return bool actionresult

To facilitate efficient lookups, the latter two collections are stored in HashSet objects. The changes you make are reflected on the Index page. If the project calls AddMvc, routes and endpoints are discovered automatically. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge. You'll fix that in the next section. template.Append(namespc,_baseNamespace.Length, controller.Selectors) If the check box for a course was selected but the course isn't in the Instructor.Courses navigation property, the course is added to the collection in the navigation property. For most relationships, this can be done by updating either foreign key fields or navigation properties. }URLHomeController.Index, app.UseMvcWithDefaultRoute() , UseMvc UseMvcWithDefaultRoute RouteMiddlewareMVCMVCMvcRouteHandlerUseMvc, UseMvc UseMvc UseMvc UseMvcWithDefaultRoute, routes.MapRoute(name: "default",template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id? name: id, IFormCollection collection) In the following example, warning code CS1591 is ignored for the entire Program class. In the previous tutorial you displayed related data. MVC Upload File Home public ActionResult [HttpGet], BlogController : Controller Adding triple-slash comments to an action enhances the Swagger UI by adding the description to the section header. The code creates an IQueryable variable before the switch statement, modifies it in the switch statement, and calls the ToListAsync method after the switch statement. In this Unit test, I have GET content result, using OkNegotiatedContentResult and I check whether the return object has the same departmentId. {, RedirectToAction(nameof(Index)); Adding method="get" to the form tag is what caused the query string to be generated. (For example, suppose you change the reference to _context.Students so that instead of an EF DbSet it references a Create the About method in the Home controller. The parameter will be a string that's either "Name" or "Date", optionally followed by an underscore and the string "desc" to specify descending order. ViewData[, Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env) Web[Bind] attribute. When you edit an instructor record, you want to be able to update the instructor's office assignment. This return type has many other derived types. In the preceding code, Reflection is used to build an XML file name matching that of the web API project. When you specify HTTP GET, the form data is passed in the URL as query strings, which enables users to bookmark the URL. For most relationships, this can be done by updating either foreign key fields or navigation properties. To support backwards compatibility, you can opt into exposing JSON in the 2.0 format instead. Using /swagger/v1/swagger.json instructs the app to look for the JSON file at the true root of the URL (plus the route prefix, if used). Swashbuckle can be added with the following approaches: Go to View > Other Windows > Package Manager Console, Navigate to the directory in which the .csproj file exists. [HttpGet(, CountrySpecificAttribute:Attribute,IActionConstraint { {, NamespaceRoutingConvention:IControllerModelConvention Run the app, select the Students tab, and click the Last Name and Enrollment Date column headings to verify that sorting works. ActionResult Return Type. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. For example, ./swagger/v1/swagger.json. Courses are added even if there are model errors so that when there are model errors (for an example, the user keyed an invalid date) so that when the page is redisplayed with an error message, any course selections that were made are automatically restored. Can be applied to a class or a method parameter. If no check boxes were selected, the code in UpdateInstructorCourses initializes the Courses navigation property with an empty collection: The code then loops through all courses in the database and checks each course against the ones currently assigned to the instructor versus the ones that were selected in the view. Add a Views/Home/About.cshtml file with the following code: Run the app and go to the About page. "PleasefindthePasswordResetLink. {, .Equals( You'll use the scaffolded code, but change it slightly to add error handling and sort the drop-down list. Branding the Swashbuckle components requires adding the resources to serve static files and building the folder structure to host those files. Therefore you need to exclude the Courses property from model binding. The Task class represents a single operation that does not return a value and that usually executes asynchronously. For example, ./swagger/v1/swagger.json. The check boxes all have the same name ("selectedCourses"), which informs the model binder that they are to be treated as a group. The Course Index page is displayed with the updated course data. The PaginatedList.CreateAsync method takes a page number. The column header links use the query string to pass the current search string to the controller so that the user can sort within filter results: The paging buttons are displayed by tag helpers: Click the paging links in different sort orders to make sure paging works. which handles office assignment updates: The reference to RetryLimitExceededException requires a using statement; to add it - hover your mouse over RetryLimitExceededException. Links to other Entity Framework resources can be found in ASP.NET Data Access - Recommended Resources. When calling AddMvcCore, the AddApiExplorer method must be explicitly called. If a paging link is clicked, the page variable will contain the page number to display. Click Edit on an instructor to see the Edit page. The last tutorial in this series shows how to write code that lets you pass the name of the OrderBy column in a string variable. In the last tutorial you'll add code that prevents that scenario from happening. The Instructor entity has a one-to-zero-or-one relationship with the OfficeAssignment entity, which means you must handle the following situations: Open InstructorController.cs and look at the HttpGet Edit method: The scaffolded code here isn't what you want. For a list of all available methods and properties, see ControllerBase.. Using /swagger/v1/swagger.json instructs the app to look for the JSON file at the true root of the URL (plus the route prefix, if used). This code creates an HTML table that has three columns. In Views\Course\Edit.cshtml, add a course number field before the Title field. Now you'll enhance the Instructor Edit page by adding the ability to change course assignments using a group of check boxes. You can't perform eager loading with the Find method, so the Where and Single methods are used instead to select the instructor. To opt into the 2.0 format, set the SerializeAsV2 property in Startup.Configure: In the Startup class, add the following namespaces: The configuration action passed to the AddSwaggerGen method adds information such as the author, license, and description: In the Startup class, import the following namespace to use the OpenApiInfo class: Manually add the highlighted lines to the .csproj file: To suppress warnings only for specific members, enclose the code in #pragma warning preprocessor directives. The count of students for each enrollment date is displayed in a table. In this article. Add an Action link on login page if the user forgets his/her password.The link redirects the user to the below page from where the user can get a reset link on the registered email id. Learn how to move your validation logic out of your controller actions and into a separate service layer. The statement that adds the where clause is executed only if there's a value to search for. The value attribute of each check box is set to the value of CourseID. In this article, we will see how to reset the password through forgot password page in MVC. routes.MapRoute( To inject additional CSS stylesheets, add them to the project's wwwroot folder and specify the relative path in the middleware options: View or download sample code (how to download), Navigate to the directory in which the TodoApi.csproj file exists. First, look at the base and derived types of ActionResult. Microsoft Edge The UI that enables you to change which courses an instructor is assigned to is a group of check boxes. The AppContext.BaseDirectory property is used to construct a path to the XML file. Template, template.ToString() The search string value is received from a text box that you'll add to the Index view. Replace this method with the following code: This code drops the ViewBag statement and adds eager loading for the associated OfficeAssignment entity. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen: a Swagger generator that builds SwaggerDocument objects directly from your routes, controllers, and models. URLprotocol: Url.Action("Edit", "Blog",new { id=1},protocol:Request.Scheme); IUrlHelper Url.RouteUrl URL, HTML URLHtmlHelper HtmlHelper Html.BeginForm Html.ActionLink
Url.ActionURLUrl.RouteLink ,TagHelperform TagHelperURLIUrlHelper IUrlHelper Url URL, URLControllerControllerBase , Url.Action("Index", "Home") URL, URLURLblogURL {controller=Home,action=Index}{controller=Blogaction=Index}default, Areas MVC, URL /OManage/Order/Edit {area = OMS,controller = Order , action = Edit}areaareaMapRoute, MapAreaRoutearea OMS {area = OMS}{area = OMS} URL, AreaAttribute OMS [Area] , URLURL, IActionConstraint[HttpGet] IActionConstraint , IActionConstraintHTTP, IActionConstraint URLIActionConstraint , IActionConstraint System.Attribute MVC IActionConstraint, Accept truecountry RouteValueAttribute en-US fr-FR, [CountrySpecific()] , Order [HttpGet] Order. Without proper documentation in the Swagger UI, the consumer lacks knowledge of these expected outcomes. Add the Swagger generator to the services collection in the Startup.ConfigureServices method: In the Startup.Configure method, enable the middleware for serving the generated JSON document and the Swagger UI: Swashbuckle relies on MVC's Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiExplorer to discover the routes and endpoints. The search string is changed when a value is entered in the text box and the Submit button is pressed. APIoverride OnAuthorization() 401. ActionResult ActionResult ActionResult IActionResult , Microsoft Edge , Internet Explorer Microsoft Edge , , ASP.NET Core MVC , ASP.NET Core MVC , Swagger/OpenAPI ASP.NET Core Web API , , 404 , , ASP.NET Core 400 (, "XYZ Widget" , 201 , 400 , , "XYZ Widget" 400 . WebRemarks. An HTTP 400 status code is returned when the posted request body is null. The following example uses attributes to specify the supported HTTP action verb and any known HTTP status codes The Swagger UI can be found at http://localhost:/swagger. Enforcement of the warning code is restored at the close of the class definition. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI: an embedded version of the Swagger UI tool. All contents are copyright of their authors. By default, Swashbuckle generates and exposes Swagger JSON in version 3.0 of the specificationofficially called the OpenAPI Specification. Unit Test I have written the Unit test case, which returns 200 with the response body. Then enter a search string and try paging again to verify that paging also works correctly with sorting and filtering. Add a element above the Delete action: The Swagger UI displays the inner text of the preceding code's element: The UI is driven by the generated JSON schema: Add a element to the Create action method documentation. }; }, HomeController : Controller You've also added to the LINQ statement a where clause that selects only students whose first name or last name contains the search string. The result would normally be the same but in some cases may be different. The Assigned property is set to true for courses the instructor is assigned. }. However, there's a performance penalty for this solution. name: { {, baseNamespace) When the check boxes are initially rendered, those that are for courses assigned to the instructor have checked attributes, which selects them (displays them checked). That would ensure that results stay the same if you change the code later to use a repository which returns an IEnumerable collection instead of an IQueryable object. ActionResult IActionResult. app.UseMvc(); Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Replace the EditPost method with the following code, which calls a new method that updates the Courses navigation property of the Instructor entity. Alternatively, convenience methods in the ControllerBase class can be used to return ActionResult types from an action. The first time the page is displayed, or if the user hasn't clicked a paging or sorting link, all the parameters will be null. In some scenarios you might be calling the Where method as an extension method on an in-memory collection. Undocumented types and members are indicated by the warning message. The Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace provides attributes that can be used to configure the behavior of web API controllers and action methods. The W3C guidelines recommend that you should use GET when the action doesn't result in an update. }, IActionResult Contact() To support backwards compatibility, you can opt into exposing JSON in the 2.0 format instead. In this article we will see how to reset the password through the forgot password page in MVC. It interprets Swagger JSON to build a rich, customizable experience for describing the web API functionality. It supplements information specified in the element and provides a more robust Swagger UI. For example, the following message indicates a violation of warning code 1591: To suppress warnings project-wide, define a semicolon-delimited list of warning codes to ignore in the project file. }");URL, defaultURL /Blog/Index BlogController.Index , CRUD URL, UseMvc MapRoute , blog BlogController.Index, MVC, MVC, URL /Blog/Edit/7 MVCEditintEditint,IFormCollection) MVCHTTP POSTEditint,IFormCollection)HTTPEditint, HttpPostAttribute IActionConstraint HTTPPOSTIActionConstraintEditint,IFormCollection)Editint, MVCAmbiguousActionException, "blog""default"URL, Configure app.UseMvc(); , HomeController.Index //Home /Home/Index URL, , action,area ,controllerURL, idURL, id({id? Without this code, you would get a referential integrity error if you tried to delete an instructor who was assigned as administrator for a department. When a new course entity is created, it must have a relationship to an existing department. Instructors may teach any number of courses. The method accepts the optional selectedDepartment parameter that allows the calling code to specify the item that will be selected when the drop-down list is rendered. ASP.NET Core MVC ASP.NET Core URLURLSEOWeb, URL(Action)URLURL, (Attribute Routing) , ASP.NET Core MVC URL, ASP.NET Core WebStartupConfigure, UseMvcMapRouteMVC, {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?} The null-coalescing operator defines a default value for a nullable type; the expression (pageNumber ?? At the end of the Index method, the PaginatedList.CreateAsync method converts the student query to a single page of students in a collection type that supports paging. The return/reset token is attached with the URL of the reset password page and helps in replacing the old password with the new one. WebThere are three main components to Swashbuckle: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: a Swagger object model and middleware to expose SwaggerDocument objects as JSON endpoints.. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerGen: a Swagger generator that builds SwaggerDocument objects directly from your routes, controllers, and models. Clicking a column heading repeatedly toggles between ascending and descending sort order. To serve the Swagger UI at the app's root (http://localhost:/), set the RoutePrefix property to an empty string: If using directories with IIS or a reverse proxy, set the Swagger endpoint to a relative path using the ./ prefix. Download or view the completed application. The column headings are links that the user can click to sort by that column. It's typically combined with the Swagger endpoint middleware to automatically expose Swagger JSON. { This is how the forgot password page looks .The user needs to enter the registered and valid email id on which the reset link will be sent. The Create action returns an HTTP 201 status code on success. After you paste the code, fix line breaks and indentation as you did earlier for the Edit page. Note: The user should be a already-registered user. In the following example, warning code CS1591 is ignored for the entire TodoContext class. In some scenarios you might be calling the Where method as an extension method on an in-memory collection. The code adds eager loading for the Courses navigation property and calls the new PopulateAssignedCourseData method to provide information for the check box array using the AssignedCourseData view model class. The generated document describing the endpoints appears as shown in OpenAPI specification (openapi.json). Run the Create page (display the Course Index page and click Create New) and enter data for a new course: Click Create. Explore the API via Swagger UI and incorporate it in other programs. Updates the retrieved Instructor entity with values from the model binder. This doesn't require any change to the code that calls TryUpdateModel because you're using the explicit list overload and Courses isn't in the include list. Run the app, select the Students tab, enter a search string, and click Search to verify that filtering is working. You could call the ToUpper method to make the test explicitly case-insensitive: Where(s => s.LastName.ToUpper().Contains(searchString.ToUpper()). [Route(, IActionResult About() The CreateAsync method in this code takes page size and page number and applies the appropriate Skip and Take statements to the IQueryable. This 2.0 format is important for integrations such as Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Flow that currently support OpenAPI version 2.0. For collections that are much larger, a different UI and a different updating method would be required. To add paging to the Students Index page, you'll create a PaginatedList class that uses Skip and Take statements to filter data on the server instead of always retrieving all rows of the table. The default UI is both functional and presentable. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. The following illustration shows what the page will look like when you're done. The Swagger UI can be found at https://localhost:/swagger. In this article. . The ToUpper code would put a function in the WHERE clause of the TSQL SELECT statement. The first time the Index page is requested, there's no query string. { This code doesn't handle the scenario of one instructor assigned as administrator for multiple departments. To serve the Swagger UI at the app's root (https://localhost:/), set the RoutePrefix property to an empty string: If using directories with IIS or a reverse proxy, set the Swagger endpoint to a relative path using the ./ prefix. In Views\Instructor\Edit.cshtml, after the div elements for the Hire Date field, add a new field for editing the office location: Run the page (select the Instructors tab and then click Edit on an instructor). The changes are highlighted. The TryUpdateModel overload used enables you to list the properties you want to include. Instead of using the model binder to update the Courses navigation property, you'll do that in the new UpdateInstructorCourses method. 2022 C# Corner. [HttpGet(, MyApiControllerAttribute:Attribute, IRouteTemplateProvider This requires grouping and simple calculations on the groups. The changes are highlighted. In Program.cs, import the following namespace to use the OpenApiInfo class: Using the OpenApiInfo class, modify the information displayed in the UI: The Swagger UI displays the version's information: XML comments can be enabled with the following approaches: Add GenerateDocumentationFile to the .csproj file: Enabling XML comments provides debug information for undocumented public types and members. The two ViewData elements (NameSortParm and DateSortParm) are used by the view to configure the column heading hyperlinks with the appropriate query string values. In StudentsController.cs, replace the Index method with the following code (the changes are highlighted). In Views\Instructor\Edit.cshtml, add a Courses field with an array of check boxes by adding the following code immediately after the div elements for the OfficeAssignment field and before the div element for the Save button: After you paste the code, if line breaks and indentation don't look like they do here, manually fix everything so that it looks like what you see here. After changing course assignments, you'll want to be able to verify the changes when the site returns to the Index page. The two question marks represent the null-coalescing operator. { In Views\Instructor\Create.cshtml, add an office location text box and course check boxes after the hire date field and before the Submit button. To add sorting to the Student Index page, you'll change the Index method of the Students controller and add code to the Student Index view. This is the same as what you did in the HttpGet Edit method. Replace the code in Views/Students/Index.cshtml, with the following code to add column heading hyperlinks. Because it's the primary key, it's displayed, but it can't be changed. Add the [Required] attribute to the Name property of the TodoItem class: The presence of this attribute changes the UI behavior and alters the underlying JSON schema: Add the [Produces("application/json")] attribute to the API controller. Change some course assignments and click Save. In this tutorial you'll add sorting, filtering, and paging functionality to the Students Index page. Note. This code uses the tag helper to add the search text box and button. { The code in the PopulateAssignedCourseData method reads through all Course entities in order to load a list of courses using the view model class. ASP.NET Core MVC ASP.NET Core URLURL { One advantage of using this type is that we can skip the Type property of the [ProducesResponseType] attribute. File selection isn't cumulative when using an InputFile component or its underlying HTML /swagger/v1/swagger.json. Finally, the list is passed to the view in a ViewBag property. The InputFile component renders an HTML element of type file.By default, the user selects single files. The default sort order is ascending. The element content can consist of text, JSON, or XML. This prevents over-posting, as explained in the second tutorial. Configure Swagger to use the XML file that's generated with the preceding instructions. Create a view model class for the data that you need to pass to the view. Since the view doesn't have a collection of Course entities, the model binder can't automatically update the Courses navigation property. The @model statement at the top of the page specifies that the view now gets a PaginatedList object instead of a List object. User needs to enter the new password in the below page to reset it. Developers consuming a web API are most concerned with what's returnedspecifically response types and error codes (if not standard). The changed lines are highlighted. Use the InputFile component to read browser file data into .NET code. _countryCode, Accept(ActionConstraintContext context) When the page is posted, the model binder passes an array to the controller that consists of the CourseID values for only the check boxes which are selected. In Views\Course\Delete.cshtml and Views\Course\Details.cshtml, change the department name caption from "Name" to "Department" and add a course number field before the Title field. Add the multiple attribute to permit the user to upload multiple files at once.. You've added a searchString parameter to the Index method. Change data on the page and click Save. A CreateAsync method is used instead of a constructor to create the PaginatedList object because constructors can't run asynchronous code. For more information, see Use web API conventions. Its purpose is to declare that the controller's actions support a response content type of application/json: The Media type drop-down selects this content type as the default for the controller's GET actions: As the usage of data annotations in the web API increases, the UI and API help pages become more descriptive and useful. Web ControllerBase ActionResult return BadRequest(); return new BadRequestResult(); [ProducesResponseType] Below is the code of the forgot password action method, In this article we are using gmail for sending the reset link which requires some settings on the web.config file (the settings are given below the methods).The below method is used to fetch those settings from the web.config file. //GetandsettheAppSettingsusingconfigurationmanager. Notice that the URL contains the search string. In Views\Instructor\Index.cshtml, add a Courses heading immediately following the Office heading, as shown in the following example: Then add a new detail cell immediately following the office location detail cell: Run the Instructor Index page to see the courses assigned to each instructor. In this tutorial, Stephen Walther explains how you can maintain a sharp separation of concerns by isolating your service layer from your controller layer. Run the Edit page (display the Course Index page and click Edit on a course). For many-to-many relationships, the Entity Framework doesn't expose the join table directly, so you add and remove entities to and from the appropriate navigation properties. } The generated document describing the endpoints appears as shown in OpenAPI specification (openapi.json). To facilitate this, the scaffolded code includes controller methods and Create and Edit views that include a drop-down list for selecting the department. Notice the UI enhancements with these additional comments: Mark the model with attributes, found in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace, to help drive the Swagger UI components. In CourseController.cs, delete the four Create and Edit methods and replace them with the following code: Add the following using statement at the beginning of the file: The PopulateDepartmentsDropDownList method gets a list of all departments sorted by name, creates a SelectList collection for a drop-down list, and passes the collection to the view in a ViewBag property. At this stage, if you click a column heading sort link you'll lose the filter value that you entered in the Search box. If there is no matching role found, this method will return value false and authorization will be failed. To=UserName,UserID,Password,SMTPPort,Host; token=WebSecurity.GeneratePasswordResetToken(UserName); //Ifuserdoesnotexistorisnotconfirmed. For the Contoso University website's About page, you'll display how many students have enrolled for each enrollment date. This tutorial discusses the changes that have been made in the AccountController in ASP.NET MVC 3 and demonstrates how you can apply these changes in your existing ASP.NET MVC 1.0 and 2 applications. ASP.NET Core supports returning the ActionResult type from Web API controller actions. For each course, the code checks whether the course exists in the instructor's Courses navigation property. For example, use https://localhost://swagger/v1/swagger.json instead of https://localhost:///swagger/v1/swagger.json. For example, the .NET Framework implementation of the Contains method performs a case-sensitive comparison by default, but in SQL Server this is determined by the collation setting of the SQL Server instance. These are ternary statements. context.RouteContext.RouteData.Values[, ].ToString(), If targeting .NET Framework or .NET Core 1.x, add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles NuGet package to the project. Because the work performed by a Task object typically executes asynchronously on a thread pool thread In InstructorController.cs, delete the HttpGet and HttpPost Create methods, and then add the following code in their place: This code is similar to what you saw for the Edit methods except that initially no courses are selected. The code for Resetting password is as below: public ActionResult bool resetResponse = WebSecurity.ResetPassword(model.ReturnToken, If targeting .NET Framework or .NET Core 1.x, add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles NuGet package to the project: The preceding NuGet package is already installed if targeting .NET Core 2.x and using the metapackage. In StudentsController.cs, replace the Index method with the following code. Gets the current Instructor entity from the database using eager loading for the OfficeAssignment navigation property. In each column is a check box followed by a caption that consists of the course number and title. To create efficient lookup when checking whether a course is assigned to the instructor, the courses assigned to the instructor are put into a HashSet collection. Next, add the code that's executed when the user clicks Save. The Course views are already scaffolded with drop-down lists for the department field, but you don't want the DepartmentID caption for this field, so make the following highlighted change to the Views\Course\Create.cshtml file to change the caption. Blog/Details/5 URL{controller=Blogaction=Detailsid=5}MVCBlogController, {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id? Enforcement of the warning code is restored at the close of the class definition. Instead, you add and remove entities to and from the Instructor.Courses navigation property. To add filtering to the Students Index page, you'll add a text box and a submit button to the view and make corresponding changes in the Index method. If the search string is changed during paging, the page has to be reset to 1, because the new filter can result in different data to display. In StudentsController.cs, replace the Index method with the following code: This code receives a sortOrder parameter from the query string in the URL. 1) means return the value of pageNumber if it has a value, or return 1 if pageNumber is null. In the previous tutorial you displayed related data. It's typically To accomplish this, you'll do the following: Create a SchoolViewModels folder in the Models folder. Changes the method name to EditPost because the signature is now the same as the HttpGet method (the ActionName attribute specifies that the /Edit/ URL is still used). To provide data to the view for the list of check boxes, you'll use a view model class. The return/reset token is attached with the URL of the reset password page and helps in replacing the old password with the new one. The query string value is provided by ASP.NET Core MVC as a parameter to the action method. }, HomeController : Controller ControllerBase ActionResult return BadRequest(); return new BadRequestResult(); [ProducesResponseType] The properties HasPreviousPage and HasNextPage can be used to enable or disable Previous and Next paging buttons. The method signature is now different from the HttpGet Edit method, so the method name changes from EditPost back to Edit. As explained in the Basic CRUD Functionality tutorial, by default the Entity Framework implicitly implements transactions. The Response Content Type drop-down selects this content type as the default for the controller's GET actions: In ASP.NET Core 2.2 or later, conventions can be used as an alternative to explicitly decorating individual actions with [ProducesResponseType]. When ToListAsync is called on the IQueryable, it will return a List containing only the requested page. [Bind] does not affect input formatters. In InstructorController.cs, delete the DeleteConfirmed method and insert the following code in its place. routes.MapRoute( In that case, the searchString parameter isn't null. Make the same change in Views\Course\Edit.cshtml. By default, Swashbuckle generates and exposes Swagger JSON in version 3.0 of the specificationofficially called the OpenAPI Specification. If you bookmark this page, you'll get the filtered list when you use the bookmark. { Added office location and courses to the Create page. Attributes. If the office location is blank, sets the Instructor.OfficeAssignment property to null so that the related row in the OfficeAssignment table will be deleted. In this case you don't need to use the ViewBag object, because the information you want to display is already in the Courses navigation property of the Instructor entity that you're passing to the page as the model. For example, a TodoApi.XML file is valid on Windows but not CentOS. {, controller.ControllerTypeInfo -> "My.Application.Admin.UsersController", baseNamespace -> "My.Application", template => "Admin/[controller]", StringBuilder(); The query isn't executed until you convert the IQueryable object into a collection by calling a method such as ToListAsync. In Views/Student/Index.cshtml, add the highlighted code immediately before the opening table tag in order to create a caption, a text box, and a Search button. In the project folder, create PaginatedList.cs, and then replace the template code with the following code. This approach is useful for code that shouldn't be exposed via the API docs. Launch the app, and navigate to http://localhost:/swagger/v1/swagger.json. In fact, Action Result is a return type. This code adds a page number parameter, a current sort order parameter, and a current filter parameter to the method signature. { In the previous tutorial, you implemented a set of web pages for basic CRUD operations for Student entities. http://localhost:****/Account/ResetPassword?email=**************.com&code=UNbRRYVXWO4mqC15Gfdpaw2. User needs to enter the new password in the below page to reset it. The first one specifies that if the sortOrder parameter is null or empty, NameSortParm should be set to "name_desc"; otherwise, it should be set to an empty string. The drop-down list sets the Course.DepartmentID foreign key property, and that's all the Entity Framework needs in order to load the Department navigation property with the appropriate Department entity. In this tutorial you'll update related data. Change the Office Location and click Save. The relationship between the Course and Instructor entities is many-to-many, which means you do not have direct access to the foreign key properties which are in the join table. For most features, namely method summaries and the descriptions of parameters and response codes, the use of an XML file is mandatory. _countryCode,StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); Here you are calling the Where method on an IQueryable object, and the filter will be processed on the server. In this tutorial you'll update related data. As you know, an action is referred to as a method of the controller, the Action Result is the result of action when it executes. This code could get verbose with a large number of columns. This 2.0 format is important for integrations such as Microsoft Power Apps and Microsoft Flow that currently support OpenAPI version 2.0. Then you'll make additional changes in the Index method and add paging buttons to the Index view. Specifies which properties of a model should be included in model binding. { } Task objects are one of the central components of the task-based asynchronous pattern first introduced in the .NET Framework 4. It includes built-in test harnesses for the public methods. The code for Resetting password is as below: The Return token in WebSecurity in Mvc helps in replacing the old password with the new one. Normally the scaffolder doesn't scaffold a primary key because the key value is generated by the database and can't be changed and isn't a meaningful value to be displayed to users. Therefore, you need to add a column to the table in that page. The ViewData element named CurrentSort provides the view with the current sort order, because this must be included in the paging links in order to keep the sort order the same while paging. The HttpGet Create method calls the PopulateDepartmentsDropDownList method without setting the selected item, because for a new course the department is not established yet: The HttpGet Edit method sets the selected item, based on the ID of the department that is already assigned to the course being edited: The HttpPost methods for both Create and Edit also include code that sets the selected item when they redisplay the page after an error: This code ensures that when the page is redisplayed to show the error message, whatever department was selected stays selected. These two statements enable the view to set the column heading hyperlinks as follows: The method uses LINQ to Entities to specify the column to sort by. Any non-abstract class deriving from ActionResult qualifies as a valid return type. Add an Action link on login page if the user forgets his/her password.The link redirects the user to the below page from where the user can get a reset link on the registered email id. by Jon Galloway. But it doesn't understand that because the number is meaningful you want to see it in the other views, so you need to add it manually. The UseSwaggerUI method call enables the Static File Middleware. However, API documentation pages should represent your brand or theme. _baseNamespace, Apply(ControllerModel controller) To support the [ProducesResponseType] decoration, the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Annotations package offers extensions to enable and enrich the response, schema, and parameter metadata.
". A check box for every course in the database is displayed, and the ones that the instructor is currently assigned to are selected. This value must be included in the paging links in order to maintain the filter settings during paging, and it must be restored to the text box when the page is redisplayed. There are three main components to Swashbuckle: Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger: a Swagger object model and middleware to expose SwaggerDocument objects as JSON endpoints. }),/Blog/Get /Blog/Get/{id} , , blog/Edit/4 blog/{*article} , OrderOrder0-1, 7.( [controller] , [action] , [area]), [, ][action],[area],[controller], IActionConstarint, URL, [Route() ] [HttpGet()] IRouteTemplateProvider MVCIRouteTemplateProvider , IRouteTemplateProvider IRouteTemplateProvider , [MyApiController] Template api/[controller] , MVC IRouteTemplateProvider, , MVCURLURLURLURLIUrlHelper MVCURLURLIUrlHelper, URLUrl.Action, Url.Action(URLcontrolleractionURLcontrolleraction--, MVCcontrolleractionURL, Url.Action(this IUrlHelper helper, string action) , Url.Actioncontroller action -- controller action Url.Action controller action URL. If the number of courses were much greater, you would probably want to use a different method of presenting the data in the view, but you'd use the same method of manipulating navigation properties in order to create or delete relationships. { For scenarios where you need more control -- for example, if you want to include operations done outside of Entity Framework in a transaction -- see Working with Transactions on MSDN. Fix that problem by adding the highlighted lines in the following example: The Swagger UI now clearly documents the expected HTTP response codes: Conventions can be used as an alternative to explicitly decorating individual actions with [ProducesResponseType]. In the new folder, add a class file EnrollmentDateGroup.cs and replace the template code with the following code: In HomeController.cs, add the following using statements at the top of the file: Add a class variable for the database context immediately after the opening curly brace for the class, and get an instance of the context from ASP.NET Core DI: Add an About method with the following code: The LINQ statement groups the student entities by enrollment date, calculates the number of entities in each group, and stores the results in a collection of EnrollmentDateGroup view model objects. Given that SQL is mostly installed as case-insensitive, it's best to avoid the ToUpper code until you migrate to a case-sensitive data store. For more information, see Swashbuckle, ApiExplorer, and Routing. EmailManager.SendEmail(UserID,subject,body,To,UserID,Password,SMTPPort,Host); AppSettings(outstringUserID,outstringPassword,outstringSMTPPort,outstringHost){, UserID=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(, Password=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(, SMTPPort=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(, Host=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get(, SendEmail(stringFrom,stringSubject,stringBody,stringTo,stringUserID,stringPassword,stringSMTPPort,stringHost){, ActionResultResetPassword(stringcode,stringemail), ActionResultResetPassword(ResetPasswordModelmodel). Run the Create page and add an instructor. Advance to the next article to learn how to implement an asynchronous programming model. boolresetResponse=WebSecurity.ResetPassword(model.ReturnToken,model.Password); 10 SEO Tips For Technical Writers And Software Developers. The department name in the Index page list comes from the navigation property, showing that the relationship was established correctly. While using the ActionResult, we can either return an ActionResult type or a specific type. When you create and modify IQueryable variables, no query is sent to the database. The following illustrations show some of the pages that you'll work with. WebI had the same problem. WebAPI ; GET /api/todoitems: : None: : GET /api/todoitems/{id} ID : None (For example, suppose you change the reference to _context.Students so that instead of an EF DbSet it references a repository method that returns an IEnumerable collection.) The students are displayed in ascending order by last name, which is the default as established by the fall-through case in the switch statement. The following message appears: Select Show potential fixes, then using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure. This tutorial explains how you can prevent open redirection attacks in your ASP.NET MVC applications. That would prevent the optimizer from using an index. Specify multiple warning codes with a comma-delimited list. Run the following command from the Integrated Terminal: Add the Swagger generator to the services collection in Program.cs: Enable the middleware for serving the generated JSON document and the Swagger UI, also in Program.cs: The preceding code adds the Swagger middleware only if the current environment is set to Development. Here you are calling the Where method on an IQueryable object, and the filter will be processed on the server. The response types and error codes are denoted in the XML comments and data annotations. If the instructor is assigned as administrator of any department, removes the instructor assignment from that department. When the user clicks a column heading hyperlink, the appropriate sortOrder value is provided in the query string. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, Swagger doesn't recognize comments or attributes on records, Improve the developer experience of an API with Swagger documentation, Ensure the "Include prerelease" option is enabled, Enter "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" in the search box, Select the latest "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" package from the, Ensure the "Show pre-release packages" option is enabled, Select the latest "Swashbuckle.AspNetCore" package from the results pane and click, Manually add the highlighted lines to the. This approach is useful for code that shouldn't be exposed via the API docs. by Stephen Walther. The following illustration shows the paging buttons. In this article. The view will use this property to determine which check boxes must be displayed as selected. For Course entities the scaffolder does include an text box for the CourseID field because it understands that the DatabaseGeneratedOption.None attribute means the user should be able enter the primary key value. The HttpGet Create method calls the PopulateAssignedCourseData method not because there might be courses selected but in order to provide an empty collection for the foreach loop in the view (otherwise the view code would throw a null reference exception). That single page of students is then passed to the view. {, countryCode) Specify multiple warning codes with a comma-delimited list. There's already a hidden field (Html.HiddenFor helper) for the course number in the Edit view. ViewData[, BlogController : Controller That setting defaults to case-insensitive. Advance to the next tutorial to learn how to handle data model changes by using migrations. On clicking the above link you will be redirected to a reset password page with the return/ reset token. For more information, see Use web API conventions. For example, use http://localhost://swagger/v1/swagger.json instead of http://localhost:///swagger/v1/swagger.json. Therefore, this code results in a single query that's not executed until the return View statement. By default, the tag helper submits form data with a POST, which means that parameters are passed in the HTTP message body and not in the URL as query strings. To suppress warnings only for specific members, enclose the code in #pragma warning preprocessor directives. In Views/Students/Index.cshtml, replace the existing code with the following code. More info about Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, ASP.NET Data Access - Recommended Resources, Add office location and courses to the Create page, If the user clears the office assignment and it originally had a value, you must remove and delete the, If the user enters an office assignment value and it originally was empty, you must create a new, If the user changes the value of an office assignment, you must change the value in an existing. The changes are highlighted. Explore the API via Swagger UI and incorporate it in other programs. (When you call the Contains method on an IEnumerable collection, you get the .NET Framework implementation; when you call it on an IQueryable object, you get the database provider implementation.) When it is used with action method, it is called return type. The HttpPost Create method adds each selected course to the Courses navigation property before the template code that checks for validation errors and adds the new instructor to the database. The above code will send a reset link on the registered email.Once the mail is received the user needs to click on the reset link which will redirect the user to the reset password page. The configuration action passed to the AddSwaggerGen method adds information such as the author, license, and description. This code uses the information in ViewData properties to set up hyperlinks with the appropriate query string values. } selector.AttributeRouteModel, AttributeRouteModel() routes.MapRoute( , Swagger/OpenAPI ASP.NET Core Web API , 200 , 404, 200 , ASP.NET Core 400 (, XYZ 400 . Note: The approach taken here to edit instructor course data works well when there is a limited number of courses. You'll also create a page that does simple grouping. Create AssignedCourseData.cs in the ViewModels folder and replace the existing code with the following code: In InstructorController.cs, replace the HttpGet Edit method with the following code. To opt into the 2.0 format, set the SerializeAsV2 property in Program.cs: Swagger provides options for documenting the object model and customizing the UI to match your theme. Some Swagger features (for example, schemata of input parameters or HTTP methods and response codes from the respective attributes) work without the use of an XML documentation file. { Adding an Html.LabelFor helper doesn't eliminate the need for the hidden field because it doesn't cause the course number to be included in the posted data when the user clicks Save on the Edit page. Some common return types in this category are BadRequestResult (400), NotFoundResult (404), and OkObjectResult (200). 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