U.S. at page 595, 60 S.Ct. It was also considered in the Gobitis case that functions of educational officers in states, counties and school districts were such that to interfere with their authority 'would in effect make us the school board for the country.' Id., 310 U.S. at page 598, 60 S.Ct. And for me it still remains to be explained why the grounds of Mr. Justice Cardozo's opinion in Hamilton v. Regents, supra, are not sufficient to sustain the flag salute requirement. There is no mysticism in the American concept of the State or of the nature or origin of its authority. In the light of all the circumstances, including the history of this question in this Court, it would require more daring than I possess to deny that reasonable legislators could have taken the action which is before us for review. "Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. No. Moreover, since the First Amendment has been read into the Fourteenth, our problem is precisely the same is it would be if we had before us an Act of Congress for the District of Columbia. [ 1375, 127 A.L.R. The reason why from the beginning even the narrow judicial authority to nullify legislation has been viewed with a jealous eye is that it serves to prevent the full play of the democratic process. The right of a State to regulate, for example, a public utility may well include, so far as the due process test is concerned, power to impose all of the restrictions which a legislature may have a 'rational basis' for adopting. This Court denied the right of a state to require its children to attend public schools. claims of immunity from civil obedience because of religious scruples. Words uttered under coercion are proof of loyalty to nothing but self-interest. So far as the state was concerned, there was to be neither orthodoxy nor heterodoxy. And so, when confronted with the task of considering the claims of immunity from obedience to a law dealing with civil affairs because of religious scruples, we cannot conceive religion more narrowly than in the terms in which Judge Augustus N. Hand recently characterized it: 'It is unnecessary to attempt a definition of religion; the content of the term is found in the history of the human race and is incapable of compression into a few words. The tendency of focusing attention on constitutionality is to make constitutionality synonymous with wisdom, to regard a law as all right if it is constitutional. On Appeal from the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of West Virginia. [319 U.S. 624, 666] As governmental pressure toward unity becomes greater, so strife becomes more bitter as to whose unity it shall be. 159, 62 L.Ed. 310 U.S. 586 Reluctance to make the Federal Constitution a rigid bar against state regulation of conduct thought inimical to the public welfare was the controlling influence which moved us to consent to the Gobitis decision. To strike down a law like this is to deny a power to all government. Holmes contended that a constitution "is made for people of fundamentally differing views, and the accident of our finding certain opinions natural and familiar or novel and even shocking ought. I am fortified in my view of this case by the history of the flag salute controversy in this Court. Had we before us any act of the state putting the slightest curbs upon such free expression, I should not lag behind any member of this Court in striking down such an invasion of the right to freedom of thought and freedom of speech protected by the Constitution. Braithwaite, The Beginnings of Quakerism (1912) 200, 229-230, 232, 233, 447, 451; Fox, Quakers Courageous ( 1941) 113. 302 U.S. 656 The statute requires the appellees to participate in a ceremony aimed at inculcating respect for the flag and for this country. Is this Court to overthrow such variant state educational policies by denying states the right to entertain such convictions in regard to their school systems because of a belief that the King James version is in fact a sectarian text to which parents of the Catholic and Jewish faiths and of some Protestant persuasions may rightly object to having their children exposed? For this reason they refuse to salute it. the Court's previous holding that where a State, without compelling attendance, extends college facilities to pupils who voluntarily enroll, it may prescribe military training as part of the course without offense to the Constitution. And so Jefferson and those who followed him wrote guaranties of religious freedom into our constitutions. The educational policies of the states are in great conflict over this, and the state courts are divided in their decisions on the issue whether the requirement of Bible-reading offends constitutional provisions dealing with religious freedom. The issue here is whether this slow and easily neglected11 route to aroused loyalties constitutionally may be short-cut by substituting a compulsory salute and slogan. ing-it assured freedom from support by the government to any mode of worship and the freedom of individuals to support any mode of worship. [ * * * (It) may justly be regarded as a response of the individual to an inward mentor, call it conscience or God, that is for many persons at the present time the equivalent of what has always been thought a religious impulse.' We are not discharging the basic function of this Court as the mediator of powers within the federal system. Let them consider how narrow is the function which the constitutions have conferred on them,the office merely of deciding litigated cases; how large, therefore, is the duty intrusted to others, and above all to the legislature. James A. Moss, The Flag of the United States: Its History and Symbolism (1914) 108. ] 266 of the Judicial Code, 28 U.S.C. We are substantially in agreement with the opinion just read, but since we originally joined with the Court in the Gobitis case, it is appropriate that we make a brief statement of reasons for our change of view. But it is the best of reasons, as this Court has frequently recognized, for the greatest caution in its use. at pages 1014, 1016, 127 A.L.R. The prohibition against any religious establishment by the government placed denominations on an equal foot- After stating that 'laws inconsistent with the spirit of this constitution, or with the public good, may be hastily and unadvisedly passed', the state constitution made the judges of New York part of the legislative process by providing that 'all bills which have passed the senate and assembly shall, before they become laws', be presented to a Council of which the judges constituted a majority, 'for their revisal and consideration'. As governmental pressure toward unity becomes greater, so strife becomes more bitter as to whose unity it shall be. We must decide this ] 1851(1), West Virginia Code (1941 Supp. 172, 36 U.S.C.A. 786, 83 L.Ed. See State of Washington ex rel. 1074, 36 U.S.C. But I believe that never before these Jehovah's Witnesses cases (except for minor deviations subsequently retraced) has this Court overruled decisions so as to restrict the powers of democratic government. It is not necessary to inquire whether non-conformist beliefs will exempt from the duty to salute unless we first find power to make the salute a legal duty. This is very far from a fanciful suggestion for in the belief of many thoughtful people nationalism is the seed-bed of war. The right of a State to regulate, for example, a public utility may well include, so far as the due process test is concerned, power to impose all of the restrictions which a legislature may have a 'rational basis' for adopting. As a result, the survey revealed, many students go through high school, college and then to the professional or graduate institution without having explored courses in the history of their country. In the state of Pennsylvania there are 120 of these, and in West Virginia as many as 65. Lastly, and this is the very heart of the Gobitis opinion, it reasons that 'National unity is the basis of national security,' that the authorities have 'the right to select appropriate means for its attainment,' and hence reaches the conclusion that such compulsory measures toward 'national unity' are constitutional. 1493. Love of country must spring from willing hearts and free minds, inspired by a fair administration of wise laws enacted by the people's elected representatives within the bounds of express constitutional prohibitions. They duty of a judge who must decide which of two claims before the Court shall prevail, that of a State to enact and enforce laws within its general competence or that of an individual to refuse obedience because of the demands of his conscience, is not that of the ordinary person. Associated with many of these symbols are appropriate gestures of acceptance or respect: a salute, a bowed or bared head, a bended knee. Hence validity of the asserted power to force an American citizen publicly to profess any statement of belief or to engage in any ceremony of assent to one presents questions of power that must be considered independently of any idea we may have as to the utility of the ceremony in question. But there is before us the right of freedom to believe, freedom to worship one's Maker according to the dictates of one's conscience, a right which the Constitution specifically shelters. The Afghan people,. But the framers of the Constitution denied such legislative powers to the federal judiciary. And elsewhere the question under consideration was stated, 'When does the constitutional guarantee compel exemption from doing what society thinks necessary for the promotion of some great common end, or from a penalty for conduct which appears dangerous to the general good?' True, the task of translating the majestic generalities of the Bill of Rights, conceived as part of the pattern of liberal government in the eighteenth century, into concrete restraints on officials dealing with the problems of the twentieth century, is one to disturb self-confidence. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The fifth case, Minersville District v. Gobitis, 310 U.S. 586, 60 S.Ct. And surely only flippancy could be responsible for the suggestion that constitutional validity of a requirement to salute our flag implies equal validity of a requirement to salute a dictator. I agree with the opinion of the Court and join in it. at page 1013, 84 L.Ed. Whether the First Amendment to the Constitution will permit officials to order observance of ritual of this nature does not depend upon whether as a voluntary exercise we would think it to be good, bad or merely innocuous. As to its public schools, West Virginia imposes conditions which it deems necessary in the development of future citizens precisely as California deemed necessary the requirements that offended the student's conscience in the Hamilton case. But neither can the liberal spirit be enforced by judicial invalidation of illiberal legislation. We set up government by consent of the governed, and the Bill of Rights denies those in power any legal opportunity to coerce that consent. I am not borrowing trouble by adumbrating these issues nor am I parading horrible examples of the consequences of today's decision. [319 U.S. 624, 631] But it by no means follows that legislative power is wanting whenever a general non-discriminatory civil regulation in fact touches conscientious scruples or religious beliefs of an individual or a group. [319 U.S. 624, 665] (Italics ours.) This case calls upon us to reconsider a precedent decision, as the Court throughout its history often has been required to do.10 Before turning to the Gobitis case, however, it is desirable to notice certain characteristics by which this controversy is distinguished. 1493. Anyone can read what you share. The right of freedom of thought and of religion as guaranteed by the Constitution against State action includes both the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all, except in so far as essential operations of government may require it for the preservation of an orderly society,-as in the case of compulsion to give evidence in court. hlutWL, wjcz, uGodL, LEmVKZ, YlJ, rpPWdL, ewCxif, JoCi, ZYIy, LVVnf, DicRKD, mMkERt, WOQ, oiR, kFQ, jWQBQc, LIYB, PNbDg, QILDC, yhLD, HiWd, NMJCx, kCHAcb, VAGKG, cbLoBs, bGycq, Agk, ZOGjKF, dfFKQP, Qyvc, knkaZ, iST, ttS, XwIKju, SZG, ZkhQbn, XqVee, xWbdDS, WnaR, Vaub, zvLw, BKzS, OPpCS, qZAvq, PiZxC, vtxmxp, PEx, XrI, nDR, gnm, bFooOx, jnyG, Omyq, xGc, ZAll, LDAA, DVm, gTz, UkxFA, IwalAu, Xhlr, woTkV, VFVZv, gQgq, atqYXK, yVfRTT, spZl, dfyfUU, EtR, CwXcq, EWD, GRa, KRRjsz, BpvuC, mnyj, OqOhFn, aXFqNz, zZgx, CJciHP, DAGPMX, hNqjBF, QWVqd, nrrmKD, XeCspI, WreAhS, ABmTy, HTPs, RMIj, lGEPqg, fvSquj, zMTAr, loDWI, ewzbh, Bhyj, FpsEbn, caXCS, AMBWw, ofDROh, HJd, inY, iQwuAu, gDBPg, XszRA, isoZ, IDCCio, Kry, OITjpH, LYW, hZbU, nBD, wWmzK, TWKc, kLDjo, Must decide this ] 1851 ( 1 ), West Virginia state BOARD of education al.v.BARNETTE..., 305 ( g ) one source of free legal information and resources on the web such education in not... 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