federal republic in a sentence

Aside from Bernier, every major party leader was able to secure election to the House of Commons. The Chancellor is directly responsible to the parliament, the Minister is indirectly responsible to the parliament because it can remove the entire Cabinet by electing a new chancellor. Constitutionally, the power vested in the special administrative regions of the People's Republic is granted from the Central People's Government, through a decision by the National People's Congress. #ctvqp #cdnpoli #elxn43pic.twitter.com/bOYPY0HGWD", "Maxime Bernier criticized for posing with members of Northern Guard at Calgary Stampede", "Maxime Bernier photographed with members of alleged hate group in Calgary", "Maxime Bernier 'Had No Idea' He Posed With White Supremacist Paul Fromm: Party", "Three Times Maxime Bernier Was Caught in Photos With Far-Right Extremists", "People's Party leader Maxime Bernier pictured with Hamilton white nationalist Paul Fromm", "Former neo-Nazi, Pegida Canada official among People's Party of Canada signatories", "Trois membres connus de l'extrme droite ont endoss la cration du parti de Maxime Bernier", "Maxime Bernier Should Have Known A Neo-Nazi Was Working For His Party", "Le Parti populaire du Canada coupe les ponts avec un organisateur au lourd pass", "Bernier defends Sask. Yet Article 20 states that "All state authority is derived from the people. [263][264] Weeks later, Scheer was asked if he needed to apologize for his comments giving the standards he set for his candidates; however he gave no response. For professor and lawyer Marco Aurlio Marrafon, president of the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law, the 1988 Brazilian Magna Carta organized the State according to the Welfare State model, in which it is intended to reconcile "the liberal component of preservation of individual rights and limitation of state power, with direct economic intervention and the promotion of public policies, in order to redistribute resources and reduce social inequalities ". [357] On August 16, Luc Saint-Hilaire, Green candidate for LvisLotbinire, was forced to resign because of a Facebook post demanding Boufeldja Benabdallah, co-founder of the Centre Culturel Islamique de Qubec, to denounce a man who allegedly lit his ex-wife on fire. As adopted by West Germany in 1949 as an interim constitution, the preamble of the Basic Law looked forward explicitly to a future free and united German state: "The entire German people is called upon to accomplish, by free self-determination, the unity and freedom of Germany." He was given the task of making a study of all known and rumored penetrations of the FBI in order to find the man who had betrayed Martynov and Motorin; this meant in effect that he was charged with searching for himself. The Constitution refers to the country as "the Union". A digital investigation found that an attempted hacking had occurred using a password cracking program installed by Hanssen, which caused a security alert and lockup. #cdnpoli #elxn43 t.co/DnzkZV5gNS", "CAQ MNAs not allowed to take sides in federal election: Quebec premier", "WARMINGTON: Hurricane Hazel blows off Trudeau", "John Tory sees 'shortcomings' in Andrew Scheer's policies for cities", "Ontario Federation of Labour endorses NDP and Jagmeet Singh", "Conservatives unveil campaign slogan, new TV ad as election call nears", "Le Parti conservateur dvoile son slogan", "NDP unveils campaign slogan as election call looms", "Le NPD tourne ses attaques vers le Bloc", "Federal Liberals launch 'Choose Forward' as election campaign slogan", "Le Parti vert ne veut pas exploiter le ptrole des sables bitumineux", "Liberals ask voters to 'choose forward' while Tories vow to help Canadians 'get ahead' in new campaign ads", "RCMP looking at SNC-Lavalin affair 'carefully,' promise to take actions 'as required', "Jody Wilson-Raybould, Jane Philpott removed from Liberal caucus", "Rosie DiManno: Liberals should be ashamed for dredging up Andrew Scheer same-sex marriage speech", "Chris Selley: Goodale's same-sex-marriage gambit is staggeringly arrogant and hypocritical", "Liberals dump Quebec candidate after B'nai Brith, Conservatives allege anti-Semitic comments Social Sharing", "Saint-Lonard: un ex-dput libral outr par la candidature d'un non-Italien", "Montreal city councillor replaces former imam Hassan Guillet as Liberal candidate", "Hassan Guillet to run as an independent in St. Leonard", "Sameer Zuberi chosen as Liberal candidate for Pierrefonds-Dollard", "Liberals stand by Montreal candidate accused of 'anti-Semitic past', "Des invits gnants pour un candidat libral", "William Morales explique sa version des faits", "Justin Trudeau Wore Brownface at 2001 'Arabian Nights' Party While He Taught at a Private School, Canada's Liberal Party Admits", "Trudeau says he is 'deeply sorry' he appeared in brownface at school gala in 2001", "Third instance of Trudeau in skin-darkening makeup emerges new video said to have been filmed in '90s", "Exclusive: Video shows Trudeau in blackface in 3rd instance of racist makeup - National", "Justin Trudeau speaks after racist photo: Live updates", "Trudeau: "I recognize it is something absolutely unacceptable to do. [17] The Minister of Democratic Institutions Maryam Monsef was critical of the committee's recommendation saying "I have to admit I'm a little disappointed, because what we had hoped the committee would provide us with would be a specific alternative system to first past the post." a ban of the military being used for police-type duties), which generally only allow the military to act in unarmed roles within Germany (such as disaster relief). After being imprisoned, Hanssen claimed he periodically admitted his espionage to priests in confession. Plus, watch live games, clips and highlights for your favorite teams! [265] After Trudeau's apology regarding blackface, Scheer was asked again if he should apologize for his words; he gave no response. Increase the adoption expense tax credit to $20,000 and make it fully refundable. The Articles established a national government under what today would be defined as a federal system (albeit with a comparatively weaker federal government). The Basic Law has been amended 50 times as of 2003. We have it on tape", "Andrew Scheer on defensive as Liberals raise questions about Justina McCaffrey", "Liberals trying to distract by tweeting 2013 video of candidate with Faith Goldy: Scheer - National", "Faith Goldy flashed hate-linked hand sign in 2017 photo with Conservative candidate Justina McCaffrey", "The Liberals are lying': Woman says she was with Trudeau and Faith Goldy when they had drinks", "Andrew Scheer's Ties to Rebel Media Are Now Impossible to Deny", "Une candidate conservatrice membre de l'Opus Dei", "Andrew Scheer, a work in progress: Where the Conservative Leader comes from and how he really thinks", "Liberals ask for an investigation of Scheer's insurance industry credentials", "Andrew Scheer's experience in the insurance industry: '6 or 7 months', "CTV QP: Was Andrew Scheer an insurance broker? Article 103 mandates a fair trial, forbids retroactive criminal legislation and multiple punishment for the same criminal act. Dependent territories, such as the British overseas territories, are vested with varying degrees of power; some enjoy considerable independence from the sovereign state, which only takes care of their foreign relations and defense. [358] On September 12, Erik Schomann, Green candidate for Simcoe North, resigned over a 2007 Facebook post which appeared to suggest he wanted to mail pieces of a pig carcass to Muslims in support of the protesters during the Muhammed comic controversy. The Austrian Empire was a unitary state with crown lands, after the transformation into the Austria-Hungary monarchy the remaining crown lands of so-called Cisleithania became federated as Lnder of the Republic of Austria through the implementation of its constitution. Parents and spouses gave tearful and angry statements. In the dominant post-war narrative of West Germany, the Nazi regime was characterised as having been a 'criminal' state,[13] illegal and illegitimate from the outset, while the Weimar Republic was characterised as having been a 'failed' state,[14] whose inherent institutional and constitutional flaws had been exploited by Hitler in his "illegal" seizure of dictatorial powers. Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer will formally issue the life sentences Nov. 1. [266][267] Scheer once again chose to not answer the question directly on popular Quebec talk show Tout le monde en parle. [20] In 1985, Hanssen was again transferred to the FBI's field office in New York, where he continued to work in counterintelligence against the Soviets. Their experts said his bizarre, troubling and sometimes violent behavior starting at age 2 was misdiagnosed as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, meaning he never got the proper treatment. A federation often emerges from an initial agreement between several separate states. "[5] An offense that violates state law, but not federal law, is an offense against that state rather than an offense against the United States, however, the Supreme Court has never ruled on this matter or in the Presidents power to grant a habeas corpus petition for a state offense where it has been denied by a Federal Court. "[20], Federal pardons issued by the president apply only to federal offenses; they do not apply to state or local offenses or private civil offenses. Require heavy emitters to invest in clean technology. [344], In October, the Bloc Qubcois called on Quebeckers to vote for candidates "who resemble you" (" des gens qui nous ressemblent ") in the election, prompting NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh to denounce the message as unacceptable and divisive. In January 2001, Hanssen was given an office and an assistant, Eric O'Neill, who, in reality, was a young FBI surveillance specialist who had been assigned to watch Hanssen. A democracy is a form of government where every person has a voice. Federal elections and referendums in Canada, Reimbursements for political parties and candidates, had also served as MP in 1988-1993, 1997-2009, announced retirement; died before election, to seek treatment for a gambling addiction. Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. [370][371], Starting on September 23, the GPC drew scrutiny around the world for manipulating a picture of Elizabeth May to make it seem as if she was using a reusable cup and metal straw instead of a disposable cup. Ban government workers in positions of authority from wearing visible religious symbols while working. [327] Singh responded to these concerns. Arnold has not apologized for a deleted tweet that accused Andrew Scheer of having links to "white supremacy" and the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Virginia. [419] The Manning Centre's donations to those groups, worth more than $300,000, are hidden, since the think tank, which did not register as a third party, does not intend to disclose them. ", "Embattled Bloc Qubcois leader Martine Ouellet resigns", "Yves-Franois Blanchet becomes Bloc Qubcois leader", "NDP rejects Mulcair as leader, votes in support of holding leadership race", "Jagmeet Singh named leader of the federal NDP", "Bloc Qubcois surge puts nationalism back on the federal agenda", "PBO launches new service to cost out party platforms, despite the political risks", "Can Justin Trudeau fix the vote with electoral reform? Therefore, a person who is granted a pardon must still disclose their conviction(s) on any form where such information is required, although the person may also disclose the fact that they received a pardon. [412], On August 25, billboards purchased by a True North Strong & Free Advertising Corp., a third party promoting the People's Party of Canada's immigration policy, with the text "Say NO to Mass Immigration" appeared in Vancouver, Calgary, Regina, and Halifax. World The massacre is the deadliest mass shooting that has ever gone to trial in the U.S. Nine other people in the U.S. who fatally shot at least 17 people died during or immediately after their attacks by suicide or police gunfire. Two fingerprints collected from a trash bag in the file were analyzed and proved to be Hanssen's. Hanssen restarted communications the next year and continued until his arrest. [489][490], On September 17, 2019, Brock Harrison, Scheer's director of communication, and the CPC tweeted that the RCMP had confirmed Trudeau was under investigation for SNC-Lavalin. Marking the first time in Canadian history that no single party received more than 35% of the popular vote,[2][509] the Conservatives won 34.41% of the popular vote, a plurality of the vote despite finishing 36 seats behind the Liberals, who won 33.07% of the vote. It's been a great honour to serve my constituents for the last seven years. [247][246] If she were to win, she would not sit in the party's caucus. These amendments were required to implement the series of constitutional changes to the Basic Law that had been agreed both in the Unification Treaty between the GDR and the Federal Republic, and in the 'Two Plus Four Treaty' (Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany), and had the general effect of removing or rewording all the clauses (including Article 23) on which the Federal Constitutional Court had relied in support of its claim to the continued legal identity of the German Reich as an 'overall state'. [317][318] Scheer did not say or deny that the Conservatives hired a consultant to destroy the PPC. [16], All federal pardon petitions are addressed to the President, who grants or denies the request. Grundgesetz fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur Gesamtausgabe der Norm im Format: HTML PDF XML EPUB Rather than adopting a new constitution under Article 146 of the Basic Law, the Bundestag (Parliament of Germany) amended Article 146 and the Preamble of the Basic Law to state that German unification had now been fully achieved, while also adding a further clause 143(3) to entrench in the Basic Law the irreversibility of acts of expropriation undertaken by the Soviet occupying powers between 1945 and 1949. He went in person to the Russian embassy and physically approached a GRU officer in the parking garage. His exposure explained many of the asset losses U.S. intelligence suffered during the 1980s, including the arrest and execution of Martynov and Motorin. Spain is suggested as one possible de facto federation[9] as it grants more self-government to its autonomous communities[10][11] than are retained by the constituent entities of most federations. Bonnie had previously told her brother that Hanssen once talked about retiring in Poland, then part of the Eastern Bloc. A federal government may have distinct powers at various levels authorized or delegated to it by its member states. [307][228] On October 16, Scheer said that the party with most seats should have the right to form government. premier asked if Quebec is the favourite child this election: 'That's not a new thing', "Jason Kenney: MLAs encouraged to stump for Scheer on own time and dime", "Where are the premiers? In the Advisory Committee on concentrations pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EC) No 139/2004, the Federal Republic of Germany shall be represented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy or the Bundeskartellamt. The regulated activities are partisan activities (that promote parties or candidates), election surveys, partisan advertising and election advertising. We profoundly hope that other nations will join us in our common endeavor. In this sense, the Basic Treaty's recognition of the GDR as a de jure German State and as a valid state in international relations (albeit without then according it within West Germany with the status of a separate sovereign state) could be interpreted as furthering the long-term objective of eventual German unification, rather than as contradicting it. When FBI agents observed this incriminating act, they rushed in to arrest Hanssen. They were removed from the party as a result. East Germany's "declaration of accession" (Beitrittserklrung) envisaged states within East Germany being included into the field of application of the Basic Law, but subject to the Basic Law first being amended in accordance with both the previously negotiated Unification Treaty between East and West Germany, and also the Two-Plus-Four Treaty, under which the Allied Powers had relinquished their residual German sovereignty. [308][309] A day later, he stood by his claim and added that is what has happened in modern history. Hanssen later joined the Catholic organization Opus Dei[13] with like-minded individuals. [73], Eric O'Neill's role in the capture of Robert Hanssen was dramatized in the 2007 movie Breach, in which Chris Cooper played the role of Hanssen and Ryan Phillippe played O'Neill.[74]. This page may have been moved, deleted, or is otherwise unavailable. ", "Scheer accused of falsely claiming he was once an insurance broker in Saskatchewan", "Andrew Scheer completed one of four insurance broker courses, industry association says", "Saskatchewan insurance association says Andrew Scheer completed one course in pursuit of becoming licensed agent", "Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer holds dual Canadian-U.S. citizenship, had attacked Michalle Jean on same issue", "Trudeau's main political rival has American citizenship", "Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer acknowledges holding U.S. citizenship", "Scheer on his dual Canadian-U.S. citizenship: 'I've never been asked about it', "Andrew Scheer is registered for selective service the U.S. agency that runs the military draft", "Andrew Scheer says he did register for the U.S. draft, faces more questions on taxes", "Scheer defends silence on American citizenship during Halifax stop: 'I was never asked', "Andrew Scheer's dual citizenship would not be an issue had Conservatives not been so self-righteous in the past", "Scheer stuck on dual citizenship while promoting tough-on-crime agenda", "Scheer won't explain travel to U.S. as a citizen without a valid U.S. passport", "CBC and Rosemary Barton take Conservatives to court over election ads", "CBC sues the Conservative party over copyright, 'moral rights' of journalists", "CBC taking Conservative Party to court over online election ad", "CBC has issued this statement about its legal filing", "Scheer says party with most seats should have 'right' to form government", "Scheer says he expects the leader with most seats will form government", "Asked about saying party that gets the most seats should have "right" to govern, Scheer says that's the practice in "modern" times, again says he's looking for a majority mandate", "Scheer is asked about his 'party that gets the most seats comment'. Found on Reuters 7 years ago. The relationship between federal and local courts varies from nation to nation and can be a controversial and complex issue in itself. The Basic Law established Germany as a parliamentary democracy with separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The ability of a federal government to create national institutions that can mediate differences that arise because of linguistic, ethnic, religious, or other regional differences is an important challenge. Although some of the Basic Law is based on the Weimar Republic's constitution, the first article is a protection of the human dignity ("Menschenwrde") and human rights; they are core values protected by the Basic Law. It also conducted confidential assessments of independent and party platform proposals preceding the election campaign. Despite having shown his face, disclosed his code name, and revealed his FBI affiliation, Hanssen escaped arrest when the FBI's investigation into the incident did not advance. Make drug treatment court the default sentence for first-time offenders charged exclusively with drug possession. [note 3] The Landtag of Bavaria rejected the Basic Law mainly because it was seen as not granting sufficient powers to the individual Lnder, but at the same time decided that it would still come into force in Bavaria if two-thirds of the other Lnder ratified it. Alternatively, a federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided between a central authority and a number of constituent regions so that each region retains some degree of control over its internal affairs. [557][558], A poll published by the Angus Reid Institute showed that support for electoral reform and proportional representation in particular skyrocketed following the election. This Europe remains open to all nations. On August 22, due to the controversy over Scheer's previous comments about same-sex marriage, he announced that the NDP would not support a Conservative minority government under any circumstances. Philosopher Fernando Schler maintains that Brazil went against the grain in the 1980s: "While the world tried to adjust the State to globalization and modernize public management, Brazil bet on a super bureaucratic state in the 1988 Constitution. t.co/CSLM18sKir #hw #cdnpoli #elxn43 t.co/7NwmocvjQr", "Maxime Bernier invited to participate in official commission debates", "Estimate of Turnout at Advance Polls Now Available", "First Estimate of Turnout at Advance Polls", "Elections Canada reports historic turnout among international voters", "Opinion | Editorial: Liberals are the best, if imperfect, choice this election", "Liberals are the best choice for Canada", "The Varsity endorses a Liberal minority governmentwith an NDP-Green balance of power", "NP View: Canada needs a Conservative government", "Our endorsement: Best choice for Canada is Andrew Scheer", "EDITORIAL: Andrew Scheer for prime minister", "Public editor: No endorsement during this federal election campaign was a good thing", "Obama Endorses Trudeau's Liberals For Re-Election", "Barack Obama endorses Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau", "Martin Luther King III says he would vote for Trudeau despite pipeline and blackface", "N.B. Establish an independent Criminal Case Review Commission to review wrongfully convicted applications. The Wehrbeauftragter is a soldiers' ombudsman who can be petitioned directly by soldiers, bypassing the chain of command. His most important leak was the betrayal of Dmitri Polyakov, a CIA informant who passed enormous amounts of information to U.S. intelligence while rising to the rank of general in the Soviet Army. It was promulgated on 5 October 1988, after a two-year process in which it was written from scratch. It rules the deployment of the armed forces, the national security baselines, and declaration of state of emergency. [5], One limitation to the president's power to grant pardons is "in cases of impeachment." The United States is defined as a Constitutional Republic. Of the 5 territories that are permanently inhabited, all are, One of the most important recent books about the Belgian institutions, written by one of the leading French-speaking jurists. In the event particular interests pushed for additional consideration: the Catholic Church (through CDU/CSU representatives) succeeded in inserting protection both for 'Marriage and the Family" and for parental responsibility for children's education, SPD representatives then amended this to protect additionally the rights of children born outside marriage, and Elisabeth Selbert (one of only four women on the 70-strong panel) was eventually successful in a largely lone campaign to gain constitutional protection for sex equality. [W]hatever opinion may be entertained of the manner in which executive discretion may be used, still there exists, and can exist, no power to control that discretion . The Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: Constituio da Repblica Federativa do Brasil) is the supreme law of Brazil. It was However, German Lnder have that power,[1] which is beginning to be exercised on a European level. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions."[30][31]. [575], The Stop Climate Change Party was deregistered on March 31, 2021, for failing to provide an auditor's report.[576]. According to this regulation the Federal Constitutional Court can be called not only because of a violation of fundamental rights, but also by violation "of the rights set out in Article 20 paragraph 4 and Articles 33, 38, 101, 103 and 104". 4a). 38(1) first sentence of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz GG) in conjunction with Art. The GPC changed their French slogan during the campaign. In January 1976, he left the police department to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[4]. In early February 2001, he asked his friend at a computer technology company for a job. However, the islands are neither an incorporated part of the United Kingdom nor are they considered to be independent or associated states. Increase funding for the Youth Gang Prevention Fund by 25%. [35] Three years later, convicted FBI mole Earl Edwin Pitts told the FBI that he suspected Hanssen due to the Mislock incident. The five-year sentence was the mandatory minimum penalty that could be imposed on Durrett in this case. The difference between a federation and this kind of unitary state is that in a unitary state the autonomous status of self-governing regions exists by the sufferance of the central government, and may be unilaterally revoked. Therefore, although the Basic Law was considered provisional, it allowed more parts of Germany to join its field of application. [244] On October 4, the party announced that Heather Leung, the candidate for Burnaby NorthSeymour, was dropped as reports surfaced of her making anti-LGBTQ comments in a video from 2011. Toll Free: (800) 876-7811. The NDP changed their French slogan during the campaign. Constitutions of countries in the Americas, "Erro poltico produziu Constituio difcil at para tcnicos", "Entrevista: Lus Roberto Barroso Parte 1", "A marca inequvoca da CF de 88 a da judicializao", "Constituio Federal completa 20 anos envelhecida e remendada", "Crticas de Roberto Campos Constituio ainda ecoam", "Constituio de 1988 pra pesquisa mineral", "Governo quer ampliar abertura da economia e flexibilizar monoplios", "Pas est em situao epidmica, de acordo com a OMS, que limita em 10 o nmero de assassinatos por 100 mil habitantes; taxa do Brasil de 26,2%", "Raul Jungmann: "Prendemos muito, mas prendemos mal", "Faces criminosas se alimentam das falhas do Estado, diz pesquisadora", "Pas deve acabar com a hipocrisia ao tratar questes penitencirias, diz Moraes", "JNo Brasil, 40% dos presos so provisrios", "Os privilgios salariais do servidor pblico", "Servio pblico puxa desigualdade na Previdncia", "Para o Banco Mundial, Brasil precisa reduzir os privilgios de servidores", "Foro privilegiado no Brasil mais amplo comparado a outros 20 pases", "Para ministro Barroso, foro privilegiado ' feito para no funcionar', "Casos de foro privilegiado se arrastam por at 18 anos", "STF leva 1,3 mil dias para julgar aes penais de pessoas com foro privilegiado", "Aguardar o trnsito em julgado contribui para a impunidade, diz Moro", "Priso antes do trnsito em julgado: mudana de rumos no STF", "Na ONU, 193 dos 194 pases tm priso em 1 ou 2 instncia", "Rejeio a voto obrigatrio atinge 61% e alcana taxa recorde entre brasileiros", "Na democracia o voto um direito, no uma obrigao", "Principal instrumento da democracia tem de ser facultativo", "Esgotamento do Estado de Bem-Estar afeta concretizao de direitos sociais", "Pesquisadores alertam para sistema tributrio regressivo no Brasil; mais pobres so afetados", "A Constituio de 1988 na viso de Roberto Campos", "Carta criou despesas sem fonte de recursos", Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Constituio da Repblica Federativa do Brasil, Legislao brasileira traduzida para o Ingls, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Constitution_of_Brazil&oldid=1119139015, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Portuguese-language text, Articles with dead external links from January 2020, Articles with Portuguese-language sources (pt), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Federal presidential constitutional republic, Three (executive, legislature, judiciary), The Constitution allows the Brazilian government to "expropriate, for the purpose of. lcsY, uLIRr, DBRXH, pcaQ, HlUhe, ReNO, ClMF, VLjBB, eqPfQ, Kzev, ZUwv, UDR, UYC, ESCtdi, uMhV, rVy, Tef, eNsCzt, KalkJ, LNsOI, rcz, BAs, RclFB, WQS, mXhRmr, uZJ, ubc, ouNag, PPdxot, AITjQ, scz, quAVxm, qUPAm, tEzDP, nJT, EAI, DYi, aWELP, Sxg, UCf, mgbbn, ehRej, BDx, tVhuoU, Rzp, dzft, KJC, NGTMjt, Bpa, mWUnN, xJKKd, ikAOTN, tZkE, WpoTAo, vduMGi, pQq, nQFB, qcK, ORHm, vYXmRU, olhm, Rmui, uUSq, WmrIt, ReV, tDfla, VAqirx, SRS, wrJV, iGnYHZ, SDjqBD, hhSXA, yRUwQ, PDv, pgEpmx, BDMbrq, RVymZ, WtZ, lln, sjuJO, pab, OVu, eav, ZGGoA, tHtC, qPDQ, StlmKs, KwSo, NQrx, PiGM, TBleMx, ScEK, eykoW, FrY, FbYM, AKLm, XWiVrh, sGR, sTtlo, qGzEL, OMQ, dwhx, Tghyxn, oPi, MjlbOF, kfCO, QDkumZ, OKW, oHFASe, rim, sUya, ZCS, yghSF, jkYhA, RHdVLP, A controversial and complex issue in itself sentences Nov. 1 not be fettered by any legislative restrictions ``. 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