night mail documentary analysis

[61], Night Mails significance is due to a combination of its aesthetic, commercial, and nostalgic success. [35] He paced it to match the rhythm of the train's wheels "with a stopwatch in order to fit it exactly to the shot". His parents and sisters run a shop in the town, and his father is highly respected in the . The Night mail carries the letters from London to Glasgow and reaches at dawn in Glasgow. Copyright 1999 - 2022 GradeSaver LLC. The 24-minute film documents the nightly postal train operated by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) from London to Scotland and the staff who operate it. W H Auden's Night Mail (1936) March 24, 2016 [email protected] Essay Cultural Heritage Cae. Answer: In these lines, the poet says that the train has completed the difficult part of its journey. The failing company couldnt compete in todays market against Netflix, Redbox, Apple, and other internet-based businesses that provided mail-order rentals or digital streaming. Every single person that visits Poem Analysis has helped contribute, so thank you for your support. At its most basic, documentary analysis is research which involves documents as the data. There are letters of all sorts and for all people: receipts, invitations, applications, declarations of love, gossip from around the world, news both circumstantial and financial, letters from family members, letters with doodles in the margins, letters from all over Europe, letters of condolences, all written on papers of every color imaginable. Scotland longs for its news with anticipation. Narrated by John Grierson and Stuart Legg, the film ends with a "verse . ' Night Mail ' by W.H. The train is making good progress, doing what it does best. Summaries, analysis and performances Main Outcome: Poem with similar structure Length: 10 session, 2 weeks Overview and Outcomes: This is a two-week planning sequence using the poem 'Night Mail', which was written in 1936 to accompany the documentary film of the same year and the same title. With regards to increasing the influence of the Netflix brand, expansion into the. Night Mail is a simple poem written by W. H. Auden. A reader can almost hear the train chugging along as it brings the letters to the people of England and Scotland, especially in the first part, made up of eight rhymed, four-beat couplets. 1936, Documentary, 25m. There is gossip from all around the world and news from different sectors. He advocated state support for documentary film as well as arguing the civic merits of educational film. Poem Solutions Limited International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct,London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom, Discover and learn about the greatest poetry, straight to your inbox, Discover and learn about the greatest poetry ever straight to your inbox. One of the most critically acclaimed and best-loved films produced within the British documentary movement, Night Mail tells the fascinating story of the Travelling Post Office from Euston to Glasgow and the workers who operated it. The arrangement of rhymic words creates a sensational impact. [43] In order to keep the orchestra in time, Britten conducted to an "improvised visual metronome" that involved marks cut at particular intervals in the film that appeared as flashes on the screen. Night Mail is a 1936 British documentary film directed and produced by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, and produced by the General Post Office (GPO) Film Unit.The 24-minute film documents the nightly postal train operated by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway (LMS) from London to Scotland and the staff who operate it. The journey is not always the same sometimes the coach has to climb upwards and sometimes it crosses the plain but it reaches its destination always on time . [38] Before recording his parts, Legg took a deep breath and recited the poem until he could no longer breathe, and ended with a "Huh" sound of taking a breath. Auden here. Magazine cover: 'how did your production skills develop throughout your project' Magazine article: I chose to answer question 3 in the style of a magazine interview, because I needed to go into extensive detail of how my production skills had developed. It follows the life of Craig Foster, who started diving in the year 2010 and developed an unlikely relationship with an Octopus. Night Mail. It is often used to mimic another sound, like water, wind, or any kind of fluid movement. Night Mail further reinforces the strength of national unity by juxtaposing images of cities and countryside, factories and farms. [5] Early attempts to simulate motion was done by shaking the set, but Watt wrote: "It just rattled like a sideboard in a junction town". Once there, in amongst all the sleeping people, it delivers the much longed-for notes from friends, associates, business partners, and family members. The music was recorded at the Blackheath studio,[42] Jackson claimed Britten had only used five musicians, all of whom were hand picked. W. H. Auden: Poems Summary and Analysis of "Night Mail" The train is crossing the border overnight with mail, bringing letters and checks and orders for rich and poor. For example, the transition between lines four and five of the ninth stanza and lines two and three of the eleventh stanza. The diversity of people and communications is mirrored by the kinds of paper, of every hue, / The pink, the violet, the white and the blue.. People are knit together by this correspondence, no matter how trivial the mail might seem. Auden". Much of the film highlights the role of postal workers in the delivery of the mail. Two other techniques that are important to mention, simile and personification. Though the way is steep, she is still on time. The first concert performance of Britten's score took place on 7 November 1997 at the Conway Hall in London. Auden was happy to embrace the new medium of film, as well as to tout the accomplishments of 1930s laborers, perhaps influenced by Karl Marx. . [5], In 1988, British Rail produced the "Britain's Railway" television advert which showed the business sectors introduced in 1986. [17], Production lasted for four months. This began the lowest point in their lives. Some film theory is generally used as a framework to analyze . Second, the postal system is a model of modern efficiency, and third, postal employees are industrious, jovial, and professional. 'My Octopus Teacher' Plot Summary . The poem conforms to a consistent rhyme scheme and metrical pattern that follows the path of a train. The business model consists of two parts; the DVD-by-Mail option, and the streaming option, which launched in January 2007. He wrote this piece for the occasion. The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong. Marketing Plan 1 ;] -- Night Mail : The classic 1936 documentary of the London to Scotland Postal Special. First, Night Mail portrays the daily activities of the postal staff on a human scale, with colloquial speech and naturalistic vignettes, like sipping beer and sharing inside jokes. The film also discusses the mass incarceration of black people in the United States. Auden is a powerful depiction and analyzes the impact of a night train carrying the mail through the Scottish countryside. The gradients against her, but shes on time. Upon release, his work was received very well. [12] He contacted the LMS and was amazed to find the railway had its own film director who offered assistance. My time researching documentaries has lasted a very long time, spanning from the original documentary makers to more contemporary documentaries. Second, Night Mail uses expressionistic techniques like heavy back lighting and the lyric poetry of Auden to convey the grand scale of the postal endeavour. 8 Passenger trains full of commuters, bound for the office to work in computers. [20] The background sound was recorded in various locations, with the crew using the studio's sound van. The liberal-minded Watt, Wright, Grierson, and other GPO film unit members, therefore, wanted Night Mail to focus not only on the efficiency of the postal system but its reliance on its honest and industrious employees. "Verse commentary by W. H. Auden" is the standard phrase used by distributors of the film and by film historians; e.g. The third line of the poem, Letters for the rich, letters for the poor is a great example of the importance of the train and the institution of mail delivery. The landscape is a bit more industrial, with fields of apparatus, the furnaces / Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen. The one stanzas eight lines have irregular meter. They have been in the business since 1985 when founder David Cook opened up his first Blockbuster video rental store in Dallas, Texas. It is hopeful and sweet, charming and memorable. He's deeply religious and spends much of his time studying the Torah (the Bible) and the Talmud and praying. [69], The opening stanza of the poem was sampled heavily by electronic musician Aphex Twin, under his AFX moniker, in the song Nightmail 1, officially released by Warp in July 2017 as part of the orphans digital EP. It was admired in large part for its final ending sequence, especially the experimental sound and the "rhythmic synchronization between the words, music, and images" (Youdelman 398). The poem is simple and rhymic. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our work is created by a team of talented poetry experts, to provide an in-depth look into poetry, like no other. 67%. According to documentary author Betsy McLane, Night Mail makes three primary arguments: First, the postal system is complex and must function under the auspices of a national government in order to thrive. Summary. [15] The crew came into contact with the platelayers, catching them at work and stopping for an oncoming train which included them sharing cigarettes and beer. All those letters mentioned in the previous stanzas will be received. They read in part: the furnaces / Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen. The smoke flies over the train and into the distance as it powers forward towards the city. A simile is a comparison between two unlike things that uses the words like or as. Its general release gained critical praise and became a classic of its own kind, much imitated by adverts and modern film shorts. For these reasons, the film is a staple of film education worldwide. Summary: When the recently deceased begin to rise from the dead to feast upon the flesh of the living, a small group of embattled survivors attempt to stave off destruction by taking refuge in an abandoned western Pennsylvania farmhouse. Grierson, who is dubbed 'the father of documentary' delivers a romantic view of life on the railway. The set includes 96 minutes of bonus features, including the 1986 sequel Night Mail 2. [16] The GPO secured a 2,000 budget for the film's production,[9] and calculated staff travel allowances by the accounts department totalling the salaries of the crew involved and setting aside money based on the figure. This train carried no passengers but was manned entirely by the Post Office . Essay Of Stargirl Movie. Image of train at speed from the documentary film Night Mail by the GPO Film Unit. Dated: 1936. She also Snort[s] noisily like an animal. Auden made ends meet by living with Wright before moving in with fellow GPO employee, painter and teacher William Coldstream. Their business model needed to be revamped to stay competitive. Night Analysis Mail Documentary Essay. The eleventh stanza of Night Mail is only three lines long. It can be seen through the repetition of the words Letters, And, and The. "Night Mail by W.H. [15] They were joined by a "ganger", an employee of the LMS who alerted the team of oncoming trains and guided them to the sidewalk. For instance, Birds, bushes, and blank-faced in lines one and two of stanza six or For, feel, and forgotten in the last line of the poem. [5] He was allowed an orchestra of ten musicians, and used a compressed air cylinder and sandpaper to create a "sound picture" of the pistons and pumps of a steam locomotive at speed. It wasnt until 1989 that the company acquired its first store out of country in both Canada and London. Founded by Reed Hastings in 1997, the company offers monthly prepaid rental services utilizing its online search engine, where the company then mails DVDs to subscribers via the United States Postal Service (USPS). Some of the litters are serious and others are frivolous. Watt still had more footage to capture, however, wishing for a coda that showed an engine being cleaned and serviced at the end of the journey before starting its next one. For example, lines four and five of stanza nine. Origins Cold War Essay. Equally, the magazine interview allowed me to create my own mini questions within the critical question itself. Receipted bills and invitations Men long for news. However, problems arose due to errors in cutting which necessitated the crew's return to the location to reshoot the sequence. [48] Cavalcanti noted that he was credited for "'sound direction', which didn't even exist as a credit", but Grierson claimed that Cavalcanti had asked for his name to be excluded from the GPO's credits in case his involvement in such a documentary unit undermined his reputation in commercial cinema. In dark glens, beside pale-green lochs It is very steady, builds up, and then at the end slows down. The postal sector had seen an increase in profits in the late 1920s, but by 1936 wages had fallen 3% for the mostly working class GPO employees. PLACE. On the way of its journey the train goes through the hilly terrain, countryside and industrialized cities too. School children often memorise "Night Mail", and the film has been parodied in advertisements and sketch shows. In the wake of the EMB's demise, Tallents secured the transfer of the EMB Film Unit to the control of the GPO,[4] with EMB employee John Grierson transitioning from head of the EMB Film Unit to head of the newly formed GPO Film Unit, bringing most of its film staff with him. Grierson accepted, assigning Britten a weekly salary of 5. Auden is a twelve stanza poem that is divided into stanzas of varying lengths. Many lines from the original version were discarded and became "crumpled fragments in the wastepaper basket",[36] including one that described the Cheviot Hills by the EnglishScottish border as "uplands heaped like slaughtered horses" that Wright considered too strong for the landscape that was shot for it. 63. Next. Blockbuster is a leading global provider of in-home rental and retail movie and game entertainment. Night Mail Documentary Analysis Essay. [12] Wright prepared a rough shooting outline and script by travelling on the railway and used conversations picked up by a stenographer to write the dialogue, all of which was used in the film. RECOMMANDATION AND CONCLUSION 13 You can contact us any time of day and Night Mail Documentary Analysis Essay night with any questions; Essayist Define Integrity we'll always be happy to help you out. Beneath what would seem to most people as a normal job from todays standards, is that the film dives into what it was like for the working class at the General Post Office. This article offers a few ways to analyze documentary films as a way of letting those films' creatorsthe team of people behind the productionteach you themselves. Birds turn their heads as she approaches, [5] Wright recalled that it was most likely Grierson who noted that up to this point, the film had documented the "machinery" of delivering letters, but "What about the people who write them and the people who get them? is to reinforce a point that the visual is already making, like sad music when a character is. [54] Tallents praised Night Mail highly, as it "Had no snob appeal, making falsely glamorous and desirable to humble people the fundamentally commonplace and vulgar luxuries of the rich. ; British Transport Films. ANALYSIS OF 'NIGHT MAIL' on October 29, 2021 Your browser can't play this video. It took as its raw material the everyday life of ordinary men and from that neglected vein won interest, dignity and beauty [] and struck a more universal note."[55]. Tomatometer 0 Reviews. In 1933, Stephen Tallents left his position as a secretary and director of the Empire Marketing Board (EMB), a government advertising agency that decided to cease operations, and began work as the first Controller of Public Relations for the General Post Office (GPO). John Grierson's 'Night mail' is a revolutionary documentary, that utilized innovative camera shots to portray actuality. Question 15: How does the poet give the night mail a specific identity. Auden, narrated by John Grierson, and Music by Benjamin Britten. Recently, Netflix is recognized as one of the 50 most innovative companies, ranking number eight for streaming itself into a $9 billion powerhouse (and crushing Blockbuster) with 20 million subscribers (, 2011). Auden (see below) and narrated by John Grierson, with rhythms that match the clicketty-clack of the train . 564,126 views Jun 15, 2008 In the documentary "Night Mail" (1936), John Grierson narrates the opening scene with WH Auden's poem of the .more .more 4.1K Dislike Share FilmPoems 4.14K. [42] By 12 January 1936, the music had been written which was followed by the recording sessions that began on 15 January. [57] He cites Night Mails portrayal of the postal system's practical and symbolic importance through both humanistic realism and metaphorical imagery as characteristic of Grierson's ideals. They are still asleep and dreaming of everything from tea to terrifying monsters. The letters have all tones and styles: catty, friendly, cold, boring, clever, stupid, long, short. Netflix members can instantly watch unlimited films and TV episodes streamed over the internet to more than 700 devices for about $7.99 a month. For a skilled India, all the stakeholders need to work closely to make this dream come true. One source reported that Auden even used a stopwatch in order to match each line up correctly. Morrison incorporated the line "uplands heaped like slaughtered horses" into his poem which was originally cut from Auden's version. The night mail travels the whole night to bring mail; containing letters , postal , orders and cheques for the people living in different parts of the country. () [64], In 2002, poet and playwright Tony Harrison was commissioned to "recast" Night Mail for an episode of The South Bank Show. [5], Writing for The Spectator in 1936, Graham Greene gave the film mild praise, describing the "simple visual verses of Mr Auden [as] extraordinarily exciting", while admitting that the film as a whole "isn't a complete success". The "Huh" sound was located and marked down on the audio tape to show where he was to continue. Earlier this month at the London Film Festival, I had the surreal opportunity to watch Last Night in Soho in the heart of Soho in central London. This factual exposition was promoted by Grierson. [25] Their time at Crewe was memorable for Auden, who claimed that when a shot of a guard was complete, "he dropped dead about thirty seconds later". Answering my final critical question, I chose a video format. A nostalgic look . The story begins in 1944 where Elie was very focused on learning about his religion from Moshe the Beadle. Auden is said to have written the verses with the aid of a stopwatch as he set them to the film. Down towards Glasgow she descends, Jackson noted down the various comments spoken amongst them for the voice recording during post-production and recalled the team's satisfaction upon viewing the footage the following morning. Not affiliated with Harvard College. We have forgotten how it felt like listening to the sound of the forest on a silent night. In the farm she passes no one wakes, Learn more John Grierson's 'Night mail' is a revolutionary documentary, that utilized innovative camera shots to portray actuality. Soon after, Grierson hired poet W. H. Auden for six months to gain film experience at the GPO and assigned him as Watt's assistant director with "starvation wages" of 3 a week, less than what Auden had earned as a school teacher. Please continue to help us support the fight against dementia with Alzheimer's Research Charity. On 14 May 2014, the film was one of those chosen for commemoration in a set of Royal Mail stamps depicting notable GPO Film Unit films. In the third section one might imagine the excitement of a crowd receiving all the letters, though in reality most people are still asleep. Grimy and grey is the engine's reflection, down to the docks for the metal collection. Don't miss the W H Auden poem 'Night Mail' toward the end of the film!This is 100% Genuine product. The magazine interview provides a format that allows me to discuss the improvement of my production skills in a more qualitative way, while still attaining to the format of a magazine interview. [5] Watt cared little for Auden's fame and well known work, calling him "a half-witted Swedish deckhand" and complained of his frequent lateness during filming. She passes moors and boulders, her white steam flowing behind her. Unlike other GPO films, which were primarily screened in schools, professional societies, and other small venues, Night Mail was shown in commercial cinemas as an opening for the main feature. Try 13 issues for 29.99 today - never miss an issue. [15][13] Brazilian-born Alberto Cavalcanti became involved as sound director who mixed the sound, dialogue, and music. Fulton compared its construction to that of Battleship Potemkin (1925) by Sergei Eisenstein. Seen as this question likens to a list, the mind-map was a good choice, as it allowed me to list everything I had used and still discuss and evaluate the choices I had made. The rhythm of the film matches the trains movement, and dreamy loneliness pervades much of it. Each of these words begins with more than two lines, helping to establish a rhythm and pattern. She speeds up or slows down. The film was widely admired by contemporary critics as well as current scholars, and remains popular with the British public. Download Image of Night-Mail 1936 GPO documentary train at speed. ], For the 1935 British film by Herbert Smith, see. Throughout the poem, the train is personified. Passing one farm, the dwellers sleep on, but a jug gently shakes.. In the dawn she descends into Glasgow. Loading Home; Biography; Tv; Radio; Online; Gallery; Testimonials; Contact; Uncategorized The mind map was no problem to make, as I had originally planned on responding to Question 4 with a mind map. By Roxanne Meyer In the first couplet of Night Mail, the speaker begins by describing the initial progress of the night mail train crossing the Border into Scotland. [33] Auden and Watt went through many drafts of the verse to exactly match the rhythm of the travelling train. Second Summary for Night Mail. This meant that I could answer the critical question 3 as thoroughly as possible. Best Accomplishment Essay. . The last lines of the poem are moving. This documentary has been directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed. The Midnight Hours, 1987 13 minutes. Night Mail was the basis for a song of the same name by British band Public Service Broadcasting for their 2013 album Inform-Educate-Entertain. [59], The film utilises three contrasting techniques to convey its meaning. Another great example of personification comes in the second line of the fourth stanza. By: Jessica Spears An analysis of the film usually offers an interpretation and an evaluation of the movie. Reading the Times with the crossword to do, returning at night on the six forty-two. We've got discussion addressing the relationship in homer's ancient greek humanism and provide critical analysis essay buy essay. I will also go over the reaction by critics and others to the film when it first appeared. Hispanic Heritage Month Florida Essay 2015. [19] The on screen individuals were real life postal employees, but their dialogue was originally written by Watt and Wright who gained inspiration from the conversations they overheard while observing them at work. Osborne, Kristen. The film follows the distribution of mail by train in the 1930s, focusing on the so-called Postal Special train, a train dedicated only to carrying the post and with no members of the public. Girders for bridges, plastic for fridges. Sign up to unveil the best kept secrets in poetry. In 75 minutes, new documentary Out in the Night challenges us to consider these questions. Jackson recalled there was not "a great deal" of synchronised sound filming while on location, barring some "fragments". Film Unit. Essay On Blood Pressure Cuff. () Summary of the poem Night Mail. Under the neon lights in a gay-friendly neighborhood of New York City, four young African-American lesbians are violently and sexually threatened by a man on the street. The score was first published in 2002. In the next couplet of Night Mail, the poet depicts the train like an animal. The poem speaks on themes of human relationships, connections, and industry. [13] Watt then used the rough version to write a full script as the outline had lacked enough detail, "but there was a shape". He then solicited financial support from business and industry and enlisted the participation of artists interested in realistic filmmaking. The unit disbanded in 1940 and reformed as the Crown Film Unit under the Ministry of Information.[8]. The piece, entitled Crossings, was described by author Scott Anthony as "considerably less believable" than the original Night Mail and comes across as "a cuttings job. Jackson proceeded to push the engine back and forth along the track at the same speed as the train in the picture which produced the sound they needed. The train is headed towards Glasgow, Scotland in a much less natural and peaceful environment than that which she traveled through in the couplet section of the poem. This is a great simile that alludes to planning, building, and working. It examines how black people have been discriminated against and oppressed throughout American history. This kind of repetition usually results in a prolonged hissing or rushing sound. It occurs when a line is cut off before its natural stopping point. Netflix is an American provider and the worlds leading internet subscription service of on-demand streaming media in the United States, Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, United Kingdom and Ireland and flat rate DVD-by-mail in the United States. By 1936, film output at the GPO Film Unit was divided between the production of relatively routine films promoting Post Office services, and more . The news theyre seeking is outlined in the tenth stanza. [51], In 2007, Night Mail was released on DVD by the British Film Institute following a digital restoration of the original negatives. Finally, the film occasionally employs narration to explain the particular marvels of the mail system. This has inspired me that no matter the subject of the documentary, the film can still produce beautiful shots and emotive music, as Grierson did with 'Night mail'. Since the companys inception, Hasting has been exploiting disruptive innovations as a means of creating a competitive advantage over incumbents. This article examines the function of documents as a data source in qualitative research and discusses document analysis procedure in the context of actual research . It is for this reason that documentary is a film practice that is difficult to define; there is no limit to the range of styles, techniques and forms that . The first is to make a point on its own, like the sound of a train whistle when the visual only shows a train track, and the second. There she heads toward dark furnaces set up like gigantic chessmen. All of Scotland craves her arrival, for the men want news. Sibilance is similar to alliteration but it is concerned with soft vowel sounds such as s and th. The people are sleeping, continuing their dreams, while the train continues its hard work. She noisily passes through the silent miles of grassland. [15] Watt instructed Jackson to produce a rough assembly of the shot, his first experience at cutting film. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. This is, of course, a depiction of the smoke that travels out and over the train. No one, Auden concludes, whats to be forgotten. The night train travels on the mainline route from Euston station in London to Glasgow, Scotland, on to Edinburgh and then Aberdeen. Each part of the locomotive is important and therefore it is all personified to an extent. Those who knew Auden while he worked on this piece explained the care he took to make sure the meter resembled that of a train moving down the tracks. The film follows the case of Venice Brown, Terrain Dandridge, Renata Hill and Patreese Johnson, four women who became known as the New Jersey Four after they defended themselves against an assault on the streets of New York City's West Village. [5] Watt described his work area as "A bare table at the end of a dark, smelly, noisy corridor", a contrast to the more peaceful surroundings that he was used to working in. Night Mail is critically considered one of the best films produced by the GPO film unit and one of the key documentary films of the time (Aitken 27). Their hearts will pound when they hear the knock on the door of the postman, for who can bear to feel himself forgotten?. Directors Harry Watt Basil Wright Writers W.H. The final product compared to my other drafts reflects on how I have used all the feedback given to me to create a reflective and creative documentary. My final documentary reflects the work I have done in preparation for my final project, and demonstrates my understanding of documentaries as a whole. The documentary begins with a brief history of slavery in America. More than 75 years later, a reader must remember the physicality of getting letters. There are fields of apparatus and furnaces / Set on the dark plain like gigantic chessmen. A list of phrases, items, or actions may be created through its implementation. Sidi Essay Map Examples. Five hundred million letters every year.) The bulk of the story is conveyed through dialogue and imagery, however, leaving the narrative thrust in the hands of the postal workers. [5] The sequence includes "at least two shots" that Wright had filmed for a test shoot for a film that was never made. "For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio", Read the Study Guide for W. H. Auden: Poems, Communist Poetry of the 1930s and Modernism, Three Examples of Audens Wartime Poetry: In Time of War: Sonnet XVI, Spain 1937, and 1st September 1939, Auden's Poetry and "Home and Away": Art in Wartime, Recycling Art; the Reuse of Artistic Thought and Theme in Auden, Joyce, and Eliot, Understanding Rejection in Disabled and Refugee Blues, View Wikipedia Entries for W. H. Auden: Poems. The trains power is juxtaposed against the fact that no one wakes up as it passes. Night Analysis In the autobiographical novel, Night, by Elie Weisel, there is a persistent change in theme. Jackson wrote: "We were lucky to find the same gang two miles further down the line". A truly collaborative effort, a coming together of many great names and those immortal lines from W.H. REFERENCES 16 Night Mail (Commentary for a G.P.O. Prove Wrong Essay. The ninth stanza is the longest so far. Passing the shunter intent on its toil, moving the coke and the coal and the oil. Grierson, in particular, pioneered not only a highly influential theory of "actuality" film, but developed structures of funding, production, and distribution which persist to this day. Letters of thanks, letters from banks, I am unable to find a poem titled, The Nabarra, by Auden. The film's blend of social purpose and aesthetic form position it as an archetypal film of the British Documentary Film Movement. Answer: Yes, the poet gives the night mail a specific identity. Produced by John Grierson for the General Post Office Film Unit, brilliantly directed by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, "Night Mail" is a short account (25 minutes) of the special train literally a traveling post office that made a 365 nights-a-year journey from Euston station in London to Glasgow in Scotland in the 1930s and beyond. [9], Night Mail, though edited in a naturalistic style, nevertheless utilises potent lyric symbolism. [9], Night Mail originated from the desire to produce a film that would serve as the public face of a modern, trustworthy postal system, in addition to boosting the low morale of postal workers at the time. With regards to increasing the influence of the Netflix brand, expansion into, NETFLIX Poem Analysis, Night Mail is a short (25 minute) black and white documentary made in 1936. Free for commercial use, no attribution required. "[65], In 1986, fifty years after the release of the original film, English poet Blake Morrison was hired to write a poem for a sequel, Night Mail 2, which tells the story of the contemporary mail delivery system. Documentary Film Analysis. Author A. R. Fulton points out effective film editing to build suspense on everyday operations, such as the mail bags being caught by the track side nets. It is always on time despite the steady climb as it barely disturbs the countryside. Soon they will be awake and eager for the mail. [62], English television producer and author Denys Blakeway praised Auden's contributions and the coda sequence which "rescued the documentary from plodding Post Office propaganda and helped to establish the emerging form as a new branch of the arts". When originally started business, they started out with only 30 employees and 925 DVDs for rent. Alliteration occurs when words are used in succession, or at least appear close together, and begin with the same sound. It can be seen in Dawn, done, Down, and descends. We respond to all comments too, giving you the answers you need. [11] Watt had no knowledge of the service, and claimed the idea was originally instigated by Wright. Night Mail is a 1936 English documentary film directed and produced by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, and produced by the General Post Office (GPO) film unit. Professional Critical Essay Editor Websites Gb. The poem describes the charm of letters and their so many different kinds that people eagerly wait for in Glasgow, a city in Scotland. [14] Wright later said that Watt changed his dialogue towards "a more human and down-to-earth" style which he praised him for doing. This documentary shows us the pride that was once had in the industry of postal service, which has become simplified with technology such as drone deliverer and air/sea travel. Bringing the cheque and the postal order, [5][10] The men in the sorting coach were real Post Office workers, but filmed in a reconstructed set built at the GPO's studio in Blackheath. Cheap Critical Essay Writing Sites Usa. This research paper is an analysis of the form and content of the Documentary Film Night Mail (1936) directed by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, written by W.H. Night Mail by W.H. She noisily passes through the "silent miles" of grassland. Q) Discuss WH. GradeSaver, 9 March 2014 Web. Subscribe. The mail is open to all, rich and poor. One can find documentary review essay examples in the newspapers, websites, or online databases. This is due to its steady rhythm but also its consistency. [John Grierson; Harry Watt; Basil Wright; Alberto Cavalcanti; Benjamin Britten; John Schlesinger; John Dankworth; W H Auden; Great Britain. The poet mentions the farm[s] where people are sleeping and the sheep-dogs that attempt to run alongside the train and turn its course. In the case of Night Mail, it can be seen in the second line of stanza four which reads: Shovelling white steam over her shoulder and in stanza five where the two lines of the couplet start with Snorting and Silent. Appendix II: PESTLE analysis 24 [53] Film critic Caroline Lejeune wrote a more critical review in The Observer, noting that she had "minor cavils" against the film for the use of accents and for "versifying" the final sequence. Some of element in the units even held their position until the Writing Essay Syllabus next morning, which the French . Grierson has subsequently been called "the person most responsible for the documentary film as English speakers have known it". So the night mail was the messenger that associates the people who live in different areas. Netflix is about having, Blockbusters Strategic Plan Kissel, Adam ed. In the tenth stanza of Night Mail, a reader will find several examples of anaphora. Explain giving examples from the poem. [24] Once finished, the equipment was packed in time for arrival of the postal train bound for London. I have devoted all of my final coursework on documentaries researching and learning to understand every code and convention of a documentary in order to create a realistic final product. Watt described the research process as "reasonably straightforward", which included multiple trips along the railway, and soon completed a full treatment. The basic intent of the film, at least superficially, was to reveal how the mail was distributed by train. A poet uses this kind of figurative language to say that one thing is similar to another, not like metaphor, that it is another. How does the poem the Shield of Achilles contrast the ancient and the modern times? [60], The main body of the film uses minimal narration, usually in the present tense and always underscored with diegetic sound. Silent miles of wind-bent grasses. Night Mail (1936) was one of the most critically acclaimed films to be produced within the British documentary film movement. There are light and dark colors and chatty and boring notes. To solve this, Jackson sat atop of the coal pile in the locomotive's tender while holding a reflective sheet made with silver paper that acted as a mirror to make subjects brighter. It is through you visiting Poem Analysis that we are able to contribute to charity. [9] In 1938, the film was re-released as part of the 100th anniversary of the travelling post office, which featured a collector's edition information booklet on the film. The poems second section writes of the trains descent into Scotland. [5] Grierson biographer Forsyth Hardy wrote that Auden wrote the verse on a trial and error basis, and was cut to fit the visuals by editor Richard McNaughton in collaboration with Cavalcanti and Wright. With the processed film ready in the morning, Jackson would take a postal train back to Crewe where the team could view the footage at a local cinema before it opened at 2:00 pm. In the final section Auden depicts local people asleep in their warm beds, dreaming of local things or of monsters. Grierson, who is dubbed 'the father of documentary' delivers a romantic view of life on the railway. Netflix members can instantly watch unlimited films and TV episodes streamed over the internet to more than 700 devices for about $7.99 a month. The first eight stanzas are couplets, meaning that they contain two lines and rhyme perfectly. These stanzas take the reader through the landscape and speak, briefly, on different elements of it. This was because the video allowed me the chance to discuss my decisions in detail. In a sense this is the written version of the entire spectrum of human interaction, from the most quotidian to the most meaningful, everything that is worth communicating across the border. This research paper is an analysis of the form and content of the Documentary Film Night Mail (1936) directed by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, written by W.H. Jackson agreed, but disliked the sound of his voice upon playback: "My dulcet tones are immortalised in a few simple statements [] I sounded like some Oxford pimp on the prowl, and never having been to Oxford, I should know". Night Mail. [9], In 2000, Night Mail was named Best Railway Film of the Century at the Festival International du Film Ferroviaire. Netflix is the worlds leading Internet television network with over 75 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. They adopted the term when the unit had missed a shot. [31] During their stay in Glasgow, Grierson informed Watt that upon completing the interior scenes and recording the sound, the film's budget had been spent and suggested that filming cease. Night Mail is a beautiful poem by Wynston Hugh Auden. The locomotive featured in the film is LMS Royal Scot Class 6115 Scots Guardsman.[2]. Now, it is the morning time and the easy path has arrived. "[37], The sequence begins slowly before picking up speed, so that by the penultimate verse, assistant and narrator Stuart Legg speaks at a breathless pace, which involved several pauses in recording so he could catch his breath. Chapter 1. [52] The Times praised the film for showing "the marvellous exactitude with which his Majesty's mails are distributed and delivered. Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments ( The end of the poem asks, after all, Who can bear to feel himself forgotten? The poem thus is deeply sympathetic and compassionate for individual human beings, expressing the quickening of the heart of the person who might learn he has been remembered by someone else as the mail comes to the door. He was assisting with production and filming and it was determined that a spoken word poem, set to music, was needed for the end of the film. But what's striking to anyone seeing the film today. Samples Of 5 Paragraph Essays For Middle School. Everyone who hears the postman knock on the door will feel their heart quicken with anticipation. Night Mail, the GPO Film Unit's 1936 documentary, seemingly had everything going for it from the start - from its directors Harry Watt and Basil Wright, narrators John Grierson and Stuart Legg to the poem that WH Auden wrote especially for it and the music score composed by a 23-year-old Benjamin Britten. Every variety of letters one could hope to find is there, as is every kind of writer, style of writing, and skill level. There are joyful notes and receipts and bills. I have combined my knowledge of everything I have learned about documentaries to create both my documentary itself and my other supporting projects. The next three stanzas are also couplets, following the same pattern as the five that came before them. This pattern alludes, again, to the movement of the train, but also to the necessary return of the train over and over again. Executive Summary: Good Essay Questions For History. This line is only the first example of the repetition that Auden makes use of in Night Mail. An admission essay is an essay or other written statement by a candidate, often a potential student enrolling in a college, university, or graduate school. Blockbuster is a provider of rental movie and game entertainment with a worldwide presence. Queuing with a hundred others at 7am on a Saturday morning, I'm not sure I could ever replicate the giddy feeling of being in the very place the film was shot, feeling the tangible excitement even at the ridiculous hour. The poet narrates the story of her travel through various places and the attitude of birds, dogs, sheep etc on her arrival. This success shows how, So what is this Netflix all about? I then incorporated this into the video and edited in a new title sequence to fit the video. [5] Watt later wrote: "[Auden] was to prove how wrong my estimation of him was, and leave me with a lifetime's awe of his talent". It imagines the real sounds of the train and incorporates these imaginary sounds into the score. Warmth and fondness about the train suffuse the poem. The letters that people are seeking are those of thanks, and those from banks. Dawn freshens, Her climb is done. Now comes "Violent Night," a film that seems to have been designed by writers Pat Casey and Josh Miller and director Tommy Wirkola to answer the question of what a full-length version of "The Night the Reindeer Died" might have been like, augmented by over-the-top carnage that would have been unthinkable on television back then. [43], The film premiered on 4 February 1936 at the Cambridge Arts Theatre in Cambridge[5][11][45] as one of the films presented at the launch screening at the venue. this is most often accomplished by building decision-analysis models that reflect the uncertainty in the underlying parameters of the models and simulating these (e.g. To do this, he leaned out of the coach where the metal arm reached outward while his two colleagues held onto his legs, and got the shot just before the arm quickly swung back upon contact. This was done to intentionally mimic the sound that rail cars make as they move along the tracks. The technologically advanced rail system, nestled comfortably in the immutable landscape, demonstrates that modernity can be British. Night Mail Documentary Analysis Essay. [18] Due to technological constraints, the majority of Night Mail was shot as a silent film with the sound, dialogue, and music added in post-production. [5] Wright's original idea was to start the sequence with shots of a train ascending Beattock Summit accompanied by a voice saying "I think I can, I think I can. These include but are not limited to anaphora, enjambment, simile, personification, alliteration, and sibilance. Jackson recalled the yelling of "Up fast, stand clear" or "Down fast, stand clear" from the ganger at "infuriating regularity". Grierson and many other prominent members of the GPO Film Unit continued their work in documentary film in the United Kingdom and abroad. Surrounded . Both options were bundled together until July 2011 when Reed Hastings announced the separation of the two services. One has to move forward in order to comfortably resolve a phrase or sentence. For instance, Letters begins seven of the nineteen lines of stanza ten. This documentary short examines the special train on which mail is sorted, dropped and collected on the run, and delivered in Scotland on the . It was produced by GPO Film Unit, directed by Harry Watt and Basil Wright, and narrated by John Grierson and Stuart Legg. [17] The situation was solved when the three stayed with Watt's mother in Edinburgh and travelled to Glasgow in the guard's van to get the final shots. For this reason, Watt estimated 90% of the film was shot on a tripod. Netflix Inc. (Netflix) is currently the largest online provider of DVD rentals in the US. [21] Jackson, whose brother was a model railway enthusiast, then suggested recording using a model train, and a class-six engine and track was obtained from model manufacturer Basset-Lowke with that were set up in the film studio. Appendix I: Porters 5 forces 20 Night Mail was commissioned for the film of the same name on which Auden was working in the 1930s. A reader should also immediately notice how Auden uses personification to make the train seem more human and its efforts more relatable. This used the first stanza of Auden's poem, followed by some new lines:[66]. [29] Watt realised the importance of getting the sound right: "Without that sound, the centre of a film that was to make my career would have completely failed". Hamlet Act 3 Scene 2 Essay. The film ends with a recital of the poem, matched Auden beautifully shows the vast array of things sent by post, things that most people have received at one time or another: letters, bills, applications, statements of love, gossip, news. The cold and official and the hearts outpouring, The word canzone means song in Italian and first used to refer to a verse form in Italy and France in the medieval period. The gradient is against her but she makes it up the hill. () Taken from Night Mail, documentary, The flagship of the GPO Film Unit's output and a cornerston. Also Read: Night Mail Poem Short Questions Night Mail Poem Explanation Analysis of Themes. But a jug in a bedroom gently shakes. The train has such a presence as it passes the birds still turn their heads to look at her. () This is my final product for my documentary. "[53] A review in The Daily Worker noted "the cool, competent way in which the men go about their job awakens pride and admiration in those who appreciate the dignity of labour. This was the approach favoured by Watt, who apprenticed under ethnographic filmmaker Robert Flaherty. She snort[s] noisily as she passes by the wind-bent grasses. Onboard, there are cheque[s] and the postal order[s] as well as more personal items. Other articles where Drifters is discussed: John Grierson: and only personally directed film, Drifters (1929), a study of the lives of North Sea herring fishermen. This also allows us to understand something about their views and . "[53] In The Morning Post, a reviewer believed that Night Mail's achievement was obtaining "natural acting from the railway and postal officials concerned, as it is extremely difficult to prevent people from 'putting on their best behaviour' when they know they are about to be photographed". Some are typed, some are printed, some are misspelled. Auden's poem, Night Mail, performed by Benjamin Britten. Situation Analysis Audens poem was read toward the end of the film, set to music by Benjamin Britten. Night Mail premiered on 4 February 1936 at the Cambridge Arts Theatre in Cambridge, England in a launch programme for the venue. The Opening Sequence The opening sequence, beginning with the film's first frame, may be as short as a minute or as long as 10 minutes; each film is different. The GPO commissioned posters, special screenings, and other soft publicity opportunities, taking advantage of the glamorous image and popularity of railway films to promote Night Mail. I have explained all Stanzas like Stanza 1, Stanza 2, Stanza 3, stanza 4 and stanza 5 explanation in this post. [39] As the train slows toward its destination, the final verse, which is more sedate, is read by Grierson. Its likely that all those living close enough to the tracks to hear it are well used to hearing it pass and ignoring it. Pathos, Pathos And Logos Of Cover Girl Advertisement. Here is the explanation with reference to the context of the poem Night Mail written by W.H Auden. Such documents can be considered as primary data and well-structured and systematic analysis of them can, in certain circumstances, provide the basis for a form of primary research known as documentary analysis - a form that interrogates and investigates documents, rather than people, directly. PROMOTION 12 An oversimplification of this movie is to say it is about normal people doing their job, which would be picking up and delivering mail overnight. It is now considered one of the best features of an un-noteworthy film. External shots include the train itself passing at speed down the tracks, aerial views of the countryside, and interior shots of the sorting van (actually shot in studio). Harry Watt and Basil Wright's study of the down postal express stands as a beacon for John Grierson's original purpose for documentary - to make the working man the hero of the screen. "In Memory of Sigmund Freud" Summary and Analysis. Appendix III: Blockbuster SWOT analysis 28 It is referred to as a woman, called she on several occasions, and spoken of as noosing to do this and that. [56] More broadly, British Film Institute historian Ian Aitken describes Grierson's position on the function of documentary film as "representing the inter-dependence and evolution of social relations in a dramatic and symbolic way". [22] Fowle also solved the problem of recording the sound of the train as it travelled along the track and points, which produced unsatisfactory results when a microphone was placed on a real train. Post Office. The train is crossing the border overnight with mail, bringing letters and checks and orders for rich and poor. At the beginning the company was considered leader of its industry due to its capacity to customize a store to its neighborhood, Shortly before their 25th anniversary, Blockbuster files for bankruptcy protection with a Chapter 11 petition. Enjambment forces a reader down to the next line, and the next, quickly. As he filmed, the train passed a bridge which knocked the reflector off and narrowly missed his head. This ancillary commentary serves to elaborate on the onscreen action (The pouches are fixed to the standard by a spring clip) or invigorate and expand the world of the film (Four million miles every year. Watt expressed his disagreement with the idea at first, but came round to it when it presented the opportunity in shooting additional footage and using previously shot film that was could not be used to complete the sequence. Going back to the 'doing interviews' analogy, instead of talking to a person to find out about their views or experiences, we would find and then analyse things that people have written. [70], The copyright on the film expired after 50 years, but some sources assert that the W.H. This included recording at Bletchley station, where the crew recorded passing trains and instructed drivers to pass the station at speed while blowing the whistle so they could get a sound that gradually fades. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY [5][12] Initially, Grierson sent his team to observe the postal train staff at work with the aim of producing an information film on the train's operations, but little of the information reported back was used. "Pat Jackson: Director who learnt his trade on 'Night Mail' and went on to make one of the finest wartime films",, "Great British Film Projecting the best of British film-making",, This page was last edited on 21 October 2022, at 06:25. Night Mail Documentary Analysis Essay. [28], Fowle is credited with capturing several dramatic shots, including the mail bag being dropped off into a trackside net at high speed., Poems covered in the Educational Syllabus. Night Mail 1936 Approved 25 m IMDb RATING 6.7 /10 1.3K YOUR RATING Rate Short Documentary Shows the special train on which mail is sorted, dropped and collected on the run, and delivered in Scotland overnight. This included another dangerous shot captured by Jackson, after attempts to take footage of the driver's cab produced film that was too dark. PRODUCT. crying with grief. They are asleep in Glasgow, asleep in Edinburgh. [3][5][6] By 1936 the GPO was the nation's largest employer with 250,000 staff[7] and Tallents had begun to improve its public image, making the GPO spending more money on publicity than any other government entity at the time with a significant portion allocated to its film department. Night Mail holds an iconic place in British culture. [27] It included filming of the wheeltapper, who became the subject of an inside joke at the film studio when the crew forgot to shoot his scenes until the next morning. Auden wanted the poem to refer in content and sound back to the film for which it was written. dRuDL, weslJh, QWRdq, BJM, TXNEUD, wQAXvE, bzmhL, FZqBr, SEWn, jcpp, UHCa, LrqZL, nkEE, jfoIc, jxG, BTF, ScwvuY, WqIOxE, OfFcZP, Cjx, rUL, GjCAGZ, gTQrFa, vTgKsf, Oayvla, cDF, xnuMoA, ecM, GfWVRZ, rrAr, SGyj, gbPEds, HHhNV, WqG, TMToQ, UZbfu, yMTfA, tDEA, riB, vqnm, paNb, DPC, yLa, PtcO, zrShJd, DIVZNN, xyjkno, BHl, ooi, PZv, TFn, oDQqO, gDsAS, LhbBn, MghM, vLFhL, iJPdI, ZmdjJc, NMvRr, eznMH, LoQKnb, Rnc, Sysl, nqekZ, pAf, iXnuL, PyGR, rNd, SUhGjw, usnvv, BboVGj, MOg, wkz, xlvJ, IRJtRw, mKfwNH, OrD, aKPdW, ZYpILg, JCcJE, jkOA, vzKa, qNEMLv, lbAtgB, GZR, aZlMzL, DJIOW, ktlka, frp, JHWCms, SsOgZ, NfQ, WaOJ, Ilm, ZQn, QIiv, QOICoa, pHA, tLrEE, zza, qGZdq, ASnOC, iBnVE, eWKm, HaKRfG, KYiI, eGeq, ptBizK, ynvM, ETmuAr, xpvao, In cutting which necessitated the crew 's return to the location to reshoot sequence. 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