use rosparam in launch file

WebChanged default value in Python. WebLaunch file for this example Find all the params (rosparam list) A parameter server can be configured at configuration time, the following options can be adjusted: notify_changed_over_dds: Publish parameter events to other ROS 2 nodes as well. clone this repo in your ros workspace/src/, and then catkin_make (or catkin build): Move your map pcd file (.pcd) to the map folder inside this project (ndt_localizer/map), change the pcd_path in map_loader.launch to you pcd path, for example: Config your Lidar point cloud topic in launch/points_downsample.launch: If your Lidar data is sparse (like VLP-16), you need to config smaller leaf_size in launch/points_downsample.launch like 2.0. Set a remapping argument for this node. publish_rate: 50 The required arguments are node_name and param_file_name. 2 geometry_msgs/PoseStampedgrasp_pose Moveit!3D, , ,